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Old 07-02-2005, 08:32 PM   #91  
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Tom is mowing, and I just planted my last poblano pepper plant. We are going to see the fireworks tonight. I really don't want to, but he does, so I will go along and keep him company. Aren't I nice?

GATOR: No way am I going to pray that the gators do well. (shudder) My blood is still Red and Black... Though I WOULD like to meet you! Rosedale says no beef, lamb or pork for the first three weeks. Chicken is ok, and he encourages fish...especially those high in Omega 3's, like salmon, mackerel, tuna and halibut. No grains for three weeks, then very very limited servings. Even after the first three weeks, he encourages no more than one or two servings of beef a week. He says if you can get grass fed, you can have it more like three or four. He also encourages organic chickens. You are supposed to limit your protein to the amount you figure out with his formula. Its supposed to be about 75 grams a day though. He encourages nuts, like almonds and hazelnuts. Cashews are to be limited a bit as they are higher in carbs. Peanuts are not ok, as they are a legume and legumes are not ok for the first three weeks, with the exception of very limited amounts of garbanzos in hummus. Healthy oils, like olive, avocado and almond are to be used liberally to help satiate and encourage fat burning. He has a list of supplements he recommends, and I am looking for the Carlson's Cod Liver Oil so I can try it. He says anyone with metabolic problems should be taking it, and a few others. Gymnema Sylvestre is another one he highly recommends. If chewed, it blocks the taste of sweet in the taste buds, but has had documented incredible results in helping with insulin resistance. The whole program really makes a lot of sense...and so far, I think the small steps I have taken towards going on his program have helped. I am not craving carbs, especially grains, as much. Time will tell!
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Old 07-02-2005, 09:23 PM   #92  
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Monet--Actually, right now, for the past several weeks, I have not really craved anything. I also notice that for the past 2 afternoons, I have not had a crash about 4 pm. and have been able to go to dinner without eating. I used to have to have a fruit or something to pick me up in the afternoon. I don't know how long this will last. Just eating a well balanced diet, with lots of veggies, whole grains, lean meats and protein has been working well as far as cravings. I just have not lost anything this week so far. The only two times I have had a craving is on Wednesdays when I come home from the Pregnancy center. After struggling with the goodies they have there tempting me, I feel deprived and want to eat to fill up that deprevation. I wonder about the Rosedale diet giving you enough fiber. When I had that gastro problem it was right after I went off most grains for over a month. I was not getting enough fiber and I am convinced that it brought about that attack that I had.

I'll have to say that we are alike in so many ways, EXCEPT for the color of our blood. Black blood, yuck. Now orange and blue blood is quite nice. Do you ever go to the Jacksonville game?
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Old 07-02-2005, 10:48 PM   #93  
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We went to the was actually kind of nice. Tom has gone several years with one of the girls and knows where to park and where to sit. We had a great place on the curb right across from where they were setting them off. It was cool and there was a nice breeze... When we got home, we were very bad, and ate a Klondike bar while we sat on the swing outside.

GATOR: I went to the UGA/UF game in Jacksonville when I was a freshman. We sat by the UGA band, and there was a poor lady who was a Gator fan who was sitting right in the middle of a large group of Dawgs... She was drinking too much, and ended up spilling Wild Turkey all over one of our group. Thankfully, the Dawg fans were not too nasty. Georgia won I guess is why... I went to very few football games when I was in school, and zero since...except for a high school game that a friend of ours was the coach for. ( His team won state and was undefeated.) I have told you that my sister went to Florida didn't I? She majored in Journalism. I wish I could remember when she was there, as she is older than I am. When were you there? It would be funny if you were there at the same time as she was! Even funnier if you knew her! As for the fiber, Rosedale includes lots of high fiber vegetables. You are supposed to fill up on them. I am not sure how much I get, but I never have a 'problem'. I would imagine the amount of veggies and nuts fullfill the fiber requirements...
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Old 07-02-2005, 11:27 PM   #94  
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I started Sept. 60. Was an ADPi. The school of journalism at UF is top notch!

If you'll check charts on fiber, even though veggies are healthy, they don't have anywhere near as much fiber per ounce as grains or legumes. You have to eat a TON, and I'll emphasize a TON, of veggies to get enough fiber. That's why whole grains or dried beans or lentils are so good--you can 7 grams of fiber with a serving of dried beans. A serving of veggies might give you 3 at best! Shredded Wheat n Bran also gives 7 gms. fiber per serving.

Re. the dawgs, yep, in the 60's and 70's they won a lot of games vs. the Gators. My dh was in grad. school and we were married during the years that Spurrier was the QB at UF. The Gators lost some heartbreakers then, and Spurrier never forgot it. Our biggest "foe" will always be the dawgs. Although I think we are getting pretty close in being even with UGA in games won and loss vs. each other I think y'all still have a slight edge.
We started going to UF games when our kids got old enough to go and enjoy it somewhat. Now in the fall we have lots of 3 days weekends as we travel up to Gainesville and to out of town games. Our DD went to UF for 2 years and told us that on the student side of the stadium, the coke sellers--instead of yelling "Cokes" yell, "get your mixers here." It's getting harder to get booze into the stadium now, though, and I think the students bring it in in baggies stuffed down the front of their pants.
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Old 07-03-2005, 12:57 AM   #95  
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GATOR: I believe the Ga/Florida game is in the Guinness book of world records as the world's largest outdoor cocktail party! My sister picked Florida for journalism. Georgia's school of Journalism is pretty good, but very liberal.... My second oldest sister also went to Florida, but she only stayed two years, before she went out to California, and went to Berkley. I think my sister graduated in about 64 or 65. I will have to ask her. She was not in a sorority. My parents could not afford it. She was the second one to go to college...but there were four more after her!
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Old 07-03-2005, 01:11 PM   #96  
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Let's talk STANDING ROOM ONLY...when THE VOLS play at home....109,000 screaming people all decked out in TENNESSEE ORANGE!!! It's overwhelming...even for those of us who have been going since we were LITTLE VOL FANS!

It's just a fact....THE SOUTHEASTERN CONFERENCE is the BEST and most FEARED in the US....I LOVE IT!!!!

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Old 07-03-2005, 02:30 PM   #97  
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Just stopping by to say a big howdy! Hope everyones week end is going nice. DH is FINALLY taking down the old bedroom ceiling. I had my doubts he would ever do it. I'm afraid it will take years to get the bedroom remolded. We're barbequeing this week end. Had some steaks last night and tonight is probably burgers. They've banned fireworks in our town because we're in such a drought. Glad the Grandkids aren't here and where they can shoot them off. Thats so much fun for them. won't do personal replies I'm way to far behind. But have been reading everyones posts....
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Old 07-03-2005, 04:00 PM   #98  
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Default I see I'm needed. . .

to step in between BOB, Gator, and Monet to remind everyone that we are celebrating the 4th of July! And not the beginning of Football

Pigskins belong on the BBQ this weekend!

Now can I trust you gals to behave, or will the reigning SEC CHAMPION have to send you all to time-out until you can play nice?????
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Old 07-03-2005, 04:03 PM   #99  
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Hey! I did not do nothin'! Gator started it!
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Old 07-03-2005, 04:18 PM   #100  
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It's not my fault!! The only thing I did was to say I'd love to get together with Monet and it would take the Gators coming to Atlanta to do that. It was all the the SB spirit, of course!! LOL
Now that there are no college sports happening, we just gotta talk FOOTBALL. Hope our new head coach is better than the one just departed and as good as Visor Man. If he measures up to the hype, we should have a good season. But the proof is in the playing.
BOB--I was at Neyland Stadium 2 times, in 94 and 96, and both times saw Peyton go down at the hands of Danny Wuerfful. Also saw the same in 95 and 97 in Gainesville, except that in 97 it was not Wuerfful leading the charge. We stayed at an inn in Townsend Tenn in 94 and 96, and enjoyed our trip immensely. We are going back to Townsend in July and staying at the same inn. It definitely is pretty up there and we hope to do some hiking in Cades Cove and the surrounding hills. I agree that the stadium there in Knoxville is big and noisy, but not any noisier than the Swamp. And I also agree that there's nuthin' like SEC ball!!
Don't you agree Susan?

My DH and I went for a walk after lunch and got caught in a rain shower. So now my hair is still all wet. Got almost 10000 steps in today. Had meusli for BF and lunch had a tomato/avocado sandwich on WW pita. Also had some cheese, cherries and melon. Right now I am hungry and will probably have a big glass of iced tea. My weigh-in is tomorrow.

PS, wouldn't the 4 of us have a good time together at a football party about mid season. All we need is Fruit to almost have half the conference.
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Old 07-03-2005, 05:17 PM   #101  
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Old 07-03-2005, 05:57 PM   #102  
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Now you know that I'm a big fan of Peyton's the 5 seasons that he played, he NEVER beat FLA....then the next season when Tee Martin took over, we won the National Championship! Nothing against Peyton, but some things are never meant to be! Kinda like THE COLTS beating NEW ENGLAND!!!
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Old 07-03-2005, 05:58 PM   #103  
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See now Gator, you said you didn't start it, but then ya had to go and bait BOB. . .

I hope we can get together when UF comes back to Auburn!
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Old 07-03-2005, 07:55 PM   #104  
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Hello everyone. Hope your all having a wonderful weekend. Ive had a busy one. Yesterday I headed to the grocery early and then had to take one of the dogs to the vet at 9am for shots then home to drop off the dog and head to the hospital to see my dad. We took my mom out to dinner later in the day and then was over there cutting back some hedges and my dad called saying he was getting out. So dh an I headed over there and it took us forever to help him get dressed and get his things together then getting him in the car , home and inside was stressful. Though hes glad to be home he is not doing very good even there. I dont think he has too much more time and he knows that now and is facing the fact but very depressed.
Today dh and I got up early and went to one of our bike trails near us and rode for an hour then had a little picinic lunch. It was a great way to relieve some stress. Ive spent the rest of the day working in the backyard.
Im growing red peppers this year and I can hardly believe how many I have one just one plant. Its got so many my poor plant started tipping over.

Im almost at the 2 month mark ( 2 days shy) of being on plan and sticking with the LF and Im at the 7 1/2 lb loss. But Im so happy with that after not losing anything for over 8 months. So if that continues I will be happy. I mean I could always wish for more but Im happy to just be losing again. And Im now 1/2 lower than the lowest Ive hit in 2 years.

Bob- sorry about the menopause problem. Mine has been quite mild and passed fairly fast . Im so glad. But I did have a couple months that I thought I was going out of my mind. It was horrible. People say its better once you get on the other side of it. Lets hope.

Fillise- WTG on the 1/2. Yup, its better than nothing. or even worse a gain.

Monet- Icecream and summer just go along dont they LOL. Thats one reason I havnt bought any. Id want to eat it all. Ive been sticking with sf fudgesicle and will only let myself have one a day.

Everyone.... have a great 4th !!!
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Old 07-03-2005, 10:11 PM   #105  
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Cindy--congratulations to you. You are doing great.

Fillise--Yeah, I knew I'd bait BOB. She's so easy to bait! And fun, too. Too bad Peyton wasn't allowed to stay at UT a few more years. LOL
After several weeks of working really hard on SB, and with BOB's working hard on coping with the Big M and other assorted problems, we need a little levity like football yakking can bring. I bet the other non-SEC gals are horrified by our ribbing. Little do they understand the intricacies of SEC football and the "sisterhood" that it can bring. I can hardly wait for the first game!

OK, BOB. I deserve it. I can take what you're gonna give me.

Steps today 10661, which is lower than normal. I've been getting in the 13000s. Dinner was a 4 oz. hamburger of Maverick (hormone free, lower fat) beef on a small WW pita with tomato, catsup, onion and mustard. I had an earlier snack of leftover pot roast 3 1/4 oz. I needed some protein, I think, because it hit the spot. I met my eating goal today, within my parameters.

Have a great 4th everyone.
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