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Old 04-17-2008, 02:46 PM   #46  
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My NSV is that I've upped my walking routine into occasional spurts of jogging. I don't think I've jogged in years!
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Old 04-17-2008, 02:49 PM   #47  
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Institches - I'm glad you were able to wait until the night before.

Jules - Congrats on the jogging! I, too, have recently started jogging for a minute at a time!
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Old 04-17-2008, 02:55 PM   #48  
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way to go keep it up!!

i started jogging a few months ago and now have myself sprinting short intervals! its a great feeling!
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Old 04-24-2008, 06:32 AM   #49  
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I finally have something I consider a NSV!

My roommates brought home Cheesecake Factory key lime cheesecake to celebrate one of them getting a new job, and I just had a tiny taste, instead of eating the whole thing (Cheesecake is one of my most favourite foods!)
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Old 04-30-2008, 03:21 PM   #50  
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Here's one... I have not given up on WW for 3 weeks! I usually quit something after less than a week. SBD was my most recent venture before not doing anything for a little while. I can never stay on Phase 1 for the whole 2 weeks. I can't get past 5days.

So for me to still be trying WW, after 3 weeks, it's definitely a NSV!!

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Old 05-01-2008, 09:43 AM   #51  
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staja - i hear ya on that one! great job resisting the evil cheese cake!!

luvmyfam - sticking to it is one of the hardest parts for me too! you are doing great!!

now this may not be a nsv for some poeple but is was the souce of a lot of my stress eating in the evenings. after 10 months of trying, my 3 year old son is completely potty trained!!! thank the lord for that!! i was at the end of my rope. it takes about 80% of my stressing out away!
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Old 05-01-2008, 10:09 AM   #52  
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A big YAY to each of you!
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Old 05-05-2008, 12:36 AM   #53  
I'm a loser, baby!
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I bought myself a new outfit, didn't even try it on... brought it home, and was very unsure, looked small... it fit perfectly!!!

I was 3x these are a very small 2x. I wanna be a medium one day!
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Old 05-13-2008, 10:40 AM   #54  
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My NSV is that I had a great day, but it didn't start out to be one, I got TOM and had this craving for a PB cup, or maybe the whole bag, great thing, for me, did not have any in the house. So I thought to myself how can I get through this without giving in to those PB cups. So I made myself, something yummy, I took a flat out bread, warmed it up, put a tbls of PB on it, cut up a banana and sprinkled 1/2 tbls of mini chips on it, that did it, craving gone, and then had a wonderful day with my nephew, did not think about PB cups again.
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Old 05-13-2008, 11:01 AM   #55  
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ooh, that sounds yummy! wtg on avoiding those pb cups!!

my NSV for today (well, yesterday) would be that I was able to wear both my wedding band and my engagement ring all day yesterday! I have not worn both rings ONCE since the wedding, so this was a first! My fingers are getting skinnier It wasn't even uncomfortable, and I didn't realize how much I missed my engagement ring...
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Old 05-13-2008, 11:05 AM   #56  
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I went to a banquet last night, and got to meet the head football and basketball coach of Tennessee (where I graduated from last May). I was able to buy a cute new orange and white dress, and I got my pictures made with both of them, and felt fabulous! Then--we got our food, and I did eat the yummy chicken that was stuffed with spinach and cheese, but I avoided the mashed potatoes for the most part (which are my favorite food!), ate my veggies and salad...and only had a small bite of the raspberry cake for dessert! I was very proud of myself for resisting!!! What a great night
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Old 05-13-2008, 11:25 AM   #57  
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Suite-getting to wear both your rings that is Super, so happy for you!

Katie-Sounds like you did have a Great Night, and WTG on not eating some of your favs, and stopping after a bite of that yummy cake. Great Job
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Old 05-15-2008, 10:55 AM   #58  
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Wow you guys are showing lots of reserve in food choices. WTG!!!

Yay Jaime on wearing your wedding rings together again!

Institches, I'm not quite sure about that concoction, I guess I would need to try it before I pass judgment on it, but it sounds unique. How many points was it?

My NSV this week was that yesterday I really noticed my shoulders starting to take shape. My upper arms are still padded, but my shoulders are actually starting to look like shoulders now and I am starting to see my collarbones!!! Woohooo!!! LOL
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Old 05-16-2008, 11:27 AM   #59  
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Paintfancy, 5pts, and very worth it!

Flatout 0pts
PB 2pts {1tbls}
Banana 2pts
ch chips 1pt {1/2tbls}
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Old 06-08-2008, 09:31 PM   #60  
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Hey everone! All of these NSV are awesome!

Here is mine.... *drum roll*

LOL - I can pull my jeans of without unbuttoning or unzipping them!

I had been hitching them up for the past couple of weeks and today I wondered if I could do it so I tried and low & behold I was able to! I tried on a couple of other and was able to do that with them too! My daughter and I are going shopping tomorrow and I believe that I will see if I can get into a size 18!!!!!!!
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