Getting to know you...

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  • First name: Sarah

    Geographical location: Madison,WI... soon moving to Chicago, IL

    Age: 23

    Marital Status: single

    Children/Ages: --

    Occupation: student

    Pets: 2 year old kitty, Bella

    Hobbies/Interests: lots and lots of studying, working as a bartender and in a lab, camping, snowboarding, reading, hanging out with friends when I have time!

    Height: 5'2"

    Eye/Hair Color: blue/blonde

    Starting Date of Weightloss Journey: june 11, 2007

    Starting Weight: 122

    Present Weight: 122

    Goal Weight: 105-110

    Biggest hurdle to overcome in weightloss: eating when i'm bored and eating poorly because of a busy schedule. I also spend a lot of time sitting (because of studying).

    Following any specific plan: South Beach Diet, exercise.

    What is different this time in your weight loss efforts than in the past: I was extremely tiny until my senior year of high school. I was a dancer and was planning to dance professionally after high school. I found out I had a rare birth defect in my hips, and had to have reconstructive surgery on both of my hips. I started college and gained a little weight, but nothing to worry about. After a particularly devastating breakup with my college boyfriend and the death of a close friend I pretty much let myself go and gained a lot of weight. After a year and a half of struggling with depression and weight gain, I am finally back on my feet and ready to learn to love myself again. Losing the weight is just one step toward a happier life.
  • First name: Synova

    Geographical location: Minnesota


    Marital Status: Single

    Children/Ages: None

    Occupation: College student/PT nanny/Cashier/Handy-woman/Dog grooming assitant

    Pets: Dogs: Luka 85lb chocolate lab & Lily 65lb 3/4 black lab/ 1/4 chesapeake bay retriever; Cats: Gabby-White w/brown tabby spots DLH, Rica-Dilute torti DSH, Maria-White w/black spots DSH, Demitri-Red tabby DSH, Lucky-Brown tabby DLH, Gypsy-White DSH

    Hobbies/Interests: Camping, Fishing, Hiking, Reading, Writing, Singing/songwriting, Animal Rescue, Psychology, Music

    Height: 5' 4 3/4"

    Eye/Hair Color: hazel eyes/dark brown hair

    Starting Date of Weightloss Journey: 5/22/07

    Starting Weight: 220lbs

    Present Weight: 205lbs

    Goal Weight: 130lbs

    Biggest hurdle to overcome in weightloss: Depression and my family always telling me to eat

    Following any specific plan: Just increasing the length I walk my dogs a day (1 mile to 2 on up), Eating less, Only eating when I'm hungry, Eating healthier

    What is different this time in your weight loss efforts than in the past: I believe in myself and already lost 15lbs.

    Anything else you would like to share with us: Not that I can think of. I know I'm not trying to lose 100lbs exactly. I'd love to weigh 120 but I figure 130 is more realistic and I carry my weight pretty well I think so I figure I'll look good even at that. so I'm trying for 90lbs and I've lost 15 so far (Just broke up with bf of 3yrs. gained 20lbs to 220lbs and lost 15lbs of it so far and figure it's time to lose the rest of the baggage).
  • First name: Tina

    Geographical location: Hawaii


    Marital Status: SoonTo Be Married!! Nov '07

    Children/Ages: None

    Occupation: Admin

    Pets: Wiener/Terrior Mix named Red! So adorable!

    Hobbies/Interests: Internet, Family/Friends, Movies

    Height: 5'7

    Eye/Hair Color: Brown/Brown

    Starting Date of Weightloss Journey: This time around:6/11/07! But I started to pay more attention to my weight as of Jan' 07.

    Starting Weight: 214

    Present Weight: 208

    Goal Weight: 164

    Biggest hurdle to overcome in weightloss: Staying motivated!!! Eating well- no fast food!! And not eating when I'm bored...

    Following any specific plan: 6wbmo / plus modifications. Working out more than I use to.

    What is different this time in your weight loss efforts than in the past: I am using this site 3FC, and have a reason to want it! Getting married in 6 months!! And my boyfriend is very supportive.
  • First name (if you want to tell): Monica

    Geographical location: Michigan

    Age: 19 (20 in two days)

    Marital Status: Single and happy

    Children/Ages: None

    Occupation: College student

    Pets: Two cats (Maxx and Bilbo)

    Hobbies/Interests: music, movies, shopping, sight-seeing, traveling, sex therapy (what I'm studying), psychology, reading, dancing, my tv shows, etc.

    Height: 5'5"

    Eye/Hair Color: hazel/blonde

    Starting Date of Weightloss Journey: When I popped out of the womb. OFFICIAL date: July 2006

    Starting Weight: 245

    Present Weight: 205

    Goal Weight: 137

    Biggest hurdle to overcome in weightloss: Exercising. As a bigger person, exercising is just really hard, I don't care what anybody else says. My body aches constantly and I always just have to be like "KEEP GOING!" Also, I'm a huge emotional eater, so I had to overcome that hurdle as well.

    Following any specific plan: eating more veggies and fruits while staying away from meats (except now I'm addicted to veggie burgers and such.) I'm also watching carbs and calories. Plus I walk between 4-5 miles a day.

    What is different this time in your weight loss efforts than in the past: I'm actually exercising this time, which actually gets my energy and adrenaline going. At first I did a starvation diet, which then made me gain back all the weight I had lost. Slowly, but surely, I just started cutting out sweets and high fat/high carb foods and slowly working towards eating healthier snacks (no more snacky cakes!) and such. I've seen a difference and so has everyone else.

    Anything else you would like to share with us: I'm really glad I found this group because now I know I have a support system
  • First name: Lyndsey

    Geographical location: Columbus, Ohio


    Marital Status: Single, in a committed relationship with a wonderful guy

    Children/Ages: None

    Occupation: Social worker

    Pets: None for me!

    Hobbies/Interests: Music (indie mostly), film, blogs, concerts, festivals, art, politics (if you share interests, please PM me, as I'm psyched to find some cool friends here!)

    Height: 5'4

    Eye/Hair Color: Blue/Auburn

    Starting Date of Weightloss Journey: 6/17/07

    Starting Weight: 234

    Present Weight: 234

    Goal Weight: 160

    Biggest hurdle to overcome in weightloss: Not making excuses and putting myself first!

    Following any specific plan: Diet and exercise

    What is different this time in your weight loss efforts than in the past: For the first time in 20 years, I'm not in school! I have a predictable schedule, and a fantastic boyfriend who encourages me and accompanies me to the gym.
  • First name:TJ
    Geographical location: Toledo, OH
    Age: 27
    Marital [/B]Status: Single
    Children/Ages: none
    Occupation: unemployed
    Pets: Cat (calico) named bella and a dog (english bulldog..yeah he's chubby too) named louie
    Hobbies/Interests: music, art, painting, biking, friends
    Height: 5'7"
    Eye/Hair Color: brown/brown
    Starting Date of Weightloss Journey: 6/19/2007
    Starting Weight: 212
    Present Weight: 210
    Goal Weight: 130 or more
    Biggest hurdle to overcome in weightloss: Avoiding junk food, fast food, sweets and laziness...stop making excuses
    Following any specific plan: Master Cleanser for first two weeks...45 mins pilates and 20-30 mins cardio

    What is different this time in your weight loss efforts than in the past: I'm interviewing for jobs where i will be in the public eye (sales, recruiting, etc.) and i think my weight and image are really affecting my search for a job.
  • Hello everyone! I was around here last year, but when I returned after a winter of maintaining my weight, my support group was missing. So, here I am. Support me!

    First name: Amanda
    Geographical location: New Mexico
    Age: 26
    Marital Status: Long-term Relationship
    Children/Ages: None
    Occupation: AP Manager (boring office job)
    Pets: Chihuahua/Mini Pincher named Ferguson, two dwarf hamsters named Sally and Lula, a fish named Batou, and a crab named Floatsam.
    Hobbies/Interests: Listening to music, reading, writing, knitting, crocheting,
    Height: 5' 5"
    Eye/Hair Color: Red / Hazel
    Starting Date of Weightloss Journey: End of August 2006
    Starting Weight: 254
    Present Weight: 231
    Goal Weight: 160

    Biggest hurdle to overcome in weightloss: Avoiding sweets (cookies, ice cream, candy) and following through on my exercises each day.

    Following any specific plan: Reducing my portion size, eating healthier foods, and walking at least two miles each day.

    What is different this time in your weight loss efforts than in the past: Before I really buckled down and started keeping track of my calorie intake in August of last year, I had never really tried to lose weight. So, I hope to do things right the first time around. I don't expect to hit my goal weight in a year, though I would love to be down in the 190's by the end of the summer.
  • Hello all! I'm brandy spanking new here and am very excited about finding this site!

    First name: Bonnie
    Geographical location: Nebraska
    Age: 26
    Marital Status: married
    Children/Ages: 3- almost 3, 19 mo. & 2 mo.
    Occupation: Stay at home mom
    Pets: none
    Hobbies/Interests: Reading, playing w/kids, tv, internet
    Height: 5' 5"
    Eye/Hair Color: Black / Hazel
    Starting Date of Weightloss Journey: Yesterday! 6/19/07
    Starting Weight: 165
    Present Weight: 165
    Goal Weight: 130

    Biggest hurdle to overcome in weightloss: Not snacking on kid's snacks & working out regularly.

    Following any specific plan: Kinda following Weight Watcher's (nursing moms points).

    What is different this time in your weight loss efforts than in the past: I'm trying to take off baby weight (tummy bulge)
  • Hello everyone!

    First name (if you want to tell): Gabrielle

    Geographical location: Ga

    Age: 22

    Marital Status: Engaged

    Children/Ages: None

    Occupation: Student

    Pets: 1 Cat

    Hobbies/Interests: Shopping, knitting, reading, movies, swimming, painting

    Height: 5'4"

    Eye/Hair Color: blue-grey/Burgandy

    Starting Date of Weightloss Journey: Tuesday June 19 2007

    Starting Weight: 294.5 lbs

    Present Weight: 294.5 lbs

    Goal Weight: 150 lbs

    Biggest hurdle to overcome in weightloss: Addiction to sweets...and junk food in general

    Following any specific plan: No, just changing my eating habbits and exercising more...a lot more!

    What is different this time in your weight loss efforts than in the past: I have a great support system with my boyfreind.

    Anything else you would like to share with us: I hope I make a lot of new friends here. Most the friends I ever had before didn't really understand me. It'd be great to make friends with people who understand what I'm going through.
  • My name's Marie, You can call me Kit kit :D
    Hi everyone

    First name: Marie

    Geographical location: Florida

    Age: 23

    Marital Status: single

    Children/Ages: none

    Occupation: student

    Pets: none

    Hobbies/Interests: go out, computer, singing, dancing, tv shows and movies, etc.

    Height: 5'1"

    Eye/Hair Color: Dark Brown/Jet Black

    Starting Date of Weightloss Journey: May 2007

    Starting Weight: 143 lbs

    Present Weight: 135 lbs

    Goal Weight: 97-100 lbs

    Biggest hurdle to overcome in weightloss: going out to eat with people, stress , overeating.

    Following any specific plan: not really. Exercising and Eating less. I eat 1000 calories a day.. or at least I try to.

    What is different this time in your weight loss efforts than in the past: i am trying to set it as a lifestyle, and not something temporary. for life eheh! motivation is to make myself feel better, more confidence in myself.

    Nice to meet you all!
  • First name: Molly

    Geographical location: Wyoming/South Dakota area.

    Age: 20, Almost 21.

    Marital Status: Single.


    Occupation: EMT (on the ambulance/Fire Dept.), CNA, and Paramedic Student

    Pets: A cat.

    Hobbies/Interests: Reading romanice novels, school, work, hanging with friends.

    Height: 5 feet 2 inches

    Eye/Hair Color: Eyes are Dark Blue, and hair is Brown.

    Starting Date of Weightloss Journey: Well technically, I've been trying to lose weight since I was a kid. But I guess you could use today as an official start to a new life. So June 23rd, 2007

    Starting Weight: My highest weight was 240lbs (2 years ago), but as of today I'm 228, and I'm using that as my starting weight here.

    Present Weight: 228lbs

    Goal Weight: Ultimatly 115lbs.

    Biggest hurdle to overcome in weightloss: Changing my bad habbits, which are eating too much, eating junk food, not eating fruits/veggies, and no exercising. Plus I give up on myself too easily.

    Following any specific plan: For now I'm gonna try eating healthy foods, staying at 1200 calories a day, and 30-40grams of fat a day, trying to cutdown on bad carbs, and exercising.

    What is different this time in your weight loss efforts than in the past: I feel like I'm really ready this time, to make it work, no matter what.

    Anything else you would like to share with us: I don't think so.
  • Hello All!

    Name: Alexis

    Geographical location: New Jersey

    Age: 24

    Marital Status: single

    Children/Ages: none

    Occupation: Have experience in the movie and publishing industry/ Currently a music festival instructor/ Working a change of career...

    Pets: 11 yr old Airedale Terrier named Winston

    Hobbies/Interests: Chamber Music, Foreign Films, Reading, Writing, Rock Climbing, Languages...

    Height: 5'8.5"

    Eye/Hair Color: Brown/Brown

    Starting Date of Weightloss Journey: 6/25/07

    Starting Weight: 155.4

    Present Weight: 155.4

    Goal Weight: 119

    Biggest hurdle to overcome in weightloss: Emotional Eating, Lack of Motivation, Stress, Boredom, Apathy...

    Following any specific plan: No eating past 8pm, yoga every day, lots of water, high protein/low carb.

    What is different this time in your weight loss efforts than in the past:
    I'm ready to stop playing around w. weightloss and just get there. I'm settling in for the long haul...

    Looking forward to getting to know you all!

  • First name (if you want to tell): Kate

    Geographical location: New York

    Age: 22

    Marital Status: living in sin with my bf

    Children/Ages: none

    Occupation: preschool teacher

    Pets: just some fish

    Hobbies/Interests: reading, working out, walking, movies, shopping, hanging out with friends, camping

    Height: 5'5"

    Eye/Hair Color: brown/brown

    Starting Date of Weightloss Journey: started June 18th 2007

    Starting Weight: 240

    Present Weight: 232

    Goal Weight: 175 is my goal for right now, even lower would be healthier, but I'll be happy once I get down to 175

    Biggest hurdle to overcome in weightloss: I have no sense of portion control, I've got a boyfriend who loves to go out to dinner and can eat whatever he wants and not gain any weight.

    Following any specific plan: Yes, 1600 calorie diet for diabetics (which i am not) and working out at the gym 5 days a week and doing something active the other two days

    What is different this time in your weight loss efforts than in the past: i've never really made a focused effort before... it's always just been "yea I should lose some weight"

    Anything else you would like to share with us: i can't think of anything else right now
  • First name (if you want to tell): Elizabeth

    Geographical location: Tennessee

    Age: 23

    Marital Status: Married for eight months

    Children/Ages: trying

    Occupation: Teacher.

    Pets: Xela (Zela), my adorably min pin.

    Hobbies/Interests: TV (I know I need to give it up!), singing, cleaning house, getting ready for teaching, shopping, (and I would desperately love to add excerising to this list)

    Height: 5'3"

    Eye/Hair Color: Blue/ Blonde
    Starting Date of Weightloss Journey: I'm starting fresh today June 25, 2007.

    Starting Weight: 230

    Present Weight: 130

    Goal Weight: 145

    Biggest hurdle to overcome in weightloss: Avoiding sweets -- I love sugar! Exercising-I hate it!

    Following any specific plan: Trying the weight watchers plan
    What is different this time in your weight loss efforts than in the past: I am at the biggest I have ever been! I don't know what's happening. I haven't changed my eating, but I just keep gaining! I'm also trying to get pregnant, but know I won't be able to until the weight comes off.

    Anything else you would like to share with us: Not that I can think of...
  • First name (if you want to tell): Aidyn

    Geographical location: Gainesville, FL - home of the Gators... actually, I didn't attend or graduate from UF, so I resent the Gators because whenever there's a game, I can't leave my house without taking an hour to get somewhere that would normally take five minutes.

    Age: 20 - 21 in August!

    Marital Status: Long-term relationship: 2 years

    Children/Ages: No children... but I have a chihuahua!

    Occupation: Web designer, technical writer, and I'm studying to be a nutritionist and personal trainer... yeah, I think I can help a lot of people out with their goals, especially once I get down to mine - I can set an example!

    Pets: Chihuahua... his name is Nubi, he's 5 pounds, and he thinks he's huge and barks ferociously... don't they all?

    Hobbies/Interests: Art, music, rock shows, open mic nights (poetry, comedy, whatever!), writing, acting, theatre, all performing arts, festivals, hanging out with friends, road trips, surfing once I get my bod back in shape and grow a 6 pack (or a 4 pack...), and anything I find fun at the moment.

    Height: 5'6 and 1/2"

    Eye/Hair Color: Blue-green-gray eyes, and the hair color changes. Naturally, it's a reddish brown, but I dye it dark brown, black, and any combination thereof plus added red highlights.

    Starting Date of Weightloss Journey: May 31, 2007

    Starting Weight: 175-180

    Present Weight: 165

    Goal Weight: 135 is what I'm aiming for... toned and ripped is another big goal. I don't want to just lose weight and then have a thin but flabby body, so I'm doing a lot of weight training.

    Biggest hurdle to overcome in weightloss: DIETING! I LOVE FOOD... I love to eat all the time and I love some not-so-nutritious things. I don't mind working out at all; infact, I enjoy it, but dieting is a different story entirely. Also, I love to party and get drunk, so I'm keeping the alcohol away... not only are a lot of drinks loaded with calories, but they also make me hungry and less inhibited, therefore feeling the undeniable urge and need to EAT... and everything tastes good when you're drunk... I used to go to Waffle House at 3 or 4 AM after a night of partying and then shovel down smothered and covered hash browns... NO MORE!

    Following any specific plan: Working out: 10 miles in the morning and 10 miles in the evening on my bike; running 3-5 miles every other day; doing pilates at least twice a week; and working out at the gym when I have the time and/or feel like it.
    Dieting: 1,600 calories or less (I try to stay under 1,500, but I'll give myself a little leeway here), <50g fat, <200g carbs, <2,000mg sodium, >75g protein, >25g fiber

    What is different this time in your weight loss efforts than in the past: The only weight loss efforts I've made in the past were eating disorders. I'm just trying to develop some healthy habits so that I can stop obsessing over food and my body... and move onto better things, like LIVING! I made some very weak attempts at weight loss in the last year, but this time, I know I'm doing it for good - what am I waiting for? The only person I'm hurting by being overweight is myself and I'm tired of having no self esteem.