Beck Diet Solution A step-by-step program to learn specific techniques to stay on our diet, lose weight, and maintain our weight loss for life.

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Old 03-11-2013, 07:56 AM   #286  
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I went to the office immediately after getting up and got my necessary paperwork taken care of while DH made coffee. credit

current clutter-laundry folded, tv room picked up. Still have dishes to do...will do while DH makes smoothie.

old clutter-?? Federal time now but will see if I have internet when I get home from work.

clean-(just did) upstairs bathroom sink and counters.
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Old 03-12-2013, 08:22 AM   #287  
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Got up late and did what I could....did my usual picking up, making bed, etc...felt very tired today but did it anyway.

Thinking of my friends here who are going through difficult times.
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Old 03-12-2013, 09:00 AM   #288  
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Hi all,

Up early- started laundry as coffee is being made. Glad some movements are automatic these days. Get a chore done before you even wake up.

Heading out to a new set of Doctor appointments. I have to send in the heart rhythms from DD fainting on Saturday.

I have been exercising solidly since last week. I found that once my stress hits a certain point, I have to do a "routine" to bring things back into balance.

Lexxiss: Sounds like this week is a busy week for you with Spring break and taxes. Exciting to be getting some cash back. I hope you reward yourself for all you hard work. (Non food of course!)
OnebyOne: Well, you are doing what you name means.....Great job on knocking out so many chores in one hour. You are rocking the cleaning boat. Have a great time this next week as you go away and have time to release your artistic gifts. Sending prayers for the healing for your kitty.
Way to problem solve avoiding your landlord. $70 sounds like it was worth not having to dealing him!

I am running errands after Dr. appointments. Need paint for a bedroom that hasn't been painted in 19 years. Pillows to go with the bedding from Kohl's are on sale. One of my rewards from changing my habits is that I don't have returns to take back. Such a good feeling to have things in order and not out buying things to buy for boredom or entertainment. Again, activity not wrong but is it in balance and what I really want. The value of Order is high on my list.

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Old 03-12-2013, 04:19 PM   #289  
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Thumbs up Coaches Update

Hello All

Everytime I go into that bathroom I marvel that I can see my reflection in the bathroom tiles. OMG LOVE THAT. The bathroom stay clean and is a testament to my ability to clean things. I *can* do this. I *will* do this.

As this challenge draws to a close, with one week left I actually only have 2 days left here at home before I am gone for a week. I think I will make it my priority to get the boxes completed that are sitting in the dining room window so that space is freed up for starting seeds and for existing cats and plants to share the growing sunlight. For me the next challenge will focus on, one more time, getting my place "landlord ready" and between Spring and the onset of Summer he will be in my apartment to unlock the thermostat (yes, he keeps it under lock and key) turn off the heat and turn on the air conditioning. MY kitchen appliances need cleaning. The hallway wand the new furnitures needs to be used and set up properly and the living room/dining area needs to look "normal". We're not there yet but it all starts with the decluttering and the removal of unnecessary items.

For today I will deal with one cardboard box and the long plastic storage box-that I really don't like very much-that the cardboard box sits on.

OLD CLUTTER *set timer*
1) cardboard box
2) long plastic storage box

CLEAN*set timer*
3) cat bowls/cat spoons cleaned
4) cat bowls piled near cat food with cat spoons

NEW CLUTTER*set timer*
5) gather up all old newspapers into recycle bin
6)clear out stuff from along the wall of the hallway just around rhe corner from the kitchen

TONIGHT: start making a list of what to bring with me to my residency for the week away
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Old 03-13-2013, 09:05 AM   #290  
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Hello all!

onebyone, yay for that wonderful feeling when you walk into your spiffy bathroom....and especially for your personal testament that you *can* clean something and keep it that way. I found that once I got into more of an everyday mentality with the bathrooms that it became much easier to just keep them clean. Good, too, that you are thinking ahead both for packing for your residency and where you're going to focus for our next *segment* of 1-2-3-ing.

Tami(helping rachel), yay for exercising solidly while you deal with all the day to day *stressful* medical stuff. I, too, am noticing that I don't have the returns that I used to. I tend to think out purchases more and will often "not buy" until I think it through a little more.

We're packing up for 2-1/2 days away. I don't really have much to do to get ready...and ready our home. I am grateful and give credit to myself today and voice my sincere gratitude for my friends here. I really thrive with this accountability and have made so much progress forward. My values "are" changing and I am learning to enjoy the way the new stuff feels.

So: Today's 1-2-3
I already have laundry in, dishes done and bed made. Tv room is picked up. The office doesn't look too bad but I'll pick up current clutter before I go. Cleaning will be both toilets, which these days is just a 4 minute job. creditflylady for practical solutions.

I'll check in if I can. Last year we enjoyed going through multitudes of antique stores with our friend. I came home with one picture for our bedroom. It is hanging and I enjoy it. (Oh, and I bought an old pyrex bowl with pouring spouts on both sides) It's small but I mix eggs in it and it has a place, too. I won't bring anything home unless it has a specific purpose. I'll just enjoy the experience of looking and spending time with our friend.
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Old 03-14-2013, 08:32 AM   #291  
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Lexxiss: I want to "voice" my appreciation for support from you as well. I know the change from the "cluttered, avoidance, lack of resource part of me" could not have changed without support. One of my favorite quotes from my Art Journal says : "the resources that I had as a child are much different than the resources I have as an Adult". It is nice to be connected with other caring, compassionate and like minded friends. Lots of people don't give a hoot if I get my internal and external house in order. I am glad that we have a place to share our process and encourage change.

OnebyOne: I loved reading your experience of seeing yourself in your clean bathroom tiles. What a wonderful reward! I hope your time away brings inspiration, reflection and fun. I will be praying for Looloo to get healthier.

We are in our next series of medical tests with DD. Will return heart monitor today at Children's hospital.

I had a victory yesterday in my thinking and action. I was thinking I need to dust and vacuum the Master Bedroom. I AUTOMATICALLY THOUGHT it will only take me 15 minutes to have it done. So off I went to get the supplies and voila! done in 15 minutes. The reward was mine when I came up to bed and rested in such a clean, decluttered area. My brain landed on the truth on the first go- around. So happy for that. My confidence is increasing.

I had a few girlfriends over Saturday night. One of them commented that I have so much stuff in my office. Wow, this pinched me a bit as I have made such strides. I decided that I like my stuff---books, art and craft supplies. I facilitate classes at our counseling office that require much of my material. I keep it updated and focus on how to integrate concepts. I also facilitate a healing retreat for women , once a year so those supplies are in there. I am saying that I am happy that I have lots of stuff to help me understand and cope with life. I especially like that I take the time to give what I learn away and to help others grow into their own authentic self. I just did:

Lexxiss as you are out and about, with your friend, I was wondering if you would let me know if you run across any old fashion postcards that fit in a stereoscope. I have one that I keep my truth cards in as a creative way to see my daily truth. I am curious to see if it would be reasonable to buy more.

Hi to all my other supportive sisters in cyber-land. I hope you find the truth that will set you free today.

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Old 03-14-2013, 09:43 AM   #292  
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forgive my ignorance, but what does decluttering our homes have to do with the Beck Diet Solution?
thanks in advance for the insight!!
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Old 03-14-2013, 11:35 AM   #293  
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Lulu: I am in a meeting until 2pm, I will post later with thoughts about this.

I see it as being curious not ignorant.
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Old 03-14-2013, 01:53 PM   #294  
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Tami/Helping Rachel - so sorry to hear about your daughter's heart tests. Hope all goes well.
1x1 - can't believe what you accomplished in an hour!
Lexxis, you always inspire.

Sorry for the long post. Recently had the flu, & while camped on the sofa thought a lot about why for me some things are efficient and organized & others . . . not. Mostly it’s routine, and

1) Part is reflected by 1x1's post way back in Jan (with link to - about the style of home you want. One person's clutter is another's comfort. Personally, I THINK I like clutter-free, but you would disagree when you see my bookshelves. Yet I live with someone whose books are in perfect alphabetical order but thinks several pairs of size 15 shoes lying around the living room add to the decor. So some of this is relative.

2) Part is the necessity of mess at times. I’ve known moms who didn’t have art stuff or legos in their house because of the “mess”! We hated stepping on those !@#$ legos, but what’s a childhood without those things.

3) The last part is routine. Some things I learned young & do without thinking, like putting away my shoes (unlike DH – whose mom probably did it for him ). Maybe routines are harder in a 24/7 world of convenience. My mother was a more organized shopper – maybe partly because in her day stores closed at 6pm and on Sundays. No dash to Walmart for toilet paper at 11 pm! A weight-loss example is the old saw about making exercise routine. It’s true – routine leads to habit leads to result, whether positive or negative.

Since Beck is a behaviorist, let me ask you Becksters – what do you find you successfully keep up with just because you've always done it? What have you started or stopped because of a big change, like a move or new job? What are your blind spots? What’s your ‘happy’ clutter and what makes you cringe?
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Old 03-14-2013, 06:41 PM   #295  
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^^^^Good post Mountain Mamma. I will think on those questions and answer you this week.

Lulu: I have always loved the Serenity Prayer:

God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.

The courage to change the things I can

Since Beck is about changing one's thinking and behavior, I decided to not only focus on weight-health habits but on how I take care of my home. I have a desire for more energy, insight and self-care that involves both my physical being and physical environment. So I am in the process of using the Beck tips to shed old thought patterns that don't serve me anymore. Releasing habits that don't work toward the value of my health. Also, working toward letting go of my attachments to things that don't serve a purpose in my home. So as I let go of these old ways of thinking, I have new thoughts/habits reinforced by practicing the Beck cards both for health and home management .

Practice makes progress as perfection is pure fiction-Tami C.
They say the neurons that wire together fire together. (Formation of our thoughts and the more your think something the stronger the thought pattern)

By practicing cognitive statements over and over, it is becoming a routine/habit. In 12 step programs they have a saying "First thought throw it out". Just because I think something doesn't make it true. Meaning I can have a thought pop up and I determine if it is in my best interest to move me toward a goal. The thought is real but maybe not useful. Or as I say several times a day "Is this workable?"

I also like the fact that since I can't change my weight magically, I can clean out a drawer or organize something as a diversion to eating. Thus, "change the thing you can".

Do you have areas in your life that you are trying to change the way you think and behave using CBT?

Last edited by helping rachel; 03-15-2013 at 11:35 AM.
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Old 03-15-2013, 11:20 AM   #296  
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Hi declutterers!

We got to our friend's house and pretty much dumped everything in our guest room. Yesterday while the guys were outside I made the bed, organized our space and made a "list"on my iphone of personal items not to forget when we pack up. I forgot several things last year. Our space felt better and I "felt" like I could relax and enjoy our visit. This morning I've done some preliminary packing which will make things easier later today.

Several questions:
Lulu, I was introduced to BDS by a declutter thread here several years ago. I got the BDS books and started Dr. Beck's program. For me, my decluttering is a broader part of "Day 7-Arrange Your Environment. I had been trying (and trying) to work on my home environment for years. On my own, I was frustrated and gave up easily. What I found, as I decluttered, using many of the Beck strategies for successful dieting, was that it got easier and easier….much as Dr. Beck had promised me that the dieting would get easier. I have made so much headway by slowly and patiently teaching myself a daily routine while going through tons of old stuff. I notice daily how much less daily stress I have now that I have let go of stuff that no longer applies to me. As Tami(helping rachel) mentions, my values are transforming. I truly believe, for me, that keeping my home environment reasonably clean, organized and "current" will be beneficial in helping me to maintain my weightloss.

Mountain Mamma, you asked; "Since Beck is a behaviorist, let me ask you Becksters – what do you find you successfully keep up with just because you've always done it? What have you started or stopped because of a big change, like a move or new job? What are your blind spots? What’s your ‘happy’ clutter and what makes you cringe? "

1. I successfully keep my hanging items in my closet organized and sorted AND I am always current with the laundry...washing when needed and putting away when done. Why? My SIL taught me those techniques when I was 18-19 years old and living with them while in college. They felt good and still do...I didn't have much guidance growing up.
2. When we moved to a smaller house in Alaska, I put stuff in boxes and then work got busy. As I gained more physical weight I detached from alot of things and pretty much stopped trying. I hauled everything down to Colo. w/o going through stuff and put it all in the basement. I only recently started going through those items….most I have donated as they no longer apply to my current and future lifestyle.
3. My blind spots are similar to the "hotspots" that flylady describes….tops of dressers and desks, the corner of the dining room table and the counter next to the kitchen sink. I make an effort daily to keep those areas cleaned off.
4. My happy clutter is in my kitchen. I've found a way to incorporate a lot of beautiful items both above cabinets, on counter tops and hanging on the walls. What makes me cringe?? Unfinished paperwork.

So, what I stated above, now that I review it, is where I get my daily routine, my 1-2-3 dance. I keep my hotspots sorted (current clutter), continue to go through boxes (old clutter) and keep my chosen "things" and spaces (clean). As far as CBT is concerned, the longer I practice my "routine" the easier it gets. Yay!

I have chosen to take responsibility for my own stuff and will take my DH's stuff and put it on his desk. No judgement. I don't sort, organize and put his stuff away. If his shoes sit for a day I do put them in the closet. I notice he is getting better about things as our home is transforming.

How about you?

As Tami(helping rachel) also mentioned, the time and energy I have spent in my home has been a great "distraction" technique plus I have gotten lots of spontaneous exercise as I have sorted, hauled, moved and organized. My ongoing home projects help me to take my focus off food.
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Old 03-15-2013, 02:18 PM   #297  
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thanks for your feedback about this thread and it's purpose in relation to the Beck Solution.
I understand.
I guess I really don't belong here because I am extremely organized, everything in it's place, zero clutter, impeccable records.
it's just part of who I am.
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Old 03-15-2013, 03:32 PM   #298  
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Lulu: What is your process for zero clutter, I would love to know that!
Glad your home is in order and your routine is working for you.
Good luck with your weight loss.
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Old 03-15-2013, 03:47 PM   #299  
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my process for zero clutter is:
1. regularly put things where they belong.
2. I donate a lot of things (I want order more than I want stuff).
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Old 03-16-2013, 10:29 AM   #300  
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Morning Ladies:

Spent most of the day, cleaning and purging DD room. Moved furniture around, cleaned shades and organized drawers. She is gone so this will be a surprise for her when she gets home this weekend.

Mountain Mama:
I appreciate you giving "voice" to one person's comfort is another person's clutter. I do think it is relative to each person's style. I have a wonderful husband that you can put one finger between each of his organized matching shirts in his closet. I am not "wired" like that and tend to take life in more of a relaxing-laid back way. He walks in my craft room and thinks "what is all this clutter doing here!" That is part of accepting our differences. I think that brings balance to our marriage and home.

Since Beck is a behaviorist, let me ask you Becksters – what do you find you successfully keep up with just because you've always done it? What have you started or stopped because of a big change, like a move or new job? What are your blind spots? What’s your ‘happy’ clutter and what makes you cringe?

1) One thing I do well, is plan for meals and keep my kitchen in order. I love to have "soul connection' around the dinner table while serving good food. This was modeled to me from my Mother as she wrote a cooking column, canned food and maintained a 3 acre garden. Some of my very best memories. I come from a long line of Strong women who cared for my family. My Father--not so much. I am getting ready to dive into the Paleo way of eating. Good news an Organic Store just opened up near our home.

2) In December I had a light bulb go realization....was to let go of things that no longer served me. As you might have seen from a past post, I needed to purge my office. It was time to make space for this creative part of me that wanted to express and find time for Art Journaling. We only have one child at home right now and we are going room to room and simplifying. Feels good to do that but also hard because of the emotional memories that are attached to the things that I am letting go.

3) My blind spot---Putting things in a box and saying I will deal with that later. Realizing that if it isn't useful or special, it can go. Not later--decision can be made now.

4) Happy Clutter, art journals, altered books, craft supplies, sewing machine, creative books. Love my books--separated into Spiritual, Soul and Physical interests. Non-fiction -pleasure reading.

What makes me cringe--a dirty bathroom.

Thanks for asking and sharing

It touched my heart when you shared this..... "Part is the necessity of mess at times." (referring to art supplies and legos)

---I like the saying "This isn't a mess, it is creative freedom". I also like the saying "sorry about the mess,
we live here.
I shared this saying that I made up in my other post..."Practice makes progress as perfection is pure fiction."-Tami

Last edited by helping rachel; 03-16-2013 at 01:45 PM.
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