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ICUwishing 07-14-2011 11:56 AM

JayEll, those are impressive losses! Congrats on finding something that's working so well!

Krampus, sounds like you have a ridiculously full plate (figuratively!) with injuries and stress. Ride it out, and remember that in 5 years, it's really not likely to matter at all. :)

Allison, :hug: You're no stranger to figuring out ways to make it work - looks like you've already found a new twist. Good luck!

I'm still keepin' on the straight and narrow. I probably should have skipped the scale for a couple of days since 2.5# of water is already back off. Would have been good to ride that wave of horror and disappointment just a bit longer. Challenge ahead is that I have a night to myself. Spouse is on a business trip, and kidlet is spending the week climbing and rappelling in the northern UP. Must remain calm - I have lots of great choices of things to do that have NOTHING to do with the kitchen.

alinnell 07-14-2011 12:01 PM


Originally Posted by Shannon in ATL (Post 3936667)
Jay & Allison - what does the Lean & Green consist of? What calorie level does Medifast target daily?

Each Medifast meal is about 100 calories (and you get 5 per day). Fairly high in protein and low in carbs. The Lean & Green meal is 5 oz pork/beef or 6 oz chicken or 7 oz fish (more or less) and a green vegetable--a couple of cups of lettuce, 1/2 c broccoli, etc. Fruit is not allowed. You can go to the Medifast website and look up the lean and green and they'll give you a document with exact choices. Also, there are a limited number of "free foods" you can eat once a day in case you're really hungry (celery, pickle, etc.). Their website is pretty helpful and you don't have to join to get the info (which is really nice). I imagine overall the calorie count per day is 800-1000 which is pretty low but amazingly I never suffered hunger pains as you're eating so often.

midwife 07-14-2011 12:18 PM

Hey all,
Congrats on the successes and big :hug: s for the ones who struggle.

Put me in the struggling group. Oddly though I have lost my appetite the past few weeks and nothing sounds good at all. I haven't weighed myself but I feel thinner. But that's not how I want to lose weight. :( So, I dunno. Weird headaches too. Stress, heat, smoke from the wildfires? Who knows? Nope, not pregnant!

Worked 2 nights this week and tonight we're going to HP at midnight, so maybe a totally screwed up sleep schedule (more than usual?) is contributing to my feeling odd?


Turkey bacon and a piece of pnb toast for breakfast.

Shannon in ATL 07-14-2011 12:28 PM

Midwife - Enjoy your movie! The theater near my house is doing a double feature showing 7.1 at 9:00, then 7.2 at midnight. We have DSS tonight so no midnight movie for us, though I've felt pretty tired lately so might not have gone anyway. Sad that I'm thinking myself too old, or old feeling at least, today for midnight movies! :(

midwife 07-14-2011 12:54 PM

This midnight movie is a first for us. I asked the theater when we should come and they said people start lining up during the day.

Ummm, no thanks. We already have our tickets so I am a little worried about getting 3 seats together but not worried enough to get there while it is still daylight. Yikes! DD #2 is dressing up as Professor McGonagall. I need to dig up DS#1's Dementor mask and that will be my costume. :lol:

Shannon in ATL 07-14-2011 01:02 PM

Hehe - people do start getting there during the day. I have done a number of midnight movies in my day (the new Star Wars movies, several of the HP movies, two of the LOTR movies, the new Terminator) and I usually got there between 7-8 pm to line up. This worked at the Star Wars movies, I was usually either first or close to it. For the last HP movie I saw at midnight - Order I think - I got there at 7 and was behind about 150 people already. Good luck.

Enjoy the dementor mask! Love it! :)

alinnell 07-14-2011 01:29 PM

My son bought his ticket on Fandango a MONTH ago! He and his friends are going to go out to dinner first, then hang out at the theater for the 12:01 show. My daughter is also going tonight, and then taking her GRE exam the next morning at 8 AM. Not a smart move in my opinion! And she's in Orange County, so she'll have much larger crowds than here in the desert. She's been on an HP marathon--rewatched all the shows and reread all the books in the past two months!

Shannon in ATL 07-14-2011 02:00 PM

We just finished rewatching all the movies, did them with our neighbors across the street over the last two weeks. I'm waiting to reread the books until after the last movie so I don't sit there the entire time fussing about what things they left out. :)

We are going Saturday afternoon to the non-3D. Bought tickets yesterday. It isn't nearly as in demand. I don't like 3D movies and am pretty sad that all the IMAX are in 3D now, we used to go to IMAX all the time.

ICUwishing 07-15-2011 11:11 AM

midwife, Can you send some of the loss of appetite to me? :D

Two days down with on-plan EATING ... I had to go to a Lia Sophia party last night with some friends who are/have been, um, not good influences, and I did end up having one more beer than planned. That being said, I was otherwise extremely well-behaved (it could have been sangria, there was queso con carne available with chips, some droolable shortbread cookies filled with raspberry jam - and I resisted ALL!).

I might try weekly weigh-ins for a while. There's something about seeing it go down, numerically, that seems to remove the pressure. I think I'll go by pants-o-meters during the week, and jump on the scale for the worst 'o the worst Monday morning accountability.

alinnell 07-15-2011 11:24 AM

I had a really off day yesterday. I'm out of Medifast lunch items and ate a Smart Ones entree (an additional 180 calories--not a horrible choice) but then DS went with friends to dinner and a movie (Harry Potter of course) so DH and I decided to try a little Italian place I've always wanted to go to. Yeah, I ate bread (2 small pieces, but it wasn't that good so why did I do that?). And I had wine, not one, but two glasses of Chianti. And the meal, manicotti, was good, but not superb and I ate the whole thing. DH got veal Parmesan and I had a bite of that--wow, very good. So my weight, which has been inching back up since not being 100% on Medifast went up again from that.

Confession over. 3 weeks of Medifast-like lunch items purchased (should arrive Wednesday). I need to buckle down! I wanted to lose 10 more pounds and now it's 13! And my reunion is 3 weeks from today!

midwife 07-15-2011 02:10 PM

Well we got there at 9:30 and realized at 11 that we were in the wrong line. Sigh. So we went to the end of the right line. Oh well! We all got to sit together and we enjoyed the movie (and I did not open the milkduds or Dr Pepper DD#2 brought into the theater for me. She was too sleepy to notice anyway! Haha!) She crashed in the car on the way home and slept in this morning. We were home by 2:45. DH gets up at 4:30 for work---I didn't even hear him get up! I'm looking forward to a normal night's sleep tonight.

ICUwishing 07-15-2011 08:48 PM

Day 3. Feels pretty darn good. Bring on the weekend!

alinnell 07-15-2011 09:48 PM


Originally Posted by ICUwishing (Post 3939116)
Day 3. Feels pretty darn good. Bring on the weekend!

It's not like Facebook, but LIKE!!!

krampus 07-15-2011 09:58 PM

Feel gross and the scale confirms that! But in good news I got off my butt and did a little exercise. Tried this newfangled 100 workout thing. Replaced running with spastic living room dancing. Had to put on a shirt because it was too painful to catch glimpses of my stomach flopping up and down like its own entity.


alinnell 07-16-2011 12:21 PM

That looks like quite a workout, Krampus. How long did it take you?

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