CC Christmas Challenge

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  • Sorry I have been MIA for quite a while. I was so bad for at least a week after Thanksgiving and have only gotten back on track for a few days, so I know I will not meet my Christmas goal. But I will be happy if I can just get back down to 169 at this point (I have no idea what I weigh and probably won't weigh in until I can fit back into my jeans the way they fit me at 169).

    Hope everyone is doing well!
  • OMG ~I just got online for a quick glance...Northern ~u just nearly made me freeze reading those temps! OMG!~Whew...~STAY WARM SOMEHOW!~In a hurry Gotta wrap a few things before the kids get home~Thought I was done wrapping but forgot a few things ~UGHHHHHHHHHHH! TTYL

    Sorry to always be in a hurry but Geesh I am a busy lady here lately ~proboly why I am dropping pounds so much. I need to try to slow it down a bit. ~HUGS TO ALL!

    & Welcome to hope for recovery!

    Added Note: Forgot ~to put my new weight earlier....Geesh I need to up my calories! I am going for 1800 today Been eating 1400 to 1500 a day ~cause I was 132.8 This morning! So made that goal too~I Aint tried on those Size 0's Yet..Kinda afraid they will fit LOL! (HONESTLY!) I tell ya what that change of not excercising daily & down to 5 times a week my hubby suggested awhile back Has done the trick! I am nearly half the size I started out at ~CRAZINESS~TO ME I don't wanna get to small~I think this made me have an anxiety attack episode for the day!~I guess I am nutty!LOL....Well I got 5 minutes before the kids get home ~gotta go!~TTYL
  • Lori Wait, what?!!?!? Weren't you just at 137 or something?? Ah I'm jealous! You are such an inspiration.

    Hey everyone. Finally down again in weight, 69kg this morning (152.1 pounds) - 2 weeks left to lose...I can't remember how many pounds, but 2kg to get to my Christmas goal. Might not happen. Even if I only lose another 1kg I'll be happy enough I think! I've crossed the line from obese to overweight!!
  • Lori- Congrads on the weight loss! be careful with your weight though, your dropping pretty fast. I did the same thing & lost too much body fat. Then my period stopped for 11 mo. til I figured out the problem. I let myself gain a few pounds & now I get my period. I want you to be a healthy skinny mini!

    Only had 1116 cal. today, I did get really hungry earlier, but i was at the market. By the time I got home, I wasn't anymore. I'm baking tonight, I hope I can control myself, that stuff is my weakness. I am hooked on yogurt right now though, not really craving sweets, eating 4 yogurts a day right now. I love trying new & different flavors. Instead of walking in the cold, I blasted music and danced while I was riding the bike. Vigorous pedaling(15mi. per hr.), burns 311 calories for 35min at 108lbs. That's not including the twisting and movement of the arms that I do. Who knows what I burn really. Whatever it is, I can eat alot more( a 3000 cal. day) once or twice a week & only gain 1 lb. I'll gladly stay inside & ride the bike in this really cold weather, I can't wait til spring! lol
  • Lori: Holy crap! You're just shrinking away (and I mean that in the most affectionate of ways!) I have a ways to go until maitenance, but it sounds like it takes a while to figure that all out after being in "losing" mode so long. I'm sure you'll get it all figured out and stay in the size that you're comfortable with. When you started this journey, did you ever think you'd worry about getting too SMALL?! That's so crazy wonderful

    Rainbow: Woo-hoo on no longer being obese!! That's my next "milestone" goal. Congrats on making such great progress toward getting healthy!!

    Sandcar: We think alike in many ways. I did bad over TG weekend and didn't weigh until the following Friday. Luckily I was down 1/2 lb, but's been slow going since then. I made onederland on November 19 and here I am 3 weeks later and only down about 2 lbs. But I guess as long as it's going in the right direction, I shouldn't complain, right? Good for you for getting back on track. I know how hard it is when you slip up for more than a day.

    Today I MUST clean my house, been putting it off too long. Tonight we've been invited to a pot-luck thingy at my BIL's house. Will probably indulge a little, but am NOT going to go overboard. Will count it as my "cheat" meal for the week, I guess! I just hate when you have NO CLUE as to how many calories you're eating. I can usually make an educated guess at sit-down restaurants...but things like buffets and pot lucks are so difficult to estimate.

    Well, I hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend. Two weeks to go!
  • Hi everyone! Hope you all had a good week. Mine went well didnt go over calorie intake so I know I did good their and the scales show the same this morning. No exercise tho so now its time to get back to business. I will get exercise today from shopping and cleaning house and washing clothes. Will be getting back to the gym on monday. My dads funeral went very good yesterday. He sure look good in his uniform from WWII. The family was very surprise to see, they didnt know he saved it all these years. Well got to get busy have a good saturday and will chat later.
  • Hi all, I'm baking again tonight, boy is it hard not to eat the cookies after you bake them. I made a crustless coconut cream pie last night ( low cal, low fat), after breakfast of course I ate half the pie! It was so good, but went way over my calories today. I'm finally at my goal weight & now I'm gonna gain again! I exercised twice today, trying to burn those calories. If I have time I'll ride the bike again tonight. Good luck to all!
  • Northern Thanks! I wish I was saying no longer overweight haha, but that is a while off yet. Hope cleaning the house went ok and same with the pot luck dinner!!

    fruitlady You make my mouth water with all your talk of cookies and pie hah! I'm lucky I'm avoiding my sister's place at the moment, she's always into doing lots of holiday baking (and never the low cal variety).

    Nothing new here. Uneventful weekend really, aside from being no longer obese haha. Ready to make the next 2 weeks before Christmas count!
  • Good evening! Sure is getting cold here tonight. And the wind is blowing so that it makes it colder. Today calories came to 565 so I didnt eat enough today. Just didnt want much. Going to say good night have a great sunday. Stay warm.
  • ~Zooming buy again ~got a teenager Starring me down for the computer LOL

    Thanks everyone & congradulations to your achievements!

    Love y'all!

    Fruitlady( I am fine girl ~thanks for your concern) I think where I ate a bunch on Thanksgiving & had a no count day,switched my exericing routine, & came off my period I just got a nice several day swoosh...That scared the crap outta me~LOL I am fine though~I was 133.4 today so it's doing the usual fluctuating again Which is ok.
    ~Tried on the size 0's~LOL~NEVER IN MY DREAMS GIRLS/GUYS!~LOL a 2 is fine with me ~I am nearly toned...I will say I will be at a steady weight once in the 120's ~My doc said I was very healthy ~had him check me during my daughters appointment the other day LOL!(WORRY CRAZY ME & MY ANXIETY)Anyways..Gotta give evil eyes the computer LMBO ~(kids gotta love em!)TTYL!
    Keep up the good work!
  • Happy Monday!

    I didn't have the best weekend. Didn't go crazy or anything, but kind of slacked off on my counting (still ate "normal" I think I was still around the top end of my calorie range...but just didn't really count) and didn't do much exercise at all. I think the cold weather is just making me sluggish! -20 this morning when I pulled into work!

    Need to kick it into high gear this work week if I hope to see a loss on Friday! Hope everyone is doing well.
  • Bleh. I'm stalled. A.GAIN. I'm getting sick of eating on plan and stalling for 3.5 weeks and losing for 2-3 days. Bleh.
  • Hello ladies.
    This weekend was very busy and the eating went well. workout in sight. I was all over the mall and city so that had to count for something.

    Today I decided to go back to what was working for me at the beginning. 1200 calories, water and 30 Day Shred. I want to see a better loss than I have. I have a size 12 suit that I really want to get in by Christmas and it's not working out. So I guess it will be a later goal...maybe Valentines Day. I can do it though and I am not going to stop working at it no matter what. Even though there will be good days and bad days I will persevere!!

    Have a great day I'll surely check in later.
  • Good Morning! Well getting ready to leave for the gym and i'm with you jiggle looks like I want reach my challenge either. doesnt seem to be coming down I guess im stalled too. Got a party tonight but all the food is suppose to be healthy so hopefully I will stay in my calorie range. Tonight is weigh in at TOPS since there was no weigh in last week. Have a good day all and I will pass by here later tonight.
  • I didn't do too well this weekend. I can't wait til the holiday's are over. I gained 8 lbs of water( I hope) There are too many sweets around & my husband wanted to go to the buffet yesterday. I would say it was a two day binge fest for me. I feel so bad, I am sick, I couldn't even take my daughter to school( my husband did) he saved me again. At least I can talk to him about the food addiction I have had lately. If it doesn't stop, I will end up gaining all the weight back. I don't want that, but when I see all this good food, I have no control anymore. I've been riding the bike like crazy, trying to burn all those calories( 10,500 in two days). Today was almost a disaster again, had 15 choco chip cookies I baked. I stopped myself & was on plan the rest of the day, ended up with 2200 cal. Not good for trying to get rid of this water!!