~~Weekly Chat - February 1 to February 7 ~~

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  • I am ready to stab my eyeballs out at work from BOREDOM!!!!

    We did go "sledding" which actually translated into taking the football pads the coaches use for hits and sitting on those and sliding down the icey ramps going to the football field. There was actually a really icey patch beside the stairs and if I hadn't been so chicken s**t to step over the railing I would've gone down. There was nothing but ice on either side so not much traction and I have short legs.

    Howver, 2 of my coworkers did it (they came up the hill in the snow on the other side vs. having to crawl over) and we got a vid of it. I'll have to get it from Meredith later.

    The main roads aren't bad but the parking lots and some neighborhood areas are HORRIBLE.

    I really can't see them having kids in school tomorrow.

    However, I will be here.. AGAIN. Bored. Maybe I'll be productive tomorrow cause it really hasn't happened today.

    Meanwhile I am BORED, BORED, BORED.

    Meredith and I are going to this Himilayan store at the mall after work, basically we're both tired of being stuck inside and are going shopping. I'm really excited because I've been looking for a FREE TIBET sticker for my car and haven't found one I like. I know they have them though so score.

    I didn't bring lunch today *boooo.* I figured we would grab something to eat vs. going sledding LOL However, I did have a frozen broccoli and cheese pack from the other day that I didn't eat so I heated that up and am on my 2nd (9oz) bottle of water. I'm sure the whole time we're shopping I'm going to have to pee every 5 min. LOL

    So yeah... that's about it. I'm bored. Really bored.

    Cross post: OUCH Forest!!! I hate to hear that!!!! Hopefully the damage/cost isn't too bad!!!!
  • Forest - I hope it works out and that its not ridiculously expensive.

    Feral - that sounds like fun.

    I'm sitting here debating if I want to drive up there or not...I think I might get on the road and keep hitting "refresh" on my email (yay iPhone) that way if she cancels it before I get there I can just turn around. If not, school gym here I come. I don't want to make decisions...
  • Feral -- That sounds like fun!! Though I myself wouldn't have done it... I grew up with really really snowy winters and just have gotten sick of it. I am sooooooooo not a play-in-the-snow kind of person.

    This is SUCH a busy week for me -- I have a HUGE presentation I have to do on Friday that I reaaaaaallllllyyyyyyyy don't want to...and I also have a scene for a class that goes up that day so I'm spending tons of time memorizing, rehearsing, etc. I actually haven't even started the presentation. OOPS! I should probably do that tonight.

    The bf's dad is taking us out to a really nice dinner tonight, so I think I'm going to let today be my cheat day this week. I have eaten really well all day today and went to spinning, so I think I'm just gonna let myself do it and not feel bad about it. I have dance tomorrow morning anyway, so I'm sure I'll burn it off!! Though I'll definitely try to keep myself under control. Maybe no drinking? Yeah...that sounds like a good idea...
  • I dont have any snow yet however it is looking very gloomy outside...it was supposed to start around 1...its now 4...hmmm

    however this weekend we have another blizzard coming...anyways... I'm off to pick the devil up at the bus stop and then off to the gym I go...

    oh Stairmaster how I love you yet hate you at the same time....I've had a horrible headache all day and I think I'm getting sick... and I just want to eat chicken nuggets and french fries

    Forest- that totally sucks...I hope it all works out for you

    Stella- At least you get a lovely traffic filled drive... and gym time...hopefully class isnt canceled so you dont go up there for no reason

    Feral- I'm super jealous of your sledding...

    Cross post... Arts enjoy your dinner...its perfectly fine to cheat every once in awhile...I've cheated my whole diet and still lost a ton of weight

    Scratch that no bus stop and I get to leave work in about ten minutes... nannying has its ups
  • Well class was cancelled but the good news was that I found out when I was about to get on 695 - otherwise known as the traffic corridor from ****. I was able to get RIGHT back on 95 and head south. Stopped and got coffee (really had to pee, man, that water) and now I'm home where I will proceed to run/walk and do the reading that I didn't do for class tomorrow

    Thank goodness for my iPhone.
    Woo hoo.
  • Stella - 695 is bad but not as bad as 495! (I lived in Ellicott City, MD for the first 21 years of my life)
  • You're right, its not, but I bypassed 495. I work in Rockville, so I can take 198 to 29 to 70 and get right on 695. I got the phone call as I was approaching 695 so I was like U TURN.

    Oh the road system of MD

    So I was able to run straight for 12 minutes, then rest and do another 10 minutes. I then walked for 48ish minutes. I found out that I have Sex and the City on demand - yes I have all of the seasons on DVD, but its so easy when they're a remote click away. Thanks to Charlotte, Samantha, Miranda and Carrie for keeping me through that last 40 minutes.

    Now what to eat...

    I hope all you ladies are having a good evening and you east coasters be safe with the snow. Its really coming down here.
  • I'm glad I live in the hick part of MD and dont have to leave it very often...

    I feel like dog crap... Neways it finally started snowing...I mean I love the snow and all however I'm getting pretty sick of this

    Stella- you're doing so well with your running...when I get smaller I'm going to start running.. I think... I've never seen a single sex and the city episode or the movie.. is that strange? Everyone thinks I call the Russian the Russian because of the show but thats not why
  • Star- Thanks! I change my hair color more frequently than I change panties... (Ew, just kidding.. lol)

    Haley- I totally thought thats why you called him the Russian... You need to watch SATC.. Guarantee you'd like it. How far are you from State College, PA? You look like this girl I know... lol

    Hope everyone is doing good today... It just started snowing here (Grrr). I've been in a mood ALL day... Slept too late, hubby got off work early and actually woke me up at 2pm... Then he decided to snuggle in bed with me! =]

    I feel sorry for him, cause I've been in a b*tchy mood today, and IDK why. Partially mad because I forgot to weigh first thing when I woke up, so IDK if I'm up or down today... We'll see in the morning. I think I've done pretty good though, so hopefully I'm down.

    I set the DVR to record some dance/cardio/workout shows on FitTV... They come on at like, 8am, so I know theres no way in **** that I'll be awake to actually watch them, so I'll just record them. I really need a job/life/hobby/something!
  • MrsHoney- I'm far from PA... I live in Southern Maryland... about as far south as you can go... Also check exercise tv ondemand if you have it...they have a lot of stuff on there....I just refuse to ever do it...I had no clue about the one girl and the Russian...I just call him the Russian simply because his name sucks and he is from Russia
  • We haven't gotten any snow yet, I think it's supposed to hit here around 10ish. This week I'm SO on point with my classwork! So far I've handed in everything early I just have 2 assignments left for the week, woo!

    The friend situation... isn't looking good. It's a school issue, it's his last semester - he's about to transfer - and there's a good chance he's going to be expelled because this one douche of a professor has it out for him :C Not to mention last week my other best friend's life fell apart - she realized she's been lying to me and to herself for the past six months. Oi. So that's what I've been dealing with for like 2 weeks. On top of school and John issues.

    But today was pretty good I got up and had an AWESOME spin class with my mom. Today was my favorite instructor And I hung out at the college campus with my friends, then hung out with John for a while, and I've gotten tons done today for school. Tomorrow I tackle the laundry and workout with my friends. And I'm at 162.2 after my TOM is finally dissipating, so that's a plus. Maybe tomorrow I'll be back at 161 or maybe I'll even get to see the 150s soon.
  • My sister is getting married at the Science Center in Baltimore this summer...she just e-mailed me what her save-the-date card looks like. Its ridiculous, they're such dorks.


    Also, I just got my signature, yay!
  • Today was just one of those days were it seemed everything was stacked against me going to the gym. I got up late. Had 3 e-mails from my boss. Another e-mail from my other job. My touch battery was dead. I lost my pedometer. Yeah things were not going well. But first thing I did was put on my gym clothing. What that ment was that eventhough everything put off going to the gym and I didn't get there until 1:30 it ment that I still went. Woo Hoo.
  • RHTS -- I find that putting my workout clothes on is almost always what gets me to the gym. The bf even commented on it the other day, saying that I always complain until I have my clothes on, and then I'm right out the door, haha. I'm sorry you had a sucky day...they just happen every once in a while to make us appreciate the days that go so well

    aliquot -- that is DEFINITELY ridiculous!! At least you know the wedding will have style, haha. Definitely not the style I would go for, but hey. Sounds like fun if nothing else!

    So I didn't end up going to dinner. Bf's dad just got a divorce (not from bf's mom -- this is a new wife), and though it was TOTALLY expected as they got married way too fast, I just wanted to give him some time alone with bf and he brother. That and I have to read a heinous amount of material for a test tomorrow, so it's probably good that I stayed home!! And because of staying home, I am not having today be a "Cheat" day for me....though I did eat back my exercise cals which I NEVER Do... I was just so hungry!
  • arts - apparently their cake topper is a godzilla and king kong as well. And she is wearing blue sequin chucks on her feet as she goes down the aisle.