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Old 11-09-2006, 08:07 PM   #286  
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Hello ladies and gentlemen if there are any on the forum. I have not been on the forum for about a month. I would like to know if there is anyone out there that can help me. I have been on LAWL 29 weeks and I have lost only 6lbs (because I lose it then I gain it back). The 1st month I lost 12 lbs then the second month I lost 5lbs I lost a total of 17lbs. I went out of town in July and for some reason I can't get motivated to get back on the wagon and stay on. I have lost 4lbs since I been back off my trip but then I go weigh in a week or two later and I have gained it back, its like a yo yo and I am so confused. I really need some advice if anyone can offer some. I am paid up to March 2007 and my goal is 130 so I need to lose 63 lbs. I am open to all suggestions.

Thank you
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Old 11-09-2006, 08:30 PM   #287  
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Lady sg- I too had been yo-yo ing. My DH and i joined last Feb. He met his goal and has managed to maintain. I gave up and then rejoined. For the first part of my 45 weeks, I would lose 5 then gain 4. then lose then gain back and forth. Well after reading the reasons for staying on plan. I made a list of reasons why I wanted to lose weight and think about those everytime I am tempted to eat off plan. I was also motivated by a colleague who decided to join LAWL and has lost 30 pounds. I looked at my eating habits and decided to follow the plan as closely as possible. I started to weigh and measure my foods and to plan at least a day in advance. I know that it is not easy but just stick with it. That was about 5 weeks ago. Since I have started to really follow the plan, the weight is coming off, sometimes slower than I would like but it is coming off. I am currently trying the 21 day boost to see if it will help.

Another teacher told me that she could tell that I have lost weight. WOO HOO! I am close to hitting my 20 lbs. lost mark. I am hoping the scale witch will not be out tommorrow to curse me. I should hit 20 lbs. tommorrow.

Congrats to all of you losers and those struggling to, at least you are trying to make a difference in your life.
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Old 11-09-2006, 08:31 PM   #288  
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HOLLY..I only go to the center once a week....

Alannah--I also share the thoughts others have shared thus far. Hold your head up high..stay on task and focus on those good things in yourlife..nance

Krispie...Congrats congrats

COngrats to everyone for hanging in here...committment is so important..thanks//nance
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Old 11-09-2006, 10:06 PM   #289  
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Kristin - that picture is too cute!! Love the hair styles!
Katie - Hope you're feeling a little better each day. Sorry you had to make that call at work; whenever I hear about boys getting in trouble, it always makes me think of Father Flannigan and Boy's Town.....I had to look up the quote and it says: "There's no such thing as a bad boy--only bad environment, bad thinking, and bad training." I hope his parents can work with him.
Carol - you've got the right attitude; just hang in there and you'll be back on a losing streak.
LeaAnn - I'm just a guest at the stepdaughter's wedding. I threw her a bridal shower a few weeks ago. Her wedding is relatively simple and her grandmother has been helping her out with quite bit of the details. For some odd reason her own mom isn't doing much of anything to help her out. Oh wait, her mom is upset with her for having an intimate relation with her fiance before they got married....I'm not saying I condone pre-marital affairs, but she is 23 years old and she did wait a decent length of time!!
Kim - enjoy your beautiful weather tomorrow. It's going to be 78 here in Atlanta. Unfortunately, I have a luncheon and a lot of work, so I won't be doing much outside to enjoy it. So, here's my scale question. If you kick the scale, you gain; what happens if you are really nice and give it a kiss, will I lose?
Pearl - is the picture your son or your nephew? I thought I read that it was your nephew? Why didn't the guys look like that when I was that age? It cracks me up to look at my high school yearbook, but honestly, I think I look pretty good compared to my peers.

Ladies - keep up the great work and keep on posting. I know I do better when I check in here on a regular basis. Sorry if I yack too much, but typing is so much healthier for me than snacking!
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Old 11-09-2006, 10:09 PM   #290  
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Shon......a little note about motivation......I joined about Sept. 1st. I always keep in mind the reason I began these changes....those reasons are still I am still here......ALso I am starting to realize this truly is not a diet is a way of life..I found that out when I was at our home in COD or center of success (hee hee)....So I worked out an hour daily.. most days.. and tried to just eat a little less...and still had some drinks and wine and came back losiing 1.8 pounds...I have to realize what I did...i stayed focused on my goals, while still having some things I will not have nitely,etc....only when I go out.....I have to face it..I did not gain because I was watchful of all I did...That is the only way to do this thing right.....Like a good relationship...we must always checkin once in awhile to see how we are doing...we must check in daily on our food. Especially if our relationship with food has not been all that healthy....

also write everything down you eat. And want it more than that food..and .want that goal more than food that is not

good luck and stay in touch daily helps and we do care!!!! nance
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Old 11-10-2006, 01:36 AM   #291  
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Joni - that is my 16 yr old son! I prayed he and his brother into looking like their dad! Also, it think it's funny... (and I KNOW I'm a spiritual prude!) people judge us on the things we do wrong (in their eyes) and then when we try to make it "right" they want to look the other way... I would think your SD's mom would be jumping up and down and doing all in her power to assist her daughter in getting down that aisle!

Alannah - How ya doin sweetie?!? I'm thinking about you!

Katie - it's good to hear you're up and around. Don't you think the choice of words "KICK a kid out" is kind of funny when you're saying you KICKED him out because he was hurting other kids and the teacher?!? Maybe under the circumstances you could say "I eloquently escorted him to the door and showed he and his parents the way out"...
(Sorry, I just thought now that your up and at 'em, I could pick on ya a little since I've missed you so much the last weeks)
Krispie - Love the picture! I've been know to pay a lot of money for a "do" like the one on the right only to have it look like the "do" on the left the next morning! Those babies are precious! (must take after momma?!?)
Okay, as you can see, it's late (or early, depends on how you look at it) and I'm ready to go nite nite... (yawn)
Happy Veterans Day to all and a thanks to all who have served our country in any way or are still serving our country!
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Old 11-10-2006, 07:58 AM   #292  
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Hi Everyone,

Back again. Finally got some sleep last night but still minimal food. I have WI this morning and I AM going. It should show a loss as according to my scale I am down but I figure once I start actually getting on plan again this weekend and eating all my servings I may gain a bit back again but that is to be expected. I haven't been off plan as far as eating bad at all. I just haven't been able to eat much. I make something and then sit down to eat and get 4-5 bites in and my stomach starts rolling. But today is another day and hopefully it will start getting easier. One day at a time as they say.

It sounds like others here have been having a good week. Sorry I have not focussed more on you guys. I promise that will improve over the next few days. I feel a bit better today but still not great. We are at least being civil to each other. So far everything is amicable. I don't hate him (not yet anyway) and don't really see how I could. I am sure down the road I may get more angry but right now not so much.

Well, must go get this day started and go to COD and make a couple of other stops. Might get a chicken salad at Wendy's today for lunch to bring home as a treat. Imagine a salad is a treat!!! LOL.


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Old 11-10-2006, 08:12 AM   #293  
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You enjoy that salad! Or better yet get yourself a grilled chicken sandwich as a treat, it's in the book. You are doing amazingly well and what a strong lady. Don't worry about the rest of us right now, we'll work on you then you can give us all a good kick in the but later when we need some motivation!
Have a super day ladies!!
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Old 11-10-2006, 09:06 AM   #294  
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Alannah-I'm so sorry. I can't even imagine what you are going through right now.

Kristen-Congrats on ONEDERLAND!!!! Needless to say, I'm a little jealous, but inspired by your success.

All of you Canadians saying you don't have Chocolate Mint Lites...I don't think all of the US CODs have them either. Maybe a few here or there, but I haven't been able to find them (and they sound REALLY yummy!) My COD says they don't currently carry them, but will have them back in stock later this year.

The weather here is awful. Two days ago it was a beautiful 72 degrees, and today our high is 35 degrees. My body isn't quite used to it yet...though I live in MN and this is pretty "normal" for us.'s a shock to the system the first few days of winter.

I've been having weird food dreams lately. Where I'll eat and eat and eat tons of junk, completely ruining my progress. I wake up VERY glad it was just a dream. It's weird. And I don't even crave the things I eat in my dreams during the day.

Yeah...other than that, not much new here. WI this afternoon. I got into work this morning, and my coworkers had wallpapered by cube with pictures of funny kids (I work at a school photography company). It was cute. Now I have to find something to "get back" at them... Fun times.

Alright. Back to work.
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Old 11-10-2006, 09:28 AM   #295  
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Cassi - thanks for posting the Thanksgiving Leftover Casserole in the recipe thread. I've printed it off and will certainly give it a try. Can't say that I've ever seen Stove Top Lower Sodium stuffing mix, but I'll have a look next time I'm out.

Katie - I was just re-reading my post from last night. By NO means was I saying your daycare environment was making this kid bad; hope you didn't misinterpret what I was saying. I just like to think there is hope for every child!

Off to weigh and meet a friend for lunch. I should probably eat first and weight later, but I'm no fool.
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Old 11-10-2006, 09:32 AM   #296  
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Good morning ladies,
I think its a real bummer that you ladies from Canada have to leave the country to get the supplies you need for the plan. How far do you have to drive? I am still so excited for you, KrispeD, that you are in Onderland!!!

I go to my COD sometime today...........I have to decide if I want to go with or without children. My 8 year old is off school today, so it would entail bringing 3 kids. We'll see how my child tolerance is later on.

We are going to Wisconsin this weekend. It will be my first trip home to my Mama's house since I started LAWL. She is very supportive, and I am not super's my Dad that might not quite understand. I quit smoking 7 months ago......and we used to smoke together (outside) all the time. Also, he cooks a lot (he is retired) and loves to feed us. He won't try to sabbotage me or anything, he will just have that look when I say no thank you. And that, my friends, is harder than someone who tries to tempt me with yummies.

Oh, and then my 8 year old DD picked up all of her fund raiser stuff last night......and yeah, I ordered before I started there are chocolate mint melataways just waiting for me. I think I will bring them to my parents I did resist last night........and that is quite impressive for this sugar eater

Well, I have to run, DH let me sleep in, and I have to finish packing for our trip (yeah, packing for 5 sucks!!!.......DD #1 and Dh pack for themselves, thank goodness). I have become quite a skilled traveler since I moved to St. Louis 2 1/2 years ago.

OMG.....DS (he is 4) just "flew" by in a clown costume and a superman cape. life is never dull or without laughter!!!
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Old 11-10-2006, 09:37 AM   #297  
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Good morning! Still swamped at work (and buried by cabinets). I'm trying to skim the posts to keep caught up, but I'll have to go back and read maybe Sunday.

I love the new avatars being posted. We (and our families) are one good looking bunch!

Alannah - I am so sorry for what you're going through. Seems like a lot of us on the board (me included, unfortunately, have gone through what you're going through, so you know you have a place for support and many, many shoulders to cry on. A book and workbook I used during my divorce was "How to Survive the Loss of a Love". It can be used for any type of loss, from breakup to a death. It can help the initial healing if you need it.

LadySG - Remember why you joined in the first place. And GO INTO YOUR COD! You need to go 3x/week if you are having difficulty. Even if you will show a gain, you need to go. Would you rather go in and see yourself up .4 and then back on track after a day or two, or would you rather go back in a week or two and be up 2-4lbs? I can't stress enough how going in 3x/week is helping me. That's the biggest difference for me between this and doing WW for the 50th time.

Katie - Glad you checked in because we've missed you!

Lea Ann, Evette, Pearl and the others reading Dr. Oz's book - I like the thread and I can't wait to really read through it.

Joni - We have an extra Jimmy Buffett ticket if you can get down here Tuesday!

Everyone else - sorry I don't have time for complete personals, but I am trying to keep up during this busy time! Know I am thinking about each of you.
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Old 11-10-2006, 09:48 AM   #298  
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Cassi - don't tempt me with that Buffet ticket!! If I weren't heading out for vacation, I would have truly considered a "day trip."

Nicole - Clown with a superman cape - sounds like you have the makings for a new Super Hero! Jolly Man (oh wait, that's popcorn!) Have a safe trip. Keep away from the meltaways or the pounds will not melt away! You can still join your dad outside for HIS smokebreak - just bring a nice hot cup of tea with you instead. Make your visit pleasant; time with parents would be precious to me (both mine passed when I was very young). Happy packing!
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Old 11-10-2006, 10:12 AM   #299  
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Nicole- for some reason that image of you son with the Clown suit and superman cape made me laugh so hard I almost peed. Thanks for the laugh
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Old 11-10-2006, 10:15 AM   #300  
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Nicole- thanks for the laugh this morning, the clown with the superman cape, it is just what I needed today.
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