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Old 12-06-2002, 09:41 PM   #1  
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Default weekend 12/7 & 8

I decided the only way I can start a daily thread it to do it the night before Hope you all don't mind. ( I do have my cuppa coffee by my side)

I'm excited about tomorrow, for the first time in the 36 years I;ve been married, I'm going to have Christmas lights up on the house. I've never had outside light on the house, because I couldn't get anyone to do it for me, so this year, I'm hiring someone to do it! Cross your boobies that he shows up!

My doctor changed my meds and I am feeling a little better. I have been very good about execising this week. I've gotten up and done my Oxycise tape, rode my bike and then gone to the health club. Alvin is still working with his personal trainer, and he's doing great. Jiff I'm proud of you for joining a club!!

DebKay: We are going to a seminar in Nashville in Feburary and I'm trying to convince ole Alvin that it's not that far on to Atlanta! Is it?

Jennifer, glad your doc was careful, but I agree with the others, Looks like he would have known this before the day of surgery!

Ruth, sorry about the pups.

Janice, glad you are doing okay.

Hope all you birthday girls had a great day.

Peachie?? tampon Angels? I can only imagine!

Robin: hope you have a great selling season.

Well` I guess I go back and play some puter games. Have a great weekend!
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Old 12-07-2002, 06:21 AM   #2  
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OMG my son remended me last night that the christmas tree needed to get up as it was lett than 19 sdays till christmas i told him to get going!!!! i can not wonder why life is so busy!!

I did do some damage at walmart this friday! and also at kmart too!! I do not dare go to target i will be crucified i have no money anyways!!!

I have been trying to get fly lady back in the house as it was doing really good. I would have been here earlier but i got a call from the boy scout leader we usually have our meetings the third thursday of the month but we had to change i for got it was changed to this thursday!! so the house fell to pieces in one day!!!

the puppy is not too bad to clean after atleast its messes are cleaned with a paper towel and a bit of clorox and some stink remover!!

I did a great thing i think i was tired i put ALLmy uniformes in the washer and forgot to turn it on!! so this morning i was expecting to go and just put them in the dryer but no i have to wash them too!!

where is fly lady when i need her!!!
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Old 12-07-2002, 07:30 AM   #3  
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I am with you, Sue...looking for flylady- I have been staying on top of the quick stuff, but the heavy-duty stuff is starting to get ugly- shower tile and tub, kitchen floor, and paper filing have been on my ToDo list for waaaay too long!

Christmas errands today, along with meeting a contractor to make a siding repair at my SIL house; she is sick and can't meet him. Then bank and dentist for me, a hospital visit(same SIL) and dinner at mom's for DS birthday. Most of the chores will have to get done on Sunday, although I usually like to keep Sunday free to read or play. DH is putting laundry in, and if I give him the sheets and towels he'll keep that moving along all day. What a guy.

Eating not too bad, even with the candy bar in the afternoon, and the fruit a couple of times this week. I'd sure like to get ahead a bit before Christmas!

Have a good one, I'll probably stop back later!

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Old 12-07-2002, 07:46 AM   #4  
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Default GOOD MORNING!!!!!!

It's chilly in the deep south!!!

Robin, size 18!

Meowna, praying that little Jay remains a part of your family forever.

Janice you live with slobs too!!! My middle son thinks the family room is his closet And no amount of yelling in my best Mom voice can convince him otherwise, I just pick up his junk and throw it on the back steps.

And Janice I think Dawn would be a good match for Chrissy's friend!!! Chrissy, Dawn is cute and smart and very nice!!

Linda hope your foot is better today.

peachie I know that toy store run was expensive

Barb I'm not sure exactly how far Atlanta is from Nashville. I would love to meet you and Alvin!!!!!! Let's just tell Alvin it's only two hours will be our secret K??

Well tonight is my weight loss surgery support group Christmas party. Hubby is going, but he's not happy about it for two reasons. 1. My doc will be there and 2. the bigger reason. The U of Georgia is playing the SEC Championship game at 6 tonight and that is what time the party starts. I'm going to tell him that we can just drive our van and if he wants to he can just go out and watch tv in the van. After a reasonable amount of time anyway. I wouldn't be surprised if other hubbies didn't join him.

My Dad came through his surgery just fine. He was home and talking to me on the phone by 1 yesterday afternoon. They left the wound open to heal from the inside out and it will require packing by home health nurse's each day. So......their trip home to Virginia is off for at least 3 weeks.

Anyone have any tips on how to turn your makeup into party type makeup? Do I put it on heavier and risk the chance of it looking garish (is that a word?) I just don't know!!! HELP!!!!!!!

Well I guess better get the hiney in gear and get my day started. I hope everyone has a wonderful day.

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Old 12-07-2002, 08:44 AM   #5  
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Good Morning you early chicks!

Cold and snowy here and today is "project" day. The day that all our Christmas projects will be completed! It really is just finishing work and some painting/clear coating and then voila, we're done. I can get them into Christmas bags, if they'll fit, if not, a lot of ribbon around them!

Deb, enjoy your party regardless of who is there. And yeah, maybe having hubby out in the van watching the game might be a great idea!

Dottie, sounds like you are one busy lady, hooe you find a little "me" time today!

Sue! Great to see ya hon, I know how busy you are. Well, my puup is 3 months old and she still messes in the house. She's getting better but still! I have bought this stuff made by Purina to remove all sources of pet messes. Works like a charm. Got it at my local pet store.

Barb, I am so glad you are feeling better. I swear there is nothing worse than feeling down and out and tired all the time and knowing it isn't you!

Have a great saturday for all those to come!
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Old 12-07-2002, 08:52 AM   #6  
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Hi Sweeties.

Thanks to everyone for their kind words and thoughts yesterday. I was just soooo sad over the wee things. Not knowing WHY is the hard part but we are working on some theories about that.

Still no wrapping done. My DD says to just throw it all in a box and she will wrap when it gets there! She means it too and I just may take her up on it. Harry is going to help me struggle with her gifts though.

Can't hang out long and have not read other posts. We are getting another load of wood this morning from another "lad" who guarantees it is dry. The last load was so green that you could smell maple syrup from the maple logs!

My pal Rob is coming at 9 to help Harry finish the porch lights. Harry has a bum shoulder and can't reach up but Rob is tall and young. I have a bum shoulder (still!) and these dumb wrists so am of no use. We feel like a pair of crips these days!

At 11 I meet with the ex Sec/Mgr of the Fair to pull together a grant application - my last duty as former Treasurer. Will be glad to get it over with.

Just took a quick skim through the morning's posts.

Barb, sounds like you are back on track. Great idea about the lights - "Hire a lad" is my favoutite phrase these days.

Debkay, I thought you Southern gals knew all about makeup? Or is it just big hair? I am sure you will look just great and I know you will feel great at the party. Have fun!

Sue, I do that all the time - throw stuff into the washer and forget to turn it on! My excuse is old age. The puppy sounds like loads of fun - beagle/rottie? Hmmm. He/she will adore those kids, I'm sure. I can relate to the puddle, paper towel, disinfectant routine. Seems to me that's all I did for a month or so when we got Lucy.

Dottie, when you get through with fly-lady, please send her here! Maybe she can wrap gifts? I need to run the vacuum through this place today as we are expecting some company tomorrow evening and the electrical power will be off from noon to 6 on SUnday. Thanks Ontario Hydro One!

Whoops! Gotta get organized! Rob will be here in a few minutes.

Bye for now

Pook, you snuck in. Good luck finishing all that stuff. You amaze me!
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Old 12-07-2002, 09:17 AM   #7  
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Good Morning Ladies

Yesterday was amazing!!! We made January's rent in 3 hours!! It is such a relief to know that ppl like the store, and are coming in to shop!! Now if we can just make Feb and March's rent in the rest of the month....I'll be thrilled!!!!!!!!!

It was standing room only from about 6pm last night until 9. We ran out of cider, and the buttertart squares were gone in about an hour. I had made a big double batch!! and here I thought our neighbour went wayyyy out and bought too much food. She had just a few cookies left on her tray at the end of the night! I have one more double batch of btart squares for today, and we have to stop to get more cider. But I think Im going to have to stop at the tim hortons and pick up some timbits too......Im not going to make more squares this morning.

Hubby isnt used to this retail stuff, he worked in an office at Ford forever, and this is his retirement job. He was wiped out last night, lol it was funny to watch the poor guy trying to wrap and bag stuff. So I sent him out on the floor to smoozz. He hit the pillow last night and was out like a light lol

Sue....I love puppies and yours is adorable! I have one on my list, but I dont think its going to make it under the tree this year.

Deb...thankyou so much for your happy dance It sure felt good

Have a great day everyone
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Old 12-07-2002, 10:55 AM   #8  
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Good morning Chicks,
I had trouble the last two days with the conection on my computer. But all is alright now?

Ruth - sorry to here about the puppies.

Pooky- the new years thing

Tell me please, Who is Fly-Lady?

Well I have to go to try to make Some kind of dish that is going to last all week for my lunches at work. I have made pizza soup, and cheese burger soup, now to find something else???

Remember I told you about the chocolates that were yeck, well they are almost all gone, they are pritty good when taken out of the freezer and melted in your mouth.
Well all for now,
Love Tazcat.
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Old 12-07-2002, 11:00 AM   #9  
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Morning everyone. Anyone know a dentist open on Saturday? The long and short of it is, I have a knot on the side of my jaw that looks like I've been slugged. It must be an abcess, it hurts like the dickens. And shouldn't the antibiotics I'm taking for bronchitis help it too? Anyway, I'll be in the ER today because I'm such a weenie I can't stand the pain!!

There is always the laundry and sweeping and mopping and bathtub cleaning, but I'm sick, so I'll put it off. Hope you all have a great day. BE WELL!!!
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Old 12-07-2002, 06:24 PM   #10  
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Still have a sore foot but thanks for asking. I'm taking the weekend off from any kind of walking in the shoes that have the orthotics and hopefully it will cure itself. I felt like a cripple at the mall yesterday.
Ageoldie you are doing better than I at getting outdoor lights up. I have given up. In my whole life I've only ever had them a couple of Christmases. My Dad was the original Grinch who stole Christmas and my husband doesn't see the point when we don't have kids at home anymore...not that he put them up when we DID have kids at home but that's beside the point.
Sue you are not alone in the washing machine blues. That has happened to me so many times I've lost count. Even worse is when you wash a load of clothes but forget to take them out to dry. A good way to get mildew!
Dottie I have to do a lot of paper filing too. This office is the worst room in the house for clutter. I manage to stay on top of the bathrooms and general picking up around the house, but this office is a clutter magnet.
Debkay Gkad to hear your Dad is doing so well. Let's hope he heals up nicely. Enjoy your party. Just ignore the doc. Rise above it. LOL
Pooky good luck finishing all your projects. YOu are one organized gal, I must say. I took a couple of bags of large pinecones out to hubby's workshop in the hopes of spraying them with some gold and/or silver paint I'm POSITIVE I left out there last year. Well, the cans are no longer there but I left the pinecones, just in case hubby remembers where they are. I'm going to use the pine cones to dress up a fake evergreen swag I like to put over the entertainment center.
Robin it sounds like your town has finally clued into your marvelous new store. Congratulations on the great "take" yesterday. I hope it continues right through the holidays. I bet your hubby is thinking "Some retirement!!" Also, congrats on your great weight loss. I wish some of your enthusiasm and commitment would rub off on me.
Tazcat even the lousiest chocolates seem to taste better frozen. As for the good chocolates? Well, they never get as far as the freezer.
Sherrie I'm so sorry about your toothache. The antibiotics you're taking for bronchitis are probably programmed to target only bronchitis germs. Tooth abcesses are a whole other problem. I hope you find someone to take care of it today. That can be a real misery.
I'm beginning to think we need a medical ward right here in 3FC.
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Old 12-07-2002, 08:50 PM   #11  
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Fly lady is a wonderful lady who is a SHE (Sidetracked Home Executive) and suffers from CHAOS (Can't Have Anyone Over Syndrome) she has developed a fool proof way to get control over your house! one step at a time it really works!! if you follow it, but be aware that it will take a while to get control over your house. I have a real problem getting to see my sink i am so tired at the end of the day i can not seem to find the energy to find the sink! and if i do the kids have messed it up b the morning!
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Old 12-07-2002, 09:42 PM   #12  
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taz, to check out Flylady go to

It's fun!
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Old 12-07-2002, 10:23 PM   #13  
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Flylady is fun?

oh, yea, I forgot. I have been doing "it" but gosh darn the whole thing makes me tired...but my bathrooms are a heck of a lot cleaner. It is the clutter that I can't seem to get a grip on. NOW I know why people do fall cleaning...if they (like me) wait until NOW they are really up the proverbial creek.

I will do no more snowmen...done, finished, except for a spray.

Got the bulk of my toy shopping done yesterday and that is a great relief so now I am down to odds and ends.

Linda, eat protein! Sherrie, feel better, REALLY better SOON!

Robin, can I come shop at your store?

have a good one.

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Old 12-07-2002, 11:47 PM   #14  
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Flylady is the head of a cult! (thats my story and I'm sticking to it!)

Happy Holidays, ladies. Everyone having fun yet????????

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Old 12-08-2002, 06:09 AM   #15  
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Default Good WAY TOO EARLY Sunday Morning!!!

Kel is right, FlyLady is head of a cult. I had to fire her, darn is she bossy.......but if you do what she tells you to do.....said in a pays off.

Sherrie did you find a dentist? Nothing worse than mouth pain.

Robin I love hearing about your store. When do you think you will have your web site up and running? Congrats on making a months rent in one day!!!!

Linda sounds like a good time to put the feet up and let hubby wait on you.

Ruth I hope you will take your daughter up on her offer, no need to stress the wrist and yourself out over wrapping. I'm glad to hear that the other puppies are doing so well.

dottie healing vibes to your SIL. I hope you do find some time to relax today.

WELL..............went to my wls group Christmas party last night. It was so much fun!!! Managed to avoid the doctor who did my surgery, really wasn't a problem, I think I'm the last person he wants to see. Hubby stayed inside the whole time, didn't go out to the van to watch the football game. I don't know exactly how many post-ops were there, but the few that were present had lost a total of 4500 pounds!!! We had a very nice time and I won two door prizes, a HUGE pointsette and a gift certificate to a salon. I wore a black dress this year.........NEXT YEAR I'M WEARING RED SPARKLES!!!!

I'm looking forward to a quiet day today, Sunday paper, a little bit of cleaning and football.

Have a good one all
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