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Old 11-13-2006, 01:24 PM   #361  
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Keshia - I am NOT the example to go by, but my plan is to enjoy whatever it is that I want that day, while really trying to listen to my body. I will enjoy in moderation. I figure if I give myself permission to have what I want, I won't feel like I have to inhale the whole buffet. I am cooking for 15, but I am going to enjoy the day. The day after, I am giving myself permission to have one really good turkey sandwich for lunch - with mayo and real bread - and then for dinner I am making my Leftover Thanksgiving Casserole (which the LA Chefs remade for me - see the receipe section). Then I will do TO Saturday and Sunday.

I am not going overboard, but giving myself permission to enjoy the day worked really well over Easter, and I have planned Thanksgiving and Christmas into the mix as well. I am prepared for the gain, but hope to maintain. We had a discussion awhile ago about what constitutes an occasion worth splurging for, and in my book, this day is it.

That being said, you will probably get some better advice from others.

If you really want to stay OP, the turkey is obviously easy, there is a recipe in the LAWL cookbook for mashed potatoes that are yummy, and you can come up with a number of veggies that you could bring with you so that you have something you can have that is not drenched in sauces.

As for the salt, you can't control how others cook, so add and extra 16 oz water into your day Thurs. and Fri., and you should be ok. Good luck!
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Old 11-13-2006, 02:16 PM   #362  
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Originally Posted by Boo'sMom View Post
Terrible news this AM--meeting at school--we have a pregnant teacher and we've all known for about a week that things are not well, then last week they found out the baby has Turner Syndrome and either has all or none X chromosomes (I'm confused) and if it was a boy he would only have 5% survival chance and if a girl she would have lots of problems, no female hormones, no puberty, no nothing--anyway--she went in thursday and there was no heartbeat (AMAZINGLY) she worked on Friday--I could never have made it--they are delivering the baby right now and she will be out til after Thanksgiving. It absolutely breaks my heart for her. Then the mother guilt set in for griping at my girls this morning for dawdling. Ahhh--lots of extra love for my babies today. Sad that it takes tragedy for me to remember how lucky I am. Sorry for the downer--what a way to start a week! I am so so so ready for the Holidays and to go "home"--I think no matter how old I get Home will always be MOM'S house!!
Lea Ann, a very dear friend of mine adopted a baby and then later found out she has Turners. Erin has no ovaries, and will never be taller (they estimated) than 4'8" or so. Her eyesight is really bad, but she is a wonderful kid. She is taking growth hormone injections, in the hope of reaching 5'. She's in middle school now and doing super. I am sorry for your co-workers loss - what a heartbreaking way to start the week. On a lighter note, sorry they are teasing you with classroom time!

Not much to report here - I haven't been POP for so long, I have no idea how it feels. The scale is still moving, but ever so slowly.

As far as Thanksgiving goes, I agree with Cassi. I plan to enjoy the day, but everything in moderation! We are making prime rib instead of turkey (much to DDs dismay), but I will still make most of the traditional sides... Pies will be my downfall, I think.

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Old 11-13-2006, 02:22 PM   #363  
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Morning all! So far I am OP for the day. I borrowed a blood moniter from my mom so that I can see what the blood sugar situation is. I am really suspecting that I am yoyoing from lows and highs and that may be why I am feeling so crappy. It turns out I am dropping into the 70's about an hour after meals, then it takes another hour to get back into an acceptable range. No wonder I am feeling so crappy and grouchy.
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Old 11-13-2006, 02:25 PM   #364  
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Katie - according to Dr. Oz's book, the only failure is when you DON'T get back on after a fall from your diet! He stresses that you focus on your goal just like a destination part of a road trip. You "key" that in just like on a GPS system. Then, if you do fall (or make a wrong turn) you tell yourself, "at the first opportunity, make a legal YOU-turn!" (I'm paraphrasing!) In other words... all of us have tried many different diet alternatives, many of which probably would have worked, but we as soon as we blew it - we decided it was a terminal failure and gave up on the diet. BUT we KNOW LAWL works, so if we make a wrong turn - (for whatever reasons and for however long it may be) we need to tell ourselves to get back on the RIGHT course aiming directly at our "destination" and go full speed ahead toward our goal!
I know that is sometimes easier said then done and I'm not just singing to the choir (sorry but I AM a music minister!) ... You just GOTTA DO IT!!!
Get out your book, plan those meals, get rid of whatever you've been making your wrong turns on, and start back on the right road!
I agree with Joni, you've been through a lot of "stuff" recently - but it still all comes down to -------- YOU'RE WORTH IT!!!!!!!!!!! You deserve to be a healthy, vital, whatever weight you want to be! Your children and husband deserve that too!
Let me add this before I get off my soap box -
I know with the holidays quickly approaching, some of us are already feeling like we're going to "fail" and have to start over - BUT you AREN'T starting OVER! You are just picking back up where you left off!!!! This is a life-long life changing decision to eat healthier and make the right choices. We are NOT going to be perfect! We ARE going to eat some things that are NOT the best choices - and that's when we do our YOU-TURN!!!! So now is NOT the time to give up or give in! This is the time to pull it together, plan, plan, plan, and get motivated to get through the next two months as best as possible!

Cassi - I agree that we all need to "pick" our poisons if you will. For me, Thanksgiving is easy. I do all the cooking, so my menu will include the things we enjoy like mashed potatoes and gravy, mac and cheese, and green bean casserole (for the boys) and for dh and I, roasted sweet potatoes and green beans or brussel sprouts, smoked turkey breast (we do it ourselves with no salt!), homemade wheat rolls, and a homemade apple pie made with splenda with ff cool whip topping. I can't wait! My boys are so excited and so are we. It's a time for just us four to be together, share what we're thankful for, and after we eat, we watch movie after movie and enjoy one another! (Isn't that really what the holiday is all about?!?) So, the pie will be a cheat because of the crust, and if that's the only cheat for the day - well, I'm happy and satisfied!!! As you said, we are PLANNING it the way we WANT IT!!!

Meagan - You are so sweet! I love that you miss me when I'm not here That post really blessed me first thing this morning! Thanks sweetie!!!

Jenni - Where ARE YOU!?!?!?????? I miss you!

Reddeborah - Okay, you're back, where are you?!?!?

Reminder about ornament exchanges for Lori - the date is approaching quickly to get them in the mail - November 24th to be exact!

As for me - we had an awesome/awful weekend! The speaker was a young (late 20's) man of God and he was amazing! Such a blessing to all of us! However, from the standpoint of sound and video, the group that came to support him - about drove me to drink and I'm not talking about communion!!!!
After each service, my team and I literally felt like we had been run over by a train! (OH MY GOSH!) BUT, as I said, I personally was touched and spiritually, a lot happened - so much that I'm still processing it! My 16 yr old too!

I found an ab lounger 2 posted locally and went to check it out for my family. Both the 16 yr old and dh wanted one - so I got it for $45. Don't know if it was a deal, but I'm definitely getting kudos for that!!!

TOM here, so I didn't even TRY the scale on Sunday... YUK! Came in like gangbusters right in the middle of all the chaos at church this weekend.... isn't that always the way?!?

Well, I've got keying to do - (there has got to be something else!) and I need to see if I have a photo of my 13 yr old...
Luv you guys - you're an amazing group of woman and I'm soooooo blessed to have you in my life! What an honor!!!
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Old 11-13-2006, 02:48 PM   #365  
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Keisha - Welcome to LAWL. Other than the Morton's salt, LAWL highly encourages you to step away from the salt shaker! Sodium causes water retention and the scale won't move the way they want it to. Some of us use Mrs. Dash seasonings and I highly recommend a couple of the Mrs. Dash marinades for your chicken. I'm with Cassi on Thanksgiving; I will enjoy in moderation. I have zero control over the menu, so my plan is to taste test everything and keep my portions tiny; I'll actually be on vacation during Thanksgiving and plan to get a lot of walking in.

Alannah - WTG on those lbs dropping AND getting stuff cleaned out so you can have an organized house sale. Good for you.

Katie - So, what's keeping you OP today?

Kristen - darn that does stink; you've been so good and then you don't even get your just reward. I'd be ticked too; believe me, I've been down your same road - just hang in there and it will catch up with you. The worse thing you could do would be to say screw it and go back to old, bad eating habits. Even if the scale didn't move, your body appreciates how you are taking care of it. Make sure you get all your water in to flush out all the sodium the COD says is to blame. Enjoy Pilates! Stay strong; we're watching you.

Cassi - wow, your workers are really moving along. I'm laughing cause here I am doing TO since you were going to be doing it and I felt guilty for bailing out on you last time. Oh well; such is life. I certainly understand your excuse!

Ulanda - how much was the Turbo Jam ball workout? You'll have to let us know how you like it. How come I feel like a total klutz on the ball?

Meagan - yes; TO once every two weeks (according to the COD). I'm doing it today; I must be sick cause I really like doing it. So easy! Today, it's all about eggbeaters and romaine lettuce. Yum yum. Not sure what you meant by "And .6 is your lowest drop on the plan?! Wow. That's amazing! Congrats!" - What I think I said was that with my last weigh in I was down .6 lbs and my total weight was the lowest I have been since I joined. Dorothy and the Lion.....why didn't they name you Glenda?
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Old 11-13-2006, 03:24 PM   #366  
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This is my 13 yr old in his Clown Ministry attire... I'll try to get another pic soon - but I love this one 'cause it is soooooo him!
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Old 11-13-2006, 03:32 PM   #367  
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Pearl- Thanks lady, you are right. These are just the bumps we hit, huh?

Joni- What is keeping me POP today? The fear that I am doing serious damage to my body by letting my blood sugar run wild is the thing keeping me on track. I have tons of insulin dependant diabetic relatives, and I do not want to go there. My grandma has refused to take good care of her sugar for years and years. Now she is going blind due to diabetic retinopothy. I DO NOT want that to happen to me!
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Old 11-13-2006, 03:32 PM   #368  
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Pearl- What a cute picture!
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Old 11-13-2006, 05:33 PM   #369  
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hi ladies........i don't have time to play right now.......we got back from Wisconsin really late last night......but, I have a question. Are we allowed to eat refried beans? I am making a mexican fiesta right now, and I can't seem to find them in the book. Anyone know?
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Old 11-13-2006, 05:43 PM   #370  
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Can you make your own OP refried beans by mashing up some canned Pintos and count them as beans?
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Old 11-13-2006, 05:52 PM   #371  
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The only thing I could find that mentioned refried beans was a recipe Deb had posted. From reading the recipe my guess is you could use the FF refried beans and count 1/6th of a Cup as a starch.??? Here's the recipe I'm referring to:

Oven Chicken Chimichangas


1 tsp olive oil
1/2 cup chopped onion
2 cloves minced garlic
2 cups salsa
3 tbsp water
Chili powder to taste
1/2 tsp cu-min
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1 lb cooked chicken breast, chopped
1 cup fat-free refried beans
6 (6 inch) flour tortillas
3/4 cup shredded, reduced-fat cheddar cheese


Preheat over to 425 degrees. Coat a 9 x13 inch baking dish with nonfat cooking spray.
Heat 1 tsp oil in large pan coated with cooking spray over medium heat. Sauté onion and garlic in oil until tender. Stir in salsa and water. Season with chili powder,**in and cinnamon.
Transfer mixture to food processor and blend until smooth. Return to pan and stir in the chicken and cook until heated through.
Spoon equal amounts of refried beans and cheese down the center of each tortilla and top with chicken mixture.
Fold tortillas over the filling and secure with tooth picks. Arrange seam-side down in the prepared dish and spray with cooking spray.
Bake 15 minutes, turning every 5 minutes (spraying with cooking spray) until golden brown and crisp.

Makes: 6 servings
Serving size: 1 chimichanga
LA Exchange: 1 Protein, 1 Vegetable, 2 Starches
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Old 11-13-2006, 05:59 PM   #372  
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thank you ladies i will write more later or tomorrow to tell you all of the delicious home cooked foods i resisted!!!! hip hip hooray!!!!!!!!!!!
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Old 11-13-2006, 07:19 PM   #373  
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Evening all,

Joni, I love Turbo Jam. The two new workouts plus the ball are 39.95, plus S & H, but I got a coupon for $25 off, that's the reason I ordered so fast. It's my 10lb loss gift to myself.

Pearl, that is awesome about your son. I love to see them moved that way in a service. I will never forget my daughters first experience of the presence of God when she was 10 years old. My goodness if that didn't start the whole church to crying. You and your DH are doing a great job with those boys. Keep it up! Don't worry about that lady, if God doesn't soften her heart, no one will. Keep praying for her though.

Cassi, glad to hear that things are moving along so well with your kitchen. That has been the room that I am saving for last. We have been in this house almost 4 years and it definitely needs a kitchen makeover, but I have to do it in the summer when I am not working. Besides it's the most expensive space.

Everyone who is in hiding, come out and play with us!

Have a great night everyone, it's time for my workout.
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Old 11-13-2006, 08:03 PM   #374  
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Hi everyone!

I am new to the forum and to LAWL. This thread sounds like the place to be at so I am sneaking in lol hope you all don't mind
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Old 11-13-2006, 09:14 PM   #375  
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Hi guys thanks for all of the great info

Whoever said drink the extra 2 glasses of water that is great advice

Today was my first day on the actual program it was really easy I planned my meals last night and took a lot of time to "think" I journaled everything I feel good about it
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