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Old 07-17-2005, 11:57 AM   #256  
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Good Morning everyone! It was so busy at my house yesterday. I swam and cooked and then slept until 9:15 this morning. It's almost 11:00 and I haven't eaten breakfast yet. I'm really running behind.

Sandra, I made a great Core lasagna. Hope you like yours. My star magnolia is SO cool. In April/May buds form on bare trees sticks. Then white flowers bloom all over the tree and THEN the green leaves come later. It's a very cool tree. I transplanted it from the back yard to the front by the driveway to make room for the pool. I didn't care if it lived or not, but now I'm happy that it did.

Lisa, your poor DH! I had an abscessed tooth one time. It was the worst pain and SMELL, I have ever had. Hope he feels better soon. Try not to worry about your eating too much right now. All you can do is be as good as you can.

Angela, sorry you didn't like the turnip. You may like rutabaga better. I forgot to tell you that my Mom always used to put a little sugar in to get rid of the bitterness. I'm sure you could use Splenda. I like Glads too but I like the shorter flower that looks like it because they fit in vases. Sandra is always talking about senior moments but I can't remember the name of the flowers. My Mother loved them and I used to buy them at the farmers markets. They look just like miniature Glads.

Kathy, glad your sink is fixed. I love AHS! Sorry the dip recipe didn't work out. But, if you used my recipe you have to use mayo and not Miracle Whip or you get a funny flavor. Your block party sounds like a lot of fun. Hope you had a great time. Did you and Bindy get your walk this morning? Oh, BTW, the gray line on the board main page is DEFINITELY new.

Frouf, I am SO glad that you are still enjoying your vacation. You should! I'm so jealous of you and Kathy for having curly hair. Mine is poker straight and in the humidity lays flat on my head. Even on the best days, I have to use gel and hairspray or it would be flat. Congratulations on being down a pound. That is SO AMAZING! You should be very, very, proud of yourself! No one comes back from vacation and loses a pound! Even if they gain before they left. You should definitely pat yourself on the back!

Well, today the heat index is supposed to be 100 degrees here. I'll be swimming and I've invited the Niece and family over to eat and swim. So, I have to go get my grocery list together for Jim while I walk on the treadmill. Have a great day. I'll be back much later!

Last edited by Vickie; 07-17-2005 at 12:02 PM.
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Old 07-17-2005, 12:00 PM   #257  
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Melissa, we must have been posting at the same time! Official congratulations to Aaron. I know you're gonna miss him. I felt the same way, especially the last 18 months when Jim was retired and I was still working. When I was the Director I travelled about 2 weeks out of the month. It was horrible! You'll be home soon and as I remember the homecomings are so much fun!
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Old 07-17-2005, 12:03 PM   #258  
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Melissa, I just realized that you are leaving today. Do you fly or drive? Either way, have a safe trip and we'll see you on Wednesday?
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Old 07-17-2005, 12:12 PM   #259  
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Vickie, I am driving. Actually, my co-worker is driving so I am just riding. It is only about 1 1/2 hours away, but that is far enough away for me.
I am waiting on Aaron to get home so that I can dig into this fried rice. I made it with a bag of "Asian Vegetable Blend" which is long skinny green beans, broccoli, mushrooms, and onions. I think that it will taste good. It smells good anyway!
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Old 07-17-2005, 12:29 PM   #260  
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Happy happy day day!!!

Well, I'm bummed that Melissa's trip didn't get cancelled at the last minute. What on earth are we going to do until Wednesday? Aaron might miss you ... but I'm worried about US! Have a good time and hurry back!

I slept in a little bit, maybe 8:30 or so. I was going on my walk and opened the back door to let Bindy and Precious out to potty and a wave of hot wet air hit me in the face. I just said UGH! No thanks! and sat down in the recliner to watch TLC and make potholders. Maybe tonight it'll be more pleasant but I don't think I could go more than a few blocks and still be able to breathe. It's like sitting under a hot wet blanket.

Judd has gone to work and to have lunch with that out-of-town friend. I declined politely (would rather just putter around the house today) and so I'm off the hook! Both girls will be at work so hopefully I can work on the floors today. I have so much sweeping, mopping, vacuuming and carpet cleaning to do before Friday night's poker game! They might not give a hoot, but I refuse to have a bunch of people over here with a nasty house.

And the best news!! I got a new chemo patient last night! I am SO excited ... we got home from the party and I checked my email and there was the notice that I had a new assignment. Because of the confidentiality rules, I can't say much except that she's my age, has three kids, lives on the east coast, and has stage III ovarian cancer with primary peritoneal (all cancer is contained within the abdomen but not exactly confined to the ovaries). I'm composing a long introductory letter for her, and then will jump right in with sending 1-2 little things each week. This will last as long as she's in treatment, and then probably another 4-6 weeks afterwards. Her birthday is also coming up and she loves daisies, so I'm planning on sending flowers for it. Can you tell???? I am SOOOOO excited about this!! She's my 4th patient and all others have had breast cancer. I've never had one who had any GYN types of cancer (which is what my sister had, but I'm not supposed to tell her that).

Well, I'm off to get back in the recliner. The lady across the street where we went last night has roosters in her kitchen. All kinds and colors, etc. I'm making a few extra potholders in red, orange, blue and green ... will stick them in my back pocket next time I go over to visit and then if I think they'll match in her kitchen, I'll get them out. They weren't there 4 years ago when the tornado came down our street and tore everything up. Their house was the worst damaged in the cul-de-sac, in fact the owners had to move out and have it rebuilt. Anyway, I have pictures from it so I told her I'd send her the link, but I forgot to get her email address. Looks like I'll be headed over there this afternoon, so maybe I can do my potholder delivery then!
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Old 07-17-2005, 12:52 PM   #261  
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Oh and hey, that friend of my DDs who killed his dad last year? The trial starts tomorrow. I'll keep you posted. It should be interesting.
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Old 07-17-2005, 01:41 PM   #262  
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good morning. i already have my lasagna cooking in the oven. it will be hot this pm so i'm cooking early. we can just heat it up in the microwave. (these are good friends and won't mind.) i made the banana cream pudding last night. i decided not to get french bread. patsy's bringing salad. we are all trying to lose weight so we don't need the bread. i do have some wine if anyone wants that. this will be a laid back get together. patsy and i are even going to walmart to get some bags of pepsoil. i enjoy this type of get together.

melissa, i miss you already. i understand your missing aaron, but try to enjoy your trip. it should be a good change of pace. and $14 per dinner? that sounds like a grilled steak to me. enjoy! i bought some kashi go lean bars. i think they are 2 pts each. not core but close enough. also, there are nature valley trail mix bars (i think they are 3 pts each.) and luna bars (i think either 3 or 4 pts each) just do what you feel is best.

vickie, i'll bet your magnolia smells heavenly. we have fruit trees in our yard, apple, plum, cherry, pear and apricot so we have gorgeous blossoms in the spring, too. it looks like we'll have an abundant crop of apples and pears but the apricots are few and the cherries are none. late frosts took their toll. the lasagna is cooking. it looks fabulous. we just have one couple coming but the hubby is a large man (6'5" or taller) and can really put away a lot of food. (i guess he has a hollow leg or two.) i made a huge lasagna. she's bringing the salad. i doubled the banana cream pudding. we should have enough. sure wish i could come over swimming. that sounds like a lot of fun. curtis and i hot tubbed last night after the cool spell blew through. it was nice. we don't get any exercise but we do get some soaking.

kathy, i agree. what will we do without melissa? your day sounds good. what a good surprise getting the new patient. i imagine the two of you will bond and be very close. how rewarding! i can just see you with potholders in your pocket. what a hoot!

i need to get off and do some housework. guess i need to move the dust around if we're going to have company. have a satisfying sunday, everyone.
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Old 07-17-2005, 05:15 PM   #263  
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Hey chicks. Just thought that I would drop in and say bye. I hope that you all have great weeks. Chug that water and stick to your guns! I will try to do the same.
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Old 07-17-2005, 05:31 PM   #264  
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Hello to all,
It's been a while. Between the heat and humidity, my R.A. has been giving me the flux! After working all day, it's all I can do to throw some dinner at my son, and hit the couch. I SO need to change that program!!!

Well, I broke down and went and rejoined WW this past week. I almost threw up when I got my weight. I now weigh more than when I delivered my son 15 years ago (his DOB is 7/11). I have gained 20 pounds since I was there in Sept. 2004. Lovely!!! I am beyond disgusted with myself. I should have ran my big fat behind down to the meetings a while ago, that's what I'm thinking. But, I guess it's a good thing I got there when I did. No telling the damage I could do in another 6 months or so.

There is something to be said for having to weigh in in front of someone. I started on Tuesday, the 12th, and have stuck to the program so far this week. I think I'm going to flip between core and flex, depending on weekly activities. I like the core best, but I think the flex plan forces me to be more mindful. Also, if I'm doing flex, I can look forward to doing core the next week.

My new addiction: couscous (cooked in ff chicken broth instead of h2o), frozen vegetables (I used some called "Trader Joe's hodgepodge") and this Punjab Spinach Sauce from Trader Joe's. The Punjab Spinach Sauce is the only thing that isn't really core, and it says that for 1/4 c serving it is 50c;3g fat and 2g fiber. I uesd 2 cups of couscous, the whole bag of veggies, and the whole jar of sauce (the jars reads that it serves 4), but I got at least 5-6 servings out of the dish. It's like a vegetarian, indian dish. Very tasty, and the whole meal is done in 10 minutes. My idea of cooking!! I would think that shrimp or chicken or another meat would also be a good addition.

Anyhow, here's to a positive week, seeing less of ourselves, and a decrease in this dang heat and humidity.

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Old 07-17-2005, 05:38 PM   #265  
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I'm sure I missed an earlier thread. Do you belong to some type of group that provides support to people in treatment? It certainly sounds like this woman is very fortunate to have been connected to you, and it certainly puts life in perspective doesn't it? She is blessed to have you in her corner I think.

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Old 07-17-2005, 06:11 PM   #266  
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welcome back, terri. it's good to have you posting here again. your couscous dish sounds good. thanks for sharing the recipe.

melissa, i miss you.

company will be here in a bit. i did have a skinny cow ice cream sandwich earlier today. that was just 2 pts. i'm doing all right. how about the rest of you?
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Old 07-17-2005, 06:14 PM   #267  
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Terri, the organization is called

Patients sign up, usually thru their doctor's office or cancer center. And then angels sign up too, and someone in the administration hooks them up together.

My sister passed away 3 years ago from a very aggressive form of cervical/vaginal cancer. At the end, she had a colostomy and 2 nephrostomy tubes (kidneys) and her entire lower anatomy was eaten up. During the time when she was so bad and I realized I couldn't do anything for her, I signed up for several other projects where maybe I could do some good. I grew my hair 12 inches and donated to Locks of Love. I started a local chapter of Project Linus, which gives handmade blankets to children who are going thru catastrophic illness or other really bad stuff. And I found Chemo Angels. It has been quite a blessing.
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Old 07-17-2005, 08:32 PM   #268  
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Good evening everyone! I just finished bathing my girls. They get so dirty in the summer! They're filthy, tanned, covered in scratches and mosquito bites, and happy as can be. I guess that makes them kids, huh?

Kathy, I remember a few meals decorating the walls as I was growing up. Sorry to hear you and dh fought - hopefully all that lovely Core food doesn't go to decorate him or your kitchen (would it match your color scheme?)

I think I'm going to weigh-in tomorrow with my favorite leader. I bet I stay the same. That seems to be par for the course, since my lovely TOM cycle is so short, I don't get many "good" weight loss days.

I'm starting to plan our trip - I do better with lists and menus, etc. I'm really looking forward to it, although I will miss you guys! I'll be leaving Sunday the 24th, and getting home some time the following Saturday. A whole week without you all - don't know if I can handle it. I'll do my best to stay Core, although where we're going there might not be a lot of food choices. I think we'll stick to grocery stores.

Well, better get the little muffins to bed...

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Old 07-17-2005, 09:15 PM   #269  
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No.......!!! Another one goes on vacation? I don't think we can stand it right now!!

I am just going about my business. I cooked dinner, cleaned it up, watered and pottied the dogs, went out front to plant some flowers and pull weeds, etc. He came in here a little while ago and said he would try to do more around here. Oh go ahead and give me a dollar for everytime I've heard that. I'll put in my notice at work tomorrow and can retire nicely.

And so now I'm finishing up the laundry so we don't have to go naked to work this week, and just made my lunch for tomorrow. I'm about to gather up all my toys and go upstairs for the evening.

Last edited by Katpo; 07-17-2005 at 09:22 PM.
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Old 07-17-2005, 09:26 PM   #270  
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Hi Girls! Just got done with dinner. We had a lovely Core meal, made on the grill by Jim, with the Niece/Nephew and the Greats. We swam for about 3 hours first. I had everything all washed and ready to go on the grill and the steak was all seasoned. It was a good day. As my friend Sandra says, Life is Good.

Kathy, congratulations on your match. I know you make a wonderful angel. What's up with your DH? Is he going through a bad moon cycle or something. Wasn't it just last week that he didn't show up at work and then stayed out all day? Doesn't he know he was already on thin ice? I thought you were supposed to have a quiet wonderful day. I hope he actually does what he says this time! You sound quite put out with him.

Angela, your kids are having a great life. I had a wonderful childhood too and I still think and talk about it. Your daughters will remember all you've done for them for the rest of their lives. My goodness, what are we going to do without you? I'm glad you and Melissa had the decency to be gone at different times! I'm sure your Grandma needs to see you but what about us? We are such selfish whiners aren't we?!

Teri, welcome back. Don't be too hard on yourself. We've all been there. At least you got yourself back on track. We're here to help all that we can.

Sandra, hope your dinner party was great.

I'm off to watch the second part of Million Dollar Baby. I fell asleep half way through it and Jim turned it off so I could see the rest. Talk with your all in the morning.
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