** Trick or Treat! Halloween Challenge! **

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  • I Never Seem to Get it Right
    Hello all. Was off of work yesterday because it was my daughter's first day of school. I can't believe she is in 4th grade already. Anyway, never did get that walk in the other night (think it was Wednesday) and for dinner I had pasta with a butter, garlic, parm. sauce. Real healthy. Just broke right now and don't really have the money to buy healthy. I'm sure I could have made a better choice but it is bf's favorite and that's what we had. anyway, yesterday I had off and I think I did alright with food - for the first half of the day. I didn't exercise, but I tore our apartment apart for 5 hours cleaning (sweated my butt off). I made home made sauce yesterday. i usually make a big pot of it once a month to freeze. Anyway made it with turkey sausage and used ground turkey instead of beef for the meatballs. BF and daughter didn't even know until I told them after dinner. Anyway here is my food for yesterday:
    B - 1 egg, 1 slice toast w/ 1 tsp. butter; 1 1/2 cup 1% milk
    L - 1 "meat"ball, 1/2 piece of sausage with sauce; italian bread to dip (yumm)
    S - 1 meatball with sauce; 1 piece of italian bread to dip
    D - 7 cheese filled raviolis; 1 meatball; 1 sausage; 1 piece italian bread; 1 1/2 cup 1% milk
    After Dinner (this was really not necessary)- 5 more ravioli; 1 more meatball; 1 more sausage; 1 more piece of italian bread.
    Water - 96 + oz.
    I really think my figures wouldn't have been that bad if it weren't for my after dinner dinner. The thing is is that it was only about 1/2 to 45 minutes after dinner and I was still stuffed from the first dinner. It was just so good. As I was eating it I was sitting there thinking {What the He** am I doing, I'm not even hungry, I'm stuffed still from dinner I DON'T NEED THIS} but I still continued to eat it. UUURRRGGGHHH
    Today is a new day. Didn't have breakfast today but I am already started on my water. WILL do the exercise bike for 20 minutes when I get home. BF and I have a surprise party to go to tonight though so there will be a lot of beer. I just want to crawl in a hole and not see anyone not do anything except exercise, drink water and eat minimal amounts of healthy foods until I'm thin.
    Question of the Day - What do I like about my body - NOTHING - well, I am told that I do have nice eyes though.
    Sorry i'm such a downer today-
  • Jennifer -- If you guys really want to put up with our tiny apartment (really, there's not enough room for 2 here! ) and let the cats fight w/ each other, plus be covered in the dog hair... sure, come on up!

    Aqua - I did those exercises in my step class back in high school, too. It's the same thing as standing still and doing butt squeezes -- hold the squeeze for 3 seconds and release, do it 10 times & whatnot. Totally tones your butt. I LOVE that one! I do the muscle clenches like that with my calves, the fronts of my thighs, my arms, my stomach, all sorts of stuff. Good controlled muscle contractions like that really increase strength and your endurance, plus they make your butt look AWESOME.

    Well, got sick again last night. The hubby was a big jerk and decided to go golfing (as though he's ever golfed before or knows how) when he was -supposed- to be at home, so I ended up sitting outside from 5:30 in the evening (after getting sick to my stomach, so i was pale and shaky) until nearly 9pm. ARGH! I was more just mad that he didn't show up than upset that I was sick! So he's redeemed himself and I've stayed home from work today. I was sick all night and my right eye is really sore from being sick to my stomach, so it's probably good that I don't go into work with a big black puffy eye. So today is rest & relax day, and if I feel up to it, then it's clean up the icky messy house day. Let's hope I get to that point. The apartment = not very nice.

    Anyway, there's a huge storm moving in on us (well, not a freaking HURRICANE, but it's a storm for us!) here in the Seattle-ish area, so I'm going to soak up the sun for the 2 hrs it'll show itself today before the rain & winds move in. Then, I'll sit and watch the storm outside. I kinda wish I was at the beach, dang it.

    Aright, enough babbling.

    0 workout today because i = sick.

    food -
    b - nutrigrain bar or a bowl of top ramen (whatever will stay there...)
    L - opposite of breakfast (whichever i didn't have)
    D - no idea whatsoever. Maybe some stew and biscuits. (At least it's got veggies and meat in it, and is a healthy option).

    Well, I'm off to vegetate on the couch and try not to get sick again! Hope you guys all have a good day, and for the chickies in the south/east coast, take care of yourselves!!! I'll check back in asap
  • Trick or Treat Challenge
    Good Morning Everyone - I have to say that everyone really seems to be doing such a wonderful job and really sticking to what they choose to make as their goals. I am sorry that I do not remember everyone's names, I will try to do better as we go along.

    Yesterday 9-9

    I did not get to the gym, but I did talk to the Personal Trainer, we are going to start on Monday and I will be going three times per week, my days with the trainer will be Monday, Thursday and Friday, the other days will be my normal workout or possibly just walking outside. My water intake was great yesterday, I accomplished the 64 oz and than some, I was very thirsty yesterday. My 22 daily target points were so so, I had a fight with b/f yesterday so when I got home, I just opened the refrigerator and picked and than went to sleep.

    Today 9-10

    I will be heading off to the gym tonight right after work. I will be meeting my girlfriend there so we can work out together. My water intake is going strong already, I had 48 oz already and the day is not even close to being over yet. My food intake (22 daily target points) so far so good.

    Breakfast - Weight Watchers Bagle w/diet maragine
    Lunch - Weight Watchers Bread with fat free american cheese, light mayo
    Afternoon Snack - Pretzels & orange
    Dinner - Not sure right now, I forgot to take something out for dinner, so I might be stopping for a grilled chicken salad after the gym.

    I am loving this challenge very much, it is so awesome and it nice to get all the inspiration from the others that are doing this challenge as well.

    Daily Question: What do you love about your body?

    You know something that is a question that I really do not like to answer, my body has not been something that I enjoy looking at ever. So what I can say about my body, is now that I am eating healthier it is becoming healthier.

    Well ladies, I have to run, I am working alone today, the other girl took off for the weekend, so I have my work plus hers to keep up with. Talk with you all later and have a great great day.

  • Thank goodness it's Friday!!!
    Hi everyone! I am just in a terrific mood due to a new discovery!! Hawaiian Punch now comes in powder form, just like the Kool-Aid comes!! Well, this might not be new at all, but it is new to me! I love H.P.! So, I made some up and sweetened it with mostly Splenda, but a bit of Nutrasweet too, and it is out of this world!! Such a treat! And I have bought a shaved ice maker for my family...I have been making my shaved ice with diet coke, but this new concoction would be fabulous - and zero calories!!! Gotta love the little victories I tell ya!!!

    Yesterday, exercise wise was not happening. I just let my day run out...and then I was exhausted...and plus, I used my flex points on chocolate...yes, its true!! But it was worth it - the chocolate was yummy. I can say it was worth it, because I got right back on track, and I even weighed a bit early, and I am down 2 pounds. Is it 2 true pounds? Well, it's probably just the result of drinking lots of water after not doing so for a long time, but still...

    Today, I rode the exercise bike for 40 minutes (I'm reading an awesome book!). I ended up riding 13 miles, which is pretty good. I had the tension set high on the bike for a good portion of the 40 minutes! And, today, well no chocolate for me (at least so far!). I am eating really well, and feeling good to boot. So, I am loving all that for sure .

    Well, back to the chocolate story: I found this retro candy website that features "candies you ate as a kid". I have been missing this candy bar called the Marathon Bar - it was from the 1980's! It was my favorite...and I have missed it so! Do any of you remember it - red wrapper with a ruler on the front - it is a braided caramel bar with chocolate coating?? Well, my DH found out about this website and he secretly ordered me some of the candy bars - they are now called Curly Wurlys, and are manufactured in Britain. Guess what else came in my goody bag??? Wax lips and candy cigars!!! Another favorite memory for me! DH spent $50 - and he meant well! He had no idea I was trying to lose weight...how could he know with the way I yo-yo?? But I can't go hog wild over this new gift...it will be only an occasional treat .

    Guys, I read every one of your posts, and let me say: you are all terrific! I want you to know that I am pulling for you all!! You know what? We CAN do this. We really CAN!!!!!!! I hope you all have a super day!!!

  • Oh, for the question of the day (almost forgot that!): What do I like about my body?

    Hmmm.....well....I am the worst critic ever of my body. But, I will say this: I have 3 awesome little boys that would not be here if it hadn't been for me(not to mention divine intervention) , and that says a lot for my body. My body was responsible for manufacturing these little miracles, and so it should be regarded with some praise I think. Appearance wise, well, I think probably my smile is my best feature, and I even like my eyes...I'm a brown eyed girl!!!
  • Well heading home from work for the weekend and won't have a chance to check in and read all your posts. A lot of inspiration in this challenge. I'm not much of a replyer because I can hardly keep my own head on strait I don't see how I can be much help to anyone else, but I'm out there reading. Reason for my post. I want to set a couple weekend goals.
    1 - at least 1/2 hour walking or bike tonight, Saturday and Sunday
    2 - follow 20 minute exercises found in magazine Saturday and Sunday
    4 - water water water water
    5 - eat my set portion - no after dinner dinners
    Have a good weekend everyone!!!
  • WOW!! Busy, busy thread! I love the fact that all around the world there are women with the same plans and concerns that I have.

    Today is so far a great day calorie-wise. I really tend to save my calories for dinner. I try to eat 3 meals a day and snacks...I am looking forward to dinner. Of course my challenge is to eat dinner s-l-o-w-l-y. Another goal I have for tonight is to eat slowly and follow dinner with another glass of water and wait 30 minutes, and then if I am still hungry, have a little more. I think sometimes I eat faster than my body can process. Does that make sense?

    I am behind on some of the questions, but I was thinking about "What do I like about my body?"

    You know, I have always focused on my brain. I love reading and educating myself and being logical and creative. I tend to ignore or downplay my body. For me I am my mind....BUT my body is just as much of a part of me as my mind. I need to be conscious and caring of my body. My body deserves no less care or pride than my mind. My body allows me to function and to exist on this planet and to care for my family and to do my job. I must stop taking my body for granted. My body deserves the best, just as I give my mind the best. I am a physical being, a mammal, a creature of this earth, with the ground under my feet and the sky above me...I will be more aware of my skin, muscles, bones. I have been blessed with a functioning and healthy body and I will celebrate that with my choices, my nourishment, my movements, my breaths.

  • Wow! Let me just say that we've got such a wonderful turnout, and I'm so glad that each and every one of you are here with us. We're still without internet at home, so I've been playing IT technician, and tech guru, which will also spill over into tonight. I'll do my best to get things up & running over the weekend to check in. I know it tends to slow down on the weekends, so don't worry if you can't get here- just keep your eyes on the prize, and stick with it.

    I've got a page of scribbled notes- I'll be working on my replies momentarily...let's see how long this takes...
  • Alright - at Gabwill's encouragement, I'm joining up here. My goal is to loose 10 pounds by Halloween. I think if I jsut stick to my diet and exercise plan, I can make it. But please, yell at me if I get sidetracked! I have NO accountability!
  • I am still in line which is a shocker to me. I went walking last night with my daughter. We ended up doing about 3.5 miles which was good. I have also done my Beachbody and am going to walk about 5 miles today once it cools down a bit and my daughter takes her nap. It is amazing that I still have energy. So far (not including what I plan on doing tonight) that would put me at 8 of the 90 miles I said that I would walk and 1 of the 30 miles that I said that I would run by Halloween. Seems good to me so far.
  • oh, my aching fingers....
    Drazen- Football season starts with a bang tonight- Hurricane football, then tomorrow the season opener,and then Sundays for the rest of the year before football vegging out days. I just have to make sure that I don't sit & mindlessly snack- time to get a cross stitch project started to keep my hands busy.

    Michelle Y- Welcome to 3FC & Welcome to the Challenge! Good to have you with us! This is a great group to be a part of- hope to see you at the next 2, as well! Keep up the running- before you know it, you'll be able to go futher & do it longer.

    Gabwill- awesome going with the workouts. You asked about tips- the only one that I know works for me is to keep changing the routines up- the minute it feels like a "routine" I have to switch tapes around, or add something new. It's easy to get bored doing the same thing over 7 over, and your body gets more efficient, so you end up buring fewer calories to do the same things as time progresses. Keep it fresh & that should help with the interest level. Excellent job keeping on track! Awesome!!!

    Hollyhock- I know that for me, food & water can be perfect, but I don't lose a darned thing unless I keep the exercise up. It can be as little as 15-30 minutes a day, 3-5 times a week, and that's when the weight starts to fall off. Keeping all 3 going is hard, and the exercise is always the hardest part for me. Hopefully you can find some motivation here with us...or start a friendly competition with one of us, and try to match exercise stats.

    MsRD- That 30 mins, even broken up, is great. When I first got my act in gear in January, I couldn't even get through half a mile of the Walk Away the pounds video without huffing & puffing & feeling like I was going to have a stroke. It was horrible- I had to stop & sit down. Work at it slowly- you'll be amazed by how quickly your body responds & improves. I promise!

    Julie- sorry to hear you weren't feeling well. IT WAS THE CAKE!!!!! (shhh, agree with me. It was the cake don't eat more of it...CAKE GIVES YOU RUNS!!!!) Leave me a key under the mat..I'll see where I can run to first

    Elisha- Yup, calorie counting, balanced diets, everything in moderation. I totally agree. Even if it's not the most nutritious meal once in a while, you have to have the ability to eat the "forbidden" things, or you go insane wanting it.

    Lucia- thank you for your prayers- pray harder!!! I keep watching the path, and every path still puts it coming onshore in FL again...maybe if we all came down here, stood on the shore, and blew really hard, we could keep it offshore. Yeah, I'm a little punchy- we're all still in flight mode, and it's making us all a bit weary.

    NLuv- thank you! I do it so that we've got our support system- and I'm so much more accountable when I have others "counting on me." Psychology of the messed up chickie, huh? Aerobic cleaning is when I try to get a million things done in the house- I end up going up & down the stairs a hundred times with laundry, the vacuum, cleaning supplies, and go through the house like a whirlwind. By the time I'm done, I feel like I did a full workout circuit. Whew.

    Birdie- one of my favorite "I'm hungry but shouldn't really be eating anything" food is sugar free jello, with fat free sugar free cool whip. An entire box of sugar free jello has 4grams of protein, and few calories, so you could go bananas & not really do any harm. I also make the jello with about 1/3 a cup less water, so the flavor is more intense & gives it some substance. The WW people may have some good low-calorie ideas- 1 and 2 point snacks for them.

    Aquareggie- hehehehe- you noticed the angst? We've got a very small office here, and most of the people who work here are related, so you have mother & son teams, sisters working together, 4 husband & wife pairs, and then a few of us "non-related" and we seem to be the only ones who are held to any kinds of standards. Some days I have to really try to keep my composure....but it's a job, and the job market here sucks big time. Job, benefits, and I do have a lot of down time, usually, so it will do for the time being.

    Sparked- practice, practice, practice. Every day is a brand new chance to get it right. It's not easy, and takes planning, so don't beat yourself up. Kick butt sneaking in the ground turkey! I have issues with continuing to eat even though I am full. Almost as if I have to finish it now, like it's not going to be there the next day. And restaurant eating- I have to work to overcome the "I paid for it, so by golly, I'm going to finish it" mentality.

    Lucy- if Julie forgets to put the key out, we may still come out there Well, by the time we get there, it'd be time to turn around & rush back. How about potty privelidges, and some snacks for the return trip? Hope you are feeling better, chickie. Sick = miserable, and no fun at all.

    Redzam- if your trainer gives you any good ideas, post them, please? Any little bit helps & having a professional suggestion or opinion, heck, can't turn that down!

    Lisa- that sounds like an awesome dessert & low cal snack. More ideas! Birdie is looking for some! Kick tushie with the bike riding! That book will be done in no time at that pace!

    Midwife- makes perfect sense....by the time the head realizes you are full, you're stuffed waaaay to far above that, right? It's hard for me to slow down- you get used to shoveling it in at high speed & to actually eat at a slower pace feels unnatural.

    Lauren- Welcome! We're glad Gabwill brought you over here! And we'll keep you in line- some of the challenge veterans can attest- I've got a tazer, and sometimes we have to take turns zapping each other back onto the straight & narrow. Well, it's a picture of a tazer...no real shock involved, but it does the trick!

    Ok....now for the Daily Question: What do you love about your body? Again, not just how it looks, but how it feels, what it does, anything.

    Wow, that's tough. There are so many things that I don't like. I'd have to say I like my strength & growing endurance & cardiovascular health. I can do so much more than I could 8 months ago. I love my height- like Elisha, I am 5'10" and tower over others. Of course, right now I'm about as round as I am tall, so I look shorter. I like the muscles that are developing under the layers of fat. I like the way my shoulders & collar bones look, now that fat is melting off. And the day will come that I look at my post-loss body & love every single thing about it.

    I'll try to be back this weekend, if I can get everything up & running.

    Have a wonderful night & weekend, if I don't make it in.
  • Hey people!

    Everyone is going so well. I'm not quite back in the swing yet but it's not going badly. Hopefully I'll do some rebounding tomorrow and get my bike fixed so I can get to aerobics easily. My temping job has been a bit up in the air so it's been a stressful couple of days. Yay! Weekend.

    Redzam - I would so love a personal trainer. Once one of my friends tried to bet my mate who is a personal trainer that he couldn't get me to lose a stone in 6 weeks or something. But I don't think the amount of money the bet was for really covered his usual fees even if he succeeded!

    Lisa- is a marathon this http://www.americancandy.de/shop/cat..._chocolate.jpg ?
    Chocolate in the Uk is apparently much better, I've tried that Hershey's stuff and didn't think much of it!

    AR- I always try and be healthy at Indian but they put that bluddy gee stuff in. Plonkers.

    Wayward girl- I'm about to PM you.

    Drazen- I would race you the 10lb but I think slow loss is best overall he he

    Q> I quite like my body at the moment, losing 14lb has really made a difference and I only have to go through about 10 different outfits to look nice as opposed to before when I sometimes decided I was too fat to go out! Still I was a lot happier at 142 than I am now so I need to get at least back there again.

    I think people in general should be more positive, remember if the main problem is being chubby then that can be sorted! Body shape wise I think it's about accepting how you are. I used to be slim but I thought I was fat because I didn't have a very defined waist. Now I've learnt to dress to flatter the figure I have and I actually look a lot better now at about american size 10-12 (uk14) than I did at size 6 (10). (Dill then stops herself ranting about clothes)

  • Jennifer - you bet! I'm feelin' better... stupid flu + migraine = unhappy sinus cavity! (I'm an odd duck, what can I say?)

    As for the question... what do I love about my body?

    The fact that I have always had, and will always have, CURVES. I have huge hips, a nice butt (even if it's a little bigger than I'd like, it's a good shape and IN good shape), a nice waistline (even with my extra tummy fat right now), and a nearly perfect ribcage. Due to the fact that I do modeling (next shoot in about 2 months we think?), this makes everything LOOK better and it makes me feel better when I wear clothing. Sure, I might never be a size 4 or 6 like my friends are, I've got what they want. They constantly complain that their clothes don't hang right off of them, or stuff like that. But I always have the ability.

    I've noticed that my legs are looking a lot less fat around the knees (like, on the thighs but above the knees, on the inside & up? yeah...), and I think I'm happy about this. Probably from walking all the time. I did manage 200 situps, 10 leg squeezes and 10 butt squeezes today already. Might get my hair cut tonight, if time/$$ permits. Definitely can't wait until the hubby gets his butt home in 2 hrs!

    Hope you guys have a great weekend!
  • Evening All!

    What a lively group! It is hard to keep up with all the posts!
    Lucia.....your gardening season is just starting and ours is just ending. Usually I spend a lot of time in the garden, but not this season......too many distractions this year

    Aquareggie....yes, I do have a happy dog. He is a Siberian Husky and LOVES TO RUN. Maybe soon, i will be able to keep up with him!

    Elisha.....love your "41 lbs down and 46 to go"....you are halfway there! Makes me think I should set some kind of goal (other than just 'losing weight'). I still remember the good old days......misses size 9 ....and I could see my ribs......and had the stamina of a racehorse! (sigh)

    Kelly.....I understand your 'after dinner dinner'.....since I can't seem to break that habit entirely, I am trying (with moderate success) to substitute my snacking with something healthier
    Food today was so-so. Breakfast was toast and tea......mid-morning was a bagel (I am so weak)......lunch was pineapple chunks & water......mid afternoon was an oatmeal bar......dinner was a ham/cheese sub on accounta I was tired and not in the mood for cooking. There was more water and a diet coke in there somewhere. It is amazing....just writing this down helps me see more clearly where I should make diet adjustments. Again.....way too light on the veggies ...have to devise a way to get that corrected.
    As far as "what do you love about your body".....hmmm. At this point, I guess I love my body's potential....with the right care and exercise and proper food, it has the potential to be healthy and strong again.

    Have a great weekend!
  • Evening chicks!

    Well, today's food did not turn out as planned, but no real surprise there. Calories came in at 1581, not enough water (water was warm by lunch time, so I ended up getting a nice, cold, diet cherry coke), no exercise in sight.

    Here's today's menu:
    Breakfast: coffee w/creamer, V8, scrambled eggs and cheese in tortilla
    Lunch: diet cherry coke, chunky chicken noodle soup, FF chips
    Snack: small handful of corn chips and some salsa
    Dinner: grilled pork chop, scalloped potatoes, beets, water

    The bf is here now, watching football at the moment, which is fine with me. As girly as I am, I do enjoy the occasional display of testosterone. I kind of like it in my guys, actually. They get to be traditional guys, and I get to be a traditional girl.
    Anyway, tomorrow is going to be a total bust. There's a local Wine & Jazz Festival, and the food available is not what you could call "healthy." I'm spending the day with the bf, Mom, Grandma, and a bunch of friends at this festival, and I'm not planning on counting calories (besides, I'm sure I'll lose track of the number of wines I taste). There will be plenty of walking involved though, so that at least is good.

    On to a few comments.

    Birdiegirl: As to what to do when you're hungry but you don't want to eat, I say eat. If you're truly hungry, that is. One of the things I've learned in the past few months that has helped me the most I phrase this way: Listen to your body; it knows what it needs. I have that posted all over the place... on my "wall of motivation," on the frige, on my computer, on my locker at work. I used to eat just whenever I was bored or angry or lonely or when I got home or when I was in my car or just whenever. I've started referring to my diet as the "Don't Eat Everything I See" Diet. I'm trying my very hardest to do what my body tells me to do... if my stomach--not my brain, not my emotions--tells me I'm hungry, I'll eat something. If I want to eat, I ask my stomach if I'm actually hungry, and if I'm not, I don't eat. Sometimes it doesn't work out that way, as my willpower is not perfect, but I've gotten much better at it.

    MsRD--I love your answer to the QotD--you love your body's potential! That is awesome! A very good way to look at it!

    The rest of you who love anything about your bodies... bravo! Interestingly enough, it seems to be the chicks that have been here for a while who like something about their bodies (for the most part), and I do not doubt the influence of this site on that fact, and I am thankful for it. I know 3FC has helped me look at my body in new ways, and come to appreciate it more.

    And to all of you who said you don't love anything about your bodies... I understand that mindset, as I have been there before. I would, however, encourage you to reconsider. If nothing else, consider the fact that you are alive, and your bodies are housing you during your time on this planet, and that is a beautiful thing. We are all alive, and at least healthy enough to have the opportunity to improve ourselves, and we all have the mental and physical capacity to do so. Your bodies carry you through your life, taking you where you need to go, doing what you need to do. And we are all female here--our bodies can create life, and that is a precious gift. Our bodies are strong and beautiful and deserve love and respect.
    Also, believe it or not, but there is something you like about your body. A few of you said you like your eyes, or your smile. Jennifer and I like our shoulders and collarbones. Lucy likes her curves, as do I. You are ALL beautiful, whether you see it right now or not. I would challenge all of you to look at your bodies again, try to find something, anything, that you do like. I assure you there is something there. You don't have to "love" it at this point, just "like." Once you find one thing, focus on that until you find something else you like, and you'll feel so much better about yourself and more confident.

    Ok, I'm getting off my soapbox for now. Have a lovely night, my beautiful chicks.