Getting to the 200s!!!

  • I just weighed myself this morning & found out that I'm 7 lbs. from hitting the 200s (I was 306 lbs. this morning). It's taken me about 2-3 months to lose 20 lbs. (which is healthy, but a little slower than I had hoped). My next mini-goal is to lose the next 7 in 2 weeks (3.5 lbs. per week, but with my weight being so high, it shouldn't be too difficult). I just want to get out of these pesky 300s more than anything!

    In order to lose these first 20-ish lbs., I did water aerobics 2-3x/ week & tried to stick with Weight Watchers (some days were better than others). I'm looking forward to the future now that I know it is possible to lose the weight.

    For this mini-goal, I am going to stick with Weight Watchers, but try to eliminate some processed foods with a lot of sodium (I had higher blood pressure the last time I went to the doctor). I also want to incorporate a couple of days of cardio & weight lifting.

    Good luck to everyone with their mini-goals!! =)
  • Awesome! Good luck!
  • Good luck with your goals! It's a great way to try to move things forward! And congrats on all the progress you've made so far!
  • That is amazing! Great job! Water aerobics looks so much fun! Wish I could do it!
  • Great Job!!