CC New Year's Challenge!

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  • Quote:
    Originally Posted by clewles81
    WOW, seems like everyone is doing pretty good! I have done alright the last couple of days. I have stayed within my calorie range but I really haven't exercised that much. This is my weekend to work 3rd shift in the ER and the 12 hour shifts are a killer!! Maybe by Monday I can get back to exercising good!

    Wow I bet that is killer! Hopefully you can get back to your routine soon!

    Thanks Michelle, and I have gotten back on schedule as of yesterday!! Feeling good again and will hopefully stay on track the rest of the month!!
  • Quote: FB, you've got it moving again, looks like...woohoo! I'm not sure what mine is doing yet, TOM this past week, then I woke at 3:30 this morning and couldn't get back to sleep. Since I had to have some caffeine and eat breakfast so early, I didn't bother with the weigh-in today. My eating has not been great. Going on the carbfest when we were pinching the budget half to death didn't help, now I'm having a hard time getting back to normal, despite having stocked up on the good stuff. I'm shooting for a totally on-plan day tomorrow. I'm missing lifting, but my arm is still hurting me, so I am staying away from it.
    Thanks for the reminder Jammyjam! I tend to lose weight in short wild bursts and then remain steady for a couple of weeks - in which time I forget I lose well in the the previous weeks. I'd take slow, steady and predictable at this point over my crazy roller coasting but I certainly don't have a choice!

    It is SO hard to get back to normal after a carb-up. I know if anyone can do it, you will. Carbs drive me crazy, if I partake of too many I'm stuck wanting more, and more, and more x infinity.

    I hope your arm is better soon. I can only imagine how badly you must want to weight lift again. It's like carbs - the more you do the more you want, but in a good way

    Are you ever going to show us some progress photos? I'm dying of curiosity! 51 pounds is a big deal girl!
  • Hi CC chalenge chicks!
    I am back to my Halloween weight after a chocolate fiasco last week.
    Plan: stay on track with cals and miles!!!--- simple, right huh.
  • FB, sorry, I know I need to post some photos, since my avatar is still my "before" shot. I will make a note to ask my sister to take some new pics for me, since she has a digital cam. Just me and the boy here, and he hasn't quite got the hang of my manual SLR camera. Speaking of pics, how about sharing a muscle shot, FB?

    Clewles, glad to hear you're back on track. That's inspiring to me. I'm doing well so far today, and determined to keep my eating 100% clean. Kitty, WTG getting back to your previous weight, and good luck with getting back on plan...that's what I'm working on, too.
  • Quote: Thanks Michelle, and I have gotten back on schedule as of yesterday!! Feeling good again and will hopefully stay on track the rest of the month!!

    Quote: Hi CC chalenge chicks!
    I am back to my Halloween weight after a chocolate fiasco last week.
    Plan: stay on track with cals and miles!!!--- simple, right huh.
    Right, simple.
  • Hi Everyone,

    Sounds like everyone is doing great. I have been staying right on track with my eating, hopefully I will be down some more for Friday's weigh in. But my exercising has not been so hot this week. I have had alot going on at work, and have a very hectic schedule with Dr. appointments, and tests I have had to have. Hopefully I will be back on track with the exercises on Friday, that is when I am hoping things will calm down a bit.

  • Here I am! I'm still on plan. My last day of work is Dec. 11th and the week after that is finals, so I'm in the home stretch for life being crazy. My goal for the time between school ending and the internship starting is to sleep and workout. Woo hoo!
  • Just checking in everyone! Hope everyone has a wonderful day!
  • I'm checking in, too. I had a perfectly OP food day yesterday. It was hard, with the white carb cravings I've been having, but I did it! Today is going well, also, so I'm shooting for another OP food day. TOM is past, so I am ready to buckle down and get the scale moving again. I've been getting in some good skating workouts this week, and also doing a lot of yard work. It isn't lifting and running, but it's still something, so for now I'm just trying to get the food back in control. I figured out that last week's average for 7 days was a new low for me, so I'm not doing as bad as I thought. This week's average was up, due to TOM, so next week will tell the "real" story. I'm going to do my best to see a new low average, if not a new lower number on the scale.
  • I have been doing pretty good with my calorie intake and exercise, but the scale really isn't moving down? I know it will eventually have to catch up because my clothes are finally starting to get a little loose, I just need to not worry about that stupid scale!! I have started the 30 Day Shread workout for a little change in my routine so maybe that will kick the weight loss into gear! Looks like everyone is staying on track
  • Hello Fearless Challengers.

    I am having a pretty good day, today and yesterday was nicely on track, too. I have been struggling a bit lately to remain consistent, tho. A mental block I need to get past. Stress and upset doesn't help but I am trying not to allow that to be an excuse. A reason... Perhaps. But not an excuse. So, I am very much one-day-at-a-timing it, right now.

    I am still unable to exercise. I learned that I am not ready today when turning and shaking to fluff my feather bed. This is getting ridiculous. I really do want to pick up my exercise again but every time I try, I am brought up short. I guess I just have to be patient and allow healing to take it's own time.

    So... Who here is not looking forward to Thanksgiving? I think that we may just do a family taco night, rather than a full turkey spread. That way, we can have a lovely nosh and no tempting, yummier than you can believe leftovers to drive me crazy for the rest of the long weekend. I think I just about have my husband convinced that this is a great idea... In fact, I may just about have him convinced it was his idea.

    I did cut out a bunch of coupons for the usual fare, tho. Just in case.
  • Hi Rain,

    You are right, just take things one day at a time, and everything will work out. I'm sorry you are still having problems.

    Actually I am looking forward to Thanksgiving, but that is because I am going to my son, and daughter-in-law's house, so there won't be any left overs tempting me, and I can't wait to see my Grandaughter again. Although I really wouldn't mind some left over turkey. Turkey is probably my favorite meat.

    I am the Kitchen manager at our county jail, so actually after looking at enough turkey and trimmings to feed 150 - 200 people I don't really care if I eat much of it. Other than maybe some pumpkin pie. I have been thinking about making some pumpkin custard for myself using fat free evaporated milk, I haven't tried this yet, but hey pumpkin is very healthy, and I will probably use splenda in it, as DH is diabetic, and this is all he should use.

    Have a great night everyone.

  • -just popping in to day hi!

    cdiem, I'm looking at your ticker... you go girl!!

    edit, me--ok for now
  • Dang, I haven't checked on here since I last posted on this thread. Well I got back on track this week, after a bout of a really nasty cold bug. So I am well on my way to meeting my New Years goal! Keep up the great work everyone! I think we're all entitled to getting that sexy outfit for New Years!
  • My goal is to get out of the 300s by January 1st. That would mean a loss of 16 pounds which should be doable.