Help I've been living in denial

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  • HI Guys

    HI kIWI glad to see you posting again , hope your ok. I have had a busy week and now my older son joined a wrestling team at school so I was there all Sat. horrible back pains due to bench 8 hours. Was my first time at a match and was his first time as well Im so happy He won the Gold Medal. I thank GOD he wasn't injured as well. I have been sticking to my diet and exercise and drinking plenty of water. I'm glad to know every ones trying all they can to loose weight even if they did get into some trouble eating bad foods.

    Wishing all the best!!!!!!

  • hey something weird happened that maybe one of you can answer.
    I'm the kind of person that weighs all throughout the day. I weighed myself,fully clothed, at 199.4 about 12:00 pm. Then I had lunch. After lunch I did 2 sets of 40 situps. Then got up and cleaned the kitchen. Went and weighed myself about 1:00 pm and I weighed 199.0

    Now I know I weigh more in the afternoons with all my clothes on. That's not the problem. My question is Did I lose the 4 ounces because of exercise or was it just the time of day and the weight fluctuating?

    I ask this because I've never exercised after I ate so I got really excited about it. Does anyone know for sure what happened without "guessing" at it? I mean if this isn't just a fluke I think I could get excited about exercise.

  • Everyone!

    I hope everyone is having a Happy Wednesday

    Scalewatcher that's the attitude any day now your going to get on the scale and not believe your eyes when you see all the weight you lost at once you'll see.

    Kiwi WOW 4 ounces maybe it was just water retention and the working out made you lose it!!! You knoe that it's going to keep coming off because you work hard.

    Hi My Ivy I'm glad to hear that your sticking to your workout and your diet. How is your TBL challenge going?? Don't forget to watch the show tonight! Go BLUE Team

    check in with all of you later
  • Good Evening,
    today I skipped Breakfast, but for lunch I had Tomato soup with 24 totilla chips (140 calories) Then for dinner I had tuna sandwich. Drank water throughout the day and 1 diet pepsi. I did several sets of sit ups throughout the day. At church a lady told me I looked like I was losing weight!!

    Hope everyone had a good day. I'll say good night. I'm very tired

  • I got my computer back last night. He was able to get it up and running. He said it had 800 errors on it. I don't know what that means but he fixed it. Unfortunately, its still messed up. It took me an hour to get on line today! And now my mouse moves all over the place by itself.

    The guy is coming over this evening to see what it is doing. But for what ever reason its blocking me from going to websites although I don't have anything blocked. It takes me back to my home page. Hopefully he will fix it when he comes. So if you don't hear from me the rest of the day or Friday its because he is working on it again.

    Have a great day and have a BIGGEST LOSER Weekend!!

  • HI guys
    yes I'm sticking to my diet and even buying south beach products...not so bad I kinda fee like I cheated today I ate a South beach diet pizza. hum 349 calories the pizza was small but I had 4 glasses of water with it so I was pretty full. And I just watched TBL I cant believe the blue team lost again. I cant stand the red team specially that girl that looks like a tom boy. Keep up good work will weigh in this on Friday.
    GO BLUE!!!!!!
  • Good Morning,

    Well looks like i'm up running! Yahoo!! Boy I don't know how I survived without DSL but this pass week has made me appreciate it!

    Anyway, I dropped 1 pound. But its real iffy! Man why can't I drop more than a pound a week. Obviously, I'm eating to much calories. I'm going to write everything down and drink alot of water. No breads or starches. This week I'm setting a goal to lose 5 pounds. I know that sounds silly but I think I can lose it if I quit messing around. I cheat to much. Not bad but enough!

    I need a challenge.

    I'll write later. Have a great weekend

  • HI, Everyone

    I would like to share that I bought a set of weighted gloves each 4 pounds and worked out my arms while I waited for my son to get out of school hour.
    Any how also bought some stretch bands with handles to work out legs and arms will try them out this weekend.

    Will let you know how it works out.

    Have a loosing weekend guys!!!!!

  • Happy Friday Everyone

    Kiwi, Good Job 1lb that's better then not losing at all like me the scale doesn't move but I cna't give up so I continue to read the success that you all have. A challenge that sounds like something good, We should all have a CHALLENGE it's always more fun to work hard with in an incentive plus the weight lose

    Hi My Ivy, I know I was so sad that the Blue Team lost again maybe next week they well have a better week. Weights tell me how those works I'd like to try them out all try anything!

    k ladies talk to you all later
  • Good Morning to Everyone

    want2behealthy- I am always up for a challenge. Let me know what you all want the challenge to be and I'm in. I am in a slump this week. I have not dropped a single pound . I am not going to give up. My DH says he sees my getting smaller right before his eyes. I can see it in my clothes but I am "scalewatcher" and I want to see the numbers on the scale drop.

    Kiwi- I am happy for you with you 1 pound . Hope that your need plan work for you this week.

    my ivy- Glad you are sticking to your diet and that you are trying new exercise routines. I read some where that changeing your exercise routine is important to losing weigh. It tricks your body sort of like the Wendie Plan.
  • Good morning!!

    Well yesterday was great!! I went to our football game and we got to walk on the field to represent our son!! Such a proud mother! Anway, the weather is great here in Fl. its gotten cooler, I love the change. It gets me active!!

    Ivy, I love the bands, But what seems to be helping me the most is my son bought me a Ab lounger. Man Its great. It makes it easier on my back but I can feel the muscles tighting.

    Scalewatcher I know what you mean. I want to see it on the scales too!! But I know you love feeling those inches coming off!!

    , I'm with you. What kind of challenge will work for everyone? Any ideas? I know of one but we will have to tweek it to make it work for everyone and doesn't cause the same person to win each week.

    I'll write later

  • I did good today and my scales are loving me!! I had a banana for breakfast. I had a late lunch which was grilled shrimp with rice and steamed veggies. Diet Drink. For dinner I ate light with grapes because we were going to a campfire later and I new I would have 1 smore for a late snack.

    I spoke with Mom2 and she is having a hard time logging on. It maybe her computer.

    Well i'll write later

  • Good Evening Ladies

    I'm glad that everyone is having a good weekend as for me ladies yes I was bad I couldn't help it I cheated I had a chocolate dounut I just had a real bad day.

    KIWI and SCALEWATCHER, come on let's do something fun for the challenge Kiwi what do you think do you have any ideas something the well inspire all of us to do It's always fun to have someone working next to you as hard as you and knowing that there is an incentive at the end. I know the weight lose is the incentive

    All check in with you tomorrow.
  • Good Morning,
    I'm getting a late start this morning. We went to the Sea Food Festival last night. We actually were volunteers for the Military selling glow toys. I think I sold the most! (i'm alittle competitive tee hee hee)

    Anyway, I'm dragging today.

    Has anyone ever heard of the Piggy Bank Challenge?

    This is where we each have a piggy bank. We add .25 cents for every 8 oz of water we drink, .50 cents for every mile walked, $1.00 for each time you post, Inches lost, Weight lost and so on and so on. At the end of the week the person with the most money in there bank wins Queen for the week. We all would become her court and would acknowledge her as our Queen and do homage to her. (ha ha ha) This was a fun game but there were draw backs.
    Unless EVERYONE has an opportunity to win people will drop out. There were positive and negative things about this game.

    Positve was people people in the beginning got motivated. Women love challenges!! Plus everyone likes to be a Queen.

    Negative was we had people taking Diet pills and other stimulates plus some who were used to walking and running 5 miles a day. These people were competing against those who were not able to take ANY type of stimulates to help with weight loss and some women were over 300 pounds and trying to compete with others in exercise was impossible.
    So, eventually, people started dropping out when they felt they didn't have a chance at winning Queen.

    The Queen, who was very deserving of the position, began to feel quilty of winning all the time and started holding back so others could win. That didn't help because now the highly motivated didn't want to feel that someone let them win. Before long everyone quit.

    The truth is The GAME WAS GREAT!! It was fun and motivating. But we would have to tweek it so it works for everyone.

    What are your thoughts? Is it worth revapping?

  • HI every one Hope you guys did good as for me I'm finally (stuck) I don't know why I'm eating same foods maybe its cause I'm exercising more I think maybe muscles weigh more than fat? what ever just very frustrated right now (maybe my scale is broken?) ha ha yeah right oh well I'm gonna try to eat less and see what happens maybe that slim fast meal replacement is bad for me?

    Im Upset,
