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Old 04-18-2018, 01:45 PM   #76  
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239d ance:

Diane four sets of stairs once an hour? That would be amazing, if you were up for it, but also, what a drag. Back when I was maintaining at a thin weight, I used to always walk up the stairs to my car garage at the end of the day (six long flights)It was just a small discipline that I later dropped, but it's amazing how stair walking gives you a workout! Happy that the scale moved in the right direction for you!

Jenni Maybe you should go back to your now and then weighing. It seemed like you were pretty happy with it and I was thinking about following you that way. Yesterday my weight bounced up almost two pounds and I was so cranky I didn't even come on here to post. It's insane how those tiny fluctuations can get inside our head. I bet if you put it away for a while your weight would just start to move on its own again.

Windy I love your stories about Austin! My niece went through there last year (she was riding her bike across the country) and she ended up determined to live there. It sounds like a fun place! And your son's trip sounds really wonderful!

Lemon You know, sometimes life just calls out for ice cream! I hope you enjoyed it!!! How far do you have to drive to take the little one to PT? That must be hard! And I'm SO HAPPY that you will finally see some cold weather. From my perch here in California it is impossible to imagine that it's still winter anywhere.

So, me, as you can see from my dancing carrots and sheep, I just dipped into a new decade! I'm really excited!!! My basic weight history is that I was in the 230s when I was in my early 30s and then just went up and up from there, lost 110 pounds once but when I gained it back I zipped straight back up to over 250 and have spent the last seven years yo-yoing up and down from a high of the 290s to a low of the 250s but never getting lower. SO FRUSTRATING!! So, to me the 230s is where I really start to feel like things are different for me!

Got ready to go to the gym for the first time last night and realized I'd lost my bathing cap, so today is the first day. I always HATE starting something new, but I know it will be better once I have a routine.

Hope ya'll have a great day!
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Old 04-18-2018, 07:05 PM   #77  
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Uber: dance and celebrate all you like with that new decade! Woot! And the snow - it’s still falling, melting as it hits the road but the big fluffy stuff clinging on for dear life. AND TOMORRROW it can all begin melting - I’m ok with that!

Diane: the stairs would have been a bit much for me especially if you had quick landings you were reaching! I get dizzy in doing them quickly because I generally look down as I climb and turning right back can be disorienting for me. Take a day to repair. Stairs are tough!

Hello all! Mid week must have caught up with all of you!

AM: I was watching the news and I had a laugh hearing that Mrs. Bush was drinking bourbon on her comfort care. I think we should all have the opportunity to do something like that on our way out! I think it’s great that the family shared that tidbit - I’m going to go out having a good time she probably said and thumb my nose at the medicine - give me my drink!. Why not?! Create good memories for all. Too many are sad affairs at the end and what’s better than saying we all toasted granny and she toasted back.

Anywho - the diet today was non existent. The TOM is still wonky and I think that means more to peri then meds. I want to eat but don’t, I am tired and crabby and want to eat some more. The good thing is my baking stuff is low and my pantry is in need of new things as all the things left excite me as much as - say, cleaning toilets. So I have been eating fruit today but even that is getting icky in taste to me. I’ll get to the grocery over the weekend and replenish.

I have not been successful in much this week. Just grumbling I’m afraid! I hope you all are doing well - pop in and shout out!

Just crawled in bed to distance myself from the kids (hah they can drive DH batty for an hour and a half!). Ok so as I’m reclining, I’m thinking - I hope to achieve these NSVs tomorrow:
1. Wake w a positive outlook
2. Smile at myself
3. Enjoy my day instead of just feeling blah (which I have been and it sucks!)

All doable, now here’s hoping I can achieve it all easily. I’ll let you know how it goes.

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Old 04-19-2018, 07:45 AM   #78  
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Everyone must be busy w spring. Since I’m still snowbound, I’ll post today.

I’m not dealing with weight again today. It is what it is. I’m trying to be mindful but during these four days I know I tend to have crazy food and mood swings. Once that ships off I’ll pay more attention to what I’m doing.

So happy day all - I hope for major melt today and for this white snow to go - far far away! That would be great I think!

Have a good day all!
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Old 04-19-2018, 09:02 AM   #79  
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Morning all!
So sorry for being silent, this week has been a bit hectic for me so i'll do without the personals for now and catch up with everyone again in the next post.
I had my pap done and my Dr. seemed stoked about the weight loss so far.
The downside is that my insurance may not cover my Birth control so I have to keep an alternative in mind. I don't really want to go back to pills but I will if I have too. I'm going to research the nuva ring a little bit, and perhaps the patch. Not doing the IUD or the shots, nope, nope.
My Man has started on Keto as well, full steam ahead this time. He's lost another 2 pounds, and I think it's starting to sink in that this plan is working. I think he's settled down a bit about the surgery, but I know he'll start freaking out again two or three days before it.
My weight loss this month has been 15 pounds, which I'm super happy for. I know next month won't be as grand a number, but I'm still pushing forward. I posted my results on FB which I never thought I would do. but I felt I needed to keep myself more accountable by letting those close to me know what's up. Everyone on my FB are family and friends from work/school. And have been extremely supportive thus far.
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Old 04-19-2018, 01:16 PM   #80  
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Good morning, all!

Lemon - I hope today is the day you feel back on track but feel free to be honest here - we all go through dips. Maybe once the snow all melts you'll be able to have some spring weather and it will perk you up again.

Diane - I hope you are feeling better. I am amazed at your stair routine the other day. I work on the 3rd floor of a building and I do take the stairs sometimes but they get me a little winded and huffy-puffy!

Jen - I like the idea of hiding the scale. I weigh every morning and my weight fluctuates so much!

Uber - CONGRATS on the new decade! that is great! I hope you enjoy your new gym.

Sakai - Don't you just love when the Dr is happy! 15lbs is huge! So awesome! I wish my DH would do this low carb with me - it would make my life so much easier.

As for me, I'm good. I took a day off work yesterday to paint my wall. It took about 12 hours start to finish with the cleaning, furniture moving and prep work and cleanup. It looks so good. I tried to upload a pic but I can't get it small enough. I may upload them to a page on my blog and post the page soon. I've not blogged in a while but I still have the page so I think that might work.

My son comes home from his trip today so I'm super excited to see him. 3 days away is too much for me! I miss him like crazy.

I've been staying on plan and I feel good. It was nice to take off yesterday and just focus on things that have been hanging over me. I'm having some friends over Saturday that have never been to my home and I didn't want them to come in and see paint swatches all over my walls! Now it is finished...whew!

I hope everyone has a great day!
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Old 04-19-2018, 01:49 PM   #81  
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Uber: Congrats on the new decade!!! Yay! You seemed to go really fast through the 240's, so that's great to see!! Hope your first day of swimming is awesome, too!

Lemon: Unbelievable that you are still having snow issues. It seems like spring doesn't want to show up for you. Hopefully soon. I know that having the sun and warming up can improve anyone's mood... so that's what you need!!

Sakai: 15 pounds is great. That makes for a happy month! Glad you had a good doctor's appointment!

Windy: Nice to get something like that done, painting your wall. It is a tough thing to do sometimes, getting stuff done while trying to work too. I've been thinking about taking a day off to get some extra yard work done and some other things around the house.

As for me, I am doing better today. I didn't go to the gym this morning so that I could give myself some time to recuperate. I think I might have had something not so good to eat the night before yesterday. I was not feeling well most of the day. Feeling fine today, so I think it was just something that didn't sit well. I'll go back to spin tomorrow.

The scale went back down some, so that was good. I am going out to dinner tonight for my daughter's birthday. I've looked at the nutrition menu and have some choices that won't be too crazy on calories, so shouldn't be too damaging. I made a cookies and cream cake for her, she loved it.
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Old 04-19-2018, 02:45 PM   #82  
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Sorry about the absent day yesterday. I was in the hospital. I woke up to extreme chest and back pain. I have never experienced that in my life. It was like I could not breathe, by the time I got to the ER I was having such a hard time breathing. Side note: I avoid the hospital at all costs and now I don't even want to know what that bill will be. They did a bunch of tests and I tested positive for a possible blood clot so then I had a CT scan with iodine and OMG that hurt like a biotch. I felt that go through my veins and then it felt like I was peeing myself. Luckily I did not have a blood clot. I had a kidney infection and inflammation in my kidneys which I guess is what caused all the pain. They also think I was having a panic attack. So I saw my regular doctor this morning and she gave me a stronger anxiety pill.

I just keep telling myself this too will get better. I internalize things so much, my doctor said I need to find a healthy outlet for all my stress. I am thinking of taking the punching bag up or start going on regular walks.

I will catch up with you all tomorrow as I am really tired from getting 3 hours of sleep in the last 48 hours!

I was also down a couple pounds this morning, but I am not holding on to that because I went over 24 hours not eating and that my just be from that. I will weigh in again at the end of the month and just brush April off as a stressful month!!! Looking forward to May!
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Old 04-19-2018, 03:04 PM   #83  
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Lemon Seriously, some days, getting back in bed is just the best solution! I'm pulling for you to see some glorious spring weather soon!

Sakai 15 lbs in one month? That's massive! And how nice to get the validation from your doctor! I think it does make it easier to keep going when people get behind you!

Windy Painting is a lot of work, but then such a feeling of accomplishment! And I love nothing more than fresh paint! Glad you did something productive while your son was away. I always feel kind of happy for a bit of calm, but then the missing sets in!

Diane Cookies and cream cake. DELICIOUS! And have fun at your dinner! Smart to check out the menu ahead of time-- then you can pick something you really like without feeling that momentary draw toward the absolute wrong thing. Glad you are feeling better!

Jenni OH MY GOSH!!!! I'm so sorry that you ended up in the hospital!!! Kidney infections are no fun at all and make you feel really sick!!! But I'm very relieved that it wasn't a blood clot! How scary! You must be exhausted too. Take it easy and I hope you feel better soon!! I don't blame you for being anxious and stressed with all you've been through.

So, good weigh in this morning, as I dropped another lb to 238, so firmly in the 230s (I was worried I'd bounce right back up.) Unfortunately, I have a headache today. I took a migraine pill hoping to nip it in the bud but it doesn't seem like it's going to go away. On the plus side, I did my first gym swim last night and then hopped in the steam room! I enjoyed it and am looking forward to next time!
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Old 04-19-2018, 03:25 PM   #84  
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Uber: good for you on the swim! You’ll enjoy it as you grow with it. I was always amazed when I’d look in the mirror and how I would stand. Keep up the work!

Jen: yes- don’t worry about the medical bills. I’d venture a guess you’ve made your family’s out of pocket for the year. Sad to say it doesn’t take much to get to that point. I’m halfway there myself with just PT for my little. How’s that fair?! I’m sorry you had to do extra testing. Yuck. At least it wasn’t a clot and it’s something easily fixed with time and medicine. May you all settle down with illness at your house! I send you good healing thoughts.

Diane: enjoy celebrating with your daughter. How nice you made a cake she enjoys. I have DH bday coming on up and he’s a pound cake man. I’m looking at trying a different recipe. Have you made a 5 flavor pound cake?

Sakai: yeah for good weight off. When I went in my doctor was ambivilant with my loss. She was more like well you have more you can take off and then I went on vacay and totally fell off the diet wagon since w colds and winter and being darn stubborn.

Windy: yeah for kid getting back home - though the break is nice we usually are ready for them to come home aren’t we?!

Hello all!

AM: had another school function. It went well. My child is doing well and that’s fab to see. My weight is not being checked. I’m on hiatus until TOM takes off. I’m in a foul mood to begin with and I’m limiting myself to what I can grumble about. And the snow - happily FINALLY melting once again and HOPEFULLY for good until like December.

Otherwise I’m just throwing out there I’m blah in regards to the diet. I’m not super successful right now. I’m kind of tired about it all as I slide more than actually loose and keep moving. I kind of feel I fall more into a failing category then success. And at the same time I question if I should post - I mean I know I do better when I blab about this but at the same time I don’t think I provide any inspiration to others out there on the same journey I’d like to succeed at and really who wants to hear from the lady who gets stuck for months in the same decade. I’m a half hearted dieter right now we’ll maybe a 2.4% dieter vs one who should be 110%.

Hopefully my spirits perk up here soon. This outlook stinks!
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Old 04-20-2018, 08:55 AM   #85  
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Nothing today

It’s a Friday so I know y’all be busy ending your weeks and celebrating your weekends. Why is it that sometimes DH say things that you’d really like to bonk them on the noggin for? I think mine thought he was being helpful but how I felt afterwards was that it was hurtful and a lousy thing to say. Fabulous.

Have a good weekend all.
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Old 04-20-2018, 01:06 PM   #86  
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Jenni: Sorry about the extra hospital visit. Ugh! You've had more than your fair share of it all. Hope you feel better soon.

Uber: Congrats on the weight loss. Glad you enjoyed the swimming. That is nice to have something active like that to keep the heart healthy too, along with losing weight and all.

Lemon: Glad that your snow is finally melting. That would help! And glad that the school function went well.

As for me, we had a good time last night at dinner, and I wasn't too surprised at the scale going up some today. I also didn't go to spin today. I just felt like I needed a little more rest. Really tired this week. I'll go tomorrow.

Hope everyone has a good weekend!
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Old 04-21-2018, 03:51 AM   #87  
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Lemon- I totally feel you. I've been there so many times. Where you just get sick of looking at the same number on the scale. I'm at the point where I'm starting to hate the number 7 and I've only been stuck in the 70's for 3 weeks. I would say perhaps you should take a break, but I don't want you to slide. Because I know that's a very real risk. You've come so far. Perhaps you need to take a step back and reevaluate things. You know yourself best and what is best for you.
I never pay attention to my weight the week before and the week of TOM either.

Uber- Thank you! yes I was afraid at first but they were super happy with my diet plan and seeing how much it's worked. I hope to impress them again on my next visit!

Jen- How scary! I hope things are much better now. I hate using the ER, it's always so expensive, but when it's an emergency, you don't really have a choice.

I discovered the Patch dosn't work quite as well if you are over 200 pounds. And so that's a nope for me. the Nuvaring also has some really bad side effects I'm not comfortable with.
I'm honestly thinking of forgoing Birth control altogether and using condoms or getting my tubes tied. I've only had the one child but I'm almost 34, my dr.and I have a great understanding relationship and she was with me when I placed my baby up for adoption and she helped me deal with the emotional fallout. She knows I NEVER want to do that again and so I don't see an issue in asking her for sterilization. I know other women have a tough time talking their dr.s into it.
Mostly I'm worried about how much it's going to cost. Could be $0 could be up to 6 grand.

On a more exciting note, DH and I are going fruit tree shopping in the morning. I hope to be the owner of a tree that survives into its second year. They all never seem to make it through winter, if they survived the harsh summer.
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Old 04-22-2018, 09:44 AM   #88  
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Weight up but I weighed after breakfast

Sakai: what type of trees did you end up with? Did you pick their brains on how best to care for yours? Good for getting the man moving with you. I wish mine would, he’s not doing too well with wanting to do so.

Morning ladies!

AM: well TOM is shipping out again and here I thought I was doing better and ready to find some diet mojo and work with solid ear pain and no hearing on one side since I woke yesterday. I feel like a listing boat right now. It always amazes me that I end up his way in the last few years. I don’t understand why and I’m not going to the doctor because whenever I go for this to urgent care I think they are thinking I’m looking for antibiotics. No thanks. I just want to hear and not feel like I’m leaning.

I’m trying to find some hopeful in what I need to do w this weight. I do hope that I don’t feel as tippy into the week and end up doing ok. My hope is to get walking again and putting the sweets aside. I don’t know if I’ll quite get there but that is my small goal.

And I’m bummed - I’m one of these that normally eats romaine in my salads. Dangnabbit - good thing I’ll be growing my own but that’s still some time before a) it goes in the ground and b) I can pick it. I was reading on the mess they have in az w the commercial growers and what I read said the fields have to sit fallow for some time to kill the ecoli in the ground. Iceberg lettuce doesn’t do much for me and spinach I have to be careful of how much I take in. Alas - it always makes me wonder how we can loose whole crops due to a location or one large Illness that results in destroying product. Maybe I should set up a cold frame. I don’t even know if you can harvest such tender plants all winter long. I’ll have to read up on.

Anywho - I’m babbling. So have a fantastic day! The suns out here and we all know that means MELTING SNOW!
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Old 04-22-2018, 11:50 PM   #89  
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Lemon- We ended up not getting a tree. All they had was plum, apple and a new peach hybrid.
So Perhaps I'll have better luck next year. I was totally bummed. But that's what I get waiting this long. Spring in Arizona kicked off over a month ago, so all the good plants are about gone.

My weight has stalled again, and even gone up a pound. However, I did have a bit of an inactive week this week. I was out from work for 2 days and that 2 days I didn't move around. I average almost 10,000 steps at my job. When I'm not working, I get like 1,000 if it's not a shopping day or my man and I don't go out to walk. I'm a writer so I spent these extra two days off reading and writing and not moving my butt off the sofa.
I have a full week of work this time so I hope to shift the last 2 pounds needed to get out of the 70's. I know I most likely won't stay there, as I have another 4 day weekend and it's my man's birthday AND his back surgery. I won't be making too many off diet things for his birthday but I imagine I'll be stress eating a bit.
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Old 04-23-2018, 08:42 AM   #90  
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Sakai: that’s awful about the tree. Maybe come fall or your cool season they’ll get more in and maybe over your faux winter time (because it’s no where near my winter I’m sure ) it might do better in sending riots down and not being as stressed.

Oh we can compare weekend the weekend of inactivity. I laid fairly low because of feeling dizzy due to ear issue. I’m going to see about going to walk here after the bus grabs the kids. Maybe we both will find movement mojo here.

Morning All!

Hopefully the start to a new week will be better for everyone! Pop on in!

AM: oh I struggle to get well. I think this is all tied to allergies but as I age I’m finding every time I have a cold/allergies it goes right back to my ears and I’m deaf for a while. What the heck is that all about and why that type of a change? I don’t have pain like I was (the crackling and then hurt) but geez not hearing is a pain.

As is I will try to begin walking today and tomorrow I will hop on the scale. I admit while laying low I ate sweets. And you all know that this woman does not have the witheral to stop at just one bite nor one cookie. I ate way too many. What’s new?! I need to get better about it all!

I have some ideas for my dinner tonight. I think I’m going to make merengue birds nest and load it with fresh strawberries well as fresh as they can be being shipped from California. I think chicken and green beans to go with. I’m still grumbling about salad greens. I have my spinach but - since I’m getting back into the salad eating time of year I’d like my options. And since my winter went on so long I’m still limited for what will come out of my garden.

I think - I will just try my best. I felt like a waffler last week. I’m probably still a waffle in regards to doing well on my diet. But I’m going to keep trying as long as you all get why my scale is not moving by great leaps and bounds.

Happy new week all. I’m off to get on my tennis shoes and go see about a walk.

Added: I got my walk in, only 20 but it helped my mood some. I just had breakfast and let me tell you - blueberries are always just a burst of happiness! Mine of course are frozen from last summer picking, but they always put a smile on my face as I eat them. My mini goal for today is in calorie and I’ve got the walk in so I’m ok. I’ll brave the scale tomorrow morn. I can do this - even if it’s the worlds slowest journey I’ve ever taken. P

Last edited by lemonthyme; 04-23-2018 at 11:43 AM.
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