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  • Today's WOD included tire throwing, flipping, sledge-hammering and other fun with tires events Came home and spent 2 hours digging up and replanting shrubs (that another functional WOD).

    Happy May Day! What ever happened to dancing around a Maypole and sipping wine?

  • Maybe try bench pressing the May pole and mixing protein powder in with the wine? Just a thought!

    My WOD is cleaning out the garage. It involves moving stack of tires too.
  • Hi Meg & Mel,

    My functional WOD was moving & stacking 3 m3 of firewood from my driveway to my woodshed. Took 3 hours for 25 wheelbarrows, moving about 100 meters. I"m extremely proud of myself that I was able to. I"ve been discovering again...we "women of a certain age"..we can do anything and everything.

    Have a great may day all,
  • Tons of functional fitness here this weekend, clean eating...I need a day off!

    It's pouring. I may drown on the way to the train.

    How was your weekend?

  • Mel,

    You are NOT allowed to mention any rain (especially not downpour) until we get some decent rain here. There were supposed to be thunderstorms all weekend and instead it rained precisely 10 minutes on Saturday (I timed it) and maybe an hour at 3 a.m. this morning (I was up and could not sleep).
    I will go insane if we don't get any rain!

    The house on the pipestem - is it the same you had previously mentioned? I know you liked one on a pipestem - was it the one with palatial closets?

    Otherwise, not much new on my end. I did THREE hours of yoga yesterday (my regular 1 hr at the gym and the instructor announced that this is the Sunday with a 2 hr yoga class in a downtown studio [this is a once-a-month event] so I thought, why not. However, I did not enjoy it as much as I usually enjoy my regular class - it was supposed to be "gentle restorative" yoga and it was full of poses my lower back found extremely uncomfortable - I am surprised I haven't fallen completely apart). I don't think it was worth the $25 fee but of course that's hard to know without trying.
    The gym added another yoga class (by the same instructor) on Thursday nights (at least for the summer) so that's good.

    I was going to ask - which yoga DVD do you have?

    Thumbs up on the relocation of so much firewood!!

  • Oh my!
    I just got a $100 gift certificate for The Keg (as a thank you from management for having done a lot of work on a difficult ticket [and the customer nothing but difficult as well, I might add]).

    I still have a $50 gift certificate for The Keg from last year, that I intend to put to use when BF is here at the end of May. (We wanted to use it at Valentine's but they didn't take reservations and we were not willing to wait 45 minutes standing in a crowd).

    Quite frankly, I would have preferred a $100 certificate for Petsmart (that would buy me a month's worth of kibble) - but I know, there that saying about not looking the gift horse in the mouth, hehehe.

  • Hi all,

    Wow Alena, that's nice about the gift certificate!

    Not much news here... it is cold and rainy. DD is still out on a sailing boat with XH, and I really hope she will be warm & comfortable. 2 weeks of this are very long IMO, and I'm afraid she will get ill. Normallly this would take about 1 week. I hope she'll hold up.

    I weighed in yesterday...EEEEK!!! Not nice at all, so in spite of the lousy weather I'll bike to work today.

    Have a great day all,
  • Alena- It's great when someone recognizes that you've gone the extra mile for them. Hope you get to USE the gift certificates!

    After a weekend of physical labor, then a hard WOD yesterday, I was too tired to get up and do cardio this morning. I'll do my "stealth" yoga at lunch, then Xfit after work. I was lying in bed at 4:58 feeling my legs ache this morning. Enough!

    We are having a long meeting stretching through lunch today, which is being catered. Since the last lunch that was brought in was enormous piles of pizza, and ICE CREAM, I'm bring my good old salad and chicken...and sitting as far away from the food table as possible.

    Yuck- I guess I won't be doing stealth yoga!

    Have a good one-

  • Mel,
    Did you tell your coworkers that you prefer to be doing your own yoga (instead of running a class), or did they stop asking?

    I wanted to get up early this morning and go to the spinning class at the gym but I had yet another insomniac episode (3 a.m. is my witching hour - if I wake up around that time, I very rarely manage to go back to sleep until around 5 a.m. or so). I am hoping to go for a swim at 1 pm or I guess I will have to throw in at least 30 min on the treadmill at home.
    I need to go to the store as the fridge is completely empty - I used up the last veggies and other stuff to make myself my own supply of "minimeals" for work.

    This morning, while I sipped my coffee, I watched "paid programming" - an informercial for Chalene's TurboJam. In it, she shows a little bar chart stating how many calories are burnt by a specific exercise. To my surprise, she listed Pilates as burning MORE calories than strength training. This surely can't be true?!? The difference was small (I think something like 425 calories per hour for ST and 447 calories per hour for Pilates) but if anything, I would expect Pilates to burn a lot less. How does it sound to you?
    I know that sweat is not indication of how many calories you burn but when I lift I produce a lot more sweat than when doing Pilates.

    Oh yeah, and there was also another infomercial for a juice where some dude stated how sad it is that these days, obesity is rampant already in kids of a young age bla bla bla - and I was thinking, 'Yeah, and drinking fruit juice is going to help them exactly HOW?'
    I am not saying fruit juice doesn't have any benefits but the sugar content is high and you throw all the fiber into trash etc. etc. And of course one can run veggies through a juicer, too, but I don't expect too many kids chugging spinach - kale - celery stalks juice voluntarily.
    And that, dear ladies, is my rant for today.


  • OK, this is turning into the Mel and Alena thread.

    What do you all want to do here?

  • haha HI!!

    I'm sorry I've been slacking so badly. I just turned in my final last night though.

    This morning, I couldn't sleep so I got up at 5:30, checked out the Crossfit WOD, did a 15 minute warmup on the elliptical, did the WOD and then took the dogs for a 30 minute brisk walk.

    I've been pondering Crossfit a bit more as I generally do now and again but the locations still suck for me I may do the WOD for now or at least mix it into the other stuff I'm doing.

    ETA: God help me, I just emailed the closest Crossfit which seems to be pretty active (and even had their picture recently featured on the main Crossfit page). I keep telling myself things like if I went there after work, it'd be against traffic...
  • I'm here! Still lifting, but only 2X a week and I really need to get back to 3X a week. I keep thinking things will calm down. Summer is right around the corner, and is always a slower pace for us. Yay, summer!
  • Quote:
    What do you all want to do here?

    Get together for coffee?

    I'm here too, in the gym every morning. Trying to find the balance between fitness and aggravating my stupid back issues.
  • Could I join in here? I'm not to the level that you guys are, but it would be nice to talk with you guys and get feedback on my workouts.
  • Welcome Eumie!!