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Old 11-04-2011, 02:35 PM   #76  
Flex plan follower
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Name: Laura

General location:San Diego,California

Occupation:Household engineer aka Mommy/Housewife

Birthday:September 1st

Marital status: Common law Married


How long have you been on WW/Flex: just restarting after having my 2 yr old I never lost the baby weight. So back to WW it is!

How much weight do you hope to lose:30-35 lbs.

What do you do for exercise:Aerobics,walking and at home dvd workouts.

What foods help you stay OP:lots of vegetables,lean proteins and fruit.

Why do you think you'll be successful this time:I'm tired of this huge tummy that gets in the way of everything. I'm not pregnant so why should I look like it?!

What is the biggest obstacle between you and success:snacking!

How will/did you overcome this obstacle: staying on program and working out

What do you like to do for fun: hang out with the family,watch movies,take the kiddos to the parks.

What type of music do you like best? I'm diverse when it comes to music. Rock,bluegrass,hip hop etc.

If you were on a deserted island for a month, by yourself, what 3 (only 3) items (not people) would you want with you? a brush,a solar powered radio and a never ending supply of matches!

Other comments:I'm REALLY wanting to stay on program...I'm so tired of not feeling at my best and just run down from unhealthy eating and inactivity. I'm a huge snacker with a bad sweet tooth so I need to kick those habits first.
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Old 05-14-2012, 10:52 AM   #77  
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Name: Trish

General location: S.C. just 20 miles south of Charlotte, N.C.

Occupation: Retired, but take care of youngest grandson while his Mom goes to school and his Daddy works.

Birthday: 8-22-43

Marital status: Married to 3rd DH Tony. 1st 2 deceased.

Children/grandchildren: I have 3 children, 3 grands, 2 great granddaughters, and DH has 2 children and 6 grandchildren

How long have you been on WW/Flex: Restarted 5-13-2012 on 2nd day.

How much weight do you hope to lose: 88 lbs to start with.

What do you do for exercise: My own routine and sometimes Leslie Sandsone's Walk Away the Pounds which is my favorite.

What foods help you stay OP: veggies and fruit

Why do you think you'll be successful this time: I'm one who has tried many different ways, but suddenly realized the original WW/Flex plan has always been the easiest for me to follow. So I am ready to stop trying other things and just do what works and is easier for me.

What is the biggest obstacle between you and success: Thinking there might be something out there that will be easier and will work faster. Crazy idea. Also a crowded house with no room to really exercise doesn't help a lot which is the reason I do my own thing.

How will/did you overcome this obstacle: Just realize that they never work or last. It's crazy to keep trying things that don't work. And the #s on the scale don't lie. And my health depends on it.

What do you like to do for fun: Spend time with hubby and family.

What type of music do you like best? All kinds except heavy metal. Guess my favorite is some light classical and country western. Hard to say really.

If you were on a deserted island for a month, by yourself, what 3 (only 3) items (not people) would you want with you? My Bible, water and a blanket.

Other comments: DH's DD, her hubby and 4 children and dog moved in with us last July when they lost their home in FL. She is going to nursing school and her hubby has a job but not many hours at this time which puts a real financial strain on us since they can't carry their weight with the utilities etc. So DH and I are really stressed and hasn't made it too easy to stay focused on weight. However, I was diagnosed with T-2 diabetes a couple of yrs ago and I have to get that under control. WW is the best way to do that. I think when I get the diet organized and under control that I will be better able to deal with all these things in my life that I can't get conrol or organized.
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Old 07-10-2012, 05:12 AM   #78  
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Default Hi I'm new! My bio:

name: Laura

location: Tacoma, Washington beautiful Pacific Northwest

currently unemployed/ customer service field

birthday: June 30th, just turned 35

marital status: divorced. I am girlfriend to the greatest guy ever.

children: none of my own but I'm very close to my 2-yr old nephew and my boyfriend has a 3-yr old little girl. I just need to borrow some of their energy!

how long on WW: first joined in 2007 and I had great success. Then life got in the way and I'm back at the starting line. Restarted this time around 6/17/12. 3 weeks in, and I've lost 9 pounds so far!

my goal: to lose half my body weight. Starting weight is 330. Goal to lose 165. Target weight 165.

exercise plan: I do my own thing. I have a list of execises I run through followed by an hour of water aerobics. Sometimes I do a Denise Austin walking DVD

how I stay OP: lots of fruits and veggies so I don't feel hungry. And I love it when I find foods that are awesome that feel like a cheat but are low in points. I love the WW icecream bars that taste like a Snickers!

why I think I'll be successful this time: I'm motivated, I'm excited, so far very happy on the plan, and I have lots of support.

what stands betweeen me and success: laziness and my love of food. Really bad foods.

how to overcome that obstacle: I have to be on WW. I have to make myself. I have to force myself to exercise. I have to stop being lazy. And as for those bad foods? Only on very rare and special occasions.

what do I do for fun: scrapbooking, reading, shopping, spending time with my nephew, and enjoying the outdoors. And of course, being with my sweetheart!

music: my taste in music is pretty ecclectic but mostly I enjoy Contemporary Christian music

top 3 things on a desserted island: books, bottled water, my MP3 palyer

other comments: WW worked for me before and I'm already seeing results. I want to do this! I'm so tired of trying to crop my belly out of the photos I'm scrapbooking. Tired of not feeling like I look my best when I look in the mirror. Tired of being exhausted all the time. I'm getting to that age where I know my weight is going to start affecting my health. And it's already hurting my back.
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