200 plus / 50 lbs or more part two carry on

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  • Quote: My plan ends on September 1st. I am debating re-enrolling for an additional 17 weeks which would take me basically to the New Year. And I figure if I haven't hit my goal by then I will just do stabilization and stay there. But I don't know if I can do emtionally, physically, financially another 4 months on program. Or If I should just try and do it on my own.

    How long do you think you could stay on the MRC program?
    My plan ends the end of August, and I have been struggling with this as well. Today the scale was kind to me and I lost 5.5 pounds, so that took care of the 2 pounds I was up on Friday and puts me at 73 pounds lost. I reached my MRC goal and am now working towards my personal goal.

    I am on a slippery slope because I can fit in with 'normal' now. I can wear regular sizes, don't have to buy something just because it fits, I can choose something because it looks good. I am not the heaviest person in the room; people have gotten used to how I look so they don't feel they have to complement so profusely.

    But I don't know how to do the stabilization and maintenance. I couldn't do it with past weight losses, and as I have made this commitment to lose this weight, well I am going to re-sign. I can get tired of having all of my fun money go to HNS and having to eat in such a restrictive manner. But if I don't learn how to go from 'die't to normal, I could be 300+ pounds, shoot maybe 400+ pounds by the time I get sick and tired again.

    Whatever you do, you always have your on-line support right here!

    Quote: Hi everyone. I am new to MRC, This is my third week...I think *fingers crossed* that I will get to sign the 10 lb board tomorrow. This plan is just amazing. I have a long way to go, but this really makes it seem attainable. I appreciate all the great advice, encouragement and recipes I have found on this board.
    Welcome mindylst and report back tomorrow with your results!!!!
  • rip same thing happened to me and yes the reflection you saw was deceptive. That is when you look at the 'before' picture or try on those old clothes that have to be falling off you now. Fifty pounds is an incredible amount of weight to lose, a real accomplishment, but unfortunately it doesn't mean that you are gonna instantly have the perfect arms, thighs, etc. and that really seems unfair. I am fighting age now too, was in my 30's when I had lost a good deal of weight before, and my skin isn't as forgiving, but I am still going to press on. You just had a weekend of MRC rebellion, you bounced back and are stronger because of it.

    And knock on wood we have had no hurricane worries so all you will have to worry about is if your house can survive teenagers! lol
  • Quote: All,
    Earlier I mentioned that I ate off plan Friday and Saturday and I mean really off plan, chip, kettle corn, crap like that. I just saw myself as I looked almost 50 pounds ago. I know I have changed so much but the mirror wanted to lie to me this weekend. Has that ever happened to any of you? I am back on plan now and don't ever want to go through that again. I almost felt like I was purposely trying to sabbatoge (misspelled) myself. I did not go weigh in Monday and I have NEVER skipped a weigh in. I will be there Friday though.

    Started MRC 5/9/09
    So, I'm not sure if you have a pair of pants or an outfit from when you first started but I think that it would be a huge motivation to go back and put on that pair of jeans and then stand in front of the mirror and see how "baggy" or loose they are now. I haven't been OP for that long but I found it quite humorous when the other day I was walking thru a store after I checked out, my hands full of bags, and my pants were falling down. Thank goodness it was early in the morning and nobody was around to see that my jeans were halfway down my butt. Needless to say I bought a belt. I am definitely going to keep that pair of jeans until I reach my goal (everything else can go to the Goodwill.)
  • [QUOTE=msim;2870648]My plan ends the end of August, and I have been struggling with this as well. Today the scale was kind to me and I lost 5.5 pounds, so that took care of the 2 pounds I was up on Friday and puts me at 73 pounds lost. I reached my MRC goal and am now working towards my personal goal.

    I am on a slippery slope because I can fit in with 'normal' now. I can wear regular sizes, don't have to buy something just because it fits, I can choose something because it looks good. I am not the heaviest person in the room; people have gotten used to how I look so they don't feel they have to complement so profusely.

    But I don't know how to do the stabilization and maintenance. I couldn't do it with past weight losses, and as I have made this commitment to lose this weight, well I am going to re-sign. I can get tired of having all of my fun money go to HNS and having to eat in such a restrictive manner. But if I don't learn how to go from 'die't to normal, I could be 300+ pounds, shoot maybe 400+ pounds by the time I get sick and tired again.

    Whatever you do, you always have your on-line support right here!

    Msim....did you sign up for the 17 or 24 weeks? And if you sign up again, do you have to shell out another huge amount? Just curious....I know I won't get to my goal weight, so I will have to extend also....I guess we have to look at how long it took us to get to our overweight number, then it's not going to come off as easy as going on. I'm with you, I have found my age has slowed down my metabolism and activity...but the weight has hampered much of my activity....and the joints are getting mighty stiff. If I don't succeed at this, then it's kind of my last straw....I do not want to do by-pass, so this will motivate me more than anything else will. If everything goes to plan, some family members will not see me until Thanksgiving, so I want to be a big surprise when I walk into the room. I have only told my oldest daughter that I joined MRC...she was so supportive back in May when I first mentioned it to her. Oh,, and of course my wonderful husband...he has been so good at helping me. Of course, it's barely been a week....lol. We each fix our own meals, so that helps that I don't have to fix for someone else too....but his meals smell so much better than mine....Right now I am so motivated, so I hope I don't let myself down....with everyone here posting, I don't think it will happen.
  • I know I won't make my goal in time and I definitely plan on resigning. I think if you can afford it, it is worth it. In fact, I think I told them my goal was 160 when personally it is 150 and so I'm going to have to change it next time I go in.
  • Fifties Lady;
    I haven't re-signed yet, but the special is 17 weeks for $99.00, definitely a bargain over what I paid for 24 weeks!

    My center has a class based on books by Linda Spangle. One is 'Life is Hard and Food is Easy' and the workbook we are using is '100 days of Weight Loss'. The author talks about motivation and commitment very early. She states that everyone is motivated in the first couple of weeks, but that motivations wanes after a while and it takes commitment to a program for it to be successful. My books only just arrived, but so far the author has made some very valid points.

    You are off to a great start and in a few months you will wow the family!
  • SO TRUE! I Am motivated for a couple weeks then it is very hard to stick to! I was up a lb today and didn't cheat so I'm frusterated! But I did buy my chicken meat from Safeway and it was marinated for dinner so maybe I did cheat? I read the ingredients it appeared to just be spices........but something happened! Oh well I will weigh in again tomorrow and hope it will be gone!
    I just want to get to onederland and I'm only 3 lbs away!
  • Quote: Fifties Lady;
    I haven't re-signed yet, but the special is 17 weeks for $99.00, definitely a bargain over what I paid for 24 weeks!

    My center has a class based on books by Linda Spangle. One is 'Life is Hard and Food is Easy' and the workbook we are using is '100 days of Weight Loss'. The author talks about motivation and commitment very early. She states that everyone is motivated in the first couple of weeks, but that motivations wanes after a while and it takes commitment to a program for it to be successful. My books only just arrived, but so far the author has made some very valid points.

    You are off to a great start and in a few months you will wow the family!
    Msim....sounds like a very interesting book...posts some tips when you run across some good ones to help us out.

    When I didn't sign up at first, I had heard talk on here that they got in under a special...so I called my center to see if they had specials, and she said no, but I could sign up for the 17 now instead of the 24 weeks, and then it would only cost me $79 for 17 more weeks or $99 for 24 weeks....That is why I only signed up for 17 weeks only. But I asked when I was completing my paper work, and she said the $79 is no longer available...so I'm assuming it is $99 now but not sure if that works for either 17 or 24 weeks? There is nothing in writing, so who knows what is the cost? But if you could sign up for 17 then another 24 at $99, it doesn't make sense why you would sign up for 24 the first time around. Am I not understanding this right?

    WI went really great and I met with one of the young girls, and when I asked a question, she answered with "this is what I do"....ok...the girl is in her early 20's and is skinny, probably a size 2 or 4...so when you have someone telling you this is what she uses, it kind of makes you go "yeah, right"!!!! I have nothing against size 2 or 4...just someone with experience of being overweight helps....it's time for lunch....maybe that's why I'm being crabby!!!

    Never mind!!!
  • WOW! I paid $479 the first time LOL.
  • Quote: WOW! I paid $479 the first time LOL.
    How many weeks was that for? I know if I went with the 24, it was $398, but the 17 was $298....I chose the latter.
  • 24 weeks and I didn't get a lower option LOL! Then I failed at it and resigned now for $79 (this is my SECOND extension I might add). I have failed twice! It appears money isn't much of a motivator for me LOL.
  • i paid $298 for my 17 weeks as well... and am bound and determined not to need an extension
  • I may have paid $398 and then bought some herbs........so I may be off on the price. I don't recall it was a year and a half ago. Since I keep renewing for $79 lol. So don't quote me on that price, I just remember it was ALOT and over $400.
  • My program fee was $398, 24 weeks of program, 6 weeks of stabilization, and 52 weeks of maintenance. I'm going to be very close I think on my 24 weeks. My stinkin' plateau has thrown me off track again.
  • I am so jealous of you!!! go girl go