3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight Loss Community

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alinnell 05-31-2011 11:13 AM

Jessica~I've found throughout the years that several days of off eating won't usually show up until several days later. It's kind of weird--almost like my body liked the change and then suddenly decided to rebel once I got back on plan. And my DD says that the yoga part of her P90X was REALLY hard on her wrists (she's a percussionist and sometimes her wrists get inflamed).

paperclippy 06-01-2011 10:04 AM

136 this morning so some of the weight seems to be evaporating. Didn't quite manage to stay OP last night (grumpy about my health again and succumbed to emotional eating of chocolate chips) but still came in under 1600 cals so not so bad.

Kitty, I think the thyroid med change helped a little, but not as much as I was hoping. My energy level is much better and the constipation seems to be improving, but all my tendon problems don't seem to be getting any better. Today I'm going to start calling all my old doctors to get my medical records so I have a full set for the next doctor I go to.

ICUwishing 06-02-2011 12:50 PM

Neuro and TM - bravo! :cheer: Stop by occasionally and prod the rest of us. :D

Thanks to all for the offerings on dealing with kidlet; as always, there is MUCH wisdom here!

I've been a bit scarce lately and will probably have a couple more weeks of drive-by postings. I took a long deep look at the way I spend my time, and how that stacks up against my goals. There were a few glaring problems! So, I'm in the process of sucking it up and reinventing. Came to grips with the simple fact that the things I do don't take me in the direction I want to go (television, web surfing, daydreaming, playing games, grazing in the kitchen), and made the change to giving all those activities a back seat to the things I should do, such as exercise, studying, goofing with DS11, and de-cluttering/organizing. I'm not good at all of it yet, but it does feel like a more value-added arrangement - I'm going to bed just a little more content with what I did during the day. Baby steps!

Shannon in ATL 06-02-2011 02:29 PM

As some are moving out of the thread I need to solidly come back. I've been creeping up for awhile, but called it water weight, called it gaining muscle mass, called it moving my redline to a more comfortable range, called it all kinds of things. It is now 136.5 pounds with a high point of 138.8, which is ten+ pounds over the 127 I would like. I'm okay with myself at 129-132 as a range, but I sure as heck am not happy with my current 133-138 range.

So, here I am. I've been running crazy at our new restaurant so haven't posted much, but I'm here in spirit. :)

krampus 06-06-2011 08:35 PM

I'm doing OK, realizing how stupid it is to be constantly worrying about my weight. I seem to be leveling out between 130-133 and while that's not picture perfect or "goal" or whatever, it requires little effort to stay here, and with the 245792457925 things I have on my must-do list (rehearsing for 2 concerts, moving my life across the Pacific) I'm just pleased that I am still making room for exercise in my schedule!

Shannon in ATL 06-06-2011 09:31 PM

Still here, had a decent weekend. Trying for a decent week. Weight hasn't come down much, but hasn't gone up in the last two weeks either so that is a plus.

kittycat40 06-07-2011 09:17 AM

Chiming in to say I'm in the same boat as Shannon. Choices ok, exercise ok, not much scale mvmt but I'm trying to stay in a groove.
Happy Tuesday :)

paperclippy 06-07-2011 10:51 AM

I have been eating too much junk, but I have managed to keep it in check enough to not gain. Still little to no exercise due to my medical issues. I scheduled a visit with a new rheumatologist for a couple weeks from now so hopefully he will be able to figure out what's wrong with me. In the meantime I'm pretty frustrated with not being able to be active, and it's leading me to emotional eating.

I've seen it over and over again -- if I don't exercise, I don't have the motivation to eat right. Not being able to exercise due to physical limitations is really making it hard for me to eat well.

Shannon in ATL 06-07-2011 01:24 PM

I've seen a lower number on the scale each day for the last two days. First time that has happened in a while.

alinnell 06-07-2011 01:39 PM


Originally Posted by Shannon in ATL (Post 3881886)
I've seen a lower number on the scale each day for the last two days. First time that has happened in a while.

Yay! Feels good, huh?

I had a bit of a setback last night. DS made oatmeal raisin cookies. My favorite. I had two. Not exactly part of my low carb regime!

paperclippy 06-07-2011 03:32 PM

Saved by procrastination again! Yesterday we got an email that there was a bake sale in the break room at work. I managed to avoid the break room all day. Today I wandered in in the morning and saw that there were still quite a few brownies and cookies for sale. I ignored them and went back to my desk. This afternoon I caved and went to the break room to buy a brownie, and luckily I procrastinated long enough that they were all gone! :lol:

Now I just need to convince myself I don't need any more food before I go home. My lunch was pretty scanty today.

kittycat40 06-08-2011 10:05 AM

Have been sticking to plan; no sweets, no eating after 8p, exercising
No mvmt on scale. I have to believe there will be a whoosh one of these days. Right?

Shannon in ATL 06-09-2011 03:11 PM

Good day yesterday, scale went back down after Tuesday night's junkiness....

KC - here's to the whoosh coming soon. :)

Jessica - glad you missed the brownies!

midwife 06-09-2011 03:16 PM

You guys are doing great!
Jessica, I hope you get some good answers soon.
Hey, I went to the gym and lifted weights today. Felt good. :)

kittycat40 06-13-2011 09:09 AM

Well, there was no whoosh, but two separate events of down by .5 pounds. I'll take it. AND THEN came the weekend.
Note to self, when in weight loss mode, one must STAY ON PLAN through the weekend. Up today by 2.5 since Friday. Will get back on that wagon and remember what I already know :)

Happy Monday everyone :p

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