Sugar Busters Weekly Support Board 10/4-10/10

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  • Just a wuickie to let you all know everythign went well yesterday. i was a big girl and had the port removed with just a local. The needle stick wasn't bad it was the moving it around in there that hurt. But didn't even know he was taking it out. The nipples were interesting. It didn't hurt at all since I have no feeling there. He numbed them to just in case. They are about 1" long. Looks like a plug sticking out of my boobs. He said they have to make them long b/c they shrink so much. I get the bandages off tomorrow.

    Eating has been good. Did have a croissant with my salad yesterday, but since I had skipped bf and that was my only bread for the day, I wasn't worried about it.

    Have lots of work to catch up on so no time for replies except

    Teensy, how can you be pregnat for 8 months and not know it? Plus at 47, I would be checking myself into a mental institution.

    Beth, Skydiving? It's not the height or the jump that is scary. My fear would be what if the chut didn't open. They older you are the more you worry about the mechanics of things like roller coasters, skyjumping etc. Glad you liked it.

    Got to run, back later for more replies.
  • Good day everyone:

    I was back to 120#'s this morning, so that makes me to just stay there.

    Britt is off school today, so we will be leaving here in a few minutes to go to Blockbuster to rent Charlotte's Web 2. She watched Charlotte's Web last weekend and now wants to watch the second one. We will then go over to the outlet mall and walk around a little. they have an Auntie Anne's pretzel shop there, so we will be getting some of those.

    We did make those spelt biscuits and they turned out pretty good. I think we will cut them thicker and bake them a little less time when we make them again (maybe today). I bought 2% milk to make them with, and need to use it up. I did use olive oil instead of Crisco and they turned out fine.

    Britt and I made a pie that turned out great; it was nice a refreshing. So, here's the recipe, if you want it. It did call for the reduced fat graham cracker crust, which I did use (only 6g sugar per serving - so that's borderline). It was so easy to make too.

    Lowfat Strawberry Cheesecake Ice Box Pie:

    1 cup Fat Free Plain yogurt
    1 8-oz fat free cream cheese - thawed
    3 Tbs. Splenda (or whatever...)
    1 tsp vanilla extract
    1 cup strawberries, diced
    1 9-inch prepared reduced fat graham cracker crust

    In a medium-size mixing bowl, cream together the cream cheese and sugar. Blend in yogurt and vanilla.

    Fold in strawberries and pour into crust. Freeze for 2-3 hours or until set. Allow pie to thaw slightly before serving, and top with fat free whipped topping, if you like.

    Yields: 8 servings (Calories 150, Total fat 4g, Fiber 1g, Protein 6g)

    I don't know if I will post under recipes since it is not technically SB legal with the crust.

    I hope to catch up on posts later.

    Have a good day.

    Take care,
  • A quick fly by... I did not eat breakfast until 11:30, and that was dumb of me. I had four small poached eggs, an English muffin, and was still hungry. I then inhaled a bagel with cream cheese. Now I feel full as a tick!

    Not much going on here...just trying to get a few things done and not doing too well. I am tired, and rather out of it. I need to do laundry, since I put it off yesterday. Did I mention I hate doing laundry?

    I have been battling an atrocious headache, and I can't take ibuprofen for it, due to the surgery next week. Tylenol doesn't touch it, and I am getting rather cranky due to the aches and pains I usually take ibuprofen for. So, all in all, Monet is a grouch today. I warned ya....

  • Hey, guys. Well, I messed up yesterday. I had INTENSE cravings yesterday. I managed to keep it legal but you can add a handful of peanuts, 2 boiled eggs, 2 SF fudge bars, and 1/2 bag of LF pork rinds(way too much salt)!! Geez! TOM is due anyday now. I got up this morning and decided to start the day off with some protein, eggs and bacon. I'm hoping it will help with cravings throughout the day. Doesn't matter anyway since you couldn't pay me to get off plan today. I HAVE to get these regained pounds back off again..and soon. I want to see that 159 again. It was brief, but it was there. I'm ready for the 150's now. I finished Burn it Up! about 1 hour ago. That is one brutal workout. I had to stop briefly twice. There's no way I can do that daily. It's just too stressful on the body. My goal is to do it 2 times a week and the Ramp it Up twice. Then I'll do 4 mile WATP once weekly, and 2 church workouts. My goal is to do this Mon-Fri so that I can have 2 days off. Well, I'm hungry, so going to fix lunch and watch my soap opera and then take a bath...


    BF- was 2 medium eggs, 2 1/2 slices of bacon, 1/4 slice cheese
    Snack- LC/SF yogurt
    Lunch- My famous Tuna Salad(huge salad with onions, tuna, cukes, tomato, cheese, 1 egg, peppers, and Ranch dressing)
    Snack- probably a LC yogurt smoothie
    Supper- will be meatloaf, green beans, and brussel sprouts(and macaroni for the rest of the family)

    Oh yea, I found Bacon Snaps at Walmart. They are microwavable lowfat pork rinds. I bought them mainly for hubby since he eats way too much popcorn. Figured this would be a better alternative. Just too much salt.
  • Good afternoon,

    I was napping earlier and was awake rudely by the phone. Now that I think back, I had no idea how I get to the I am still half awake and feel "out of place" at this moment, almost like I am here and yet I am Anyway, couldn't go back to nap (oh yea! I finally able to nap, I must be so tired) so I decided to go online before dd wakes up. Dh called to let me know he is on the way home and is taking a day off today. He will be helping his partner/our friends who are moving some stuff to their new house today. We might tag along to see the new house.

    The kitchen is in a mess from all the cooking today so I better go clean it. Will do replies later tonight, hopefully

  • I went to Curves, and worked out. It felt good. Now I am having a snack of some toasted Cheerios, and a diet rite raspberry. Still working on the laundry. Did I mention I hate doing laundry?

    When the hubby gets home, we are heading out to meet with a young couple in our small group. They are the assistant leaders, and we want to touch base with them on how they think things are going.

    Will check in later!
  • It's been a very rainey day here today & expecting to stay that way through most of the week end. Not sure what's brewing in the gulf.

    Scale was down 1/2 lb this am which made me very happy!

    Pancho, the pie sounds really good but I think I would make a crust with Special K or nuts, but I'm anxious to try it.

    Jack-k, glad to hear that your surgery went well yesterday. You're a brave girl to let them do that port under a local.

    JackieO, Went you get that analyzed let us know cause it seems like the sweet cravings have been rampant here too except that I wasn't picky about what kind of cake mine was. LOL Whey, glad that's over!

    Monet, Hope your headache gets better!

    Kengjw, I hate to be awaked from a nap like that. I agree, cleaning the kitchen is the worse part of cooking.

    Beth, Skydiving! thanks.

    Teensbean, I agree, 47 & 8 months PG?? How can you NOT know?? That would surely be a nightmare for me!

    Sorry if I missed anyone.

    Persimmons are in season & I know they are a little high in sugar, but made a persimmon bread last night which is really good. Even my GS ate a second slice of it. If anyone is interested I can post the recipe on our recipe board.

    Well, I need to get a few things done. Got in from work & flopped down here to rest so I'd better get moving now before DH gets in from work & finds me still sitting. LOL Glad tomorrow is Friday. I'm ready for the weekend, as my back is really feeling heavy. Rainy weather is probably contributing & I can't seem to find the time to get to the chiropractor these days.
  • I am about ready to crawl into bed. I have two kittens sitting on my desk grooming themselves. Thankfully, the really cuddly one that insists on sitting across my arms while I type is not one of them! :LOL:

    Our meeting was nice, and I got to play with their 8 month old son, who seems to really like me as much as I like him! He is such a cutie, and when he sees me, he squeals and smiles and slaps his hands down repeatedly. Its rather uplifting for me!

    Dinner tonight was a shrimp and pasta dish and garlic bread. The shrimp and sauce was delicious. They told me it had vodka in it, and I know it had tomatoes in it. Very yummy!

    I have felt consumed by aches and pains today. Honestly, the pain is helping me feel more anxious for the surgery, instead of feeling negative anxiety about it.

    Sweet dreams everyone!
  • Hello everyone....not much doing today. Had to go into town and get dh meds from Costco. And of course spent way too much money there. Prices are really going up on food items here. Meat and dairy products are outrages!! I don't have to buy much meat, but still.......even my Fiber One has taken a jump!! Think I could go on strike and just QUIT eating all Think that would show them??

    Brant is coming to dinner tomorrow night. I am going to do some of the salmon that Bill brought us. I found a great marinade recipe and we tried it once while Bill was still home..... it was fantastic. So I will fix that with coleslaw, and left over spaghetti squash.

    All of the squashes that I grew this year are hugh. There are just the two of us at home, so when I fix one, I think we will be eating it all week. Okay by me, but dh doesn't enjoy it as much as I do. lol.

    We still haven't picked our apples yet. I am waiting for a good frost to set the sugars. Can't believe the size of them this year. I bet most of them are a good 1/2 pound. They are just huge!! Ted's sister gave me a recipe for a Country Apple Cake. It is made with cream cheese, and sounds yummy. Think I might make it to take to my Mom's on Saturday. I have to do some adjusting to make it SB legal, but that is just using WW flour and Splenda. Will let you know.

    Menu for the day;

    B-- 1 c blackberries with 1 T cream, one half hour before.... 1/2 c Fiber One, 1/4 c FF milk, Lite 85.

    S-- SF apple pie....oops!!

    L-- Leftover chicken, jello salad, 2 SF caramel Nips.

    S-- apple

    D-- S & S beef over brown rice, 1/2 c spaghetti squash, 3/4 med tomato, 2.5 oz red pepper strips.

    dessert-- 1/2 c SF Pudding with 4 T whipped cream.

    Lots of sweets today......good thing I was busy and got all my walking in too!
    Tomorrow will be better!!


    Keng-- I hope I never get a surprise like that too!! I feel so sorry for her......but it may be just what she needs right now. She has been very depressed lately. I think in the long run this might be the ticket!! Sure hope so, for her sake.

    Fillise-- I like it when I can stay busy too, then I hardly think about eating.Think I could work 24/7??

    Jack-k-- My thoughts were that I would kill myself!!! I really don't understand how anyone can not know either.....but you hear of it all the time. Go figure.

    Pancho-- Hope you enjoyed your day with the kids. It is late now, so you are all probably in bed. The pie sounds yummy!!

    Monet--- ((((HUGS)))) Hope you will be feeling better soon. You can't get sick are too close to your surgery date!!

    Heart-- Those darn TOM carvings will get you every time!! At least you chose legal foods, WTG!!!

    Melf-- WTG on the 1/2 pound!! We are expecting alot of rain tomorrow night! Then it looks like good old fall weather from here on out. We had one day of rain this week, and all the rest of the days have been fabulous!!

    Well girls, that's all for now. Sweet dreams all!!
  • Good Friday Morning.

    It is going to be a busy weekend. We have the Breast Cancer walk at 7:30 in the morning. It is a 3 mile walk. I did 3 miles Wed night surprisingly for the first time in 8 months. But I'm sure this will be easy since we will be talking and with over 6300 people, it can't be too fast. It will be fun, there will be about 20-25 people walking with me. They have a bunch of survivor stuff, like a parade, mini massages, freebies. I'm not sure I can handle that right now. I am very emotional. There is a craft show in Bardstown that I would like to go to if my family leave in time. Sunday we are going to Indianapolis to watch the Colts play. So we will be very busy.

    I have to go today and get my bandages off my nipples. Maybe I should go out and get some thin white t-shirts to wear I bet i could win some wet t-shirt contests with these big things.

    Monet, I know what you mean with your pains. I can't wait for procedures to be finished so I can get back on my RA meds and get rid of these aches. Sounds like you are ready for your surgery. When is it?

    Teensy, Yum, apple cake sounds good. Let us know how it turns out. That are some big apples.

    Melf, congrats ont he 1/2 pound. Sorry your back is bothering you. I know the rainy weather doesn't help.

    Ken, It never fails when you get into a good nap, the phone rings and most of the time it is a sales call or something else not important.

    Heart, hang in there, at least your cravings were all legal foods.

    Nat, that cheescake sounds good. I'm not fond of fat free stuff. I prefer the lite to the fat free.

    Need to get busy. Hope to check back later.
  • Good morning! It's Friday already, gosh, this week fly by so quick. I slept pretty good yesterday. Dh and I went to help our friends moved some stuff to her new house and came home about 9pm. Had my dinner, then put dd to sleep which was around 10pm. Dh's partner built the house he and his wife are moving in and boyy, it is beautiful!! I love the warm bold colors so chose and the furnishing, just the way I would like it too. I am going to ask for her advice when it comes to decorating my house which will be soon. Dh said he might take today off as well, so we shall see.

    Today's menu :

    Breakfast : Chicken patti sandwich on ww toast. Water/Milk.

    Snack : Mixed fruits.

    Lunch : Seared basa fish dipped in egg wash and ww flour with a light lemon butter sauce, green beans and onions, brown rice pilaf (herbs, spices, olive oil, spinach and cherry tomatoes).

    Snack : Mixed fruits and nuts.

    Dinner : Might be soup and mix green salad.

    Some replies :

    JACK-K : Glad your procedure went well and you went thru it like a champion!! Hope the rest is easy now {{{hugs}}. WTG on the 3 mile run, tells us how it goes.

    PANCHO : Glad the scale moved down. The pie sounds easy and delicious. I will copy the recipe down and might make it with Jess.

    HEART : Just before I period this week, I was hungry all the time for like 2 days and I ate like pig although legal stuff You are doing an excellent job in the exercise department, such an inspiration!

    MELF : WTG on the 1/2 lb loss! Hope your back feels better soon.

    Okay, dh is home so I better get off the computer. Will try to catch up with you ladies later.

  • Hey everyone!

    I didn't get home until after 11:00 last night. I've been on the road every day this week, but today I should be able to catch a little breather. My poor car is 10 years old with 128,000+ miles on it. I know it will be happy for a little rest today!

    I didn't do as well with my eating as yeterday as I hoped, but not horrible terrible either. I had a carton of yogurt for breakfast this morning, so am getting right back on track.

    Jackie--Enjoy the walk and if you get a little emotional--you've earned it! Those new nippies sounds positively dangerous--LOL!

    Heart and Julia---Those TOM cravings are something I sooooo don't miss! Menopause definately has its advantages!

    Monet--Your surgery is Thursday--right? I have the 14th in my head, but want to make sure so I can be thinking about you. I was with you--the last two weeks, I was just ready to go ahead and get it over with. All the waiting and preparation was driving me nuts. Is your Dr leaving your ovaries?

    Pancho--I'm so jealous of your apples! I was just thinking the other day that I wish I had time to make a quick trip up to the Ashville area to buy some great apples this fall. I know the Wash. state apples are wondrful. When I lived out there I had a basement and bought a case of apples that I kept in the cellar all winter--I had the best pies and crisps and applesause. Of course that was all before my SB days (Althought you can make a mean applesauce with agave instead of sugar). Have fun!

    BOB--you caught up at work yet? Still waiting to hear about the wedding!

    JackieO--It's great to have you back!

    Beth--You too! I can't believe you went skydiving! I have to admit that I'm of the "why would anyone jump out of a perfectly good airplane" school of thought, so I really admire your sense of adventure!

    Ok--got a conference call in 10 minutes and have to refill the coffee cup first!

    Have a great OP day everyone!

  • Wow I'm way behind. Was to tired to post yesterday. I went out of town shopping. Got most of the Grandkids stuff laid away at Wal Mart for Christmas. Its raining today and we sure needed it. But I'm hopeing it doesn't stop me from going to the Craft Fair Sunday cause I wanted to pick up some more things for Christmas their. Teensy's apples sound wonderful. I'm sure in the apple butter making mood. Can't walk today because of the rain so will wait till next week. Hopefully I'll post better then....
  • A quick hello
    Good afternoon ya'll. I've been reading just not time to post. I promise next week to do better with arranging my schedule.

    Jack-K....hope you had a great walk today.

    Love and hugs,
  • I'm in a really foul mood today. Hubby is being selfish to put it mildly and I got a letter in the mail from SSI saying Boogie's insurance is terminated. This day sucks. I went and did my errand-running earlier and grocery-shopping. Found some Sara Lee legal bagels at Walmart. Don't know if I'll like them since they seem more like regular bread and not chewy like most bagels. We'll see. I woke up and got on the scale butt-naked hoping to see a dip considering I had 2 great workouts yesterday and ate well. Nope, just the opposite. It's been a day...I wish TOM would hurry up and get here and leave! I'm ready to get rid of this extra fluid/weight and my moodiness. Looks like the weekend will be pretty uneventful. No money to go shopping on, although that didn't stop hubby from taking $60 for hisself, ugh...anyway, nothing really to say. Hopefully, I'll be in a better mood tomorrow. Here's my menu for the sucks,too. LOL.

    BF- egg sandwich(2 eggs, 1 slice cheese, 2 slices bread, and mayo)
    Lunch- um, a LC candy bar
    Snack- NSA pudding(by Hunt's)
    Supper- Eating at Lapinata's so it will be chicken fajitas with refried beans, sour cream, guacomole, and salsa