3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight Loss Community

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alinnell 06-21-2011 02:49 PM

Shannon~Second vote for probiotics. I have tried several (Align, one that starts with a C--can't remember, and now Philips Colon Health as it's cheapest at Costco). I take two at bedtime and it really helps.

paperclippy 06-21-2011 03:51 PM

Midwife, thanks for asking. I saw a new rheumatologist yesterday and he took blood for some tests. Most of them (ANA, RF, HLA-B27) I had before several years ago and they were negative, but they could change over time. The only new one is Anti-CCP, plus they are checking inflammation markers as well (which I did have elevated before). I'm hopeful that this guy will either be able to figure out what's wrong with me, or be able to give me an effective treatment whether or not I ever get a diagnosis. At the moment he told me to go ahead and take the Lyrica prescription I got from the physiatrist and see if it helps. He said if they go ahead with the assumption that I have some sort of autoimmune inflammatory disease, regardless of my bloodwork, then most of the treatments for that have a lot more risk than Lyrica does (since they are immunosuppressants) so it's a pretty safe one to start with. The current "diagnosis" is polyarthralgia, which isn't much of a diagnosis since it just means that stuff hurts.

In any case I'm seeing him again in a month to see if the Lyrica worked and get my blood test results (I might call for those earlier). I'm thinking if the Lyrica doesn't help to ask him about trying another steroid dosepack.

In the meantime I saw the podiatrist today (and was encouraged when he asked who my rheumatologist was and he knew the guy and said he was very good) and he is going to make me custom orthotics since the taping, PT, and injections didn't really help. They took an impression of my feet and I should get the orthotics next week. Also getting my thyroid labs done later this week. I cancelled my appointment with the tailbone guy because I don't think he has anything to offer me other than a steroid injection at this point, and given that the steroid injections didn't help my feet I'm hesitant to do it for my tailbone, which is a much more involved procedure.

In any case, I'm going to try to get my indoor bike trainer set up so that I can ride it without putting too much stress on my wrists (plan is to put a giant pillow over the handlebars and lean my elbows on it), and try to get to the gym at work for some squats and leg lifts and such -- as long as I'm not doing anything lunge-y and I'm not holding dumbbells I should be okay. Depending how my arms/wrists are doing I might try going back to swimming more as well.

Shannon in ATL 06-21-2011 04:40 PM

Thanks for the support guys - I do take a probiotic. Joyful, I've been thinking about enzymes since I read you post about them in another thread. I'm just going to have to go see the doc and deal with it.

Jessica - I've been worried about you, too. Glad you are making some progress with the docs. :)

kittycat40 06-22-2011 11:08 AM

went to bed with a grumbly tummy. that's ok. down 2.5 pounds today.
now 1 pound left to pre-weekend weight.
must find the commitment and energy to move my body.

paperclippy 06-22-2011 12:11 PM

Well, although I have some problems with constipation in general (due to thyroid), apparently unlike everyone else on here some sort of blockage must have disappeared from my system because I went #2 three times yesterday and am down a pound today. Back to Friday's weight, so the weekend gain has been undone.

alinnell 06-25-2011 10:47 AM

Woot! 14.5 down. I'm now only 5.5 away from my red line! Can you see just how far I let it slide? Ick.

traveling michele 06-25-2011 04:01 PM


Originally Posted by alinnell (Post 3906957)
Woot! 14.5 down. I'm now only 5.5 away from my red line! Can you see just how far I let it slide? Ick.

Hooray Allison!!! :carrot::carrot::)

silverbirch 06-25-2011 04:54 PM

Well done, Allison!

midwife 06-29-2011 10:16 AM

Yay, Allison!!

So, does the quiet thread mean everyone has lost back to goal? :lol: I hope so!!! I'm still spinning my wheels, but trying to focus on small behaviors rather than beating myself up. I got up and ran, ate protein with breakfast and packed my lunch, plus fruit and veggies for snacks. These things work.

alinnell 06-29-2011 10:22 AM


Originally Posted by midwife (Post 3912713)
Yay, Allison!!

So, does the quiet thread mean everyone has lost back to goal? :lol: I hope so!!! I'm still spinning my wheels, but trying to focus on small behaviors rather than beating myself up. I got up and ran, ate protein with breakfast and packed my lunch, plus fruit and veggies for snacks. These things work.

Not for me! After my low on Saturday morning, I was back up on Monday...I still have 10 pounds or so to go, but I'm going to take the next few days off. Not totally off, but I'm really getting in a rut with this diet. I want real food. I'm sick of soup every day for lunch! I'll be really, really careful with the calories and such, but it's time for a break of sorts. Then after the weekend, I'll go back to a modified Medifast diet. Wish me luck!

Shannon in ATL 06-29-2011 10:26 AM


Originally Posted by midwife (Post 3912713)
So, does the quiet thread mean everyone has lost back to goal? :lol: I hope so!!! I'm still spinning my wheels, but trying to focus on small behaviors rather than beating myself up. I got up and ran, ate protein with breakfast and packed my lunch, plus fruit and veggies for snacks. These things work.

I wish it did for me! It just means I've been slacking about posting again!

I've been on a pretty intensive fitness bootcamp for 3.5 weeks now and have seen no movement at all on weight. I'm going to take my measurements today and see if there is any difference there or not, but I suspect not... It makes me want to just chuck it all and eat a pizza and ice cream.

Great job on your loss so far, Allison! Woo hoo!

alinnell 06-29-2011 10:57 AM

Shannon~although there's no way I'm going to chuck it all, I am ordering pizza for dinner tonight. One, perhaps two, slices with salad. I'm not going to go overboard!

Mantra: Everything in MODERATION! I must remember that word!

paperclippy 06-29-2011 04:55 PM

Sadly, I need to be here even more than before since I've gained. Possibly due to the new meds, possibly due to me just eating too much. I've been hovering right at my red line (138) and crossed it today. That, combined with the fact that I've barely been able to exercise for the past six months, means I am flabby and crabby. Poor DH has to deal with me complaining all the time.

I'm counting calories. I'm trying not to eat junk. I started exercising some, although I have to be careful not to push it.

If someone can tell me how to get a really good workout, like, the equivalent of running sprint intervals, but without running, walking, jumping, biking, swimming, using an elliptical or stair climber, or putting any weight or stress on my hands or tailbone, I would love to hear it. Stationary upright bike with elbow rests seems to be the closest I can come. I've been trying to work back into things -- rode my actual bike the other day, swam last night. But the bike ride was hard since there was too much weight on my hands (getting my handlebars raised up this weekend), and today my arms/wrists are really achy and I'm sure it's from the swim last night.

In any case I think what I need to do at this point is buckle down and cut a whole lot of calories out of my diet. I am afraid of being hungry. I'm thinking I might buy some diet snack bars or something so I can feel fuller with less food.

silverbirch 06-30-2011 01:50 AM

Have put on a ridiculous amount of weight since I was in France at the end of April. There is a family wedding (the other side) in 10 days or so, I thought I might lose a bit more but I rebelled (out of badness - "Why should I do this?") and have gained instead. This is my m.o. with challenge-type things. I should know that by now.

My other reason is lack of proper exercise for weeks. I've been focusing on the exercises my physio's given me to sort out my lower back/knee problem so I can walk long distances and run.

The wedding palaver has lowered my mood. The lack of my regular gymn fix has not helped to lift my mood. I have eaten a little more and exercised a little less. Short-term result: weight gain. Long-term, though, things should be OK: no need to see those people for a few years, and an ability to go on runs with midwife and Shannon.

Today: gymn visit for rowing and physio exercises; all eating to be done sitting down; and I'll write a food plan. SO making tea so that takes away a task around which I eat sometimes.

krampus 06-30-2011 02:07 AM


Originally Posted by midwife (Post 3912713)
Yay, Allison!!

So, does the quiet thread mean everyone has lost back to goal? :lol: I hope so!!! I'm still spinning my wheels, but trying to focus on small behaviors rather than beating myself up. I got up and ran, ate protein with breakfast and packed my lunch, plus fruit and veggies for snacks. These things work.

Not to "goal" but this morning I was the lowest weight I've been since February or so - 129.4. Of course this just means I have to be extra careful, as every time I've hit a low or close-to-low I've wound up binging. 10 days binge free = wondering if and when the next episode will strike.

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