300+ Weekly Thread #1179

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  • morning ladies...

    just a quick fly by as I have OT today and have to go in way early!!

    Watched TBL last ngiht..cant wait to see tonights 2nd part. (dang presidential debate) lol

    toooodles ladies...Drink and extra glas of water for me today!! I will do the same for you!
  • I was a little sick yesterday...and it's GOOD. I am so near 50 pounds gone!!!!
  • Mimi-the demographics of the Catholic Women’s League is average age of 60. That’s why I said that. My book is about something I did when I was very young, and very dumb.

    Annie-It doesn’t matter really what kind of work you do, so long as it makes you feel productive, like you are contributing to the financial health of the household, and isn’t in a toxic work environment. You’ve certainly had enough of that along the way.

    Bigmomma-When I couldn’t figure out why I wasn’t losing, I first double checked my intake to make sure I wasn’t fooling myself on portions, and then I checked to make sure I was getting enough calories, and enough good fat.

    Debbie-That’s great about your son’s book. I wish I could have published in the US. It would have gotten greater distribution, but it would have opened me up to lawsuits. Publishing in Canada means if they want to sue me, they have to come here where the laws are better for my side. That’s why we can’t get it on Amazon. To put it on Amazon, it has to be a registered book. We can’t register it on Amazon.ca without it being on Amazon.com, and that opens the door. Most of the sales have been through Coutts library services here in Canada. Most are going to libraries I guess. I’ve got the outline for two books sitting on my computer right now, one a murder mystery, and one an action adventure. I don’t work on them during school time. Writing the first one almost cost me a grade last semester. When I get ideas for plot stuff for either, I write it down, and I’ll do the actual writing in summer and semester breaks.

    I guess today I will get to try out my new winter coat since we aren’t going to get into double digits. Right now it is 5 degrees and raining. That’s 41 degrees in American. It is supposed to get up to 8 though. I’m going to go shopping today, and then head out for my human trafficking committee meeting. I will try not to overdo it as I have school tomorrow. I’m trying to adjust my meds some to adjust to my new schedule. I know losing weight would take some of the pain away, it always has, but I just can’t seem to lose any right now. A couple of days on and a couple of days off just isn’t working well. I used to do best when I was at home, and had trouble when I was out, and now it is just the opposite. So, I’m trying to get out everyday, hence the need to adjust my meds so I’m capable of doing that. It’s hard to walk to the bus stop when I can’t bend or stand up straight. At least my Chanel can cover the smell of icyhot.
  • Jacquie, that's terrible that you had to listen to that alarm all night. Hope you get some better sleep tonight.

    Debi, glad to hear you've gotten some relief on the sinuses. Hope it continues to get better.

    Cyn, this bottle of water is for you....gulp gulp gulp

    Realist, I bet you can't wait to get to that 50 lbs gone. What a time to celebrate!!!

    Catherine, yes it is too bad you couldn't have sold your book in the states. You would of made so much money for charity, but really, if it's going into it's second printing, you ARE doing great!!! It truly was an interesting story.

    The weather people are saying that by Thursday we'll be seeing freezing temps already. I have a feeling it's going to be one of the coldest winters yet. Even the wind and rain started early this year, we really didn't have a summer. But I love this time of year!!
    Already got my exercise in this morning so rarin' to get into things so I'd better get going.
  • we are supposed to have SNOW by this weekend. blerg.
  • Bigmomma: Hugs to you.

    Debbie: yep, they should have told me about the hours upfront. Great job doing the exercise early in the morning. That is a great idea. I try to do it that way myself so I know I have done them. Sorry you are up a bit too. I am too still and hoping it is TOM.

    Debi: Hugs to you on your headache.

    Jacquie: Woo hoo for the scale going down! Hope you get to take a nap today.

    Angie: Woo hoo on getting closer to 50 pounds lost. Sorry you are sick though.

    Catherine: Thanks. You always say the right thing. I hope it doesn't get too cold while your honey is away and not able to warm your feet at night. It was 26 this morning when I went to work at 4:30!!

    Well, I feel like today is a brand new day for me. I have been slacking off on eating enough protein and drinking enough and even eating some crap I shouldn't. I didn't exercise on Monday or Tuesday but today I have already done 80 minutes and still planning on doing some situps/crunches and push ups. I have already drank 64 oz. and it is only 1 p.m. I have also had enough protein and low cal. I made some boneless skinless chicken breasts and measured out 4 oz. That is 110 cal. and 26 g of protein. I'm off to a great start and hoping for many more op on target days to come.

    Blessings all,
  • Hello my Chickies!

    I went to the knee doc and there's good news, no surgery.. yay! He gave me a shot of cortisone because I can't take anything but tylenol for inflammation. It feels weird. No stairs for a couple more weeks, but I can start exercising slowly. w00h00! In about a week, BikerChick can come out to play. He said it seems like there's no meniscus tear, but the only way to tell that is thru an MRI. He wanted to see if the shot dropped the inflammation any and to continue to baby it for 2 weeks. After that, if it still is hurting, we'll start throwing money into MRIs.

    The shot was at least 8 mL! As a prior Lab Rat, I know what a 10 mL syringe is. I was surprised all of that went into my knee. I have it up while typing on the laptop.

    What's with the cooler weather suddenly?? Annie, you got down to 26F?? GEEEEeeeesh. Brrrrr. I love my gas fireplace. Takes off the morning chill in this old house. It hasn't gotten down to 26 here in the DC burbs yet. We are still in the 40's in the morning.

    Hugs to all!
  • Hiya Peeps

    Rat - hope you have quick relief from the shot. My ortho told me a coupla weeks too - 24 hours it was new - for 4 or 5 months. Awaiting the approval on the hyalgan (sp) injections for the old arthritic knee here. It's amazing for me - my ortho told me walk, swim, or bike were the only things he wanted me to do but to push through the pain - it works and I feel so much better when I do.

    Annie - glad to hear you are having a better day today. It's such a great feeling knowing you are in control.

    Debbie - keep the cold and snow for awhile if you don't mind - last winter you shared it with us waaaaaaay too much. How's your day?

    Debi - how's the head? Hope you got some things accomplished today. Any news on the baby watch?

    Angie - have a wonderful time on vacation. Enjoy your newfound increased activity/exercise level.

    Cyn - Hi - how are you?

    Last night was the first formal session with the new trainer - she kicked my rear - loved it. She was extremely motivating to me and is very driven to help me succeed. In addition to cardio we worked with weights and on the ball - also combination. When I first used the ball I asked her if anyone has ever popped one - I was hoping she would say yes cuz I didn't want to be first - it didn't pop - another NSV for me. She is the same instructor every other week for the new water class I'm taking on Saturdays. Apparently core strength is gained from the water work and it showed last night. I'm pumped!

    Need to fix a bite to eat - hugs to all.

    Move your bodies, drink your water (Penny) and SMILE.

  • GGG,

    Bahahahahaha about the ball.. I had a free trainer lesson once and I asked that EXACT question. She laughed and said never ever. Glad you had a great session.

    The knee feels weirdo right now. I guess that happens when a doc puts at least 8mL of liquid in my knee.

    I should be heading for bed because I have 2 huge documents to work on tomorrow, but I'm not sleepy! ugh. Then I went and had pineapple-mango-habenaro salsa and a few chips. Heartburn if I go to bed now!! hehe.

    Hugs to all!
  • Rat-My doctor always used to take fluid out of my knee, not put it in there.

    Annie-He got frost bite in Antarctica, so if there's any warming up done, it's my feet doing the warming. His are like blocks of ice. He's so tall they hang off the end of the bed, so that doesn't help any.
  • Morning all,

    It is 9:12 am and I am done with work for the day. I have a load of white clothes in the washer with a few other misc. loads to do. I cleaned half the house yesterday and I need to work on the bathrooms today and finish our bedroom. Just routine cleaning.

    I was completly op all day yesterday and I felt wonderful. When I weighed this morning those extra few pounds, prob. TOM, came off plus 1. I am at 236 and this is the lowest I've weighed since I can remember. The weight sure is dragging off me now. I guess that is what happens when you lose so much weight. As long as I continue to go down I'm happy. I do want to be at my next goal of coarse by the end of this month if possible. That is 7 more pounds by Oct. 31st. I exercised 90 minutes yesterday so that was great. I am planning on doing at least 60 today.

    Rat: Glad that your knee is doing a bit better. I wish I had a fireplace!

    Carol: Glad that your new trainer is working you hard. Hugs.

    Catherine: LOL about your hubby's feet hanging off the bed. How tall is he? Are you going to swim tomorrow?

    Well, I will try to check back in later.

    Blessings all,
  • Just a quick fly-by to tell you all that I just weighed myself - I'm down 2.7 pounds for a total weight loss of 5.9 pounds since Sept 7th. I know this is not a lot compared to some of you here, but I am THRILLED with the results.

    Have a great day everyone!
  • That's great, NuevaVida!! Any movement forward on your journey is progress. Doesn't matter how slow it comes off, so long as you keep it off. (I have a problem with that last bit evidently...)

    In other news it is so totally wrong that I'm having to make Winter Holiday plans already. Gah. Let me get through this month before I have to worry about the next two.
  • Mimi - that is awesome! The only pound I worry about releasing is the next one - keep up the great work.

    Annie - are you getting enough rest?
  • Annie, well, so far according to the scale, I'm going to be down. I won't post it though til Sunday so hopefully more will come off. The scale will move for you too, I just know it cuz it sounds like you've got your groove going again. YAY for us!!

    Ratkity, YAY BikerChick will be back soon!!! I miss her those stories of the rides. So glad your knee is doing better. Take care of it!!

    Carol, the day is going great. Got 26 mins on the treadmill. Trying to work up a little more each day. Staying OP too!! Sounds like you got a great workout yesterday. I'd be afraid of the ball popping or flying out from under me too!

    Mimi, any loss is a GREAT loss!!! Don't compare it to the rest of us. It's your victory!!! Take pride in what you've done for yourself!!

    As I said, I'm doing so great on OP and exercise. It's my 4th day of both. Getting up in the morning before I have a chance to talk myself out of exercise was such a huge thing for me. Each night I actually plan on what form of exercise I'm going to be doing the next morning. So unlike me!!!

    I wonder what's happened to Luan, Julee, Nancy, Battleax and all the others. I miss them. If you're lurking, get your fannies back here!!!
