1000 miles in 2009 #3!!!!!

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  • Congrats on the half, sm!!! That's awesome!!! Great time!

    Isn't it funny how hard it can be sometimes to do the things that will make us feel better?
  • Hey gang! I have been out of town w/o internet access aaaahhhhh, but am connected again

    Added up miles from last 11 days---- +20

    going to catch up on everyone's posts
  • Kitty!

    2.5 miles today (warmup+sprints/recoveries+cooldown)
  • Thanks for the compliments!

    I'm up to 465 this morning. I've been going twice a day to the track, one run and one brisk walk. Not trying to added some quick miles, I just need to think, and I do my best thinking while walking.

    I took my measurments this morning, and since Sept. 2005 I've lost 49 inches total. Most of those have come off since I started running last year. And that is why I running.
  • Quote: Hey Shannon, I was arguing with myself about running this morning. I really haven't run much this week and I was trying to convince myself it was ok to sleep in and run at 2 pm (yeah---in 97 degree heat!! smart one!) and I told myself that "Shannon has probably already finished her run by now." So I hauled my rear out of bed. 3 miles! Woohoo!!
    Glad I could push you up out of the bed! High five on the 3 miles! Though, I actually didn't get to the park until after 4:00 Saturday, we had DSS this past weekend and his mom didn't get him until 2:30. Let me tell you, I was wishing I had gone earlier when it was over 90 and humid in the afternoon!

    +4.5 Saturday at the park, started raining really hard before I could get to 5...

    +2.75 today, combo of treadmill HIIT & elliptical
  • I've been missing in action for a while (busy with other life stuff), but I've been running! 688 miles year to date. It is just soooo freakin' hot!

    I'll be traveling out of town again next week, but at least it will be a bit cooler where I'm going.
  • Anywhere exciting, MBN?

    It's hot here too. I ran at 5:45 this am and lost 1.5 lbs over the course of 3 miles. Time to hydrate!
  • 3.5 miles today....so weird! I did a major leg workout last night and about 2.8 miles into my run I had to take a walk break....I usually slow down but keep running, but today it was walk or fall over....I walked about 25 meters, and started running again, and then I was fine.
  • +4.5 stationary bike 8/5
    +3.5 treadmill HIIT 8/6
  • 3 today!
  • +1.3 yesterday
    +6 today!
  • Hi gals....I am here and busy with family things and with overtime at work...not too many miles in.

    Did get in 7 this week-end with Angie and the brats...

    313/1000 MILES
  • 3 miles run/walk yesterday. What was fun about the walk part was that we found a huge grape vine and ate some grapes from it. How many times have I run by that grape vine without seeing it?

    3.5 mile run today!
  • I did HIIT at the indoor track this morning. +2 which brings me to 487. Since I regained my focus on running I've started losing again.
  • Quote: ..... How many times have I run by that grape vine without seeing it?
    Just how freakin' fast do you run girl?....beep....beep