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Old 03-22-2004, 09:54 AM   #1  
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Default Help Need Buddy

New and need buddy. I am a stay at home mom of 3 ages 13, 11, and 5. My husband is in the military and we recently moved to be closer to my dad who has leukimia and is not expected to make it. We moved to Texas in Dec and to say that I have had the blues is putting it mildly. I have an appt for that tomorrow. But in the middle of all this I have gained 20 pounds in 3 months. I got on the scale this morning and could not believe I weighed 237 This is my highest weight ever. I have tried every thing have even thought about the surgery but it scares me to much. I have lost weight and gained it plus more back. But I can't stay like this it is effecting everything now. I can count on one hand the number of times my husband and I have made love this year (2004) that is sad. He was beginning to think I did not love or want him any more. I finally had to tell him have you looked at me lately. He told me he did not care how I looked that he loves me for whats inside and is attracted and wants me the way I am. That made me feel good but bad because I had made him doubt himself. I want to feel sexy again and have my body back. I don't want to be a super model or anything but be healthy and fit into my clothes would be nice.
This may be a bit gross but I was watching that Autopsie show on HBO and the doctor was saying they can determine time of death by the stomach contents. He said it takes the stomach about 2-3 hours to empty its contents. That hit me like a ton of bricks. So if I eat every 2-3 hours good foods I will never be hungry and won't put my body into starvation mode. And it will boost my metabolism so I will lose weight. HELLO where has my head been.
So this is a new day for me. Eat every 2-3 hours, cut out the soda drink my water like a good girlie, and I am going to go buy the Walk Off the Pounds series and do that for my exercise. Hubby said he would walk the track with me. He is going to be a great supporter but I would like someone a woman who can relate somewhat to me and who would like to hold hands and lose this FAT with me. But please keep in mind there will be some crying , some laughing and a whole lot of in betweens with me so if you are ready for a long ride jump on the bus with me. And get ready.
SW & CW 237
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Old 03-22-2004, 10:38 AM   #2  
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Default i know how u feel

I know just how you feel reading your story was for me just like i had wrote it myself everything, from the kids to the husband! I also need support i with my weight everyday I think about it, but like you my husband says he loves me anyway and I also push him away. Lets talk!
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Old 03-22-2004, 01:14 PM   #3  
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Hey Markay I see you are online right now. Hope I catch you before you get off. Nice to know I am not the only one that feels this way. I just did the WOTP and it went fast. So far so good today. I am taking it one day at a time. And I am not going to beat myself up about slipping. I know that the first couple of weeks is going to be strange because I am making so many changes and I want a lifestyle change not just weight lose. That way I keep it off this time around. Eating right and exercising. Knowing what I can do and not do. And not stress out about what I can't control.
If you are still on here shut me back a reply. I also have instant messenger through yahoo we could chat that way also. Thanks for your reply hope we can encourage each other and we both will benefit.
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Old 03-22-2004, 02:26 PM   #4  
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Tammy let me know how the rest of your day gos. I realy want to know a little about WOTP!
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Old 03-22-2004, 02:49 PM   #5  
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Sounds great!
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Old 03-22-2004, 03:01 PM   #6  
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Let me tell ya, that is me I sit here all day and that is what i seem to do is eat and eat but its not alot of food its just I eat the wrong food. Like I said my husband isnt realy ever here so my daughter and I eat quick and easy things like hot dogs and things like that and then when we do eat dinner my husband gets home so late that we eat and go too bed and that isnt good either. I spend alot of time with my sister and shes no big help her and her step daughter they both are skinny and eat everything my sister is 5' and weighs about 130 pounds and her daughter is 5'6 and 150 but she is muscle. So its hard for me becouse they want to go shopping all the time and I dont want to becouse they are a 7 and im a 16!
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Old 03-22-2004, 03:04 PM   #7  
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Keep up the good work and walk and extra mile for me! Ill talk to ya later!
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Old 03-22-2004, 05:06 PM   #8  
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Sounds like my story too. Husband and the kids. I am new here and if you want to talk or share stories, successes, etc, just let me know. I wish you the best!!
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Old 03-23-2004, 07:32 PM   #9  
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Hi Tammy didnt get 2 get on much today had 2 help my sister at her shop and then at home on her pond, she wont touch the gross leaves and slime so myself and the neighbor had 2 do it! So how did your day go? oh and your Dr.apt? I went and bought myself a weight bench today and im going 2 start lifting weights! I think my husband is more excited about it then me o well i guess i can share! Maybe it will give us something 2 do together! We dont do to much anymore he works so much and on the weekends he works on his drag racing truck and i just sit at home with the kids! When do i get a day 2 myself ? (when the kids are grown!). O well im going to start doing things for myself and when i lose this weight im going to SHOP! Cant wait! Hope to talk to you soon I should be on tomarrow.Talk 2 u soon!
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Old 03-23-2004, 08:39 PM   #10  
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Today was a busy day. Dr's appt went well she put me on Wellbutrin XL and gave me something to help me sleep. She said the Wellbutrin would make me lose a couple of pounds so I was all for that. Thats cool that you are going to lift weights built muscle. And its something you can do with hubby. Something I have found girl is you need to make time for yourself. Find a good realible sitter and do something just for yourself. I will be on here in the morning hope to hear from you then.

SIS(Sister in Sweat)
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Old 03-24-2004, 08:52 AM   #11  
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Hi! Glad to hear thing went well for ya at the Dr. I think I have down loaded Yahoo! Now it should be easy for us to get in touch! I was telling my hubby about you and this sight and he thinks im crazy! Hes the type thats still in the stone age he grew up in this little town and didnt get out much i guess! He thinks everyone on a chat line is out to get ya! I told him ill get to know ya before i come to visit! lol! He didnt think it was funny! Oh well he gets to get up and go too work every morning and see his friends heck he works with his best friend and 3 long time family friends. I have one good friend (and shes turning crazy)! And my sister is realy my best friend and there are somethings I dont want her 2 know becouse she worrys all the time about stupid stuff! my step niece is 14 and she is realy fun, her mom is realy bad to her so i try 2 make up for it, my sister is realy good to her also , my sister and my neice , and my mom are about the only friends i have. So this is nice! Well hope 2 talk 2 ya soon!

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Old 03-24-2004, 11:24 AM   #12  
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Default understand

I understand what you are talking about. Since we have moved here I have not made in friends. But I am alot more selective about who I want to hang out with than I was when I was younger. I call my sister and talk to her everyday and my sis in law every other day. That helps some but its hard without having THAT GIRLFRIEND the one that will tell you its wrong, are you really going out in that etc..... Thats what I missing. I Love this site because I can lose weight at my pase and no would know if I fail or not but me. Thats not going to happen but I think you understand what I am saying.
I think if you and I lived closer together we would be really good friends.

I am calling on a job today to work in a Dr's office. I really hope I get it. I have wanted to be a nurse for ever and working in his office would give me a leg up in that direction. Wish me luck and say a prayer because I need both.
Will chat with you later.

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Old 03-24-2004, 11:26 AM   #13  
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I can't say as I understand why any woman with a husband would want to give up the sex. I mean, could it be possible that lack of sex is part of the problem? but really, I have been married for 24 years, and we have two sons and I had put on weight my highest was 180 after I had the 2nd one and I'm only 5' tall so I know what it feels like to look in the mirrior and not see an attractive woman looking back at me. But as long as he still wanted me I was happy to be with him. And we both work and we get tired and all that but 4 times a week would be a minimum for us and its wonderful. but that keeps me happy, and not all depressed and all down on myself and it makes me want to be a better person and Its why I work so hard to lose weight and be more attractive so you see, it all works together, or at least for me it does.
so now I'm 150 and I want to loose 25 lbs. my point is, I don't think it a good idea to put your husband on the back burner until you finally reach a gole for yourself because one day you will wake up and you will realize that maybe you spent way to many years apart and the intimacy is gone never to return.
look around and see how many middle aged women with kids are alone.
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Old 03-24-2004, 11:34 AM   #14  
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Tammy good luck!
I was going to start dental school before i got pregnat for my second baby i still would love 2 do it though i think ill wait till the kids are both in school. I wish i had a sis inlaw my husband has 3 brothers and none are married they all have girlfriends though, the oldest brother his girlfriend of 10 years(off and on) she cant decide if she likes men or women! lol! so i dont much talk 2 her! the next brother his girlfriend is about 20 years older then him! and the youngest his girlfriend is normal but i dont see her much.
well i hope 2[/email]lk 2 u soon!
Oh and i might need help with this new yahoo!

Last edited by markay1024; 04-01-2004 at 11:50 AM.
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Old 03-24-2004, 12:56 PM   #15  
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Oh Sarah I wish you were online right now. I have a job interview with a Dr's office. I am so excited I can't stand it. I am worried about the way I look. All of my clothes are fitting a little bit snug than i would like but my hubby said that I looked nice. This is the job I want I will get lots of extra training and it will keep me on track for nursing school. Wish me lots of luck and many prayers. Will talk with you later.

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