NOVEMBER Feather's Chat!

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  • I feel I could use a jug!!!

    Yesterday wasn't so bad at dinner, like I ate too much but not OMFG I ATE ALL THE FOOD IN THE WORLD. Was still up 2 pounds this morning, which maked me BLAH, because I actually felt I indulged but in a okayy way.

    Today I have no excuse, I just ate and ate and ate all day. Went for a run for I'm pretty sure my 4.5k won't make up for all the eating.

    No personnals, but I red all your updates, congrats to those who are killing it, welcome to the new ones and jugs to the crew who are in the OOOOPS situation like me!
  • Mottainai-(just responding to an earlier post)An inspiring thought is when I tell myself that NO ONE ever makes a post after binging (unless it was an intentional big eating thing) saying "I feel OK" pretty much everyone regrets it after. So no matter how much ur brain tries to convince you to binge…its pretty impossible not to feel bad after.
    Bayzee-Yes, a stall can feel awful and thats the hardest part - to keep going even when results aren't apparent - what a bad mindgame. In a few weeks u will see the difference!
    Turbomammoth-did that with my first cake - red velvet…I "glued" the pieces with the frosting. EW. I ate all day just now too
    Chickiechicks- I haven't had a proper workout in at least a month. its probably bloat since ur weight isn't increasing.
    Kakers - Congrats! and yes Turkey day is D day uggghhhh. I plan on going for the turkey too - the boring white meat - mostly cause its so blah tasting its hard to overeat it
    LeilaJay-my sis has a problem with the clenching - I'm so sry about that!
    Good for you for seeing a counselor, I was seeing a therapist for awhile and it was such a good experience
    Speechie-Hello! Anytime u decide to start is the best! I started last winter too.
    Krampus-CONGRATS!!!! and it'll come!

    Hey all. I haven't binged since the last time I posted…but I am struggling with overeating. No job=too much time to graze on food--->very disappointed in myself. Nothing "tragic" but a few hundred here and there adds up and it sorta adds to some anxiety because how long will I be unemployed??! I tried to do some activities - did a Meetup (it was kinda lame lol) but it got me walking around Central Park. My parents still treat me like im 2 (controlling asian parents…) and I know my dad will try to overfeed me when he comes this Sat…big stressor. I just…can't right now. Also I didn't tell them I quit my job…i cant deal with nagging phone calls. I just don't wanna play pretend and I don't wanna consume even more excess cals. And knowing my dads food hist - it'll be the WORST-esp cause they are on a mission to get me to my old fatter weight. Think the oiliest/sugary chinese takeout ever! I don't know…I just wanna say hi and not fight during some dinner. I'll try to come up with some plans around that time cause its just not worth fighting about what to eat/what not to eat.
    Thanksgiving should be OK - I hate Thanksgiving food like Turkey and stuffing (and most desserts too…other than like ice crream/Nutella - so I'm quite safe around pies/cookies) actually and I was gonna go to my sis's apt for some casual get together so I'm gonna just pretend like something came up and come late and just have a lil turkey and veg.
    I'm gonna walk off my cals then prep for interview questions. I have an interview tmrw and I'm half shaky but half hopeless that it won't work out (cloudy sunday blues?!)
  • pixelllate Would you consider seeing a therapist again? I have a feeling this will be something I'll need to do for a while at least!
    What job is the interview for? I'm sure you'll do great, you can do this! Have a relaxing evening, breathe deeply and just go for it.
    Also how the **** do you not like turkey and stuffing? haha, I'm always so confused when people say they don't like things. I'm pretty sure the only thing I really don't like is cucumber but I'll still eat it sometimes if it's in something. Why couldn't I have an aversion to cheese instead?

    Turbo Here's a big one for ya :largejug:
    I also keep ending up in an oops situation. I seem to hold it together for a day, then start slipping until I end up where I am right now which is very very full. Eugh, what are we doing? On the plus side you did at least go for a run, so that's awesome. Not all is lost for you my dear

    mottainai That's excellent to hear! What book was it if you don't mind me asking? I'm sitting here once again with a sore belly wondering why I keep doing this to myself. Maybe I need some outside insight as I have no idea what's going on. I'm glad to hear you're happy with your body though, and from pics you look great so I think you have the tools and experience to know how to maintain and just enjoy that. Jugs!

    krampus That sounds like quite the poop, nice work haha
    I hope TOM shows up soon - I know when I travel my period gets all screwed up. A lot of the time after being on a plane I get it out of nowhere, like being really high up kicks my lady parts into shedding their stuff.

    Bayzee haha, well I was kinda drunk and squinty when I wrote it. Glad I saved you a few calories with that mouthful of wine though. I do what I can, y'know

    Speechie Welcome! Although it's a difficult time of year to start the important thing is that you do. I used to put off quitting smoking all the time because a certain event was coming up etc but there's never a perfect time to do anything like that or lose weight. You just have to go for it!


    Speaking of jugs I just consumed a jug of wine and then a few jugs of crackers and cheese. I'm talking big jugs over here.


    Couldn't go for a run today because the weather was just horrible and I didn't have any energy (possibly just lazy). We went to a friend's house for dinner and had lasagne - I managed to eat a sensible portion and a small amount of cake. I returned home feeling pretty good and then I had all of the wine and cheese jugs. I was 136 this morning, that probably set my head off into the 'I can eat anything I want yayayayayay' way of thinking.

    All I want to do is keep eating.
  • I feel like I have so much to catch up on... I'll get back to it in a few. I am sitting and resting my body for a minute and then I'm going to make some dinner before I read over the past couple of days.

    Quick notes for my trip; Photo shoot went well, and in spite of not getting in the best workouts ever I still did well and stayed on plan diet-wise. Again, not perfect due to traveling but within calories and as 'clean' as possible. Yay!

    Our plans have changed for Thanksgiving though... I'll get to that later.

    Be back in a few! Here are a few pictures from the shoot!

  • Joss those pictures are GREAT! I love the hair especially.

  • The pictures are gorgeous, Joss - you look great! I love the first one especially, it's really pretty and there's great lighting.
  • Joss...Love your pictures. I agree with Leila, the first one is gorgeous! You should be so proud of your body! You look fantastic!
  • I hope everyone is enjoying the last bit of the weekend!

    I do not feel nearly as guilty as last weekend. I didn't weigh today (why bother..I know I will be up and it's too depressing) but I expect my weight to be very close to Friday's tomorrow. I had 3 generous glasses of wine over the course of 5 hours so I did fairly well. No treats all night, and there must of been 50 bags of chips (Remember, I'm a chip girl!). Even with the wine I was under my calories for the day...which I planned.

    Food wise, I'm actually glad the weekend is over. I find it so hard to stay OP, especially with the drinkng. Spent a couple hours today organizing meals for the week. I feel better when I'm planned!
  • Joss : AMAZAAAAAAZING pictures! Those are seriously terrific!!

    LeilaJey : you seem pretty serious about running! Good for you! I want to eat all the time too, since friday. It's like the size of my stomach double or something. Probably triple.


    I just had WAY TOO MUCH cheese fondue with bread. The girl isn't proud. I don't even want to say what was my weight this morning.

    I've done a lot of thinking today... Some things need to change, I guess. Just got to go out there and DO IT! (Nike was not involved whatsoever in this post and did not give me any money for that)(unfortunately...)

    Have a good Sunday night, feathers!
  • Joss- GORGEOUS!!! I once tried on a mask like that and looked goofy hahah
    I'd love to own a corset one day - very happy for you that you stayed clean when travelling - thats hard to do!
  • I can't stop eating either. Today I guess I had one giant meal at 5 PM (parents took us out for dinner) and won't want to eat more so that's OK, but yesterday I went to a party and it was like a vicious animal attacking this suuuuper rich bean/cheese dip. I've been PMSing for a week, just got a huge pimple on my chin today which is a sign it should come...soon I hope!!! argh.

    Yesterday my bf and I got our massage/soak which was very relaxing and nice. Afterwards we went grocery shopping and to Marshall's, where I bought size 2 pants that fit comfortably...

    JossFit Amazing photos. I can't wait to see more (if they're not totally NSFW). I'm sorry to hear your Thanksgiving plans are changing AGAIN, I hope things go your way soon.

    pixellate You know my thoughts on your parents...think they will ever get tired of being the food/diet/body police? I guess that's not their way. I hope you don't internalize the overeating and use it against yourself, if that makes sense - it's so easy to boredom eat even when you are fully employed and have everything stable in your life. (Exhibit A here...)

    Bayzee Strength in the face of 50 bags of chips, you are an example to us all. Honestly you've stayed within like 2-3 lbs all week and weekend, I know the upper end of that gets scary, but you are doing really well all things considered!

    LeilaJey Aghhh it was a great poop, but today was punishment for ODing on bean dip and chips at a party yesterday...horrid rabbit pellets.

    kakers CONGRATS on surviving the week!!!!

    mottainai 1.5 gallons of ice cream is really impressive, which flavor was it?!?!?! You have got to have the highest metabolism of anyone ever - take advantage of it!

    Speechie Welcome!!! Now is the best time to start...not putting it off for X months or anything. I lost 30 pounds in 2010, gained like 15 in the calendar year 2011 and took it off in 2012. Hoping I'll STAY THERE for once.

    ChickieChicks I'm so sorry you've been having such an awful week. Times like these it would be great to be able to just board a plane by yourself and leave your entire life behind for a week.
  • I am back! For now. I keep having difficulties getting out of the 130s and I keep giving up because I look okay. But I do really want to get a bit lower still. So howdy again. Hope to talk to you girls again and stay on plan too!
  • Happy Monday Feathers!

    First off, thank you all so much for the comments/compliments on my photos Leila, Bayzee, Kakers, Krampus and Turbo! Krampus, I'm not sure what "NSFW" means, but I assume we are speaking the same language anyway; while the ones I posted are in lingerie, nothing is too provocative or showing. There are a few more from the shoot that do show my booty, more of my breasts, or are just a lot more sexual in nature. I didn't do anything totally topless/bottomless or anything (I just don't see the point) but there are some that I still don't feel as comfortable sharing.

    So, the trip went well, as I mentioned. I was definitely a bit jealous of my friend and the way she was eating during the trip but I wasn't about to give in. She is originally from the town in PA we went to, so for her there were things that she grew up with that she HAD to have, which I totally get. There are some regional things she could only get there and had been looking forward to for a long time so I was happy to go with her to these places. I just chose to either not sample the goods (such as the homemade gigantic soft pretzels or chocolates) or chose a better option (as was the case when we went to Ruby Tuesday for dinner one night and a local cheesesteak joint another night) We also had to eat out for every meal because we were at a small hotel, but I still chose salads from Chik-fil-A and low calorie egg white sandwiches from Starbucks, Dunkin Doughnuts and Subway. All in all, my meals were more processed than I would have liked but I really can't beat myself up for that.
    Heck, I was even given a bag of Wilbur Buds (the original (and most say better) Hershey Kiss)) and I haven't even touched them! I am going to bring them with me to Colorado for Thanksgiving and share.
    I am glad that we're such poop talkers in here because I can share my woes with you all. With the traveling and less-than-optimal diet I didn't poo for seriously like 3-4 days, which is NOT normal for me. Thank goodness it all caught up this morning! I can't seem to stop today... hahaha

    Speaking of Thanksgiving; I mentioned that the plans have changed but it's not entirely horrid. Basically, I have been traveling A LOT already the past couple of weeks and I'm tired! The plan was to fly into CO on Tuesday night and then when my husband got off work on Wednesday he and I would drive 10 hours to my BFFs house in UT. The problem is that we wouldn't get there until about 4am on Thanksgiving Day if we drove straight through. We would then take a nap, eat, and then have to head back to CO early the next day so I could catch my flight Saturday morning.

    Basically, we are talking 20 hours of driving for a 24 hour visit... plus two days of air travel on either side of that. It was OK, but my BFFs husband can't make it home for Thanksgiving so my husband is bummed he can't see his bromance partner and it isn't really worth it for him.

    I know my BFF is disappointed, but I did get to spend this weekend with her doing the drive to PA and the photo shoot, so that's something. I also told her I will go visit her in January for a few days of more relaxing visiting where we can shop, hit the spa, and RELAX... not just rush.

    Anyway, I still have air travel to CO planned, so my husband and I decided to just do Turkey Day our way. Rather than spend it with his family at their ranch. I love his aunt and uncle, and their place is fun... but not for Thanksgiving. Its DIRTY. Like, Hoarders style dirty. That's not how I want to spend Thanksgiving; partying out in the barn that smells like cattle and eating dinner buffet style on a bale of hay... and then having to traipse into the disgusting house when I want to pee. No thanks. Again, super fun party location but not Thanksgiving!)
    Anyway, we rented a suite at Colorado Springs' swankiest hotel and are having dinner out at one of their restraunts. We are going to dress up and drink cocktails all day and have a super indulgent dinner and not worry about cleaning up, cooking, or (for me) battling with leftovers for the next few days!

    Today is my podiatry appointment so maybe I will find out what is going on with my feet and whether or not/when I need surgery for the bone spurs. Hopefully they can also do something about my plantar facitis!


    Philana - Welcome back stranger! Get your booty back on plan girl!

    Krampus - Maybe you viciously attacked the bean dip because of TOM? Maybe it was just really good bean dip though. I'm sorry to hear about your rabbit pellets... hahaha, why is that so frustrating for us all?!
    And size 2 pants?! Whoot!! Scales are one thing, but clothes (vanity/irregular sizes or not) are always fun to see progress with.

    Pixelllate - I found that cheapo little mask at a Halloween store and thought it would be fun for the shoot. I seriously spent some $$ on lingerie and accessories and didn't even use it all, or used it for like one shot. LOL
    At least the mask was cheap!

    I'm sorry you are still feeling so out of sorts with your routine, but not binging is definitely something! I am in the same place as you; I'm aknowledging that for whatever reasons in life it's throwing my routine/appetite/cravings out of whack and I'm hanging on some days by the skin of my teeth. Right now just NOT gaining weight and NOT binging are the key goals I'm focusing on. So far I think you and I are both doing okay. This is one of those periods where focusing on 'persistence over perfection' is important. Heck, for ALL of us Feather's really. After all, it's the holiday season and that can be SO HARD!

    Turbo - Thanks woman! LOL, I'm sorry you were less than happy with the scale readout this morning, but cheese fondue and bread?! Um, that is amazingly delicious... at least you enjoyed it and know where the increase came from! Some people jump on the scale and see a gain overnight and have been perfectly following their plan. Besides I know its a broken record but you KNOW that a lot of whatever gain you saw was the actual food in your body, water weight, etc. Just clean it up for a few days and watch it fall away!

    Bayzee - I am totally a planner and it helps me so much. I'm sure it will help you too.
    You have willpower to spare if you can say no to your vice AFTER wine! OMG I can normally turn down sweets (which are my vice) but if I have been drinking all bets are off. Heck, I don't even drink a single drop unless I'm already planning on a Treat Meal/Day because there is no way I can have a glass or two and then eat my normal healthy food. You're my hero right now.

    ** I know I hardly scratched the surface of catching up on personals but I did read them all from the past couple of days! Much love, hugs (or Jugs, whichever you prefer) to Chickie, LockItUp (Wherever you are hiding yourself these past few days), Mottainai and the rest of the ladies!
  • I felt so bloated this morning - dehydrated and oversalted. Weighed 125.0 after the gym. Dinner w/my parents was really great, we went to Delmonico's which is a riiiiiich Italian-American restaurant featuring menu items like "ONE POUND LASAGNA" and "Utica Greens" (greens, but covered in breadcrumbs, oil, cheese, butter and garlic) - I got salmon with orzo and ate only 1/3 of it because I filled up on bread, gorgonzola wedge salad, and oily hot peppers/onions/mushrooms which I covered in parmesan cheese to reduce the heat. Later on my BF cooked spaghetti squash and put a ton of parmesan cheese, oil, herbs and garlic in it and we um sampled liberally.

    TOM still didn't come (I know, it's been like 12 hours between updates). I went to the gym this morning and ran 2.30 miles in 20 minutes on the treadmill in intervals. Would like to go and lift later but we'll see. Dunno, I feel almost complacent lately...I don't care if I lose more scale weight, I'm happy calling 125.0 my "redline" and just focusing on maintenance.

    This may all just be because CHRISTMAS IS COMING and I'm like a child when it comes to getting excited about making cards and shopping for literally everyone I know.

    philana WELCOME BACK stranger! Glad to see you're still maintaining your loss.

    JossFit Holy awesome Thanksgiving plans. That's going to be amazing couple time right there. Much better than politely pretending not to want to barf in someone's filthy hosue. I'm sloppy and my apartment would probably offend some people, but there are no bad smells or old food remnants lying around and we like to keep the piles under control.
  • WOW, Joss, those pics are absolutely stunning!!!

    Way behind here, kept myself very busy this weekend cleaning and rearranging the house in anticipation of Christmas (decorating, and the onslaught of toys that will soon come -- plus my son's birthday is 5 days before Christmas too, needed to clean things out!).

    Anyway. UG UG UG re: weight. I don't even want to talk about it!

    Hope to catch up soon. Just wanted to check in.