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Old 06-12-2009, 12:01 PM   #31  
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just passing through...busy day and evening.

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Old 06-12-2009, 12:54 PM   #32  
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In regard to the pressure cooker -- I have almost stopped using my slow cooker since getting this for Christmas. Its electric, so I don't have to worry about the stove. I've made different chicken recipes and they are all fabulous. This week I cooked ribs in it and then heated them on the grill. Very tender and juicy. I'm a convert for sure! I'm actually using it more to cook some things than in the oven. If you have one, give it a try --- follow a recipe until you get the hang of it. I also cooked chicken drumsticks and thighs in the cooker and then grilled them. Very yummy.
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Old 06-12-2009, 02:24 PM   #33  
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Paula, I can't believe it didn't register to me that Maryann was talking about lady cardinals. We see some every day. In fact, we have one nesting in our barn. We have males, too. Right now we don't seem to have as many as we had earlier this year when we had at least 2 dozen, but we still have a lot of them. We have the state ourdoor championship coming up mid-July then Outdoor Nationals in Ohio in August. There aren't too many target competitions for us this time of year. This is sort of "breather time."

Rhonda, I'm sure you will make the right decision. Paula's right six months isn't very long if you decide to stay on.

Vickie, how's your day? Are you in your pool?

Coco, I wear reading glasses sometimes while on the puter. I have bifocals but hardly ever use them. My bad.

The guys are working on the framework for the porches. We're staying inside where it's cool. This afternoon I'm getting homemade tamales and salsa that one of my former 4th graders and his wife are making. Life is good.

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Old 06-13-2009, 09:23 AM   #34  
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Good Morning Ladies

The Sun:is shinning!!!Going to get out and get my power walking done instead of the old bike that I had to rely on for the last several days.

Nothing new here,did a lot of reading on Calorie shifting and why it works just like the old Wendie plan on WW. Right now I'm at at 1300 calories and if I exercise as the way I was doing my net calorie intake would bring me down to 1058 cal per day. That's not good that where I was on the WW flex plan that when the problems came it. According to what my doctor suggested I was eating too low and I had to go from a cal range of 1300 -1500,so either I have to slow down my exercising or I have to go up a higher 1500 calorie mark. [1500c-180[30m] burned cal=1320 net calories] or lower my exercise[1300c-120[20m]=1180 new calories.Going to work on this over the weekend as see what I will do for next week.

RHONDA- Hope you had a productive day.

PAULA-That why Leo started thinking about the pressure good we had years ago and just bought a new recently just to put the ribs in the cooker and that grill them just like you mentioned. I ,also love chicken drum sticks.I put low carb BBQ sauce on them and baked them in the oven for 45 m.Now when I feel like having a cold supper with salad I pull out my drum sticks.

SANDRA-Leo didn't think it was a female cardinal,but she's gone now,and we still don't know what kind of bird she was, she was smaller than a cardinal. Had salmon with broccoli,corn on the cob, along with a salad for my dinner.
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Old 06-13-2009, 10:06 AM   #35  
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Hey chicks!
I am very excited to report that we have internet service at home now! I think we have been waiting at least nine months! I have skimmed this week's postings, and I'm so happy to see you all!!!!

It is a good thing that the internet service has been installed 'cause I need you chicks. We have so much going on, and I need to focus on my weight. I think I have gained five pounds over the last couple of months ( I plan to buy a scale today). With the end of school, house remodeling, having a nephew move in and subsequently move out (serious problems for him), and a fabulous vacation (hubby and I, alone!!!), I have not been paying attention to what I am eating. I will be counting on you all for your fabulous support. As you may remember, I give you all so much credit for the weight loss that I had last summer. I could not have done it without you and I'm confident that I will get this five pounds off (and maybe five more) with you guys cheering me on.

I'm so proud of you all for continuing to post and support each other. When I got on here this morning, it was like connecting with old friends that you haven't seen in a while and feeling like you were just together yesterday.

I'm off to the store to buy some "healthy" food then home to the remodeling mess! I'll check in later.
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Old 06-13-2009, 10:54 AM   #36  
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Good Morning Chicks! And welcome home, Sloanie. Isn't this just a wonderful corner of the world?

I slept late today; almost 10 hours and I feel really good. I've just had another bought with that mystery smokey smell. I think it's a combination of stress and not enough sleep that seems to trigger it. So I'm trying to do better.

It is the coldest and rainiest June in like 100 years here. The farmers in the Midwest are having a hard time getting their crops in the ground. I'm sure that will translate to higher food prices soon. That also means that I haven't been able to get into my pool yet. The water is still only 70 degrees. We will get the solar cover on tomorrow or Monday and hope for the best. Maybe it will be a really hot September.

We have been going a little bit of crazy here trying to get ready to go up and pick up Sara. I've got all the stuff here ready for, treats, bowls, collar, leash, toys etc. I also made two gift baskets. A small one for the lady who recommended us to the breeder and one for the breeder. I put an assortment of Cassie's favorite cookies and treats in the small one and then all the cookies, plus some toys and a Walmart gift card in for the breeder. She's not asking for any money for Sara so I thought that would be a nice gesture. We are excited but still missing Cassie very much. It's not the same house here without her.

Rhonda, I hope you're doing well. I think of you often. I hope you consider your BP when you consider this big offer they are trying to entice you with. I hope it's a completely different job that will be less stressful.

Mary Ann, thank goodness for sunshine, huh? It's drab and dreary here and raining. Good luck on your new adjustments to your plan.

Sandra, my friend. I hope your home remodeling efforts are paying off. You always have such beautiful homes. Be careful with those tamales. I think they still make them with lard!

Paula, I've never had a pressure cooker but I've been intrigued. QVC sells them frequently as the TSV.

Sloanie, it will be very very nice to have you here! You were always such a positive person. It won't take you long to get it off. Being here makes me feel more connected and accountable. I don't know how far back you read, but I gained all 45 pounds back that I had lost. I'm now on Jenny Craig for the time being and have lost 27.2 of it again. Jim is on Nutrisystem but I hated the food so I baled and went on JC. We are going to use these program as long as we can to lose as much as we can and then go back to WW Core/Simply Filling. We had to learn portion control in a big way. I realize now that I was eating healthy on Core but WAY too much food. Nice of the ladies not to kick me off, huh?

Gotta have my breakfast and exercise. I'll be back later.
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Old 06-13-2009, 12:35 PM   #37  
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home, Sloan. I am totally impressed that you only regained 5 pounds. I can do that in one day. It's great having you back here.

Maryann, I don't know what the little bird could be. We have several varieties here that we can't identify either, but we still enjoy having them. Good success to you with the calorie shifting. I've done the Wendie Plan before and liked it. You have better will power than I and should do all right on your lower point days.

Vickie, I hear your excitement and am waiting to hear all about Sara.

We got up this AM and went to the club. I did for 20 min and an additional 20. Life is good. And lunch will be ready in about 20 minutes. I have a 20 min pattern?
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Old 06-13-2009, 03:39 PM   #38  
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Welcome back,'ll do great and it's good to see you here again.

I have had a busy time. Last night was graduation for the program I run, and it was high energy and high emotion all evening. I woke up this morning feeling like I had been drugged. I guess it was the low from an adrenaline high.

I did go out to powerwalking class and shook off the low. Then I ran around like mad doing errands and visiting former MIL in the nursing home. She was unresponsive to me today, and I'm not sure she knew who I was. Oh well, next week will be a different story most likely.

I have negotiated the deal to stay longer and will sign it tomorrow. I WILL continue this taking better care of my health and will NOT let the job get to me more. It's the right choice for the time we believe.

A house very much like ours on this street sold in less than a week: we need to get a move on with our work and get this thing on the market!!!

So, now we have to plan the vacation we are going to take this summer. (Sandra we'll be in Texas in late August probably.) But, I am insisting that we go someplace else...maybe to the East coast of Canada. I've been there, but DH hasn't.

Maryann, we're having a cool summer too. For me, it hasn't even been hot yet. That's really disappointing.

Oh, a great NSV....a fellow walker said: you are losing weight and it's noticeable!!! Not only that friends, my resting heart rate is down and my balance is improving.

We're going out tonight to our friends for our dinner and a movie at home night..and a celebration!


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Old 06-13-2009, 04:44 PM   #39  
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Rhonda, you know we'll support you with whatever you decided. Congratulations....I hope you took them for a lot of money! What we really care about is you and your health. Have fun tonight.

I just finished updating our GPS. That's another thing off of my list. I still haven't exercised yet, though. Bad.

Sandra, GREAT job on the exercise. Woo Hoo!

Ok....I need advice. I'm charged with bringing the chips and salsa to the picnic in Michigan when we go to pick up Sara. We can't bring anything perishable or we will give them all food poisoning. So.......I need to know. What are the best commercial salsa and chips out there.

My Sister recommended Paul Newman's salsa but Jim and I tried one a LONG time ago and thought is was just ok. We can't remember what the variety was though. My Niece recommended El Milagro chips. Any ideas?

Last edited by Vickie; 06-13-2009 at 05:21 PM.
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Old 06-13-2009, 05:34 PM   #40  
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...I like Herdez!!!
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Old 06-13-2009, 06:27 PM   #41  
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Well, I never heard of that Rhonda but I've done a search and it is available in my area. Any particular product or heat level you like? It looks like the Salsa Casera is what I'd want. I'm thinking a couple of medium and a couple of hot. Some of us like it hot! Is the hot scorching hot?
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Old 06-13-2009, 07:34 PM   #42  
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Hi everyone. Not much happening here. My scale has been going up and I feel fat! I don't know what is going on, my weight just seems to be jumping all over the place. I did go off birth control pills back in Feb after basically being on them for 18 years (with the exception of being prego withdd). I'm not sure if my hormones are off or maybe my thyroid level is off. I'm going to call my Dr and make an appt. I am hypothyroid and have not had my blood work done for a while. Its aggrevating when I have a good day and in one day my scale jumps 3 pounds. Maybe my scale is wackie? I don't Know, I'm not giving up. I'm starting to track everything and see what happens. The 5 pds I lost is back once again. UGH.

Sloanie -- WELCOME BACK!! Glad to see you here.

Vickie -- I love the Newmans pinapple and peach salsa. Top it on a baked potato or grilled fish = yum. A bit of heat and some natural sweetness.

Hi to everyone else!!

Maryann -- hope you had some nice weather today. It was BEAUTIFUL here. Sunny and in the mid 70s.

Well, dd is in the tub. Need to get her out. Then tomorrow am is her gymnastics year end show. Have a good night.
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Old 06-13-2009, 10:35 PM   #43  
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Vickie, I just got some homemade salsa my ex-student made. It is fabulous. But--have you tried Mrs. Renfro's? We used to be able to get it in Montana so you might have it in Illinois.

Paula, I hope you find out what's going on with the scales. Are you feeling all right? When I first had congestive heart failure, I gained 14 lbs in one week. I'm glad you're going to see your doctor--and I'm glad you're off bc pills. Do you think you could be pregnant? Just wondering.

Rhonda, I knew you'd decide to stay on and I don't blame you one bit. And congratulations on losing the weight. I'll bet you're still smiling over that compliment. Your hard work is paying off.

I am op and feeling great. Life is good.
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Old 06-14-2009, 08:55 AM   #44  
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NO! Sandra! EEK = no chance of that.Had my tubes tied. Last thing I need at 43....
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Old 06-14-2009, 09:08 AM   #45  
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Link to Herdez

I buy mild or medium salsa and spice it up to suit different tastes at different times.

I'm going to work in the front garden today and make us a southern meal of fish, red beans and cornbread for a late lunch/early dinner.

We are finally getting a few days of summer, a week before the summer solstice.

I hope you all have a great day today.

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