30 day shred April

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  • Ty angelsmom. Im trying had a horrible night tonight. I had the overwhelming urge to binge. I didnt but just the idea of how badly it took me over has me in a bad mood oh well level 3 day 6 finished today.
  • Finished off Easter with the shred!

    We made it a family affair and even DH joined in. I think he was guilted by the carrot cake we had today! LOL

    L1D3 done! and I am staying out of the kids easter baskets, even if they do have reeeses eggs in them! AHHHH!!!
  • Hi everyone!

    L1D4 done and I did strength right after I finished with Jillian, so tired.
    Lost 2 pounds which I am happy for. I've also started to notice my legs becoming a better shape! I'm not sure if it's from Jillian or Michele's workout, since I started both at the same time.

    Have a nice day, and keep moving
  • Skipped Fri and Sat because of traveling, but did Day 4 yesterday. Had to skip again today because of a migraine. (argh!)

    Planning on doing it tomorrow, for sure! L1 is getting easier, so I might even be ready to move up to L2 on Day 10 like I orignally plan.
  • Quote: Planning on doing it tomorrow, for sure! L1 is getting easier, so I might even be ready to move up to L2 on Day 10 like I orignally plan.
    This amazes me that people can advance after 10 days because it took me a month to be able to advance to level 2...that's how out of shape I am and I don't even have that much weight to lose.
  • Eyre13- keep it up!

    Novangel- don't worry about it, as long as your seeing results.

    L1D5 done! I won't be doing any other exercise today. I've decided on doing strength 4 times a week.
    So I have a question, what is your post workout meal? I heard your suppose to have a protein shake?
  • novangel - don't worry. Everyone is different. If you aren't used to that type of workout its harder. it may end up taking me forever to move up to L3. You never know! Besides - I said MIGHT be able to move up. lol. I still have to do it!

    Angelsmom - I usually do the workout after I get home before I make dinner... but I think something with some protien (shake or otherwise) would be good. I carry some nuts in my gym bag for hte days when I haven't eaten enough and I need something when I get back to the car to tide me over until dinner.
  • Missed yesterday, but it was a Zumba day so at least I got that nice 60 min in!

    L1D4 just completed. Definitely a difference today! I did 13 pushups before I had to take a quick break. That is a HUGE deal. I probably couldn't do 2 in a row a couple months back!
    And I noticed today I was either doing exercises longer while she talked or starting the next exercise while she intro'd it to get a little extra in. Feeling good about it!!
    Now, if only I could get through that minute of bicycle crunches! AH! LOL

    Gonna google up and see if I can find anything about the average calories burned with this.

    Keep it up everyone!!
  • Just found this, not sure if it's accurate, but it is said to have been found somewhere on Jillian's site.

    30 day shred calorie burn - 3.267 calories burnt per pound every hour. Multiply by weight to get how many calories per hour you would burn and divide by 3 to get each 20 minute work out
  • Hi all

    Eyre13- I did some more research on the protein shake and I decided against it. Read this if your interested http://www.theiflife.com/how-much-pr...-build-muscle/

    Daug- according to that calculation I'm burning around 125 calories
    Good thing I do strength every other day

    L1D6 done, and I did strength training today for 30 min

    Keep it up guys!
  • Doesn't sound like much ,does it, Angelsmom! LOL Hopefully it's a little off!

    L1D5 done!! A little more sluggish than last night, but upped my pushups to 17 in a row today! YEY!! Think tomorrow I may make the whole rotation without stopping... that is the first time we do them. LOL
    And feeling pretty confident I'll do to Level 2 after the 10 days.

  • I've been doing the 30 day shred for, I believe, 2 weeks now, but I still can't seem to do the push ups. Even the knee push ups (easy one)! I attempted to do the level 2 one day but as soon as Jillian went down and did this weird push up move, I said "oh heck no" and switched back to level 1. Yes, I tried but man...!
  • Hey everyone

    Daug- it's a lot less than I expected, but it's ok, as long as I'm building lean muscle I'm already 900 calorie a day deficit!

    Misski- two weeks and still can't do the Girly push ups? That's odd, I'm on day 7 and when I started I could barely do 1! Now I go through all of it without stopping. Have you seen any change in measurements/weight?

    L1D7 done!

    Good luck all!
  • Angelsmom,

    Lol! It's technically 1 week and 5 days and I can't go up and down repetitively without take one short break. Approximately four years ago, I was the fattest girl in my PE class but I was able to do the girly pushups while a lot of the thinnest girls in class was struggling (I vividly remember looking around and thinking, "Oh my god, this is not that hard!"). We had to do, if I remember correctly, 25 (or 40... Something crazy because we were on the floor for a very long time). Afterwards, my gym teacher high-fived me and said I did great which surprised even me.

    The oddest part about this is that I was 68lbs heavier then, so I honestly do NOT know what's going on now! Maybe I need to correct my form or something...?
  • Well, that was brutal! But L1D6 complete.
    No idea what my deal was tonight, but I really struggled. Cardio was okay ,strength I just felt like mush. But I got through it, so I'm happy about that!