New to this board too, So excited about joining

  • Hi, my name is Sylvia. I am from southern CA and have decided to give loosing weight my full commitment this time. No more excuses of why I can eat the piece of cake - I KNOW I should NOT eat it and I WILL not eat it.

    I am so excited about being a member of this board/web site.

    I can't wait to meet all of you and be supportive of my new "weightloss" buddies.

  • Yay! Sounds like you're ready to begin! I went grocery shopping tonight and discovered that pickles have VERY few calories - who knew? They're high in sodium, but I don't eat a lot of sodium anyway. Anyhow, I guess the point of this reply is that I've found it really helpful for me to think about what I NEED to eat and then to look at the labels as I'm shopping. I'm shocked at how many calories I can shed just by buying the right kinds of snacks. Instead of snacking on cheese or something sweet, a pickle will take care of my craving and I'll only get about 5 calories - PLUS, it leaves a taste in my mouth that doesn't quite go with sugar Whew, I guess you can tell I'm really excited to have discovered pickles again! Good luck with your goals!
  • you sound motivated
    You sound motivated. I looked at your stats, girl I would be jumping up and down if I weighed what you weigh now! Well keep eating those pickles. Mine is carrots, I really don't crave pickles or carrots for that matter, but sometimes you have to have something to snack on.
  • Hey, I love the pickles too. I found one lately that is spicy with garlic and red pepers, and love the hamberger dills. They are really great. I like green olives too. but its a good idea to find things you like to snack on that are low in cals and keep them right at eye level so when you run to the refrigerator and pop open the door you will see the stuff you can eat.
    maybe we can come up with great ideas together to help in our quest to loose weight..
  • Pickles

    I think I will get some pickles as a snack, when I eat them, I like the Vlasic dills and I need something besides sweet type treats or carrots. I like carrots because they are low-calorie, good for you and crunchy and you can pop them into a bowl or bag and snack on them while doing something. I will normally eat and apple or pear, and sometimes both, one as a morning snack and one with lunch or late afternoon snack. I have my nighttime snack as a no fat, no surgar or under 100 calories ice cream bar. The only milk I normally have is that and skim milk in my coffee. I would love to not even want that. I think I will try and see if I can switch a pickle as my late night snack and just see howit goes. I will let you know if it works for me. Yes, lets help each other on this quest. I am trying to shift my mind to view this as a life-style change and learning experience so I can more easily shift to a maintence schedule when the pounds are lost, versus getting back on the cycle of lose gain, lose gain. I know this will be a project all in its self, but I believe that if I can accomplish it, this will be the key to keeping it off. the mind is the key so I'm working on mine. What is your plan?
  • hi all,

    i tell myself everyday that i am NOT on a diet that i have changed my BAD eating habits! i finally figured out that my problem was eating when it was time instead of waiting until i was trully hungry( at work buzzer for break goes wants lunch so i would eat ... even tho i wasnt hungry yet) now i am waiting till the tummy starts growling and then i am eating healthy. and i am walking a 25 minute mile at least 3 times a week. so on march 11 i was 221 and now im at 210 hope this keeps working for me. good luck to you in whatever plan you have chosen.

  • one day at a time

    You are going about it the right way, 11 pounds already, great going! I tell myself, everyday when I'm temped or not, "I'm thinner today than yesterday" and one day at a time, I'm not looking down the road, I'm looking at today, and tomorrow will wait till it is its turn.

    Good going