Motivation, support, weight loss and updates

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  • Sammie- Great job with the loss!!! Also, my husband is Army too. Haha that's a huge reason he can run so fast! He said he will slow it down with me because he already has to run fast at PT Awesome to meet a fellow Army wife.

    Chefchesca- Welcome! What are some of your goals?

    Did my workouts today too, staying on plan, we are grilling chicken sausages tonight which are healthier than regular sausages. Hubby has been in a grilling mood and I'm loving every minute of it because he's great at it and I love grilled food in general. Happy TGIF to everyone! Here's to all of us staying OP this weekend!
  • down with severe flu and fever... .... Feel like crap... My head keeps on spinning,, couldnt even go out for my daily walk.....
  • Buckkeepblue I bet your frustrated!! How are you keeping at your weight loss? If you dont mind my asking where are you? lol like to where you dont have access to a scale.. It would kill me

    Pink hurricane That sounds delicious!!! Yay fellow Army wife

    hamlette Im sorry your not feeling well Yesterday I felt like I had the flu but Its just this new medication im on thats messing me up. I hope you feel better!! Eat some healthy soup and drink lots of water

    Yesterday I was able to have panera bread and stay under my calorie limit. I got the soup and salad. I dont feel to bad since I didnt go over. I have also lost another pound!!! So hubby is treating to a good breakfast this morning Anyone have plans for this weekend?
  • I'd love to join this. I totally lack in motivation sometimes (ok, a lot of the time..)

    No major plans this weekend. Took my kid to a Dora the Explorer show yesterday and going to spend today visiting some family and friends. Kind of worried about that since we're eating dinner with family and they're not the most healthiest cooks. If I eat beforehand, they'll be insulted. If I eat with them, my weight loss 'til now will be out the window. Decisions, decisions..
  • hamlette I'm glad you didn't gain as much as you thought you would and got back and track! Sorry that you're sick now. Feel better!

    sammielaw Good for you!

    MrsDeenz Welcome! I would suggest a healthy snack before you go so you're not starving and can portion control whatever they have for dinner. That's what I do when I go to my mother-in-laws. She usually makes ribs or something without a vegetable in sight. But if I didn't eat anything, she would be super offended. So I usually eat a nice healthy snack so I don't go super hungry and nibble on whatever she made/ordered for dinner.

    I have been doing super well most of this week, especially considering it is shark week and my hormones and cravings are out of control. I usually stall during my period but this week I actually still lost .5 lbs.

    Today, I had some fruit and cereal for breakfast and made brown rice with cut up steak, veggies, and a little stir fry sauce for lunch. It was delicious! I woke up craving pizza though and we may end up getting that for dinner.. I'm thinking I'll have a salad with it and only have 1-2 pieces to satisfy the craving without going overboard.

    Thankfully shark week is only once a month or I would never lose weight!
  • Sammielaw - I'm in Poland, but in this really small village with no big shops or anything where I could buy a scales..and even if there was I'm only here for five more weeks so not really worth it! Have been tracking my calories on myfitnesspal though so if the maths adds up and I keep going the way I have been this week I should def have lost about 10lbs when I get home...will have to wait and see!! Will be exciting to weigh myself when I get back

    @hamlette That sucks that you're not well, hope you feel better soon!!

    @MrsDeenz Welcome to the thread...yaaay motivation!!

    I cycled about 20 miles today and burned about 400 calories so pretty pleased with myself Just have to try and find the balance in my diet so that I'm eating enough to be able to maintain the diet over a long period while still losing weight..Are any of you doing the 30lbs by New Year challenge? I obviously can't weigh in right now but am still aiming towards it...if I lost 20-25lbs I'd be super pleased! Kind of scared about CHristmas though, I always pile on the pounds in December!
  • Hey!!
    I wanted to join you guys & get some motivation with being a part of a support group!

    A little bit about me... I'm what you would call one of those professional yo-yo dieters (something I'm not proud of...)... The only difference now is that it's been a while since I've been into the whole working on my weight thing. I worked really hard at it over the summer & got down to about 285ish (highest at the time was 330), and I was very proud of myself! Unfortunately overtime, I got depressed and unmotivated... also my friend always wanted to go out to eat, so I'm sure that didn't help matters too much. I just let myself go back up to the weight I was & a little bit more :/...

    I just told my parents I've been depressed recently, which now that they know, I have someone to hold me more accountable, at least at home. I know my weight is a big factor in bringing me down emotionally... I'm really wanting to try to turn that around. Just being healthier in general can make me a happier me, which I am excited for!

    That might be a bit lengthy "about me" lol... but I am really looking forward to getting to know you all! Knowing I have a place to go to & share my struggles as well as victories will be quite helpful!

    Some personal goals I have in order to help me lose weight is to:
    * Exercise at least 4 times per week.
    * Stop drinking soda & sweet tea
    * Keep a food journal

    I also have my mini goals for my weight listed at the bottom.

    What are some ideas you guys use to stay motivated and keep at it? I'm lacking very much in the motivation department...
  • Sammie- I loveeee Panera! Especially their grilled chicken caesar salad and broccoli and cheese soup! Congrats on losing another pound too!

    MrsDeenz- Welcome to the group! I know what you mean about family dinners and having that pressure around them to eat a lot. What I started doing is having a little bit of all the sides and a good portion of meat and usually I don't get all of the weird questions about why I'm not eating such and such and so on

    Meliz- Good job for staying on track even though it is shark week! I always want chocolate for some reason when it's TOM. Also if you are having pizza I like to do the same thing, I usually have a huge salad beforehand and then have about 2 pieces, sometimes 3 if I can afford it caloric wise.

    Buckkeep- What are you in Poland for? Never been there but it's on my list of places to see. Also, I am on MFP if you want another buddy on there! Don't stress about Christmas, I have the same problem but I am planning on fitting in extra workouts and making sure I enjoy myself and try not to go overboard.

    homie- Welcome to the group! I used to yo yo diet back when I had no business trying to lose weight when I thought I was fat That definitely backfired later on. Also I'm glad you told your parents about your depression. I've been there before and losing weight and exercising has helped that out so much for me! I know it will help you too because it is a natural mood booster and once you start feeling good about yourself, you start feeling great about everything else. I think your goals are great! Take it one day at a time, I cut out soda for good about 3 months ago and I definitely don't regret and don't really crave it much anymore.
    Don't overwhelm yourself either, take baby steps and exercising 4 days a week is a very attainable goal. Even if it's just taking a walk just keep moving! Also for journaling there are a ton of websites where you can keep track, my favorite has been My Fitness Pal, so check that out too!

    This weekend has been super busy, I am watching the race right now and I'm about to start making dinner for hubby and I. I'm making grilled chicken alfredo and it fits very well into my intake for the day. I'll even have room for later if I decide to have a little snack or something. I went for a walk yesterday even though it was supposed to be a rest day but I was feeling pretty energetic so I thought why not. Went for a run today, went about 5mph for 27 minutes so I got a decent burn. Tomorrow morning is my official weigh in day so I am hoping to update my stats and ticker with a decent loss!

    How's everyone's weekend been?
  • Buckkeepblue You are amazing! Congratulations for working off so many calories! I always get worried about holidays, too. I'm hoping this year I can avoid the bad stuff and just focus on being able to spend time with my family!

    homiegiiib Welcome! My biggest thing to stay motivated is just to check in every day with a few close people that help me stay on track. My husband and I plan out our meals together so he can help me stay on track. If you ever need someone to talk to, I'm here. It's definitely easier to stay motivated when you have people to talk to who understand.

    Pink Hurricane Yum, chicken alfredo! Do you happen to have the recipe to share? I love chicken alfredo but it's a food I've kind of given up since I only know how to make it super heavy with way more calories than I can afford. Good for you going on a run on a rest day!

    Well, I did gain slightly from the pizza even though I didn't eat nearly as much as I would have before I started this healthier lifestyle. Then this morning, I proceeded to eat a leftover piece for breakfast. But then I went "what the **** am I doing??" and I ate healthy the rest of the day, so should still be on target with calories despite the terrible for me breakfast. I have to go into the office tomorrow morning so I am about to go make oatmeal muffins so I have something filling and healthy to bring with me for breakfast and I'm going to pack a lunch so I don't get tempted to go down to the cafeteria.

    I work from home 4 days a week, so I always worry that I won't have enough food when I leave my house and will be tempted by the food available to me. I have to actually go into the office a few days this week, so I'm trying to plan my food so it doesn't mess up my intake.
  • @Pink I'm an ecologist and im doing a training placement thing out here for two months to get some extra experience! Love the country, planning on visiting Krakow next month so super excited about that! Will look you up on MFP ;-)

    @MeliZ thanks! I've no car out here so I'm cycling everywhere, makes it easy to burn a lot without having to think about it too much! Don't stress about the pizza, we all do it! And yeah packed lunches are they way to go, I always impulse buy the fattiest lunch if Im rushed and hungry.

    @homie Welcome to the group

    This week hasn't started as well as planned for me, burned a lot of calories yesterday but then ate them back and more as I went out for dinner with some friends..oops! And now today I've exceeded again coz i snacked too much this morning.. Oh well, not great but not the worst ever, will just have to try harder the next few days...determined to have dropped 12lbs by the time I head home!
  • sammie this reply is soooo late i completely forgot to check this thread, forgot I even posted in it. NSV = Non scale victories. ie) fitting into a lower size of pants, someone complimenting you, being able to fit into something from a long time ago. anything you consider a small victory.

    needing this motivation thread this week. Trying to get back to where I was 2 months ago when I lost the 20lbs because I workedm y butt off and im slowly losing motivation as the days grow colder and i do not want to be outside, and still too embarassed to walk into a gym full of beautiful people haha.
  • @nightprowler - I know what you mean about it being more difficult to motivate this time of year, I feel entitled to creamy hot chocolates and fatty foods just because it's winter! BUT every single January I say I'm going to lose weight and I usually do for a few weeks and then end up right where I started again, so I'm determined that this New Year I will be at least 10lbs lighter!

    Ugh, was such a bad week for me food-wise. I ate out on Monday and then went to a conference on Wednesday and Thursday which meant huge lunch, huge dinner (with lots of wine!) and tea and cakes in between (and it was all free so it was pretty much impossible to resist). So now I've probably undone all the good work I did last week and am back to square one so frustrating!!
  • finally got myself back to 225 after jumping to 232!!!! this week, most of it was water weight obviously. but ive been really sick the past 2 days so ive been eating terribly, moslty for comfort. so bad. i plan on being back to normal tomorrow now that ive feeling better. still not an excuse, but such is every bump in the road on this journey
  • Finally got under 225, granted I'm only 0.4 lb under 225, but I'm there! I am beyond looking forward to saying goodbye to the 220s. How was everyone's weekend? My husband and I went camping with some family and it was a wonderful trip!
  • Pink Hurricane looks like you and I are at the same point in our weightloss journey! :P

    weekend was very boring for me. haha, i was sick in bed alllll weekend. weird dizzy spells, nausea it was weird. However, I'm rested up and back on plan just in time for my birthday weekend coming up! Can't wait!