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Old 04-24-2012, 08:35 AM   #61  
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25 is the new "sweet sixteen"! Plenty of income, no serious responsibilities... enjoy it while you can and don't think too much about it!
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Old 06-17-2012, 09:48 PM   #62  
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when i turned 23, i felt old.
when i turned 24, i felt old.
when i turned 25, i felt old.
& when i turned 26 back in apr, i felt old, yet again.

...i've learned after reading this thread that age truly is just a #. it finally dawned on me. thank you guys!
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Old 04-10-2013, 09:43 AM   #63  
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Oh man. All my life I couldn't wait to be 18! Then when I was 18 I wanted to be 21! I wanted to be in my 30s right up until I was 25. 25 was AWESOME. Most of my late 20s were great, actually! Now I'm 31, 32 in about a month, and I just feel AWFUL about it. Maybe, because I'd always clung onto the idea that by the time I was 30 I'd have life all figured out, and now that's turned out to not be the case? I mean, I know pretty much what I want to do with my life and I'm making it happen (going back to uni in October ), I have a good relationship with my parents (finally), have got a few nasty, toxic people out of my life, have been with the man I love (and NEVER wanted to meet - I loved being single so much) for 4 years, have a few great friends, no money (changing careers / recession - i know it's temporary), never wanted kids and still don't, pretty damn happy with how things are going in my life, yet...

I'm obsessing about the idea that my life is slipping away from me! What the what?? I don't get this AT ALL.
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Old 05-04-2013, 03:23 PM   #64  
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I turned 27 in March, which I don't think of as old, but my life sure isn't what I thought it'd be by this time & that's what made me unhappy about being so much closer to 30. I have to remind myself that some people don't even make it to 27, and that getting older is something to be appreciated because the alternative is to not live at all.

Though, when I think about the fact that I was born in 1986, the 80s just seem like they were SO long ago!
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Old 09-02-2013, 10:55 AM   #65  
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WOW !!!!

But to be 25 again.......... SOOOOOOOO young !! mmmm

All I ever wanted to be was 16 so I could get my drivers license, which I got the day after I turned 16.

Like yall, I did not want to get "old."

I spent a year dreading turning 36, don't know why but that really bothered me and messed up 35. Came my birthday and the wife had the cake out for me to blow out the candles. I counted them as I got ready, then say, hey, you only have 35, I am 36. She says no, you turn 35 today !! I nearly fell over. Well, I spent one year dreading 36, I sure as **** was not going to spend another like that. I just enjoyed the year and never gave a thought again about getting older.

I turned 40....... Don't even remember it, but I know I was still having sex 7 times a week and had most things I wanted.

Turned 50, thought I should be physically decrepit. But I still was very active doing everything I wanted to do, even climbing ladders and pruning trees. Sex was still plentiful.

60, now that should be bad. Nope, still had all my hair, physically sexually active, and I got senior discounts !!! WOW

70 Starting to feel the age Still sexually active, still working, and need to get rid of 100 lbs. Still have all my hair which is still brown.

Hope I can report on 80, yall relax and enjoy all of your youth. Due to the modern meds you have a long time to live

But, I will ask you this........ Do ya wanna spend it as fattbutt or a skinny weeny?? I think I know the answer......... Good luck all of ya and ENJOY that youth, however long you allow it to last


PS The difference between a young man and an old man is the young man does it all night, it takes an old man all night to do it

But ain't it funny, God gave young boys a stiff penis and a limber back and they have no idea of what to do with either,

but to us old men he gives limber penis and stiff backs..................
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Old 09-02-2013, 11:32 AM   #66  
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Even being 55 is great!.. Shoot... We did not have a TV until I was 4 years old... gosh.... I had to play outside LOLOLOLOLOL I actually feel younger than I did when I was 30 (oh hard age to turn in my memory)... Just keep laughing and moving and you will NEVER GET OLD!
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Old 09-07-2013, 12:34 AM   #67  
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I am turning 60 next week and I feel better than when I was 25!

I thought that I would dread this age but I am having the best time ever. One reason that I am good with it is because I reached most of the goals that I set for myself in my 20s. While things didn't happen exactly when and how I wanted them to, things worked out pretty well after striving for those goals for 4 decades.

I have much more freedom now! I don't have to answer to anyone. I felt much older when I was much younger and saddled with responsibilities. Now I have no responsibilities. When I was younger, I promised myself that I would take time to be completely free.

For me, 60 is the new 6!

Last edited by doingmybest; 09-07-2013 at 03:23 AM.
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Old 09-09-2013, 11:34 AM   #68  
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I just hit 25 a few weeks ago and i'm having a bit of a crisis with it. It's like being 25 with no real explanation of what I want to do with my life is causing me a LOT of anxiety and despression.
I just wish I knew what to do with myself.
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