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Old 11-01-2009, 05:04 AM   #1  
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Default Beck Diet For Life/Solution – November 2009 – Support, Discussion, Buddy/Coach

Welcome to the discussion group, support group, diet coach group, diet buddy group relating to the two books by Dr. Judith S. Beck:and the first bookThe Beck Diet Solution is a psychological program, not a food plan. It provides a step-by-step program to learn specific techniques to stay on our diet, lose weight, and maintain our weight loss for life. The program is based on Dr. Beck's clinical research in Cognitive Therapy (CT).

The Complete Beck Diet for Life expands the earlier work and includes a food plan with suggested menus. From the cover:
With The Complete Beck Diet for Life you'll discover the 5 stages of successful deiting and maintenance. You'll learn how to motivate yourself, give yourself credit for every change you make, create time and energy for dieting, and handle hunger and cravings. Dr. Beck easues you into changing one step at a time. You'll master one task before monving on to the next. And you'll learn tehcniques to deal with challenging situations, such as sticking with ou plan at celebrations and dealing with "food pushers." With Dr. Beck's skills, you'll acheive a lifetime of healthful eating and lifelong motivation.
This is a place to discuss the Beck strategies and our daily efforts, to receive and provide support, and, for some of us, is where we serve as on-line diet buddy (coach) to each other.

If you’ve arrived from a search engine, you’ve landed at the site of 3 fat chicks, a remarkable place for those interested in a healthy life style, including mindful eating, exercise, and weight loss. More about the site, including how to register so that you can post can be found here.

The books are available on Amazon through the 3FC store by clicking their names above; buying through 3FC helps to cover the costs of running this site.

Previous Beck threads on

Beck Diet For Life/Solution – October 2009 – Support, Discussion, Buddy/Coach
Beck Diet For Life/Solution – September 2009 – Support, Discussion, Buddy/Coach
Beck Diet For Life/Solution – August 2009 – Support, Discussion, Buddy/Coach
Beck Diet For Life/Solution – July 2009 – Support, Discussion, Buddy/Coach
Beck Diet For Life/Solution – June 2009 – Support, Discussion, Buddy/Coach
Beck Diet For Life/Solution – May 2009 – Support, Discussion, Buddy/Coach
Beck Diet For Life/Solution – April 2009 – Support, Discussion, Buddy/Coach
Beck Diet For Life/Solution – March 2009 – Support, Discussion, Buddy/Coach
Beck Diet For Life/Solution – February 2009 – Support, Discussion, Buddy/Coach
Beck Diet For Life/Solution – January 2009 – Support, Discussion, Buddy/Coach

The Beck Diet Solution – December 2008 – Group for Support, Discussion, Diet Coach
The Beck Diet Solution – November 2008 – Group for Support, Discussion, Diet Coach
The Beck Diet Solution – October 2008 – Group for Support, Discussion, Diet Coach
The Beck Diet Solution – September 2008 – Group for Support, Discussion, Diet Coach
The Beck Diet Solution – August 2008 – Group for Support, Discussion, Diet Coach
The Beck Diet Solution – July 2008 – Group for Support, Discussion, Diet Coach
The Beck Diet Solution – June 2008 – Group for Support, Discussion, Diet Coach
The Beck Diet Solution – May 2008 – Group for Support, Discussion, Diet Coach
The Beck Diet Solution – April 2008 – Group for Support, Discussion, Diet Coach
The Beck Diet Solution – March 2008 – Group for Support, Discussion, Diet Coach
The Beck Diet Solution – February 2008 – Group for Support, Discussion, Diet Coach
The Beck Diet Solution – January 2008 – Group for Support, Discussion, Diet Coach

The Beck Diet Solution – December 2007 – Group for Support, Discussion, Diet Coach
The Beck Diet Solution - November 2007
The Beck Diet Solution - October 2007
The Beck Diet Solution - September 2007
The Beck Diet Solution - August 2007
The Beck Diet Solution - July 2007
The Beck Diet Solution - May/June 2007

Last edited by BillBlueEyes; 11-01-2009 at 06:40 AM.
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Old 11-01-2009, 05:08 AM   #2  
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Thumbs up Sunday - Set your clocks back day

Diet Coaches/Buddies - Bit the bullet and bought small boxes of raisins for the Trick or Treat'ers (not the micro boxes, but the 1 1/2 oz. ones). I can use the leftovers in my morning granola as part of my normal eating plan and they're not a temptation for me since I have a pantry full of raisins already. Two kids out of 29 did turn them down. I'm OK with that; it's facing the teasing I'll get from my own adult kids that was blocking me.

As for me, I ate not one bite of Halloween stuff - not one; CREDIT moi. That's the lowest I've ever gone. In recent years I've justified just a few and felt pleased.

Got in a good brisk walk - CREDIT moi - in shorts in welcome balmy weather in the late afternoon. Saw lots of costumed folk about, bustling on their way to somewhere.

maryblu - Waving. What's up that your gentleman-of-a-certain-age quarterback can cause sentences like this in my local newspaper, "No wonder an entire state is angst-ridden over Sunday's game at Lambeau Field against the Minnesota Vikings."

Robin (RobinW) - Neat perspective that you're not about signs, but about "getting your business noticed." Can see how that allows you to market all that other magic that you do. Ouch about the eating after wine; perhaps you can find a way to plan and measure out your snack as a signal to limit it. Good luck disposing of those two bags of leftover Halloween candy.

Anne (wndranne) - Waving. Kindly refrain from setting your clocks back; you do not get an extra hours sleep this morning. The rest of the world is simply re-aligning itself with Arizona.

Joy (gardenerjoy) - Now that's a neat idea - to give out good "Ghirardelli chocolates" that you know how to plan into you diet rather than the junk stuff that's a temptation. Kudos for that.

Beach Patrol - LOL at your Bah Humbug approach to Halloween. I'd love for you to start a movement to shift it away from cheap, HFCS candy. Yep, you earn Kudos for working on the eating slowly bits.

Ruth (Ruthxxx) - Yep, I too was surprised to observe how far from slowly I was eating. The book gives several strategies for slowing down, most requiring me to put down my fork. It was telling how much I resisted letting go - as that would interrupt my shoveling it in, LOL.

LADY WINDSONG - LOL at Charlie as a cowdog. Kudos for planning the extra walking.

CeeJay - Giving out "loonies" is generous - BIG Kudos for doing that to avoid bringing the sugar into your house.

Readers -
day 5
Eat Slowly and Mindfully

It is best to minimize distractions
when you eat
, but ultimately you'll need
to learn the skills of eating mindfully
even if you're distracted.

The Beck Diet Solution, pg 81.

Last edited by BillBlueEyes; 11-01-2009 at 01:08 PM. Reason: Typos
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Old 11-01-2009, 05:27 AM   #3  
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gardenerjoy love those chocolates. Treat yourself kindly. yay! you lost.

RobinW donate the candy.....please don't eat it.

CeeJay loonies? Good for you for not wanting to eat any candy. I am thinking that sensible, portion controlled eating with a calorie range may be the way to go.

Beach Patrol everyday IS a new day and may this new day be one of your best.

Bill, I can't imagine someone saying no thank you! I like raisins but can remember as a kid just wanting candy.
Kudos for all that you did yesterday.

It was quiet on our street. We don't give out candy because no kids ever come. I do have a BIG kid in the house, my dh, and he does eat candy.
I have told him to enjoy it now because after I read my book WE are changing our eating. He will do this but I will have to make some concessions for him.

Here it is November....a new month and a new opportunity to renew or start our eating lifestyle.

I hope you set your clocks back. Me, I did but was up at midnight, my one o'clock!

If you are tempted to eat that leftover candy put it in the freezer....out of sight out of mind.
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Old 11-01-2009, 09:01 AM   #4  
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Coaches/Buddies I think I had two pieces of candy this year. Not bad, considering. Had some pumpkin pie and pizza issues, but Oh Well.

I'm trying once again to re-engage. I need to make a metric on how often I say that so I'm actually shamed into doing it. Work has gotten so bad there is no point worrying about it any more. I've done all I can, and that's freeing. My latest pair of jeans are a size smaller, and I've hit the pre-preg bin again for a couple new things. This is good since my weight has been stable for months now.

BillBE Raisins are a good choice, as are the pencils, play-doh and erasers my kids picked up at some houses last night. Good for you for getting them, and for staying away. I'd gladly forgo the hour of sleep now for the one lost in the spring. Of the nice things about AZ is the lack of DST and just not worrying about it.

Windsong Sounds like you have a great attitude about your candy. Hope you win your negotiations with DH.

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Old 11-01-2009, 02:06 PM   #5  
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Good afternoon, Coaches/Buddies. I can't believe that it has been an entire week since I posted last. First of all, welcome to the newcomers, Buffdama76, Ceejay, Lady Windsong, and zanjabil. I really think this is a terrific forum -- one of the most supportive I have ever experienced.

I had an OK week. School and work got very busy during the early part of the week. But, I am pretty near the end of my requirements for this semester, so now I can focus mainly on research and work at this point. The early part of the week was chaotic in terms of eating, but improved during the last part of the week. I am realizing that I need to commit to preparing meals ahead of time. So, CREDIT for this realization. But, I plan to integrate this into my daily life very slowly, so that I am more likely to stick with it.

Beach Patrol, I've often wondered about when I should eat when I am hungry and when i should not. I skip very few meals and do always miss breakfast, but would be interested in hearing what others have to say about this. CREDIT for the important question to ask.

BillBlueEyes, nice job on the raisins. Just tell your kids you are refusing to perpetuate the fattening of America's youth! Would you mind sharing your granola recipe?

ChinaMaine, I am really glad your experience with your Mother-in-Law is going so well. CREDIT to you for reducing stress during this transition. You are really changing my attitude about how we will deal with our parents' (all four sets of them) inevitable aging.

Gardenerjob, how did your tech-free week go? You inspired me to have a tech-free Saturday yesterday after an evil technology day on Friday. (I was ready to through my phone and 2 laptops through glass windows.) So, I relearned how to knit yesterday, which was quite enjoyable.

Lady Windsong, I hope you are enjoying your Beck books. You asked a few days ago about what diet plans people were using. My plan was to use SuperFoods Rx with Weight Watchers as an alternative. But, I do agree with the others that have said selecting your diet is a matter of your lifestyle and what you are willing/able to change. Good luck with your decision.

Nuxmaga, CREDIT for getting through the tapas and the exercise.

RobinW, CREDIT for getting to the gym.

Shepherdess, your life sounds amazing and so different from my current McMansion urban-sprawl adventure. Thank you for working so hard in your life (and your DH) to maintain that important component of our world!

Wndranne, hope you are doing well.

Happy November!
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Old 11-01-2009, 04:07 PM   #6  
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I have been very good today and give myself credit for eating a healthy lunch when I was NOT in the mood to BE quite so healthy. (I also had a healthy breakfast, but I did eat a little more than I'd intended. )

I have been working around the house all day... "Fall Cleaning" which as you know, is much like "Spring Cleaning" only with a different season.

I've been doing the BECK for two weeks now, and still have not lost a single ounce... but am I disappointed? YOU BETCHA! However... I know I am learning GOOD habits that will help me in the future, and I am LOVING not being STUFFED everytime I eat! - Since I started this, I have only been "over-full" one time.... JUST ONCE! -so CREDIT for that!

... and I am not letting the lack of weight loss bug me out. I know that eventually the scale WILL move.

Here's to another month doin' the BECK!

FFChick ~ YAY for the realization that you need to prepare ahead of time! That's a BIG step!

BILL ~ YAY for the raisins! Kids need to have healthy snacks and congrats for not one bite of the Halloween stuff!

wndranne ~ YAY! a smaller pair of jeans! So proud for you!

~ good idea with the "out of sight/out of mind" trick. I do that one a lot!

Remember everyone... Everyday's a New Day!
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Old 11-01-2009, 04:28 PM   #7  
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I had a total blast at the Halloween party. I even got DH to dress up. He wore a very formal Japanese kimono that he got years ago when he lived in Japan to study a martial art (a different life). He did get a bit down that all that time he spent and now it has been reduced to a Halloween costume. I was a cowboy, wearing DH's chaps (and trying to keep them from falling off all night) and his hat. He told everyone I was going as him.

The eating was a mixed success. I had skipped the previous night's treat so that I could enjoy one of my friend’s daquaris (I figured a single daquari was probably two days worth of treats). My friend didn't have time to make her daquaris, so of course I started scanning the treats to see what I would have. There was some chocolate cheesecake that was appealing, but I figured a single piece would put me over my calorie limit. I finally settled on a Halloween decorated cupcake, but while I was eating it I was thinking, “I skipped last night’s dessert for this?” It reminded me of when I take my nieces and nephew to ice cream and they choose bright colored sprinkles as a topping. They pass over berries, brownie chunks and caramel and instead have waxy sugar bits just because their colorful.

I didn’t get my long run yesterday, but got exercise working sheep all day. It certainly feels like an endurance event. I was stiff and a bit sore this AM. And, of course, it took us a lot longer than we thought it would. We had a small crew, just me, dh, my father-in-law and my friend. We wanted to let the ranch hands have their Saturday. We didn’t get a chance to stop and eat while we were working, and dh and I still had a late dinner. I was able to resist snarfing down the first thing I could grab when we walked in the door. We had a sensible dinner, and snacked on toasted pumpkin seeds during our annual Halloween horror movie. I didn’t measure them, but I did pay attention to how I was feeling, and stopped when I was comfortably full.

We have beautiful weather today. I wasn’t quite feeling up to a long run, but I had to enjoy the nice weather while it lasts. I didn’t do all my miles, and I allowed myself plenty of walk breaks, but I did most of my miles.

RobinW, that's a bummer about your exercise buddy, but good for you for staying with it. I am also a wino and understand where you're coming from. Wine, it tastes great, but loosens those inhibitions. The evenings when I am having wine, I have it after dinner, after I have eaten everything for the day. I just enjoy the wine and know the kitchen is closed.

Nuxmaga, good job with the tapas restaurant. It may not have been as "perfect" as you would have liked, but it was great progress. That's great that you were helping your friends with the book. It sounds really cool. Plus it's just a great feeling to discover your own hidden expertise.

Gardnerjoy, love the Ghirardelli solution. Good job skipping dessert when you realized your snack was larger than you intended. I think that's a good way to be flexible.

BillBE, I'm totally impressed that you were able to avoid seconds even while everyone else was having them. I'm even more impressed that you weren't even tempted! I support your handing out raisins rather than candy. Kids don't need more sugar on Halloween. I’m glad you’re enjoying nice weather too. I was able to run in shorts today too.

Ruthxxx, sitting down at the table for dinner has been a huge help for me. DH and I used to eat most dinners in front of the TV. It's just easier after a long day when you're tired. Since Beck we have started sitting at the table like civilized people. Even in the first stage where I wasn't actually on a "diet" I lost a few lbs, just by being mindful. DH has also lost a few lbs since we've started eating at the table.

Beach Patrol, love the oatmeal for dinner. Healthy food is healthy no matter what time of day you eat it. Way to defy convention and eat something healthy that sounded good. I'm totally impressed that you're stopping halfway through the meal to gauge your hunger. Exercise will get there if you just stick with it. I like that you're searching for motivation. I think that's a good sign. I know it’s a bummer that the scale hasn’t budged, but if you keep up these good habits it’s going to start moving soon.

Lady Windsong, good advice on putting leftover candy out of sight. Love the cow dog, he and I would have made a good Halloween pair. Count me in as another person who wants to hear your initial reactions to Beck. I love your enthusiasm.

Wndranne, yay for smaller jeans and for keeping weight stable. Good job with limiting your candy, one victory at a time. Sorry that work is so bad, but I'm impressed with your attitude. Hope things get better soon.

Future Fit Chick, thank you so much for the kind words. I know how you feel living in the city. Before DH and I moved out to the ranch, we were living in Phoenix where he was teaching at a Community College and I was working on my MA. We were both unhappy and he decided he wanted to come back to WY and give the family ranch a shot. So far it’s worked out great. Kudos on improving your eating and for making the realization of the importance of planning ahead. I’m glad you’re seeing the light at the end of the tunnel as far as school goes. Good luck on finishing the semester.
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Old 11-01-2009, 08:51 PM   #8  
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Good evening, Buddies/Coaches.

I just got back from a dinner out at a Mexican restaurant. I was pretty proud of myself for 1) stopping the chip-fest and sensing my hunger level, 2) ordering a chicken breast topped with spinach and mushrooms, served with rice, guacamole salad, and beans, 3) stopping eating when I was full, especially since when my food came I found that the menu neglected to mention it was a cheesy/creamy mushroom sauce and not just fresh grilled mushrooms like I thought, and 4) coming home instead of going out to a movie so that I can prepare for tomorrow's eating. So, overall, lots of credits in spite of the cheesy sauce. And I have enough left for 1 or maybe two more meals.

I did something really interesting this evening. In preparation for making some clothing, I made a duct tape dummy of myself. (I put on an oversized t-shirt while my husband placed piece after piece of duct tape on the shirt to make an inexpensive dress form.) It turned into a really interesting body-image learning experience that I would highly recommend to anyone with body dysmorphia issues. I voiced my realizations out loud to my husband as I noticed several things. 1) I am very volumous - a terrific eating plan motivator. 2) I am not shaped like bean bags stacked up on top of each other. 3) My butt has a big imprint. 4) I am not totally destroyed by seeing this shape that is my shape nor am I filled with judgement or disgust by it. I didn't look at this dress form and say "Boy that is so ugly - look at how unworthy that shape is because it is big where the belly is." But, I could see an honest to goodness, three-dimensional shape of what my body is right now. It was really powerful.

Beach Patrol, would you mind sprinkling some of that cleaning motivation over here on me? Major CREDIT to you for 1) keeping motivated regardless of the scale display and 2) learning about your fullness. Great job!

Shepherdess, I loved this comment:
I finally settled on a Halloween decorated cupcake, but while I was eating it I was thinking, “I skipped last night’s dessert for this?”
It amazes me how much power over us we give to our food. CREDIT to you for seeing the cupcake as just a cupcake.

I am headed to prepare some food for tomorrow. CREDIT to me for that! Then I will read my response cards.

Have a great week everyone!

Last edited by FutureFitChick; 11-01-2009 at 08:55 PM.
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Old 11-01-2009, 09:16 PM   #9  
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Hi All,
A quick check-in. Survived Halloween--I had bought mostly candy I don't like, and kept my total to a couple tootsie pops and some sort of brightly colored sugar thing. We had about 200 trick or treaters, and not a piece of candy left--yay!

Today, tracked food, credit, and came in under calories, yay! 9200+ steps, credit. Had half a roll and resisted the other half, credit. Did not go treat foraging after setting up for a craft show. I just had to set up a table, and then I get to go home and come back in 8 days, unless of course I sell out and need to restock. . .that would be nice!

Well, off to update my newsletter mailing list.
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Old 11-01-2009, 10:26 PM   #10  
Green Tomatoes
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We fix a dish nearly every week that has peanut sauce made with peanut butter and is topped with peanuts. And, every week, I sample the peanut butter, the sauce, and the peanuts while fixing it even though that's so not Beckian. But tonight, I decided to see if I could fix this dish and not eat anything until we actually sat down for supper. And I did it! Plus, the extra peanuts went back in the container at the end of the meal instead of in my mouth. Credit for conquering peanuts in all forms!

WI: -0.7kg, Exercise: +0, 0/1300 minutes for November, Food: op, Read my Advantages and Responses: no

BillBlueEyes: raisins is a great idea for the Halloween problem.

LADY WINDSONG: These days, most of my clocks set themselves back! Thanks for the first of November pep talk! I love new opportunities brought regularly by the calendar.

wndranne: glad you are finding a sense of liberation in knowing that you've done all you can at work.

FutureFitChick: I had a great time with my tech-free week -- I wrote more, read more books, and realized that I could give myself more creative time by going without the internet during the day, limiting my web time to after 5.
Wow! That dress form experience sounds amazing!

Beach Patrol: Good job on not getting sidetracked by the scale. One thing I'm learning with Beck's daily weighing is just how capricious that number is. Eventually, the reduction of over-full feelings and other new habits will lead to movement on the scale.

Shepherdess: Good job on the Halloween party and all the physical activity.

Nuxmaga: great job with the Halloween candy and having a terrific follow-up day.
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Old 11-01-2009, 10:28 PM   #11  
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I am so pleased with myself. Credit moi. I think perhaps only Shepherdess can fully appreciate and understand what I did today, but all I can say to the rest of you is, it felt so cool; it was so much fun.

I helped my grass fed beef farmer/organic truck farmer with 35 head of beef. We sorted, taped, poured, banded, de-horned, tagged..and whatever else they needed. It was 6 and a half hours in the ankle deep muck and not real pleasant weather. It was way cool watching his cattle dog work. We had 7 deviant head that added an extra hour to our time by not cooperating, but Fuzzy (yeah, I know, an inglorious name for a Border Collie and Blue Healer cross) just kept hounding them until they tired. *sigh Great fun for this former dairy farm girl who thinks beef cattle are mean and stupid. I now take back the mean part. As I poured them I kept telling them they were going to get et, but they didn't seem to get it.

We had burgers and tomatoes..yes, still hoop house Beef Eaters tomatoes to die for, and some Beck's to mark a good day's work. No regrets on the eats; I earned it!

It felt kinda like labor; lotza work, but the minute I was done, I thought, "damn, I was good at that; I am ready to do it again." Next year.

BillBE, I missed the Vikings game, but man, do you love that old man, or what?

Have a good week all.
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Old 11-02-2009, 03:45 AM   #12  
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Talking Monday's Musing

My day begins on a positive note. I know what I want to do but have tiny doubts that I will. I am giving myself a pep talk. Get through one hour and then work on the next. Set a goal for today. Something that you can do. Write down what you are eating, doing and feeling. Make today a day to be proud of.

I still need to read in my training Shih Tzu book instead! Well I need to correct myself. I did read a few pages. Today I will read chapter 1. There I have made a commitment.

maryblu what an exhilerating day you had. Great fun and it was good for your soul.

gardenerjoy If you can do it with peanuts you can do it with other meals. Doing the happy dance for you.

Nuxmaga you had a wonderful day. Woo hoo on all that you did. Be proud.

FutureFitChick That is amazing! How great of your dh for helping you. You are on your way to being the fit chick.

Shepherdess you brought back a favorite childhood memory for me. I will share. I must have been 12 and my bff and I went to Paonia, CO to her uncles home.
We were awoken before the cock could crow to herd some sheep. We were excited and scared at the same time.
Uncle Johnny had Debbie and me and some of her nieces and family members get in a circle. He explained what we were to do and by all means not to let any of them out of the circle. We were pensive yet couldn't wait.
The big moment came. We could hear their footsteps......then one came in the circle a baby! Not taller than Fuzzy!
Then we heard laughter that echoed all around us.
He had pulled a farm prank on us and we joined in laughing with him. Then we had a big country breakfast!

Mixed success is better than failure. I am glad you made some good decisions and had a blast.

Beach Patrol maybe no pounds but maybe inches? Your body is getting ready for the loss. Just wait and see. Keep up the great attitude it can be catching
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Old 11-02-2009, 04:55 AM   #13  
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Thumbs up Monday

Diet Coaches/Buddies - A small NSV: while out for my walk, CREDIT moi, I felt that sharp pain of a pebble in my shoe. I stood there on one foot, removed the other shoe and the pebble, reassembled myself and went on. Only then did I observe that before my journey standing on one foot was not remotely possible; CREDIT moi.

The joy of the balmy November 1st was to climb a small mountain with DW. (OK, for you Rocky Mountain folks, it's a bump in the terrain, LOL.) We're just past peak color with a few brilliant red trees left with a mix of the yellows and oranges and about half full bare. Saw a Red Tailed Hawk and a Northern Flicker.

maryblu - Since I'm not a country boy, I had to Google poured cattle, finding this neat quote:
For a decade the world discovered the grasslands
and poured cattle into the plains.

The Script of The Plow That Broke the Plains
Drooling over your "hoop house Beef Eaters tomatoes to die for." Kudos for "No regrets on the eats." I'm surprised you aren't complaining about the snows yet.

Anne (wndranne) - Kudos for your NSV's of smaller jeans and shopping in your famous "pre-preg bin." Ouch for the difficult work situation but rather centered of you to feel free that you've done all that you can. Hats off to you for that approach. LOL at your re-engage metric - certainly you'll think of something fresher than "If I had a nickel for every time ..."

Margaret (Nuxmaga) - Here's hoping that you sell out and then sell out again. Good strategy to buy candy you don't like; Kudos. 200 is a lot of kids, Congrats for having enough candy on hand.

Joy (gardenerjoy) - That's a Hat Trick for conquering peanuts in three forms in one event; Three Kudos for that.

FutureFitChick - Amazing tale of making your duct tape dress dummy. Monster Kudos for your unemotional acceptance of your body as it is. That's a great reminder to me of all the stuff I tend to hang on my body instead of just accepting it. And Kudos for your Mexican Restaurant success, particularly stopping the "chip-fest."

Beach Patrol - What a great attitude; Yep, Kudos for two weeks of working the Beck strategies, especially for standing down the "over-full" syndrome. Have you started the process of journaling every bite you eat? Some of us have been surprised when we reviewed our day after careful recording. Yay for the fall cleaning - now that's energy well directed.

Shepherdess - Ouch that you missed your chokecherry daquari, but Kudos for having a blast at your Halloween party and remaining mindful of your eating. Neat to stop at those pumpkin seeds; I find those a challenge. Yay for "stiff and a bit sore" from real work.

LADY WINDSONG - LOL at "...after I read my book WE are changing..." Good luck to your DH absorbing Beck second hand. Now that's a pro-active way to secure a diet coach that isn't in Beck's book. Re Trick or Treat'ers turning down raisins: They were little kids, maybe 5 years old - that speak the truth age. Their mom down on the sidewalk yelled out, "Take it anyway" but the kids didn't, LOL. I started to toss their boxes to their mom, but decided that the kids were teaching mom a lesson and I wasn't to intervene.

Readers -
day 6
Find a Diet Coach

Yes, you're going to need a diet coach. Are you having any sabotaging thoughts? Perhaps you prefer to keep your diet private. Or maybe you're uncomfortable with asking for help. In my experience, however, very few people who have struggled with dieting can lose weight and sustain that weight loss without help and encouragement from another person. Studies consistently show that getting someone to support you increases your chance of success.

In many ways I'm serving as your diet coach. Through the pages of this book, I'm providing you with the same advice I've given to dieters over the years. But you also need a real live person to talk to, someone you like and on whom you can depend.

The Beck Diet Solution, pg 84.

Last edited by BillBlueEyes; 11-03-2009 at 04:19 AM.
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Old 11-02-2009, 05:15 AM   #14  
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Thumbs up Granola Recipe

FutureFitChick - here's my granola recipe as requested. Feel free to assume that this has passed down from the sixties when we all sat around making granola together, barefoot all over, sharing the same smoke, sipping from the same gallon jug, while tie dying our tee shirts. Or, if that sounds like a version of hippies from Wiki, assume this was found on the internet and modified.

Mix and Match Granola

4 cups rolled oats, wheat, or barley (or any combination) - I use oats, not the instant.
1/2 cup sunflower seeds
1/2 cup sesame seeds - I omit because they don't clump when I use less sugar
1/2 cup Soy nuts, roasted without salt
1/2 cup Walnuts, pecans, or almonds - I rotate.

1/4 cup honey, maple syrup, dark cane molasses, or a thick syrup made with 1/4 cup brown sugar and 2-3 tablespoons water. - I rotate. Original called for 1/2 cup, but I like it less sweet to better taste the oats.
2 tsp Vanilla extract - Original called for 1 tsp
1 tsp Almond extract
1/4 cup canola oil
1/2 tsp salt - I omit, again to better taste the ingredients.

Preheat the oven to 325 degrees.

In a large bowl, mix all the dry ingredients.
In another bowl, mix the sweetener, oil, and two extracts together.
Add the liquid to the dry ingredients and mix thoroughly. Thoroughly prevents burning.
Speread the granola on two baking sheets. Bake at 325 degrees for 9 minutes. Use a spatula to turn the granola on the baking sheets. Bake for another 9 minutes or until fairly dry and starting to brown. Remove from the oven.

A serving size is 1/14 of the batch so that you can make it every other weekend. I tend to make one and a half of this recipe to meet my two weeks goal for the portion I serve.

Before serving in the winter, add a banana and a combination of raisins, dried cranberries, dried figs, dried apricots, and dried plums. I choose at least two. Waiting until serving resolves the tension between keeping the granola dry and crisp and the fruit moist.

Before serving in the summer, add a banana, a peach, a cup of strawberries, and a half cup of blueberries.

Serve with fat free milk or fat free yoghurt.

Granola will become crispier and crunchier as it cools.
Because of the oil, granola will not stay fresh long. Store in an airtight container and use within two weeks. Freeze for longer storage.

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Old 11-02-2009, 08:32 AM   #15  
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Good morning, Coaches/Buddies.

Last night I made my breakfast and lunch for today, credit to me. I also tracked all of my food yesterday and breakfast this morning. I am really glad I passed on the movie last night to have time to get all of that done. Have a great day, everyone!

BillBlueEyes, thanks for the granola recipe. Maybe I can substitute apple cider for the infamous gallon jug. I will give that a try next week. Your walk sounds lovely. Credit to you for continuing to recognize and cherish the things that come along with all of your hard work. I am envious of your mountain though. The glaciers ruined all of the ones in my area. My husband and I got excited the other day when there was a bunch of low hanging clouds in the area; if we looked at it just right we could pretend they were mountains in the distance (and that we lived in "someplace real")...

Gardenerjoy, excellent job on the peanut restraint.

Lady Windsong, great job on your self-pep-talk. I think that is an important skill to develop for any one.

Maryblu, sounds like an exhilierating day. What do you mean by "taping"? Congratulations on the hard work!

Nuxmaga, great job for stopping at 1/2 of a roll. Best wishes for a super sell-out show. It is amazing how much time the internet and computers take up in a day, isn't it?

I hope your Monday doesn't feel like one today at all!
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