Diet, Exercise and Support #6B

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  • Hi everybody!! Things are sooo hectic at work lately I just cannot seem to find time for everything else in life these days. Everyone is cross-training, duties are being rearranged, I am training someone and being trained almost at the same time, really stressful I work from 8 til 6 most days lately and only a few days have I even found time for a lunch break. I keep thinking any day now things will slack off and even out a little.

    Anyway, I miss everyone bunches!! I have withdrawals when I cant get in here to post. My eating is a little better, mainly because I cant find time to eat. Tired by the end of the day tho so still no exercise. I think in a couple of weeks my work should slow down and I'll be able to go in a little later and have time to walk again in the mornings. I really miss that!

    Reina, happy to hear from you! Cyan, Taiwan, and Newie, hold down the fort til I can get back fullforce ok? Everyone else...hurry back!! It's not the same without ALL of us! (including YOU , Reina...try not to be a stranger ok? )

    Well, better go. Hubby is calling and believe it or not, we are actually home alone...No Kids!!! WOWWWW!!

    Nite all..

  • Hey Girls...Its monday

    The weather has warmed up over the last few days..thank goodness...except wasnt as warm but much better than the month of january which had a ten year record high of -15 degrees celcius...ahhhhh!! Anyway..lots of snow fell on saturday which ofcourse involved me shovelling lots of the white stuff.

    Also, my phone line was very staticky for about a month..that finally got resolved this took the repair man 3 hours to sort everything out..apparently there were a few problems with the line...yeesh! but now...the line is now clear once more..thank goodness.

    Foodwise..yes I had my sardines with chickpea salad and broiled potatoes for sunday dinner..that was tasty. I also had get this...a low fat no bake cheese pie topped with mixed berries...that was soooo good...I made it myself...I used low fat cream cheese, sour cream and coolwhip ...very little sugar and strawberry jam.

    Hey Miki..nice to have you back and sorry to hear that your work is keeping you uber busy...hopefully you will be able to catch your breath in the very near future.

    Reina...ditto on what Miki says...glad you are still here.

    and the same goes for all the ladies that post here.


  • its tuesday
    I am not too sure how I feel about tuesday..its just a day of the week thats there...monday...well just about everyone hates monday...there are even songs written about this....wednesday...thats hump day...thursday...its payday...friday...ah yes..the weekend awaits...everybody loves get to catch up on your own things...sunday...a day to relax but dread is looming...cause its monday again

    So you see..tuesday...its just there!

    I just had sushi for lunch...yum yum...dinner last night was 3 thin slices of pork loin, rice and potatoes..very good.

    again, I confess no exercising...I have a big big probem with this right me get back on my bike.

    have a good day everyone

  • Hi, ladies! Sorry to have been gone so long, but the last week and a half are pretty much a big blur to me. There's been so much going on. Last Friday I finished my sub assignment in the first grade, and Monday I moved to my new room and am teaching 5th grade!!! I didn't get most of the 5th grade stuff till Friday and didn't look at any of it till Sunday night. This week has been mostly just hanging in there a day at a time--organizing my classroom, trying to figure out all the books and schedules and different responsibilities that go with being a 5th grade teacher while actually teaching lessons (I also teach 4th grade English and Social Studies, but no 5th grade math--not yet, that is--or 5th grade science--which I will never have to teach.) I also found out that next year I will be the permanent 5th grade teacher. That's good, because as soon as I walked into the room and started working with the kids, I knew this age group was the one for me. I will say two things about how I am feeling physically--I am very tired from all I am doing, and my eyes are killing me--eye strain at all the things I am reading. (I have been farsighted with weak focusing muscles since I was a kid--have worn glasses for reading since I was 13 and now wear a no-line bifocal with no prescription for distance but gradually stronger correction as things are closer because my farsightedness has gradually grown worse over the years.) Anyway, when I read lots and lots, even with the glasses, my eyes get so tired and ache and burn terribly. I am going to try to give the kids seatwork whenever possible so I can rest them today. My eating has been mixed. Overall, I am not overeating; however, I have been eating vanilla and chocolate sandwich cookies. I have been having 3 for lunch each day (they are quick to pack in the a.m.), which isn't too bad, but then for the same reason--quickness--and also for a quick good feeling when I am dead tired, I have been eating some in the afternoon and/or evening. Yesterday I think I had 5 or 6 in the evening--not good, for my weight or for my overall general health during this stressful time. I'll try to do better, but I'm not going to beat myself over what I've done so far.

    Also, in regard to my new job--I've been looking for a new teacher's store where I could buy supplementary supplies. (I'm certainly not going to my old place of employment.) Up to now, I had to go to three different stores to find what I was looking for--there are lots of stores of that type in the Chicago area--and still I wasn't finding everything I wanted. I was doing a lot of driving too!! But there was one store I passed on the way to my daughter's flute lesson each week that I had never explored because of their closing time. Also, my former boss said the store was messy, so I really didn't have very high expectations of it. WELL----yesterday I made time to go there, and it will be a one-stop shopping place for me. This store has everything I could want--much greater selection than where I worked--more books than I could ever want with publishers I wanted my former boss to carry, and she wouldn't. I could literally stay there all day!! I think I will one day soon. It is a little cramped, but not messy by any means.

    Also, hubby got his start date for his job--February 23!!! He is very happy. The only bad news from me is that one of our cars was hit while parked on the street two nights ago--sideswiped on the driver's side. It's a '97 Ford Taurus; both doors damaged, as well as the body panel where the doors fit. The back door can't open, so something has to be done. The rotten thing??? After hubby lost his job, we cancelled the collision coverage on that car because of its age, so we will have to pay out-of-pocket for repairs. I guess that's what that home equity line of credit is good for--emergencies like this. It's weird. I think I must've gotten very used to things going wrong--and I mean big things--when hubby showed me the car (he was quite upset) I was aggravated about the money involved, but other than that I hardly flinched. It was like, "So let's take it to the body shop and get an estimate." The car is only worth about $3000, and we're not thinking about getting a new one at this time, so we're going to ask the body shop to make it decent rather than perfect because we need to keep it. I say this because to replace the damaged side body panel would involve replacing most of the side of the car--no, thank you, I don't think so. I'm hoping they will be able to reshape the damaged portion. Anyway, such is life! Well, I've made up for my absence by writing another novel. I hope I'm not boring you ladies. I feel much more able to begin my day, even with my tired body and eyes. More soon. Bye for now. Love, Barb
  • Hey Newie..welcome back...good to hear that you are enjoying your teaching job and that your hubby starts his new job soon. Oh Dear on the car getting banged whilst parked...someone did that to my new beetle last summer ...the right back fender which is made from fiberglass was badly scratched up and it cost 300 bucks to resand and repaint...those crummy b--tards...most probably drunk driving.

    Anyway, I cycled for 4 km last night...I got back on that bike and did it...I am hoping to increase my distance tonight my about 2 km

    big hug to everyone post soon

  • Hello everyone,

    The weeks are getting crazy..... I am taking an basic Alegbra course as a requirement for my degree, but the bad thing is, I CAN'T HANDLE MATH!!!
    This is the 4th time taking it, and I just don't get it....

    Eating has been so so... I am not forcing myself, but then again, I don't have time to eat half the time.

    Alex's 5th Birthday is on the 25th and we are planning a party for him, so that is alot of fun.

    I have yet to get to curves, BUT it is my goal to get there before Alex's birthday!!!


    Talk to you all later!
    PS, I am so darn sick of winter already... Can't it just go away! It has been so darn cold out!
  • Hi, everyone! Just something quick before school--I'm very tired--so much going on this week. No school for students tomorrow--just a teacher in-service meeting at a school about 15 miles from here. I'm going to carpool with some other teachers, and we're going out for lunch afterward. Things are starting to calm down a bit, so I hope next week will be a bit less hectic. No school on Monday either--Presidents' Day. That will give me time to rest/catch up. Hubby and I are going to the Chicago Auto Show tonight. He wants to see those new Ford cars he will be helping to make parts for. I hope I don't conk out at 7 p.m.!!!

    Food is fair to middling--I only ate 5 cookies yesterday, rather than 8 or 9. I guess that's progress. I really need to get some easy, healthy snacks around here--perhaps some of my Atkins bars.

    Well, bye for now. Talk to everyone later.
  • great article
    It's a bird ... it's a plane ... it's ... walnuts? Don't laugh. The humble walnut, along with a dozen other dietary choices -- from beans to yogurt -- is no less than a "superfood," say some health experts.

    Steven Pratt, MD, is one of them. In his new book SuperFoods RX: Fourteen Foods That Will Change Your Life, he goes into detail why he thinks these foods are so potent.

    Pratt, an ophthalmologist who specializes in ocular plastic surgery at Scripps Memorial Hospital in La Jolla, Calif., says he became convinced of the power of these basic foods when he saw the positive results of a few simple diet changes in his patients suffering from age-related macular degeneration -- a leading cause of blindness.

    "Whether you're trying to prevent cataracts, macular degeneration, cancer, or cardiovascular disease, the same type of preventive dietary measures apply," he says. "The whole body is connected: a healthy heart equals a healthy eye and healthy skin. You'll hear about all these special diets for special health needs, but really, the same diet and the same lifestyle choices prevent the same diseases. With rare exceptions, you don't need 20 different preventive modalities -- just one really good diet."

    And that "one really good diet," Pratt says, should be founded on these "superfoods":

    Tea (green or black)

    When incorporated into your regular daily diet, these foods, says Pratt, can stop some of the changes that lead to diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, Alzheimer's, and some cancers. "I picked them out after researching all of the world's healthiest diets: for example, Japanese diets, Mediterranean diets, and even some of the healthier dietary patterns in the United States," he says. "I noticed that it's the same food groups wherever you live."

    Walnuts: The Good Fat

    Every nut, even macadamias -- the fattiest -- has been found to improve cholesterol, Pratt reports. "Walnuts are among the superstars. They're an excellent source of plant-based omega-3 fatty acids," he says. Salmon is another great source of these heart-healthy fatty acids.

    "Studies show that you can lower your risk of cardiovascular disease by 15% to 50% if you eat a handful of nuts five times a week. If you found a pill that did the same thing, you'd make a fortune." Of course, chowing down on a huge tub of walnuts can be counterproductive, so as always, watch your intake. A handful of dry, roasted, unsalted walnuts -- about 14 walnut halves -- has about 150 calories, and is enough to yield "superfood" benefits.

    Add Some Color to Your Diet

    It is true that good things come in small packages. Used by Native Americans for medicinal purposes, blueberries are a tiny fruit that combines a wide variety of nutrients. "Blueberries don't have a huge amount of any single nutrient, but they have the synergy of multiple nutrients," Pratt says. "There's vitamin C, folic acid, fiber, carotenoids, and hundreds of other compounds in this one small fruit. Blueberries also have a very thick skin, which is where nature packs most of its nutrients."

    When you're thinking "superfoods," think color, says Beverly Clevidence, PhD, a research leader at the USDA's Diet and Human Performance laboratory. That means foods that are deep blue, purple, red, green, or orange. They contain health-enhancing nutrients that protect against heart disease and cancer, and also improve our sense of balance, our memory, and other thinking skills.

    Nutritionist Kathleen Zelman, MPH, RD, director of nutrition of the WebMD Weight Loss Clinic, offers these tips on how to add some color to your diet:

    Top your cereal with almonds or berries; add tomatoes to sandwiches, soups or stews; layer your whole grain bread sandwich with slices of peppers and fresh spinach.
    Pack a snack bag of nuts, baby carrots, raw broccoli, grape tomatoes, and bell pepper slices for a nutritious pick-me-up between meals.
    Fruit and nut granola bars stash easily into briefcases for quick energy and a tasty treat.
    Soy for Cholesterol

    "No, adding soy to your diet does not mean pouring more soy sauce on your Chinese food," says Leslie Bonci, MPH, RD, LDN, director of sports nutrition at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center. It does mean adding soy foods such as tofu, soy milk, soy nuts, or the green soybeans -- called edamame by the Japanese.

    Not everyone is convinced about soy's heart-healthy benefits but its cholesterol-lowering benefits do seem powerful enough. A study reported July 2003 in The Journal of the American Medical Association showed that a diet of soy fiber, protein from oats and barley, almonds, and margarine from plant sterols lowered cholesterol as much as statins, the most widely prescribed cholesterol medicine.

    Tofu takes on the flavor of foods that it is cooked with, says Zelman. Try a stir-fry of colorful veggies and cubed tofu with a light Asian sauce for a quick meal. You can also find cereals at the store loaded with both soy and fiber. Serve with skim milk and you'll get three super nutrients for breakfast.

    Take a soy protein bar for a quick snack or lunch during the day. Soy nuts are another great portable snack option.

    Edamame (Japanese name for green soybeans) are snacks even kids will love! Find these nutritious nuggets in the freezer section at your supermarket. Serve them plain or with a low-fat dip.

    Fiber for Your Whole Body

    Beans and oats are great sources of fiber. Fiber helps keep our cholesterol and blood sugar levels low and our bowels functioning smoothly.

    Studies show that dietary fiber -- including foods such as apples, barley, beans and other legumes, fruits and vegetables, oatmeal, oat bran and brown rice -- clearly lower blood cholesterol. High-fiber foods are also digested more slowly, so they don't cause spikes in blood sugar levels like white bread, potatoes and sweets do. Of course, everyone knows that fiber helps keep you regular. High-fiber foods also help us feel full, making it easier to control weight.

    Read food labels to find whole grain breads and cereals that provide three or more grams of fiber per serving, says Zelman. A bowl full of bran or high-fiber cereal is a great start. Whole fruits and veggies are great for a healthy dose of fiber. Aim for five to nine servings of fruits and veggies a day for a healthy dose of fiber. Juices don't contain as much fiber as whole fruit. And beans are loaded with fiber and protein, so add them to soups, stews, salads, eggs, and salsas.

    Calcium for Your Bones

    Yogurt and other dairy products help keep your bones strong and lessen your chance of fractures as you get older, calcium also keeps teeth strong, helps your muscles contract, and your heart beat. Recent studies have even shown that calcium may lower your risk of colon polyps, and help you lose weight. Researchers at Purdue University found that women who consume calcium from low-fat dairy products, or get at least 1,000 milligrams a day, showed an overall decrease in body weight.

    Dairy products are the best source of calcium. Choose skim milk, low-fat yogurt, and low-fat cheese to avoid saturated fats. A single serving can provide you with 20% of the 1,200 milligrams a day you need. You can also add calcium to your diet with calcium-enriched cereals and orange juice. Foods such as dark green vegetables, dried beans, and sardines also contain calcium.

    Start your day with café au lait made with half skim milk and half strong coffee, says Zelman. Add a bowl of whole grain cereal topped with skim milk and fresh fruit for a breakfast of champions. Snack on low-fat yogurt or cheese between meals for an energizing treat.

    Another plus for the "superfoods": they can all be found in pretty much every supermarket in every town in America. You might not be able to buy bok choy everywhere, but every grocery store sells broccoli. Both dark green leafy vegetables with similar health benefits, broccoli makes the "superfood" list and bok choy is one of its "sidekicks."

    So are "superfoods" for real, or just another diet-book gimmick in a market flooded with them? "I think it's a good message," says Beth Kitchin, MS, RD, assistant professor in the department of nutrition at the University of Alabama-Birmingham. "There's good data to support the health benefits of all these foods. They're what we might call 'functional foods,' because you eat them for a very specific purpose. The walnuts and the salmon are a great source of omega-3 fatty acids, yogurt is a great source of calcium and natural bacterial cultures that help maintain a healthy digestive tract, and tea has been shown over and over again to have a role in preventing some cancers."

    Can you lose weight on a "superfoods" diet? Of course you can, says Pratt, although that's a side benefit. "The Superfoods way of looking at things is a lifestyle choice, not a weight-loss program," he says. "But if you make these foods a lifestyle choice, you'll feel better and you'll look better."

    With reporting by Carol Sorgen

    Published Feb. 2, 2004.
  • Hi everyone! Just a quick minute to post but had to come tell you all that I FINALLY exercised today!! It has been forever since I was motivated enough to do so and honestly I had no intention of doing it today either BUT....our trusty Cyan was online when I signed in this morning and after a pep talk from her, I got off here and headed onto to my AirWalker for 30 min of exercise! Before I did that tho, I called my sis and gave her the same pep talk so she did her exercise also! Thanks Cyan!! Wanted to pop in and report in hopes maybe some of you might be inspired to do the same thing. Cyan made a deal with me that she would match my 30 min on her bike. From that one conversation with her, she, my sis and I will all feel much better today because we made an effort to get back on track. I feel great now that it's done and I just know the rest of you will let's all do it ok?? Have a great day everyone!

  • Good morning! I just read your post about exercise, Miki, and how ironic it was that I was thinking as I couldn't sleep last night for the NTH time in the last two weeks that maybe a little walk would help me sleep better at night. It's worked before when I was stressed. I really want to do it outside. Maybe I just need to put on my coat, scarf, and gloves and just GO, especially in the afternoon after school. It IS light out when I get home. Would somebody give me a cyber kick out the door PLEASE??????? I need help!!!
  • Wow Its Friday!
    This week has kinda gone by quick! Hey Miki thanks for encouraging me yesterday morning with your air walker session! Its good to have you around ...

    Whats on tap for me this weekend...hmmm not quite sure...but I am looking forward to my beloved weekend...oh I love weekends..I certainly do.

    lunch today is a meatloaf sandwich with a diet cola.

    dinner...dunno yet.

    I think I will roast a chicken for the weekend ...thats always good.

    and of course..I will continue with the exercising.

    oh Newie....POWWWWWWWWWW you just got your cyberkick! So get moving...willl ya! Ok then...all is fine now.

    Have a good weekend

  • Ugh its monday...I dont really like mondays...weekend was great...rented two movies...alex and emma and in the cut...both were good. I also saw a movie at the theatre...50 first dates and that was good too. Its been very cold again so lots of indoor activities.

    I also had sushi on sunday and boy was it good....once again only housecleaning and not intentional exercising.

    ok gotta go
  • its me again...tuesday...anyway...I cycled last night for felt good! Food wise was ok...I think I did pretty well.

    Today I have an eye doctor's appointment...I need a new prescription for contact lens and glasses although I am seriously thinking of getting lasik eye surgery and correcting my vision that way...anyone heard of scary outcomes? let me know

    have a great day everyone

  • Hi, all--I'm doing okay--sleeping better--not because of exercising though. I think most of it has to do with getting some relaxation time over the long weekend and getting more organized for school. I still need to get started on the exercising. Food is not too bad in quantity, though I am having issues with Valentine's Day chocolate around the house. I'm trying to eat low carb when I can. Well, it's time to get ready for school--my older daughter is staying home today--she has a head cold and is pretty miserable. She has allergies, and takes allergy medicine, so I'm not sure what I can give her for the cold other than her meds--maybe just rest, liquids, and chicken soup, plus a little ibuprofen for discomfort. Well, got to go. I hope everyone is doing okay. Love, Barb
  • Hey wednesday already

    I cycled again last night for a distance of 6.1km...woo hoo...I have to admit that it was very very legs felt like jelly...but thank goodness the music was inspiring and it kept me pedalling.

    Food wise was good too...although Barb...newie..I am have serious issues with valentine's chocolate...none of which I bought but was given.

    Also, at work, there is these valentines chocolate boxes that are there just calling out for me to eat them...thank goodness I have had the strenght not to eat them...especially since they are not mine...hehehe anyway...tonight I will cycle one more time and see what happens

    stay strong and motivated everyone..later
