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Old 02-26-2010, 01:35 PM   #241  
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Wow, I just typed a lengthy post to this thread and then I lost it. Billblueeyes did suggest that I cut and paste to a scrath pad along the way. Lesson learned.

Silverbirch - great application of the Blackberry.

Shepherdess - I am in Vancouver BC. I have been to Blaine and to Birch Bay quite a few times. I have driven through Bellingham on the way to Seattle. Unfortunately I do not go to Seattle very often (it has been years). You live in a lovely area with some great cycling (LaConnor, Anacortes etc). Thank you for the suggestions on the stir fry

Somebody asked about the experience in the bar during the women's gold medal hockey game. Well, through a bunch of puckheads in an establishment, toss in some beer and a bunch of televisions with an important game on and you have a recipe for alot of energy. My food and drink experiences in the bar were successful in that I did not binge. That is a major triumph for me. I was not successful at sticking the the Think Thin plan but I think that a binge was averted because I read the Advantage Cards and REsistance Cards before I left. This morning I revisited them, made a food plan for the day and read the cheat sheet messages to myself and I am comfortable that I am on the right track.

Kislibrarylady – I truly believe that Y’s offer you the opportunity to feel connected to yourself and something bigger (the community). I hope that you enjoy it and able to give it the time to fully experience the connectedness

Midlifecrisis – how did you prepare the spag squash?

Onebyone- you Rock!

Futurefitchick – I am giggling at your treadmill avatar (it is an avatar isn’t it!)

Beverlyjoy- great Resistance techniques.

Gardenerjoy – impressive stats

Maryblu – I have read that quote you posted 4 times…it is very good, now, to have the ability to really “see it when I read it” when I am losing perspective and about to eat uncontrollably.

Over and out. I have not reread this for typos etc.

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Old 02-27-2010, 06:40 AM   #242  
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Thumbs up Saturday

Diet Coaches/Buddies - He went to the gym, he did; CREDIT moi. OK, wasn't a knock out workout, but it gets me back in the game. Had a particularly satisfying on-plan dinner because I served myself a modest portion from the pasta-veggie-chicken dish sitting on the table for the whole meal. And no seconds; CREDIT moi. And had a desire for a second evening snack but didn't; CREDIT moi. Felt like I was doing my Beck stuff.

maryblu - Love the passion. Thanks for the quote. Yep, being "EXCITED" sounds like a sound basis for a program-for-life.

onebyone - Yay for wrapping your head around a creative project. Life is good.

Beverlyjoy - Ouch for losing a planned cookie; Yay for dark chocolate as a substitute. Yay for dark chocolate always! Actually, I was dealing with a basement that wanted to become flooded if not attended. After 30 years living here, the 125 year old field-stone walls of our basement have discovered a new path to admit water. When built, the basement wasn't presumed to stay dry - how could it, the walls are just a stack of stones.

Joy (gardenerjoy) - Oh definitely yes, Kudos for an hour of dancing and Kudos for noticing the progress. Yay for sump pumps when you're lucky enough that an experienced contractor sloped the whole basement floor into a corner.

Susan (hikergirl) - Ouch, again, for lost posts, again; that's a pain. Laughing at "and you have a recipe for a lot of energy" - sounds like a fun night.

silverbirch - Congrats on the scale loss so far this year. You must be doing something right. Yep, I've read that the "buzzards" recycle the afterbirth. Have also read, TMI coming, that they will sit on the bums of moms waiting; Ouch.

Readers -
day 20
Get Back on Track Now

If you're tempted to keep on eating when you now you shouldn't, do the following:

. . .
Give yourself credit for stopping - at any point. If you want to keep eating but you don't, you deserve credit! It's important not to let yourself become demoralized. You need to give yourself some slack for being human and making a mistake.
. . .

The Beck Diet Solution, pg 167.
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Old 02-27-2010, 09:40 AM   #243  
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Yesterday was a good day - I am grateful. I had a great time with my roomies from freshman year in the dorm. We went to a French Bistro and I was willing to push half of my salmon to the side because it was a huge portion - credit.

I had 3 food exchanges left at the end of the day - and used one exchange with some dark chocolate. I savored it.

credits - no seconds, logged food, exercise, thought about hunger, ate slowly, no seconds, left food on plate, tasted and enjoyed food, gave credit through out the day, re, arc, lots of water

- no spontaneous exercise, ate a bite standing, working on fullness

billieblueeyes - sounds like you are feeling better - so glad to hear it. It's good you got to the gym and got in some exercise. Your dinner sounds good - kudos on no seconds. So good that you had a on task beck day. Thanks again for posting excerps - always good reminders You have an old old basement - I hope you can redirect or plug the water.

gardenjoy - huge credit doing your dancing and being able to go for a longer time. That is a big accomplishment! Glad you got your beck book and workbook to work with.

hikergirl - I have lost posts too. Often I save it as I go (copy it) - that works most of the time. Hope you have a GREAT day.

Tomorrow I fly back home - there's lots of snow there along with a new snowstorm- hopefully it won't impact my flight home.

Last edited by Beverlyjoy; 02-27-2010 at 10:06 AM.
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Old 02-27-2010, 11:26 AM   #244  
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Hi fellow Beckies

I am just checking in to say I hope I can get a grip on my eating today. This past week was terrible. All the usual issues- eating because I was stressed, eating because I wanted something to comfort myself, eating because I was away from home, eating because I had no plan, eating because I was pretending I didn't really care and/or I would regroup later, eating because the food was there.......

(When I say eating I mean- overeating and eating junk food).

I am in self sabotage mode. I know what I need to do- I just need to do it.

So credit today so far for:

weighing in
eating a healthy breakfast
making a plan for the rest of the day for eating, exercise and reading cards
posting here

Hope everyone has a good day!!!
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Old 02-27-2010, 12:27 PM   #245  
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Hi there.

While I did not “get moving” yesterday, I have already done my gym work this morning. I did stick the the Beck Plan yesterday and navigated my way through some challenges and triumphed.

Billblueeyes – great stuff regarding getting to the gym and being “centred” with your eating.

Beverlyjoy – I am almost always unsuccessful at leaving food on my plan. Big credit to you!

Ceejay – Billblueeye’s post Day 20 comment applies ---- Remember to Give Yourself Credit for Stopping

Have a great day all.

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Old 02-27-2010, 02:15 PM   #246  
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Yesterday, I got to garden for exercise for the first time in 2010! The weather was warm, at least compared to the unseasonably cool February that we have had. The ground is muddy where it isn't frozen, so we couldn't do very interesting yardwork. But clean-up is the kind of gardening that I can count as exercise -- hauling the cart interspersed with squats and reaches, aka circuit training!

The intro of The Beck Diet Solution Weight Loss Workbook has three preliminary requirements:

1. Choosing a Diet Coach. Thanks y'all!

2. Choosing Your Diet. By which, she actually means one diet and a second for a backup. I've been following "gardenerjoy's Exchange Plan (tm)" and, really, it's probably the only diet I will follow long term. But, it's probably always going to require some recalibrating now and then to make sure that I'm eyeing portions well and that I have a good balance of exchanges. One of the more fun ways to recalibrate is to follow someone else's diet for awhile, so I'm going to play along with this.

Diet 1 is The DASH Diet -- I followed this for awhile years ago to stabilize my blood pressure. But I didn't lose weight because it wasn't designed for that. Since then, someone has come out with a book that does include plans for losing weight. So, I requested the book from the library today.

Diet 2 is gardenerjoy's Exchange Plan augmented by calorie counting.

3. Choosing Your Exercise Program. This one is also already done courtesy of 3FC. Setting a minutes goal in the monthly thread under the Chicks Up for a Challenge support forum is working great so I will stick with that.

WI: +0.45kg, Exercise: +90, 1368/1400 minutes for February, Food: op, Read my Advantages and Responses: yes

good job not binging at the hockey celebration in a bar

BillBlueEyes: congrats for making it back to the gym. It's probably best to start back slowly.

Beverlyjoy: so glad your visit with friends went well, including the eating.

CeeJay: it's great that you're back and making credits for yourself!
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Old 02-27-2010, 09:20 PM   #247  
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Hi there! I just can't seem to pull it together, people. I need to get it together!

onebyone-- your hair hurts-- I can hear my eyes when they hurt. I didn't know that was weird until I said it one day in front of a bunch of co-workers. Luckily it was a bunch of women I had worked with for a long time so they could tell me how weird that was. I can also hear it when other people tell me their eyes hurt. It's a crackle. Talk about a weird electrical system. I have a cat you are welcome to have, should you want another one.

Shepherdess-- interesting info on the shearing; I have never seen that done. Good idea to put the cookies in the freezer. I am glad that worked. My MIL puts hers in their deep freezer in their basement and defrosts them right before she serves them. Hard on the teeth but probably accounts for her slim body.

FFC-- WOOHOO for ridding yourself of the pound! Especially with a busy schedule.

midlifecrisis-- yep-- I am crazy about my girls. My three year old wore a dress, tights, ballerina outfit, extra dance skirt, about ten necklaces, light up ballerina shoes and carried a wand to her music class. It was hysterical!

BBE-- you really haven't lived until you have bonded with a wet-vac in a basement. Such fun. The child care is actually why I joined the Y. We have a treadmill and elliptical machine but I don't have time to use it. This way I can get in some exercise during the day a few times a week while I sort of have the girls. Day 20 tip is timely. My husband actually asked me what my plan was. Glad you are back at the gym!

maryblu-- printed off the quote- thanks for sharing

BEverlyjoy-- sounds like you are pretty much keeping it together despite some challenges. being out of my home throws me for a loop--great job! Hope your trip back to the snowy land of OH is a good one!

Gardenerjoy-- WOWOWOW on the dancing... what a huge improvement. I am going to try Zumba Gold on Monday. If I don't break anything, I will post how it goes. I am not the least bit coordinated so I am sure it will be interesting. YAY for going outside. I can't wait!

hikergirl-- hi there! I am looking forward to speaking to adults at the YM. That's if I can catch my breath for long enough to do so.

Ceejay "I am in self sabotage mode. I know what I need to do- I just need to do it." Giiiiiiirrrrrlllll i am SO right there with you. Ugh. Why do we make it so difficult?
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Old 02-27-2010, 11:10 PM   #248  
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Hi All,
I tracked food today, credit, and put it on my graph, credit. Walked 8500+ steps, credit. Left a small pile of feta from my Greek salad at lunch, credit. We're getting ready for a craft show next weekend, and contemplating whether we will be loading the car in a blizzard. . .that's stressful. I'm ready for my slug olympics to be over--I spent way too much time laying in bed watching the games. Yesterday I had chocolate chip pancakes, and I gasped when the huge stack came out--it looked like the batter ran to the edges of the grill. The waitress offered me a box right away, and I tucked one inside, and didn't even miss it, and forgot to take it with me(yay!!!).
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Old 02-27-2010, 11:21 PM   #249  
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Nice going Nux on the forgotten box. I like that! Sounds like everyone else is getting better or just getting back. It has been one stressful month for most of us, on the whole planet!!!! (more quakes and tsunamis today!). I have been doing well keeping things very simple and clinging to prayer for patience. A little hungry at night but listening to satiation signals. 72-second poses (asanas) really helps too. Standing on one leg in a standing split is amazing for taming the restless feeling that used to make me think that the answer was FOOD. Now it is sobriety! Food was my drug of choice, I see that now! Now I long for relaxing shoulders and jaw instead! SO I wlll go do some exercises for that now and go to bed. Tata!
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Old 02-28-2010, 01:16 AM   #250  
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Default Sunday - another week tomorrow

I have spent the weekend organising clothes, making menus, shopping, cooking food to freeze, throwing away half of it because I didn't like it (!), and generally getting organised to do my Beck stuff as BBE puts it. I have been a bit disorganised and off program since I got home on Wednesday night - finding it difficult to keep up! But I will persist with trying. Midlifecrisis makes me think of yoga - I used to go three times a week and was quite advanced - I need to start again with the simple standing poses until I am stronger maybe. You are all experiencing snow and cold which to me seems so desirable (always wanting what I can't have) - it is very hot and humid here and overnight it is difficult to sleep - even though it is starting to cool down now. Last weeks nights were 28 Celsius and 100% humidity - yuck


Got food organised: posted today: downloaded and iPhone ap that will allow me to synchronise my lists; Advantages cards, Response Cards, Anti-Craving Techniques, Menus maybe (still haven't finished syncing)

Not so good:
Feeling a bit negative and overwhelmed - just need to hang in there. Not a lot of exercise as a bit uncomfortable at the moment. Could relate to OneByOne - I have severe arthritis in one knee and get plantar fasciitis in the other heel and it makes hobbling a bit difficult. It will settle ...

Working on:
GET BACK ON TRACK - NOW! Being more structured with working Beck and with posting - even if I can't acknowledge everyone's contribution. I am too new to know everyone and to keep track of their posting and I get guilty and contrite for not making personals. Maybe I have to leave that for a while except for something that sticks in my mind or I avoid posting even if I am reading everyone's advice avidly
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Old 02-28-2010, 06:05 AM   #251  
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Thumbs up Sunday

Diet Coaches/Buddies - Did well at a dinner party; CREDIT moi. Wasn't a low calorie dinner, but I had no seconds, modest servings from the buffet, and avoided those dishes with mayonnaise, noodles and the like. However, before dinner, which came a bit late for my taste, I sat before a bowl of candied pecans sitting on a beautiful coffee table in an elegant living room. The ambiance seems to have been permission to have more than one. Finally realized that if I picked up the bowl and moved it out of my arms reach, I'd be too embarrassed to get up and go get another; so did that. It's embarrassing here to have to admit I fell into tree nuts from a bowl - again. Think I'll have to pull out the NO CHOICE sword next time; don't seem to be a just-one-thank-you-very-much kind of guy. Ouch.

Beverlyjoy - Thanks for the reminder that you can push food aside even if it's a miracle food that's uber good for you like salmon; it's still only good for you in planned portions.

Joy (gardenerjoy) - Gardening? Don't you have February in Missouri? We'll hear none of that, LOL. Our yard is filled with small sticks and the stuff that falls from trees in the high winds of this week. Will try to start shifting my brain to dreaming of starting some seeds indoors.

Margaret (Nuxmaga) - Just wondering if I was at dinner with you would I have been so rude as to ask if I could have "small pile of feta from my Greek" that you weren't eating, LOL. Love that stuff. And then you leave the chocolate chip pancake behind without thinking about it. You're winning in the don't-have-to-clean-my-plate category.

midlifecrisis57 - Yay for 72 second yoga asanas when you need a little something before going to bed.

CeeJay - Absolutely Kudos for giving yourself credit for "making a plan for the rest of the day for eating, exercise and reading cards." You could write day 20 of the Beck book as in the daily quotes.

KidsLibraryLady - Yep, together is where it all needs to be pulled. You're on your way posting here. LOL at "bonded with a wet-vac in a basement" - gotta acknowledge that I've spent a bunch of time sneaking away from DW to be with my wet-vac. But, we're just friends, nothing's happened, LOL.

Susan (hikergirl) - What a good feeling - to triumph over some challenges.

seadwaters - Kudos for "getting organised to do my Beck stuff" - always good to be reminded that you gotta do your homework before heading into this battle. Good point: posting frequently is the goal for being accountable; personals aren't required. When a bunch of folks don't post personals, the thread is more inviting for people to join. I wish Beck had it in her book, just like the two weeks of prep before staring your diet, you have to post on 3FC for a month before considering personals, and then only a few as you get to know the others.

Readers -
day 20
Get Back on Track Now

If you're tempted to keep on eating when you now you shouldn't, do the following:

. . .
Watch out for feelings of failure and helplessness. When you slip, you might start to feel like a failure and believe that you just can't diet successfully. It's essential to remind yourself that mistakes are inevitable; it's normal to stray from your diet from time to time. No one's perfect.
. . .

The Beck Diet Solution, pg 167.

Last edited by BillBlueEyes; 02-28-2010 at 08:58 AM. Reason: silverbirch=>seadwaters; cut and paste. cut and paste. Arrrgh.
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Old 02-28-2010, 08:34 AM   #252  
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It was seadwaters doing that good organisation attributed to me in Bill's post. I cannot take false credit! But now I'm fired up to do a bit of organisation myself. Thank you!
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Old 02-28-2010, 12:39 PM   #253  
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Finished two totally exhausting days, but I have some beautiful new wool! As a bonus, my hands are so soft after sorting through fleeces. Shearing was successful, but eating was not. I was so busy getting the real-food options ready for the crew, that I didn’t plan well what I was going to eat. Lack of planning, in addition to tired, anxiety(it’s always nail biting during shearting), and some old bad habits rearing their head, lead to some bad choices—hello carrot cake cupcakes. I’m saying a big “Oh well.” I have plenty of other big workdays to work on improvements. So for today, I’m back to discipline—measuring, counting, planning, reading cards and all that. Lots of sore muscles, so exercise might be a long yoga session.

Sheep update: My pet sheep had a traumatic day yesterday, but I just fed them, and apparently, all is forgiven.

Onebyone, glad you are feeling better, healthwise and as a teacher. I know it’s disappointing when the scale doesn’t move down, but that maintenance is a success as well.

RE painting sheep: each ranch has registered brands for cattle, sheep, horses, you can even register brands for turkeys. Every time you sell animals, a brand inspector is present to make sure we’re not rustling. Some of the brands we use have been in dh’s family since the state began to regulate brands in 1917—they were used before then, but we don’t have records. We have several different sheep brands, but we usually use a brand that looks like a key, and one that is called H-7. We color-code the brands; ewes get a blue brand, yearling ewes get a green brand, rams get a red brand. Then we can sort them easily at different times of the year. We will be painting numbers on the sheep during lambing—but that’s a post for another day. . .

SilverBirch, congrats on 12 lbs down! LOL at shouting at “teenage” lambs to keep them out of the garden—I know about that. It’s interesting to think about management in such a different climate. I think your wet climate completely changes the needs of the sheep. We’re dry, dry, dry here, which is great for our fine-wool sheep, but it makes for a totally different set of problems.

Maryblu, loved the quote about finding joy in the changes we are making. It’s a great reminder—I doubt naturally thin people go around feeling bad about all the things they are not eating.

Beverlyjoy, I totally understand the grief over the cookie snatched up by the cookie monster. Good job for continued success during challenging situations—you’re becoming a pro at this.

Gardenerjoy, yay for dancing at an hour at a time. The DVD sounds like a blast! I’m impressed that you’re going back to the beginning of Beck. I keep thinking I need a refresher on the early stuff, but stuff always gets in the way. Yes, garden clean-up does count as exercise—anything in the garden is one of my favorite forms of exercise.

Hikegirl, huge credit on avoiding a binge at the bar. It’s amazing how those cards really do work wonders! Congrats on the women’s hockey win!

BillBE, yay for getting back to the gym! I love the enthusiasm. Ouch for flooding basements—not the kind of spontaneous exercise to get excited about. Great job dealing with a dinner party, and good job dealing with the candied pecans.

CeeJay, you can be my “getting back on the horse” buddy. I know all about poor food choices when stressed. Gosh, I hope that gets easier to deal with—BillBE gives me hope!

KidsLibraryLady, ouch for feeling like you can’t get it together, but congrats on signing up for the Y. Sending you supportive thoughts.

Nuxmaga, leaving both a pile of feta and a chocolate chip pancake? I’m so impressed. Ouch for the prospects of loading a car during a blizzard. The only thing a person should do in a blizzard is stay in bed!

Midlifecrisis57, I’m totally impressed that you’re listening to the satiation signals, but ouch for a stressful year. Great job sticking to prayer and yoga to deal with it.

Seadwaters, great job getting organized! I’m looking around at the disaster that appeared in my house over the last few days—I could use some of your determination! Kudos for getting back to Beck and finding a good system to remember those ARCs.
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Old 02-28-2010, 01:55 PM   #254  
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Hi not much interesting to report in on except that I am pleased to say that I am doing “ok” on the food front.

Shepherdess - Remember to give yourself credit for the energy that you used during the two exhausting days.

Bill Blue eyes – big credit to you for not returning across the room to the out of reach nut bowl. I myself would not have been able to stop and my desire to have the nuts would have overruled my desire to stay in control.

Seadwaters – getting organized in the home is a good compliment to organized eating. My home is not so organized..

Nuxmaga – credit you for leaving food on your plate. What type of crafts do you do and sell?

Midlifecrisis – I understand what you mean when you write “food was my drug of choice”.

Kidslibrarylady – give yourself credit for posting to this website. That is not an easy thing to when you cannot get it together.

Gardenerjoy – thank you for drawing attention to the exercise minutes challenge. For me, I have found a thread that challenges on a weekly basis to go binge-free. That is my bug-a-boo.

Ceejay--- where are you?

Beverlyjoy – where are you?

Silverbirch - did you make any movement on the organization front?
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Old 02-28-2010, 03:48 PM   #255  
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Peeking in. Wonder when overwhelmed will be an occasional thing. Perhaps I need to just get used to it as the new normal.

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