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Old 03-11-2004, 10:48 AM   #31  
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Good morning,
It is really windy here today and is suppose to rain later. They said we are getting a late season artic blast, but it should improve by tomorrow. My diet is still going good. This is the first time I've been able to stick to my guns and not over eat or just go nuts with a box of Krispy Kremes in a long time. The weight is coming off and I haven't really started to exercise yet. I'm still waiting for that Slim in 6 program to get here. That's going to be my official start of exercising again.

Lynn, when you said he did something stupid, I had to laugh. My DH will do stuff like that too. Makes no sense and if I try to explain it too him, he says I'm nagging him. That makes me so mad, I could just scream, because I don't see it as nagging, I think of it as just trying to explain something. Like how to do something easier, or follow the directions on something we are building together. Or, as in your DH's case, don't do something that will make you sicker or you could get hurt doing. Men don't think ahead very well, that's for sure.

Aleka, I'll have to look at that WW. I almost bought it last night. I love eggs, and I"ve been seriously considering getting some chickens to have my own eggs. They are getting so expensive anymore. DH is not thrilled about a chicken coop. I think it would be fun.

Hi Anne and Sugar, hope your days are going well. Don't work too hard either of you!

Take care, Nikki
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Old 03-11-2004, 05:00 PM   #32  
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Hi Again: Well I hot footed down for the show and when he halled out his chest waders he must have put them away with water in them that now was ice!!!!!!! God I laughed. They are now in the bath tub drying out. It was a good thing I went down, don't you think it would be a good idea to cut the power to the boathouse? Anyway the huge ice and debris flow blocking the river 4 lots up broke away this afternoon and within 20 min. the water level had gone down 6', 1 hr. later another 5' so we are out of the woods I think!!!!! the bad news it is now pouring rain oh well. Picked up WW and read the egg diet sounds interesting. I'm doing well on cal. right now but a change is a good thing and am thinking of making a change. I love eggs!!!!!! My DD is coming for the weekend which makes us both very happy. Well hope all are having a great day
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Old 03-11-2004, 06:39 PM   #33  
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Oh, nag, nag, nag Lynn. Turning off the power, that's for girls and sissies.

That's great that the water is now going down. What a relief for you, I'm sure.
Hey when you said your doing well on cal. do you mean low calorie? I'm getting confused as to what everyone's eating plans are. I couldn't find that WW at Walmart today. They are always dreaming up a new diet it seems.
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Old 03-11-2004, 06:49 PM   #34  
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Yeah Nikki Low-cal no starch, no sugar decaff coffee a combination diet. when you have a moment explain yours to me.
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Old 03-11-2004, 07:10 PM   #35  
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Lynn (and everybody),
I'm just trying to eat low calorie and for me right now, that's 1800 calories. I also am avoiding sugar, trying to choose lower fat things (sometimes, just to save calories). I'm eating low carb stuff too, like a low carb bread that I like. But I'm not paying attention to carbs like I was anymore. So far, I've lost 6 lbs since the 1st. Now don't eveybody get all excited about this, cause I"ve gained and lost these same pounds so many times, it's embarrassing. I realized that for me, there were 2 problems. I was eating too much (too many calories) and I was constantly feeling deprived. Also, frustrated, trying to substitute something for something else and it wasn't working for me anymore. Then guilt over eating a bad food or a food that was off plan. Heavens, it was getting old. I decided to make nothing off limits, but just to eat 1800 calories a day. That includes eating a Krispy Kreme if I want. A few days ago, DD and I went to Taco Johns and I ate 2 crispy tacos (360 calories) and it was enough. The thing is, I'm making better choices now. Before, I was always feeling like I wasn't eating what I wanted. Now I never feel deprived. I'm still eating those frozen dinners for lunch and supper, just because they are easy and portion control is something I need to relearn. If I have a meal with leftovers on the counter, I'm more likely to have seconds. Someday, I'll start cooking again, and it will be easier for me to look at a plate of food and say this amount is the right amount and I don't need more. I try to divide my calories throughout the day and eat 6 small meals a day. I always feel comfortable, not stuffed and not starving. When I quit losing weight, I'll drop my calories 100 at a time until I start to lose again.

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Old 03-12-2004, 07:51 AM   #36  
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Hello everyone,

Woke up to a pleasant surprise this morning. Yesterday the weatherpeople kept telling us that we were to wake up with snow on the ground, we we could expect to have 2"-4" or 3"-5"...whoever you listened the storm's end. Well..NO SNOW!!!! Now they're saying we may see flurries to a dusting this afternoon.

nikki, that's wonderful you've lost weight, I'm still going to congratulate you. What you are doing is really the sensible thing to do. I know what you mean about feeling guilty about eating something that was forbidden in the past. I bought a few bananas last week, and I felt guilty eating them. But, boy, did they taste good. I have been into some anti-dieting sites and the ladies there eat what they want whenever they are hungry, then stop when they're satisfied, not overly full. They all say that once they get in that mind set to not feel guilty about eating certain foods, they are happy with less, and they can walk away from any food they don't want, even desserts. I am trying to get in that mind set. Weight Watchers is like what you're doing, only you count points instead of calories. Keep up the good work!

lynn, got a good belly laugh out of you turning off the power to the boathouse. Now, that is something to hold over your DH's head. I usually store little things like that somewhere in my brain and bring them out at an opportune (sp?) time. Glad the water has started to recede. Did the rain you were having make the water rise again? Hope everything will be back to normal soon.

Hi ANNE, sugar

Have a great day.

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Old 03-12-2004, 08:19 AM   #37  
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Good morning to you all,
Thanks Aleka for the bravo. I think I've found the way for me. It really is like you described with those other ladies. I'm not feeling tempted by anything, because nothing is forbidden. You know, when you can't have a cookie, you deny yourself until you eat a whole bag and then feel like a loser and fall off the wagon for a day or a week. Anyway, that was what was happening to me. I'm losing around a pound a day since the beginning of the week. I'm not even exercising yet. I know your suppose to only lose 2 lbs a week, but I figure some of this is water weight and since I'm really over weight anyway, it's ok. The other thing that I am surprised about is, my period is going to start any minute and I usually gain 5 lbs of water with that. But every morning, I'm losing weight instead. I'm also drinking real coffee again, and actually drinking more of it during the day than I ever have before. Like we talked about before, it makes me feel fuller. But, I"m also drinking lots of water too, so I seem to be in the toilet more than anywhere these days. I was thinking of putting a small tv in there and calling it the lounge

Yesterday, I bought a 5 gallon fish tank and a pair of Beta fish. Stripe thought this was the best idea I'd had since canned cat food. He spent most of the night watching them and this morning, the lady fish seems to be missing. I know that the male fish didn't kill her, because there are no odd body parts laying around the tank. Mr. Stripe just keeps on watching the show and ignoring me when I ask what happened.

Aleka, glad to hear you avoided the snow, we are in for some improvement here today ourselves. Spring time does a lot to improve a persons mood.

My ankle is so stiff this morning. Yesterday, I went shopping for a few hours and this is the result. I have to eventually go back to work, so I'm kind of wondering if I will ever be able to stand on it for 8 or 16 hours again. There are so few jobs around here anymore and the VA that I use to work at is in the process of closing (by 2006). DH will be just able to retire on an early buy out at that time. I will have to try to get a job at a nursing home and get one before everyone that works at the VA is looking for a new job. There will be even fewer jobs after that happens.

Better go and get ready for the day, take care, Nikki
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Old 03-12-2004, 01:23 PM   #38  
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nikki, I am so happy for you that you found a diet that you like and that is working very well for you. Continued success with your weight loss. Sorry that your ankle is bothering you so much today. Does the weather play any part in how it feels or does it depend on how much you're walking on it? I also have to go out an look for a job. I'll begin looking if/when we move to FL. Everything depends on if we sell our cottage or not. I forgot to mention this yesterday. DH & I went grocery shopping and I noticed that Skippy has a low carb peanutbutter. Now, I always thought peanutbutter was already low carb. Well, the low carb peanutbutter had 2 less carbs than the regular, but it was priced $1.00 more. I really think the food industry is trying to cash in on the low carb WOE.

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Old 03-12-2004, 03:10 PM   #39  
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Aleka, our local grocery has carried that Skippy for awhile and is now carrying all the Carb Option brands. I tried the Skippy, it's just as good as the regular Skippy, but if you put it on something hot, it liquifies. It's probably from all the extra oil in it. It's only 65% peanuts. I think the natural Smuckers is probably better for a person, health wise.

I am not looking forward to finding a job or working again. My ankle is feeling worse with weather change but also with activity. If this keeps up, we will have to move somewhere warmer just so I can walk as I get older.

I got the Slim in 6 today. I'm not going to follow the diet plan, since what I"m doing is working good for me. The exercise tapes are really what I wanted. There are 5 -one beginner, 2 more advanced, one ab, one flexibility tape. I watched the beginner and I liked it. The instructor has no annoying habits (big bonus for me), she explains things well-how to do the exercise correctly, what not to do and she even shows modifications for those of us who have back, knee, ankle and neck problems. I also watched the flexibility one and will do that on my day off from exercise. What I like about this program is, you are building strength, but not bulking up the muscles you have. I don't need to get bigger. I am really bored with the exercise tapes I have now, I"ve done them all a million times. It's a good thing to change it up a little and get your body doing something different once in awhile.

How's everyone else doing? Haven't heard from Sugardrop in a few days. Are you busy in the yard? Lynn, I bet your busy cleaning up the boat house. Anne, hope your doing ok.
Take care, Nikki
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Old 03-13-2004, 06:38 AM   #40  
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A good morning to you all..

We had sun most of the day yesterday, and we got a little walk in before it clouded over in the afternoon with snow flurries. Thankfully it didn't stick.

lynn, how are things with the boat house? Hope the water is still receding.

nikki, our grocery store, Hannaford Bros., has their own brand of natural peanutbutter that I usually buy and if they're out of their brand I will buy Smuckers. I really like the natural peanutbutter. Let us know how you like the Slim in 6 exercises when you start doing them. I have yet to see their infomercial. Do they have a website? I had a good laugh about your fish story. Stripes sounds like a little Has he gotten anymore fish? I can just picture him sitting there waiting patiently.

ANNE, hope you had a good work week. The weekend is here, now you won't have to deal with for a couple of days.

sugar, hope you're doing ok. How is the WW coming along?

Have a great Saturday everyone.

Last edited by aleka; 03-13-2004 at 06:43 AM.
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Old 03-13-2004, 07:36 AM   #41  
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Goodmorning Ladies: The water level stopped receding. We hhad snow most of Thursday night and Friday. If fact a winter storm on Friday morning that ckosed the main highway to Toronto during rush hour. Jena came up last night so I am letting her deal with Dh and boathouse today. Clever eh!! He never gets ticked off with her so I avoid a stree related incident. The chest waders had to dry out so they are all ready to go. Before I forget I am going to forward a poem on about our furry friends after I post. Glad your diet is working Nikki, I have a idea we will all do better when we just go sensible. I find I am thinking about food way to much when sticking to a diet. Now that I am doing sensible, No processed food, sugar,caffeine starches I am not totally focused on food. That old compulsive personality doesn't take over. I am much more comfortable and relaxed and am eating less. I am reading again, almost a book a day. Oh I also journal what I eat and once a day I add up the calories and carbs. Now if I could just get some sleep and get my energy level up I could get the exercise routine down. Next time I got to the city I am going to make a dr.'s appointment and #1 on the list is sleeping pills. enough is enough!!!! I have never heard of Slim in 6 were did you get it? What is it about? Today is Irish day. With Jena here for weekend we will do a Irish dinner tonight. This morning we will shop than go up the mountains in Collingwood to 1 of the lodges for lunch than the boathouse, which I'm sure will cause a few laughs as Jena wipes her father into shape. Aleka I too store the stupid things for future comments. Nikki, hope your ankle is not to bad today, Hi Anne & Sugar hope you have a grear day .
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Old 03-13-2004, 07:40 AM   #42  
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SorIf a dog was the teacher you would learn stuff like:
> > >
> > > When loved ones come home, always run to greet them.
> > >
> > > Never pass up the opportunity to go for a joyride.
> > >
> > > Allow the experience of fresh air and the wind in your
face to be
> > >pure ecstasy.
> > > When it's in your best interest, practice obedience
> > >
> > > Let others know when they've invaded your territory.
> > >
> > > Take naps.
> > >
> > > Stretch before rising.
> > >
> > > Run, romp, and play daily.
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >Thrive on attention and let people touch you.
> > >
> > > Avoid biting when a simple growl will do.
> > >
> > > On warm days, stop to lie on your back on the grass.
> > >
> > >
> > > On hot days, drink lots of water and lie under a shady
> > >
> > > When you're happy, dance around and wag your entire body.
> > >
> > > No matter how often you're scolded, don't buy into the
guilt thing
> > >and right back and make friends.
> > >
> > > Delight in the simple joy of a long walk.
> > >
> > > Eat with gusto and enthusiasm. Stop when you have had
> > >
> > >Be Loyal. Never pretend to be something you're not.
> > >
> > > If what you want lies buried, dig until you find it.
> > >
> > > When someone is having a bad day, be silent, sit close by
> > > nuzzle
> them
> > >gently.
> > >
ry for typo's!!!! Once again forgot to proof read!
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Old 03-13-2004, 08:45 AM   #43  
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Morning everyone
Lynn, thanks for passing on the poem, even if it wasn't proof read, it was still a good one : and so true.

To find out more about the Slim in 6 (it is on all the infomercials here) go to and you can find out more about it. For the diet, it says to start with a 2 day liquid fast (recommended, but not necessary) and then after that to start exercise and the diet plan that they follow. They also promote eating lower fat, using complex carbs and sugar free. Like I said, I'm not going to follow that, unless what I'm doing now poops out on me. I'm going to start the exercise tapes today. Reading their boards, it looks challenging for the average person and everyone complains about how much their legs ache. I think I will use the modified exercises and stop when I've had enough. At this point, any exercise is better than no exercise. I've also been keeping track of my food and calories during the day, not really journaling, just writing it down so I know what I"ve had. It seems to help me see things better, like I might eat too much of one thing, not enough of something else, so I try to correct it.
Lynn, when you said that your not focused on food, it reminded me of that saying, I'm eating to live, not living to eat. I sure was in that position for a long time. We both focus a lot on food, if not eating it, preparing it and looking for new ways to fix it. Even though I love to do that, I think it's time for me to get out of that rut of living to eat. Thank goodness spring is almost here, I"ll be able to focus on gardening, camping and other outdoor stuff. Winter sure has a way of keeping a person boxed up.
Lynn, as far as sleeping pills, have you ever tried Tylenol PM's or just plain old Benadryl? I find if I don't use them too often, they really knock me out. If you take them for an extended period of time, your body gets use to them and then you have to take a break from them. I've tried all the prescription drugs for insomnia and none of them have worked very well for me. I found Tylenol PM's worked better. Of course, everyone is different. DD says they have no effect on her at all, but then, her system is the opposite of everyone elses. She can take a boat load of some medications and it has no effect on her.
Sounds like you will have a fun day ahead, enjoy it!
Aleka, Stripe hasn't gotten back into the fish tank again. I put some aluminum foil over the opening and then a piece of wide tape on top of that. Cats don't like sticky stuff and foil makes them think it's solid. I took PJ (Lynn, this stands for Plain Jane as she's the homliest cat I've ever seen) to the vet yesterday as she has an upper respiratory infection. She is really over weight and he gave me a bag of reduction diet cat food to try with her. She is very picky about her food and has had intestinal problems ever since I found her. I'm suppose to feed her 1/4 cup twice a day and that's it. She is already protesting, won't eat the new food and is confused. She has a hard time understanding things and doesn't react to things the way other cats do. She's a sweetie, but rather difficult to care for. Stripe tries to get her to play, but she just lays down and cries. It sounds just like she's yelling for help or mom. I yell at Stripe and he runs. He is the devil in a fur coat

I better run, DH wants to go to a car auction this morning. Not to buy, just to look at the antiques. I think cars are for getting groceries, so you can imagine how excited I am about this outing
Take care, Nikki

Last edited by nikkic; 03-14-2004 at 10:01 AM.
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Old 03-13-2004, 06:25 PM   #44  
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nikki, I have MSN for my homepage. There was a story that Krispy Kreme plans to offer a low sugar donut to attract dieters and diabetics. I know you like Krispy Kreme and thought of you when I read it.

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Old 03-14-2004, 10:01 AM   #45  
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I'll start a new thread for the new week, Nikki
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