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Old 02-22-2005, 09:02 AM   #16  
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Good Morning! I am having a hard time getting James up and moving. He must have stayed up too late last night. Small group is tonight, and I have no idea what I am going to fix. It better be legal, or Tom will not be happy with me. We went to the Phoenix Noodle Cafe last night and got Bubble Tea. He wanted soba noodles and James said they had them...but they did not. Instead he got basil rolls and they have rice noodles in them, so he was not happy. After eating off plan all weekend, he was really trying to get back on. He is so self disciplined! And he has no weight to lose...he just is careful about how he eats. Sometimes its hard living with someone like that!

WOOD: Yes, I think you can count all that shoveling as exercise. Its a great workout for you shoulders, and back. When I was growing up, it was my job to shovel the walk. We lived on a corner, so we had three times as much to do. I remember that ache in the middle of my shoulder blades....

DRUM: Do drink as much water as you can. Coffee actually is not considered a substitute for water, as it tends to dehydrate you due to the caffiene. Tea is the same way as are diet sodas. There is no substitute for 8 to10 glasses of water a day. That is a minimum. If you have a lot to lose, or workout, you need more.

Well, I guess I will go and see if that son of mine has gotten out of bed. I think I will walk today. The weather is beautiful. I took some pictures of raindrops on trees this morning in the fog. I hope they turn out good. I also tried to photograph some crocuses in bloom, but could not get them on the lens right...

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Old 02-22-2005, 09:23 AM   #17  
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Good Tuesday morning.

I got busy and could not get back on here yesterday. Had a Dr. appt at 4:00 and had to run out for that. Those check-ups freak me out. Even though I think everything is fine, it is just un-nerving. Of course,everything was fine. Now I can stop worrying for 4 more months.

Got my TM and wts in last night. had some errands to run afterwards and just made it home in time for 24. I just love that show.

BF: ww english muffin, 5 cups decaf coffee
Lunch: Amy's ww pizza, strawberries
Dinner: black and bleu salad (big salad with steak and bleu cheese).

Drumflower, welcome to our board. Glad you are liking SB so much. I think it is pretty easy to follow. Monet gave you the basic guidelines. Just ask questions as you go along. Just a suggestion. You had oatmeal and a cheese sandwich for breakfast. If you used 2 pieces of bread, you already had your 3 starches for the day. That's ok unless you want another later. Maybe add some protein to breakfast. Keep drinking lots of water.

Monet, my DH usually will go along with whatever I want. Unless it is off the wall which isn't usual. He is very easy going. I would think with Tom eating healty it would help you out. He should watch over you with a whip

Missy, I thought I was going to have to come down to NO and kick your butt back on here. Glad your binge is over and you are back on track. BTW, I am 52. old, I know.

Barbara, hope that cold isn't a bad one. Add some extra vitamin C and maybe you can knock it. Sounds like a busy day. Do you have a recipe for the sourdough bread?

Got to get busy here. Be back later.
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Old 02-22-2005, 10:11 AM   #18  
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Default hhmm. lunch, what to do?

How does a chief salad sound with chopped egg and leftover chicken breast with cheese? Decisions, Decisions,
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Old 02-22-2005, 10:46 AM   #19  
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Did I mention yesterday that we went to a co-op health food store yesterday down in Little 5 points? Its a cool trendy area, and this co-op has been around for years and years. They have all kinds of cool stuff. I found ww sesame sticks with flax seeds. yummy! I got some brown rice pasta to try. They had some interesting 100% fruit juices. I got a bottle of apricot. I should have gotten some oat bran, and some ww couscous, but I forgot to. Guess I will have to go back!

DRUM: Sounds great to me! What time is lunch!

JACK: I am NOT going to let Tom see that part about the whip. I don't want to give him any ideas. He is good about giving me the evil eye when I eat something I should not.
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Old 02-22-2005, 10:57 AM   #20  
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Monet, can you make it in about an hour? Hey, please tell there is really WW cousous!!!! My family will love you forever! How long does it take to cook? A am having a starchy carb meltdown now! I have to get to our local health food store and find some!!!!
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Old 02-22-2005, 11:06 AM   #21  
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DRUM: I don't know whether I can make it in an hour or not...what city are you in? What state? Yes there is ww couscous. You can also have 100% semolina pasta, or ww pasta. Brown rice is ok, and even white basmati rice is ok, once in a while. Bulghur wheat is also ok. Tell your family they can address they letters of undying love and devotion here....
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Old 02-22-2005, 11:30 AM   #22  
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Hey, everybody, I got an email from Sebray. She says hello, and she will be back as soon as her school work slows a bit to allow it. She said she is concentrating on quitting SB has kind of taken a back seat to that. Just thought I would pass that on....
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Old 02-22-2005, 12:05 PM   #23  
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Default Good Tuesday Morning

Morning all!

Well it happened after a looooong stall I stepped on the scales this morning to find three pounds gone. So I'm celebrating with a new ticker!

Monet--I'd avoid the bubble tea. Tapioca is a starch and the gi is about 80. It's one of the "hidden" starches that the book aften warns about. Anything used to thicken stuff is probably not ok. When I use anything thing at all as a thickener it is WW flour, and I try to use as little as possible of that!

Drum--Welcome aboard! Monet gave good advice about limiting to 2-3 starchy carbs per day. In the very beginning though, it's ok to eat whatever is legal while your body detoxes from the sugar and refined carbs. Then you can begin to worry about portions.

Jackie--Glad to hear everything was fine yesterday. You can relax now--till the next visit.

Missy--Glad to see you back on the board!

Wood--wow! sounds like you have been busy!

OK got to go the Rooto Rooter man is here!

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Old 02-22-2005, 01:40 PM   #24  
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Okay...It's 1:30 and I'm still in my jammies...shame on me!! Flylady would swat me with her feather duster!! BUT, I've been literally on the phone all morning and until they invent a phone that can be taken in the shower, that's what happens!!

So, I don't have time for individual replies, just scanned the previous posts and have this to say...I had an Outback Steakhouse across the street from me in the last place I lived and it was murderous torture on the unfortunate nights I was downwind of it!! Which was quite often!! Also, Welcome drumflower!! Nice to have fresh blood--I mean faces around!!

Anyhow...I have two questions:

1. Is oatmeal a starchy carb? I'm guessing yes, hoping now, but it doesn't hurt to ask...

2. Anyone here live in Vermont? Lurkers? Anyone? My husband was offered a job in VT and we'd have to live in the Northern half of the state as that would be where his work would happen. We don't have to live there, but the guy that my husband is always covering for there is moving to Florida to live with his girlfriend and his boss offered him the move. Gotta tell ya, went to Century 21 website and was shocked!! at the cost of houses there. I saw one that was 2 BR 1BA 1100 sq ft for something like $180,000 or so!! HOLY TOLEDO!! And that was with literally no yard or no garage!! Our house is about 1600 sq ft, 3 BR 1.5 BA, has a 2 car garage, a barn and half an acre of fenced-in yard and it's appraised at $75,000 and that is normal to high for a house in our village. And we're walking distance to the river. A comparable house in Burlington area is about $225,000. Unless we're looking in the wrong place...does anyone have a good website I can go to? Or know of a decent town that is affordable but not the ghetto? We'll be going to Burlington on a business trip with hubby next week and will look around and maybe see a real estate agent first-hand. I tried a google search of Vermont Real Estate and came up with weirdness. Oh, well...

Gotta run...will do replies later on...I NEED to take a shower or at least get dressed...this will be the one day someone drops in unannounced...

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Old 02-22-2005, 02:44 PM   #25  
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TECH: Yes, oatmeal is a starchy carb. I can't help you with the Vermont real estate stuff. Perhaps find the Burlington paper on line and look at its want ads?? It might give you a better idea. If you are going to move, you really ought to just come to Atlanta. I am sure we can find your hubby a job here.....
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Old 02-22-2005, 03:08 PM   #26  
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Hello all----

I know, I has been awhile. We have had a lot of bad stuff going on lately.
Don't have time to explain right now, but will be back this afternoon. Eating has been MOSTLY on plan, there have been about 3 days this month that I totally blew off. A couple just because I was dissapointed in the fact that the scale won't budge, and another just due to the choices I had at the time.

I will be back later..............
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Old 02-22-2005, 03:48 PM   #27  
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Hello all. I did it again! Went and totally blew it big time Sunday. Will I ever learn? Yesterday wasn't much better considering I pigged out on sf chocolate all day. Still paying for it today with my tummy. I gotta quit buying it. It'll still pack on the pounds like the real kind if you eat as much as I did. Today I'm all swollen and puffy which serves me right! Anyway, I'm back on track today(again). I've gotta break this cycle of yo-yoing. Anyway, I managed to get a 2 mile walk(watp) in this AM. Hoping that will give me the energy I need to teach exercise this evening at church. Yesterday, I didn't do anything, but clean and eat. Here's my menu today..

BF- was 1/2 grapefruit and LC yogurt
Lunch- was sauteed veggies(in olive oil and garlic). Brocolli, cabbage, cauliflower, onion, brussel sprouts. Followed by a spoon of PB.
Snack- will be LC yogurt
Supper- making Mexican meatloaf, snap beans, and steamed brocolli and cauliflower(with lemon and butter). Yellow rice(yucky) for the rest of the clan.

FILLESE- Way to go!

Alright, I need to run!
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Old 02-22-2005, 04:18 PM   #28  
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Hello all,
Well, we are back from AZ, and it definitely was an interesting trip. They got a record amount of rain there one day, 1" !!!! It was rather cloudy for 2 of the 3 days we were there. Another couple from our area, people that we know, also were at the seminar. They definitely eat--and drink--differently than we do. A lot of wine and rich food for 3 days was NOT GOOD. But I'm back and back to the routine.

I didn't get much walking in during our trip. I took the ole pedo. but with the weather there, we only got to walk one day.
Today was a big test in my French class. The others were just quizzes, and this covered everything we have studied up to now. I think I did OK.

Today is my DD's birthday and everyone is coming over here for birtghday dinner. Shellfish melange with beurre blanc sauce, wild rice pilaf, and green salad with oranges and avocado. B.Day cake is italian cream cake. I'll probably have a sliver!!

Welcome, Drumflower. In what part of the country do you live? Are you fighting snow now? Or enjoying balmy weather like I am here in FLA.

We had our last trees planted yesterday. The big one is in the back behind the pond--about 30' tall. The small oak is in the front, about 10 ft. tall.

Gotta go. Still have most of dinner to do, and my DD will be here in less than an hour.
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Old 02-22-2005, 04:43 PM   #29  
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Just a quick check in before heading out.

I'm so sleepy I can hardly keep my eyes open. Got to get dinner, work out and run to the store to get my aunt some socks. Gonna be another busy night.

Drum, lunch sound good to me. I'm having the same for dinner except with steak.

Monet, every 100% duram semolina I have found says enriched product. Even in HF stores. Is it ok? Thanks for the update on Sebray. Quitting smoking is tough as losing wt.

Susan. on the 3 pounds. You deserve it.

Tech, yeat oatmeal is a starchy carb and I think the measurement is 1/4 c dry. Hopefuly the salary would increase to cover the cost of living in Vermont. I've heard it's pretty there.

Teensy, I was just ont he exercise board and saw yoru post and was going to get on here and give you heck. Glad you are back on here.

Heart, just start again. We all do it.

Gator, glad you are back on here also. Sounds like a wonderful dinner tonight. My mom used to make the best Italian cream cake. Have a great time.

have a great evening. See ya tomorrow.
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Old 02-22-2005, 05:10 PM   #30  
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Good day everyone:

I don't even know where to start. Lane came down with a fever Friday and said her ears off to the doctor we went....No ear infection...Thank goodness, but she seems to have a bit of a chest cold going on. Britt was supposed to go to the homeo doctor yesterday a.m., but they called and cancelled due to someone being on vacation in their office, and the other person being sick. I had that appt. set for a month, knowing she would be off school. She now has to go at 7 a.m. on Thursday, which means she has to be up and out of bed by 5:30 and will also be late to school...grrrr. I did take the girls to see the new Pooh Heffalump movie yesterday; it was cute, and they enjoyed it.

Today, I took the girls to the dentist and had to run a bunch of petty errands. I then took them to the mall for a little bit, and we are now home for the rest of the day.

I have more x's than o's (excercise -vs- eating on plan) on my calendar. I was able to workout 4 days last week, but eating is still a bit of a struggle; I can't figure out why. It's been nearly two years since I started SB, and I think I am getting a little burned out...why, I don't know...there are so many smart choices!

The scale has been fluctuating between 121#-123#. I want it to hit 120# again and stay there, but I guess I need to get in better control of my eating before that will happen. I am going to have to make my niece's birthday cake and Britt's birthday cake at the end of March, and then there will be Easter, and we are probably going to go to Six Flags in CA. during Britt's Spring Break toward the end of March. I gotta eat good from now until then, so I will be able to have a few "cheat" days. Also my DH's parents are coming to visit mid-March.

Monet: Thanks for starting the board again!!! The brown rice pasta is not too bad; I prefer wheat, but it's not so bad. That is what I have to get for Britt since she can't have wheat. Your DH sounds so much like mine. My DH doesn't have an ounce to lose, and is in awesome shape, and is so disciplined, but when he's not...he doesn't gain a pound...what's up with that? How terrible of the vet to take the appt. time and give it to someone else; I'd raise all kind of He**.

Jack: Glad your dr. appt. went well. I know what you are saying about the anticipation. My mom just went to see her urologist today and he is going to have to operate on her bladder again. The tumors are very large this time, and he is going to have to operate at the hospital instead of the surgicenter. She has fought this cancer for 20 years now, and is getting tired of it all. She said that she is ready to say to He** with it, and just give her pain meds when she's to the point of needing them. It is so hard to see her go through this so often. She has surgery every 6 months or so.

Gator: Had I read the board earlier last week, I would have made a point to come by and see you when you were here; we are not too far from Scottsdale. We have had such a rainy year this year; it is supposed to rain every day through Monday this week again. It's so green though. Enjoy your DD's birthday dinner.

Heart: You know what to do....just do it! What can we do to motivate eachother to get back on plan and stay there????? I'm up to any suggestions. Have you done the Slim in 6-pack on your Slim-in-6 tape? I just did it a few days ago; it's a great ab workout.

Teensy: You've been missed. I hope all is turning around for you, and getting better.

Tech: Howdy...yes, oatmeal is a starchy carb. Can't help you with the Vermont answers, but I think real estate is really booming nationwide right now. It is ridiculous here.

Fillise: Congrats on the loss!!

Wood: It sounds like you had a productive day off. How do you make your soughdough? Does it turn out kinda chewy, like the normal stuff? I never can find sourdough in the stores that hasn't been enriched.

Drum: Welcome aboard; I am sure you will find SB very do-able. Please ask any questions at any time. It's overall pretty simple, but there are a lot of little "tidbits" that you will pick up here, that you may not know otherwise. Some of the people on this board have done this for a long time and have lost a tremendouse amount of weight, and are much happier and healthier. I am sure you will also be one of those people.

I am sure I forgot someone, but I gotta run!

Take care,
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