Skinny is as skinny does - Motivational Soap Box Time!

  • What would you do differently if you were at goal weight?

    Would you wear different clothes?
    Would you participate in sports more?
    Would you chase your child around the yard?
    Would you take critisism about your appearance from your friend/mom/spouse/sister?
    Would you go dancing?
    Would you ride rollercoasters?
    Would you buy yourself a bright red dress with matching shoes?

    What's stopping you now?

    Unless your weigh physically stops you from doing what you really want to do, you only cheat yourself when you hold back. Moreso, you let your weight rule your life and your confidence. This is not a scientific fact put I'm pretty sure that confidence burns more calories than low self esteem!

    Buy some trendy clothes if that's what you long for! Being overweight doesn't mean you must be frumpy!

    Join that office softball team you've always dreamed of. Yes, it will be harder because of your weight but WOW will it feel good that you are DOING it!

    Play with your children! Run through the yard! Frolic at the park! Who cares about those size 2 moms with the belly button rings. They can't take away any of YOUR fun unless YOU let them.

    Address those issues you have with your spouse or friend or mother or whoever. Don't be a bulldozer but ask for what you want and let it be known if a comment offends you. They will look at you with new eyes for standing up to yourself.

    In short, don't let your weight change who you WANT to be - be that person now and chances are, the weight will fall off faster.

    Skinny is as skinny does.
  • Wendy - you are absolutely right! We had a new member at our last WW meeting and I promise you at first glance I was like, "What is she doing here?" She was so CUTE - red-headed, freckles, cute young makeup...she was wearing a white summer sweater and a red plaid mini-skirt with the cutest pair of boots...I was thinking, "If only I looked that good!" And you know what? She's got just as much weight to lose as I do. She's just got a lot more self-confidence, but I'm working on it....
  • {clap clap clap}

    You are right of course. the more we focus on being fat the more likely we are going to stay that way as we see it as a comfort zone. So start acting like you enjoy life and have a zest for life. act like you want to and you will start to be it.

    you know the saying somethng something something and they will come?? act skinny and you will be skinny!!
  • Bravo - you are bang on!

    What's different this time for me? Instead of saying "I'll buy those clothes later" - I buy them now!
    I used to think it would be a waste of money if I bought clothes if they weren't going to fit me for long - I never lost any weight - I only gained - and I continued to buy inexpensive clothes because I thought I wasn't worth it.

    Forget that!!! I look great in the new clothes that I bought for this summer. They fit really lose now I can't wait for next summer when I will either have to sell them or donate them because they will be falling off of me!

    I now spend money on myself at the hair salon - it's worth every penny!!!

    Great post!!


  • One of the best things I've read here is "skinny is as skinny does" Wow. So much truth in that.

    So much sense in these posts...

    I have this "vision" of my life when I reach goal. I can have all of it right now, if I choose to.

    Your right, as long as the weight isn't physically stopping me, I can do it. And I should.

    I have to stop living as I do. Avoiding it all until "when I lose weight"

  • You are right on!!! I need to take this advice to heart. There are sooo many things that I am waiting to do until I am thin. WHY!?!?!? I need to get these thoughts out of my mind that the weight is holding me back. That is not true. The lack of confidence in myself is what is holding me back. I really have been worrying lately that when I do make goal that I will still have this "fat" vision of myself, & that it won't make any difference. That is enough for me to just get off my lifestyle change & just eat, eat, eat. A self-confidence change for me is JUST as important as my lifestyle change regarding food.
  • YAY...hehe, I like your way of thinking.... I try not to let my weight get in the way of ANYTHING...I still go swimming, just bought blades... I wear cute little skirts, I have a funky new haircut, and I take better care of myself than most of my thin friends... I'm not prissy, I just want to take care of what I have, no matter how much more of it I may have...hahaha

    (and oh yeah, I'm a dancin fool )

    OOH, and anyone looking for cuuuute clothes, follow the banners here on 3fc, especially the one for Size Appeal, they have to die for clothes...
  • I'm really glad you all liked this. A friend said the "Skinny is as skinny does." to me a few weeks ago and it's just been ringing in my mind. The rest of it was all from me and with that, I think I've talked myself into making a new start toward losing again.

    My other w/l support group is having a "Discover You" Columbus Day Challenge so I'm going to attempt to "navigate" to 290, which would be a new low for me. That's approximately 11 pounds in 10 weeks... I could do that.

    Anyhow, thanks for all your kind messages!!
  • :::: still repeating my myself "Skinny is as skinny does" ::::::