"Every Day" 21 Day Challenge (Ongoing, Newbies Welcome)

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  • Well... 2 days and then i ate cake! Where did my will power go?! starting anew today and the cake is in the trash!
  • Welcome Mountain Mama. Don't you like fresh starts when you mess up? You can do it, just don't give up.

    Welcome ilovetorun!

    Congrats ladybug! Good job.

    Dreamer, you are doing so fantastic yourself, too!
  • Drink 24 oz water daily. (Level 1, 1 pause allowed) Day 13, 1 pause remaining
    Write down everything I eat. (Level 2, 2 pauses allowed) Day 0, 2 pauses remaining
    No eating after 11:00 p.m. (Level 3, 3 pauses allowed) Day 0, 3 pauses remaining
    No regular sodas, have to be diet or drink water (Level 3, but I'm not allowing myself any pauses on this one. I just have to do it.) Day 0, 0 pauses remaining

    On the challenges that I'm at day zero, I'm not motivated. I have to get it going because I know once I get it rolling I will be motivated like my water challenge. No way I'm giving up on it now.

    I'm adding a new one today. I drink way too many regular colas. Going to switch to diet drinks today along with my water.
  • Start date: 08/21/2012
    Day 1, 08/21: No eating after 9. No deep fried food. Ate only home-cooked meals.

    Dreamer2012: I found that as the 21 days passed, it got easier to not be hungry after 9 but I know once school starts, I'll have to stay up late and study so that's why I kept it on so I can stay accountable.

    JazzyPeggy: Starting is always the hardest for me! It's always the first week of trying something new that I have to buckle down extra hard. You can do it!!

    mountain mama: Way to go for throwing the cake in the trash.
  • My challenges are as follows:
    - Exercise as planned, 40 – 60 minutes a day. (Level 1, 1 pause remaining)
    - No fried foods or fast food. (Level 2, 2 pauses remaining)

    Day 1, 13/08: Exercise 95 minutes, No fried/fast food.
    Day 2, 14/08: Exercise 95 minutes, No fried/fast food.
    Day 3, 15/08: Exercise 70 minutes, No fried/fast food.
    Day 4, 16/08: Exercise 60 minutes, No fried/fast food.
    Day 5, 17/08: Exercise 60 minutes, No fried/fast food.
    Day 6, 18/08: Exercise 45 minutes, No fried/fast food.
    Day 7, 19/08: Exercise 75 minutes, No fried/fast food.
    Day 8, 20/08: Exercise 65 minutes, No fried/fast food.
    Day 9, 21/08: Exercise 60 minutes, No fried/fast food.
    Day 10, 22/08: Exercise 60 minutes, No fried/fast food.

    Ladybug Yeah, I'm the same. The first couple of days are harder and then it does get that little bit easier.

    Jazzypeggy Aww, thank you! And good luck with the new added challenge.

    mountain mama Well done out throwing out the cake! I'd probably have ate it myself.
  • Hey ladies!

    I know what you are sayin, ladybug and jazzy... once i get a few days under my belt i'm good to go! I have lost 75 pounds before... I can do it again! AND KEEP IT OFF! Just gotta get the momentum going!

    I will make it 21 days! and BEYOND! hehe

    So, Im originally from Canada.. and for the past few years have been living in the south US. I have been introduced to sweet tea.... used to dislike it. Not.. i love it! BAHHH!!! I have perfected making it when splenda at least... but i used to be fine with water!! I figure hey.. im just getting started again here... can't cut EVERYTHING out just yet!
  • Drink 24 oz water daily. (Level 1, 1 pause allowed) Day 14, 1 pause remaining
    Write down everything I eat. (Level 2, 2 pauses allowed) Day 1, 2 pauses remaining

    No eating after 11:00 p.m. (Level 3, 3 pauses allowed) Day 0, 3 pauses remaining
    No regular sodas, have to be diet or drink water (Level 3) Day 0, 0 pauses remaining (Started at lunch time, I'm dying for a coke, but I will make it. But I did get started.)
  • My 21 Day Challenge
    Record All Food Intake - Level 2 (2 Pauses)
    Drink 1 Liter of water every day - Level 3 (3 Pauses)
    Go for a 2 mile run/walk everyday - Level 1 (1 Pauses)

    I have to start over but I now have a plan in mind to continue on with the challenge!
  • My challenges are as follows:
    - Exercise as planned, 40 – 60 minutes a day. (Level 1, 1 pause remaining)
    - No fried foods or fast food. (Level 2, 2 pauses remaining)

    Day 1, 13/08: Exercise 95 minutes, No fried/fast food.
    Day 2, 14/08: Exercise 95 minutes, No fried/fast food.
    Day 3, 15/08: Exercise 70 minutes, No fried/fast food.
    Day 4, 16/08: Exercise 60 minutes, No fried/fast food.
    Day 5, 17/08: Exercise 60 minutes, No fried/fast food.
    Day 6, 18/08: Exercise 45 minutes, No fried/fast food.
    Day 7, 19/08: Exercise 75 minutes, No fried/fast food.
    Day 8, 20/08: Exercise 65 minutes, No fried/fast food.
    Day 9, 21/08: Exercise 60 minutes, No fried/fast food.
    Day 10, 22/08: Exercise 60 minutes, No fried/fast food.
    Day 11, 23/08: Exercise 135 minutes, No fried/fast food.
  • I am so excited- I just joined the site today and think that this thread is genius. As I have issues with my follow through (hence the reason I decided to join this community), I will make my first round of goals simple and set myself up for success to keep me motivated. My goals:

    Measure the sugar for my morning coffee and limit to 2 tsp. per cup (Level 1, 1 pause); Day 0, 1 pause remaining

    Every time I want to eat but know I am just bored, do some kind of physical activity for 5 minutes then evaluate if I am actually hungry. (Level 3, 3 pauses); Day 0, 3 pauses remaining

    Lets do this!
  • Start date: 08/21/2012
    Day 2, 08/22: No eating after 9. No deep fried food. Ate only home-cooked meals.

    Welcome to the challenge, gardner177.
  • Drink 24 oz water daily. (Level 1, 1 pause allowed) Day 15, 1 pause remaining
    Write down everything I eat. (Level 2, 2 pauses allowed) Day 2, 2 pauses remaining
    No eating after 11:00 p.m. (Level 3, 3 pauses allowed) Day 1, 3 pauses remaining

    No regular sodas, have to be diet or drink water (Level 3) Day 1, 0 pauses remaining
  • My challenges are as follows:
    - Exercise as planned, 40 – 60 minutes a day. (Level 1, 1 pause remaining)
    - No fried foods or fast food. (Level 2, 2 pauses remaining)

    Day 1, 13/08: Exercise 95 minutes, No fried/fast food.
    Day 2, 14/08: Exercise 95 minutes, No fried/fast food.
    Day 3, 15/08: Exercise 70 minutes, No fried/fast food.
    Day 4, 16/08: Exercise 60 minutes, No fried/fast food.
    Day 5, 17/08: Exercise 60 minutes, No fried/fast food.
    Day 6, 18/08: Exercise 45 minutes, No fried/fast food.
    Day 7, 19/08: Exercise 75 minutes, No fried/fast food.
    Day 8, 20/08: Exercise 65 minutes, No fried/fast food.
    Day 9, 21/08: Exercise 60 minutes, No fried/fast food.
    Day 10, 22/08: Exercise 60 minutes, No fried/fast food.
    Day 11, 23/08: Exercise 135 minutes, No fried/fast food.
    Day 12, 24/08: Exercise 45 minutes, No fried/fast food.

    Really was not up for exercise today but pushed myself to do something.
  • Day 1: 8/24

    Measure the sugar for my morning coffee and limit to 2 tsp. per cup (Level 1, 1 pause); Day 1, 1 pause remaining

    Every time I want to eat but know I am just bored, do some kind of physical activity for 5 minutes then evaluate if I am actually hungry. (Level 3, 3 pauses); Day 1, 3 pauses remaining

    Plus, I would like to give myself a pat on the back. I went in the freezer to grab something and found that my BF had secretly stashed a giant Mr. Goodbar away in there. I did not even take one little morsel.
  • Drink 24 oz water daily. (Level 1, 1 pause allowed) Day 16, 1 pause remaining
    Write down everything I eat. (Level 2, 2 pauses allowed) Day 3, 2 pauses remaining
    No eating after 11:00 p.m. (Level 3, 3 pauses allowed) Day 2, 3 pauses remaining
    No regular sodas, have to be diet or drink water (Level 3) Day 2, 0 pauses remaining

    I can't believe I'm off of regular cokes for 2 days now! And I have finally got a start to the rest of my goals, too!