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Old 07-06-2002, 02:42 PM   #16  
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Hi All,
It's a beautiful day in the (my) neighborhood. he..he..he.. (couldn't resist it)
Susan, I'm glad your family is okay. I wonder if the Barn Door is taking in water! Oooh, a big salad and steak from there would make me well.

Tammy, have a great time. I, too, would love to go to Amish country. I want to go to Boston some day also. Larry took a summer course at MIT once and would walk all over Boston every day.
This may sound crazy -- but--I'm afraid to fly up to Boston. I guess it's because that's near the area where the 9/11 stuff took place. I wasn't afraid to fly to CA last Oct. or to Grand Cayman this year. It must be the location of Boston.
Anyone have any thoughts on my thoughts?

Okay, I'm going to get back on the sofa. I still feel bad. Yesterday I finally had some appetite and ate 3 pieces of apple pie!!! Today I've had a little container of applesauce and some yogurt and it's afternoon. I think I'll stay out of the apple pie today.

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Old 07-08-2002, 09:58 PM   #17  
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Hope everyone is having a great Monday!
I weighed in today and was up! The lady and I are going to work together so we stay on track. Hope you had a good OP day!

Tina, Are you feeling better? I'll have to ask about the Barn Door You know that is one of my favorite places. YUM!!!!

Tammy, did you get Tim to camp? That boy is always on the go

I know you are surprised that this is short, but I at least wanted to check in.

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Old 07-10-2002, 12:11 PM   #18  
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It's Wednesday!

We are a quiet bunch, aren't we!
I hope Tammy is having fun buying lots of things in Amish country.

What is everyone else doing????????

I'm taking it easy today. I did too much running around yesterday. After being sick over the weekend, I needed to take it easy a few more'll get back to doing that. I won't be going to weigh in tomorrow but will step onto my scales and let everyone know what's going on.

Is everyone happy with how they fit into their bathing suits? No one has mentioned it.

140 personal goal----someday
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Old 07-10-2002, 01:06 PM   #19  
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Hi everyone! We returned from Amish Country early yesterday evening. I was too pooed out to get on the computer and check messages. I was in bed by 9;00!

Shopping was so much fun. We always have such a good time when we are together. Lots of laughing!
I bought a doorstop, a small plant hanger for outside, and some sesame sticks. That is all! Can you believe it? I had other things picked up to purchase, but I decided to be "thrifty". lol

Was able to get in PLENTY of walking Sun., Mon, and Tues. Some of the walking was done at camp on Sun. and Tues. We had two cars because I had to have Tim to camp earlier than the other 2 could get away. We left my car there, and took Meissa's on our shopping venture. I couldn't just get my car yesterday and take off without seeing Tim. I had even pulled down the driveway and was ready to turn on the road!

I went back and he and 4 other counselors in training were sitting on a picnic table by the office. They were all glad to see me! Made me feel good. Talked for about 30 minutes, then I left. Tonight is parent's night at camp, but we're not going over. It's a 3 1/2 hour drive one way.

I drive back over on Sat. morning to pick him up. He wants me to check with his cousin to see if he'll ride over with me. Not sure Jonathan will want to get up that early. We'll need to leave here about 6:30. YUCK!

I haven't even tried my bathing suit on for the past couple of years. It irritates Bob that I won't. I used to swim all the time when Tim was younger, and I was about the same size that I am now. Not sure why I don't.

I know how you feel about flying. I've always been nervous anyway about flying. Now, I am not interested in it at all. No matter where the flight is going!!! Just call me chicken!

I just heard the dryer buzz, so I need to head for the basement.
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Old 07-10-2002, 08:04 PM   #20  
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Welcome back Tammy! It sounds like you had a blast on your trip! I don't have to spend a lot to have a good time.

Tina, Are you feeling better?

As for my bathing suit, I want a new one but refuse to buy one until next summer. I have a nice one but it's a little big now. My friend Scott pointed out in Galveston.. He said "the butt is getting baggy" I don't swim very much so I figure I can hold out.

Today was a day! Calgon take me away!!!!!! I had my mammogram & gyn appointment which is an all day thing since I have to go into Dallas for it (about 40 minutes from here)... anyway then had to run errands. Yuck!!

I lost 2 1/2 pounds, part of what I gained last week. 2 more pounds and I'll be at my lowest!

Have a great evening!
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Old 07-12-2002, 09:36 AM   #21  
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Congrats on 2 1/2 pounds Susan!!!! Doesn't it feel great?

Our trip was alot of fun. This morning when we walked we kept talking about the silly things that we did. we're already talking about our shopping trip we'll be taking on Thanksgiving weekend! Saving our money for that one now.

I'm meeting my hubby for lunch today at a Chinese buffet. I'll try to make wise choices. Easier said than done sometimes.

Have a great weekend everyone! I pick Tim up from camp tomorrow. I figure that he will sleep most of the way home.
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Old 07-12-2002, 09:53 AM   #22  
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Ditto to what Tammy said. Susan, that was a great loss.
Tammy, it sounds like you have so much fun on your trips. It's great to have a group of friends that can travel like that. I envy you. All my friends are stuck at work all the time.

I wish all our newer members would post. Just because you don't see your name mentioned, doesn't mean that I'm not thinking about you and wondering how your weight loss is going!!!

Would y'all believe it---I'm finally over whatever I had. It's been almost a week & I would've been over it soon, I know, if I'd stayed in. My scales showed a pound drop this morning. I'm on my way.......

Tammy, take it easy going to get Tim. Is his cousin going, too?

Susan, how is Pat?
Sis, can you update us on your brother?
Dee, what is your daughter doing this summer? Did you ever find a good camp?
Kady, tell us about your gardens, please.

Have a great TGIF.
140 personal goal
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Old 07-12-2002, 11:51 AM   #23  
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Good Morning all,

Newer members... Ditto on what Tina said! Please post.

Tammy, I too envy you with your group of friends. It sounds like a great group and ya'll have a lot of fun together.

Tina, glad you are finally feeling better!! I think when you are sick in the summer, you have it longer. Congrats on the loss!!

Well, I skipped weigh in this morning. I did go, but skipped it. Yesterday, I craved salt all day long. I had way too much of it ( I know it's bad for me) and I feel it today. However, I didn't start my day off well either... had a couple of kolaches from the donut place.... (basically pigs in a blanket) I'll make sure that I ride my bike today.

We had a great lightning show last night but no rain. Have a great weekend.

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Old 07-13-2002, 07:47 PM   #24  
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My nephew and I left here this morning at 6:30 to go to get Tim. We got home about 2;45. The boys slept on the way home. I waited until I got home to collapse! I slept for about 45 minutes and it felt great. Tim had a great time, and would like to be a counselor next summer. He'd be doing something he likes and be getting paid so that's a good thing, right?

It really is great going places with my friends. We all work in schools, so that helps matters so much! It has been fun getting together to walk with them this summer too. We meet 3 days a week to walk.

I too wish everyone would post to let us know how they are doing.
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Old 07-14-2002, 02:06 AM   #25  
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Sounds like everyone is having a good summer so far. Sorry to hear that you've been sick lately Tina...but glad you are better now.

Congrats Susan on your loss!! You must be excited to be so low on the scales!
Tammy, yea it's a good thing when you get paid to do something you like!! Sounds like Tim has next summer planned out, that's great that he had so much fun at camp.

My kid is off to camp (day camp) starting Mon. It will be M-F for 2 weeks. That should wind her down! I got her a new swim suit and new tenny's to wear... she's looking forward to it. She will be going with 2 of her cousins, but they are all in different age different camp classes.

Last week's weather was extra hot, and this past week it cooled down some... but it still plenty hot to go swimming! We have been waiting til like 6pm or so to go swim...and Im glad its still plenty hot as I work til 5.

I've been playing water volley ball ...that's tough to do when it's a 2 person team!!. Although I havent lost any weight. I think that's one reason I dont post much, as Im not haveing any results...just maintaining for ever. Bad food choices and lack of energy for exercising. Seems its so much easier to say... I'll do better tomorrow, then to actually do better

Well I know it's tomorrow now (its 1 am) so I should get to bed before I decide to eat Have a great week all!
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Old 07-14-2002, 06:35 PM   #26  
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Dee!!! Great to hear from you. I haven't had any more weight come off either. I have been getting plenty of walking in, and I can tell the clothes are fitting better. I think the doctor would appreciate seeing a change in the scales though! I go on Friday, and I hope I'm down some since I was there last.

That's great that your daughter will be at camp with her cousins even if they are in different classes. At least she knows someone there.

I haven't done much today. Taught Sunday school this morning and did some laundry this afternoon. I'm getting ready for a garage sale, so I really should be getting the garage ready. So what am I doing on the computer??? My SIL is bringing things in for the sale, and she will be here sometime before noon tomorrow. I'll need to get up early if I don't go out yet this evening to get things together. Tim and my nephew carried tables from the basement out to the garage earlier. I'm hoping he comes back tonight and he and Tim can clean the garage. I will pay them to do it!!
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Old 07-14-2002, 11:40 PM   #27  
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Hi all,
Dee, it is good to hear from you. Don't wait so long to write next time. Boy, I'm not doing good, weight-wise. I go see my gyn next week and he won't be happy with my increase in weight. Tammy, having a garage sale is fun. I hope you make lots of money. We had to have an estate sale when we sold Mother's house. Now, that was no fun. It felt like she was dead.
You have lots of fun and I hope your weather is good.

It's been raining all day. It rained last night, too. Our backyard looks like a lake.

Everyone have a great Monday.
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Old 07-15-2002, 12:46 AM   #28  
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Tammy did Tim and your nephew return to clean your garage for the sale? Hope you have a good sale. I don't go garage saling myself, but I know lots of people love that kind of shopping. Way to go on your clothes fitting you looser!! Even if the scales dont show the lose you must be loosing..congrats on that!!

Good luck at your gyn appt next week Tina... None of my doctors have really said anything about my weight, just one doc, and that was years ago. Could be because neither of them are too thin either

Did everyone enjoy there day today? I get to sleep in on Sun. Took my kid to a movie and out shopping. We say was her idea not mine LOL... I could have done with out some of the alien stuff, but since it's an alien movie guess that wasn't gonna happen. It wasn't a bad movie over all.....and I didn't even eat any popcorn!! Then we went swimming this evening, and I swam laps while she splashed around and dived.

Have a good week all... and I'll post again soon. Dee
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Old 07-15-2002, 10:35 PM   #29  
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Hi Everyone,
Well, I'm up today. It's a funny thing how when there is a loss, you feel great and a gain you feel horrible. I did pretty good until the ice cream just a few minutes ago.

Saturday, I steam cleaned our bedroom and did the den today. That's hard work. It looks so much better.

Dee, can you came back. Don't worry, I'm in the same boat as you are. I seem to lose the same 5 pounds over and over again.

Tina, we've had just a little rain. Mom and Dad say it's rain in San Antonio again. Boo!!

Tammy, did Tim have fun at camp! It sounds like he did if he wants to be a counselor.

Have a great evening!
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Old 07-15-2002, 10:45 PM   #30  
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Evening all,

Susan, do you hire out? Larry was polishing his shoes today (he's off on vacation) and his shoe shining thingy slung polish everywhere on the carpet. Fortunately, I had Woolite rug cleaner and a few quirts got it all out. He thought it happned because it was the bottom of the polish can and was cakey. Whatever----it came out of the carpet.

Dee, we've been thinking about seeing MIB2. Would you believe, we went to see Crocodile Hunter; Collision Course! Yes!!! There was one other couple in the theater beside us that didn't have children. It was pretty good for a G-rated show.

Tammy, how far do you walk?

Kady, where are you????? Sis, how is your family?
Karen, Jennie, Kurly--where are y'all?

Everyone take care tomorrow and stay OP.
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