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Old 06-18-2009, 01:06 PM   #1  
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Default Secret of the Scales

Okay, so I broke down and bought a scale. I was determined not to obsess about my weight at home since it really only counted at the Metabolic Research Center. But I missed some official weigh-ins and was worried I was losing track of my weight.

Anyway, after three official home weights followed by center weigh-ins within thirty minutes, I have found my home scale weighs me two pounds heavier. This part doesn't really matter, but it has helped me determine the best time of day to head over to MRC to make it official.

I also have my own set of weigh-in clothes (a very thin Old Navy tee and linen shorts or yoga capri pants). My hair has to be absolutely dry and I don't wear my usual chunky jewelry. I go weigh in after sleeping six hours without any water touching my lips except for that on my toothbrush.

I know, I know.

I've fallen into the very trap I thought I had avoided.

Anyone else have superstitions or secrets?
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Old 06-18-2009, 01:33 PM   #2  
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Originally Posted by little edie View Post
Okay, so I broke down and bought a scale. I was determined not to obsess about my weight at home since it really only counted at the Metabolic Research Center. But I missed some official weigh-ins and was worried I was losing track of my weight.

Anyway, after three official home weights followed by center weigh-ins within thirty minutes, I have found my home scale weighs me two pounds heavier. This part doesn't really matter, but it has helped me determine the best time of day to head over to MRC to make it official.

I also have my own set of weigh-in clothes (a very thin Old Navy tee and linen shorts or yoga capri pants). My hair has to be absolutely dry and I don't wear my usual chunky jewelry. I go weigh in after sleeping six hours without any water touching my lips except for that on my toothbrush.

I know, I know.

I've fallen into the very trap I thought I had avoided.

Anyone else have superstitions or secrets?
I'm a chronic weigher too! For the last 5 or so years I've weighed myself EVERY DAY at home. I weigh myself naked right before I hop in the shower. That gets me my lowest weight of the day. Don't feel bad about weighing yourself all the time. Studies have shown that people who weigh themselves every day are more likely to weigh less AND maintain their weight. I do it every day as a personal check. If I gain a pound or 2 (or 10 like I have on certain weekend days!), I know the following days I have to be that much better with my eating and I have to work out a little bit harder.

As for the days I go in for weigh ins at the center I do the same as you. I usually go in on Wednesdays before lunch and then Saturdays in the morning. Wednesdays I'm coming from work so I'm wearing heavier clothes and I've already had 32+ oz water by then. So my weight is ALWAYS up. So I don't count Wednesdays. Saturdays I go after breakfast/before I work out. I have food in my belly and some water but I also wear the lightest workout clothes I have and no jewelry. Saturdays are my official weigh in days.
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Old 06-18-2009, 10:55 PM   #3  
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Sometimes living by-the-scale cannot be good....I joined a group that weighed in once a week, and you actually could put on a robe each time you weighed in so you have the same attire each started off real great and losing was fun....then I guess I got bored with it and the night before weigh in, I would take Correctol and water pills to be sure I would have a lost in the morning.....I was only defeating myself, but I don't want to find myself doing the same with MRC. Sometimes being overweight can be your worse enemy!!!
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Old 06-18-2009, 11:54 PM   #4  
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i switched to once a week WI cuz there was a counselor at the center that i cldn't stand and she always seemed to be the one handling me on my monday WI so i quit that WI. i like having the once a week WI because it's MUCH easier to keep track of what you're per week loss is. since i won't be going back i don't suppose it matters though. *sigh* i was weighing every thursday after work in full work attire *usually the work polo and jeans sans shoes* but i'd empty my pockets and started carrying a purse to hold my card wallet and change so i didn't have to dump it in the chair every damn time. i hate purses. there was a point where i'd take cooked veggies because you only get 4 oz to work with me and i'd skimp on my water till after WI but i realized that was pointless after some home weighing. i'd weigh before my shower, after, with clothes, after breakfast and the only difference wld be the 2 lbs i gained when i put clothes on. drinking a whole bottle of water, chugging it and jumping right on the scales didn't change anything. try it some day... you can even try weighing before your morning pit stop and after - no difference. *shrug* jmo but since i stopped tripping on those little things, it made it easier. i weigh every day except when i'm at the BF's cuz he doesn't have any scales. it's nice to not think about it for a few days and i have a feeling that i'll be throwing my scales in a box pretty soon because i won't want to know how quickly i gain it all back since they're not going to let me do stabilization because the asst mgr isn't there anymore and she's the one who did my stabilization appt. as if that should have anything to do with the price of tea in china. *shrug* back to the point - try all those little tests, see how little difference there is and maybe that'll free you up a little from all those superstitious idiosyncracy's...
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Old 06-19-2009, 12:58 AM   #5  
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Default To Ford4life69

If you quit MRC, I hope you don't quit posting here. I like reading your posts. In some ways, I think we are similar temprements. And I find myself agreeing with you many times.

I am sorry that your center is letting you down. I have my fingers crossed that you will find a way to do the stabilization part. Just from what I have read from other people, it seems to be essential to keeping the weight off.

I have heard that you can purchase the MRC menus on E-bay. I haven't looked, but maybe there is a stabilization menu you can obtain, and do it on your own.

We all have our own path to follow, and I wish you happiness and success and personal fulfillment on your path.
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Old 06-19-2009, 09:25 AM   #6  
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Connie...I can understand your frustration...for MRC not to allow you to do Stab. is just foolish (putting it mildly). You know your body more than anyone else and only you can decide enough is enough....too bad MRC cannot value that about you. Please do not stop posting here because I have learned so much from you. I just wish some of these diet centers were not just "all about the money"!!!
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Old 06-19-2009, 02:47 PM   #7  
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Scale confession , I just bought a digital scale and love to see the differences! I am using it to see how my body responds to what I am doing to it. How much water weight when I take motrin or eat out from the salt? Have to remember it is just a number and doesn't count. I was so excited to see any number below 190! Short lived because it is up to 190 in the buff this am. But bodies fluctuate and the small numbers go up and down. It is the overall, long term loss we are looking for.
Connie, that just bites! Have you talked with the manager? This program is what we paid for, not some kind of government boot camp! When we start, we pick some number that we think we want and then try to get there. If you are happy where you are at, who are they to tell you that you need to do more?
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Old 06-19-2009, 03:13 PM   #8  
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Default To ford4life69

We have a gentleman that is usually in the weekly classes who has a significant amount to go before getting anywhere close to what a goal weight would be for him and he has been on stabilization for like 6 months.

This is where we have to be assertive in getting what was paid for and agreed to in the contract. If you can't get anywhere with the manager at your center, go up the ladder. Call another center and without divulging names or which center it is, simply tell them you have an issue that can't be resolved and would like to talk to someone else at the corporate offices. Stand your ground and kill them with kindness. Don't let them do this to you. Maybe you could find someone on the stabilization thread with information to help you.

You know you have all of our support here.
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Old 06-19-2009, 05:30 PM   #9  
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Originally Posted by little edie View Post
Okay, so I broke down and bought a scale. I was determined not to obsess about my weight at home since it really only counted at the Metabolic Research Center. But I missed some official weigh-ins and was worried I was losing track of my weight.

Anyway, after three official home weights followed by center weigh-ins within thirty minutes, I have found my home scale weighs me two pounds heavier. This part doesn't really matter, but it has helped me determine the best time of day to head over to MRC to make it official.

I also have my own set of weigh-in clothes (a very thin Old Navy tee and linen shorts or yoga capri pants). My hair has to be absolutely dry and I don't wear my usual chunky jewelry. I go weigh in after sleeping six hours without any water touching my lips except for that on my toothbrush.

I know, I know.

I've fallen into the very trap I thought I had avoided.

Anyone else have superstitions or secrets?
I weigh about 3 times a day, although morning and night only sometimes. Gains really don't get me down, they just get me focused. And losses don't lead to cheats, only motivate me to work harder. I can't imagine showing up for a WI and not having any idea what it will that would stress me out and make me depressed if I was expecting one thing and got another.

If I gain from one day to the next 'unexpectedly', it makes me immediately think about what I ate the day before that impacted me like that. I need that immediate feedback. My center is constantly telling me not to weigh everyday because it can cause a 'mental plateau', but since it really doesn't impact my mood and helps keep me focused, I keep doing it.

As far as WI secrets, what works for me is having only a bar or shake (the pre-made ones, not the powder that apparently makes a huge drink? Haven't tried it yet.) I can't possibly wait to eat until after I WI. I'm up by 6:30am (often earlier) and always wake up hungry, as I have my whole life. Since the center doesn't open until 9:00am, there's no way I can wait that long to eat, so I eat what doesn't weigh much! And I don't drink any water beyond the minimum necessary. I take my 32oz water bottle with me and guzzle in the parking lot after I WI. I also wear the lightest outfit I have.

On days when I work out and WI on the same date, I can really manipulate the scale! I'll lose 1 1/2 to 2 pounds working out in just water weight. But, I quickly decided it wasn't worth it since it's not real weight loss. So, I weigh myself before I work out and after and drink enough water to get me close to the start weight (okay, maybe not all the way back... )

I am very sensitive to salt, so the day before I weigh in I avoid all salty foods like tuna, shrimp or creamy HNS of any kind so I'm carrying extra water weight because of the salt. For the same reason, I avoid eating out the day before WI's, too.

Those are my tricks to avoid random WI readings.
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Old 06-22-2009, 12:44 PM   #10  
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I haven't paid for stabilization. I've been paying as I go, each renewal separately specifically because I'm broke as ****. Honestly, after the way I felt when I left Thursday, I don't care if I never talk to them again. That girl made me feel like I was insignificant, my needs were insignificant and what I'd been told was wrong just because half of what I was told came from someone who is gone. I think I might feel better if I do talk to her because she's got to be more reasonable than the lackey but I just feel like they're not all on the same page and that doesn't make me trust them very much at all. On top of that, I only had part of the cost of stabilization to pay them had everything gone ok so I was going to be asking for a concession or payment options anyway which would only make it more difficult. The missing asst mgr was going to help me with that too, I was supposed to get a call Friday night after work and the mgr didn't call and I was so angry that I took the money I had set aside *$30 short of what was required* and paid a bill instead. It didn't post till Saturday so I could have cancelled had she called Friday like I was told and had been willing to work with me but she didn't. I've posted in both stabilization threads and the menus thread. I understand that people don't want to just give out what they paid for but I don't think they really want to help me anymore. I was firm in my resolve to do stabilization now and the asst mgr acted like she understood and respected that so I'm wondering what the issue is? If she was just WAY out there and completely wrong about me, why didn't the lady I saw the week before last say something about it? We discussed it and my reasons why for a little while so I don't understand why they acted like they didn't know, there wasn't any paperwork for me, etc.
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Old 06-22-2009, 01:15 PM   #11  
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Originally Posted by ford4life69 View Post
I haven't paid for stabilization. I've been paying as I go, each renewal separately specifically because I'm broke as ****. Honestly, after the way I felt when I left Thursday, I don't care if I never talk to them again. That girl made me feel like I was insignificant, my needs were insignificant and what I'd been told was wrong just because half of what I was told came from someone who is gone. I think I might feel better if I do talk to her because she's got to be more reasonable than the lackey but I just feel like they're not all on the same page and that doesn't make me trust them very much at all. On top of that, I only had part of the cost of stabilization to pay them had everything gone ok so I was going to be asking for a concession or payment options anyway which would only make it more difficult. The missing asst mgr was going to help me with that too, I was supposed to get a call Friday night after work and the mgr didn't call and I was so angry that I took the money I had set aside *$30 short of what was required* and paid a bill instead. It didn't post till Saturday so I could have cancelled had she called Friday like I was told and had been willing to work with me but she didn't. I've posted in both stabilization threads and the menus thread. I understand that people don't want to just give out what they paid for but I don't think they really want to help me anymore. I was firm in my resolve to do stabilization now and the asst mgr acted like she understood and respected that so I'm wondering what the issue is? If she was just WAY out there and completely wrong about me, why didn't the lady I saw the week before last say something about it? We discussed it and my reasons why for a little while so I don't understand why they acted like they didn't know, there wasn't any paperwork for me, etc.
Hi Connie!

I sent you a PM.
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Old 08-25-2009, 02:44 PM   #12  
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My home scale weighs me 2 pounds LESS than theirs, but when i check my scale with something of known weight. it says mine is correct ( i double check it with my postal scale to make sure it does weigh 10 lbs and both scales say 10lbs.)

LOL so i like my scale better but i go by theirs.
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Old 08-26-2009, 08:44 PM   #13  
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I weigh in the nude every morning after I pee! And I have a 'weigh in outfit" as well. VERY light blouse and light cotton shorts. My scale is about 1 pound less than theirs.
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Old 08-26-2009, 10:26 PM   #14  
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I went through a phase where I decided I wasn't going to let the scale dictate my mood or my life any more so I got rid of the scale and didn't weigh myself for about 3 years. It cost me almost 40 lbs. It was a lack of being accountable and alot of denial. Now I weigh in almost every morning but I also don't let the scale dictate my moods.
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Old 08-26-2009, 10:36 PM   #15  
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I weigh in every morning...I wish I could get the fat mass reading to work....When I tried the South Beach Diet a few years back, it said not to weigh in so I put the scale up until the 14 day...and I was so surprised of the loss.
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