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Old 01-11-2004, 08:09 PM   #1  
here I go again...
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Default Looking for a Challenge Buddy

Hello! I'm a 23 yo with about fifty pounds to lose, and am looking for a buddy to do mini-challenges and track progress. I'm a little sarcastic with a self-deprecating sense of humor, so my buddy will have to be able to put up with me he he... . I am currently at about 194#, and would like to lose 25 lbs by the time my sister graduates at the end of May, and another 25 by my birthday in October, which might be a pretty lofty goal, but I really would like to meet it. Someone about the same age with similar goals would be great, but I'm not picky. If you're interested, please let me know

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Old 01-12-2004, 12:36 PM   #2  
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Hi ....just wanted to reply to your post ....I am 23 years old weigh 224 and would like to lose 50 pounds by my birthday in June which probably a really big goal . But I really need to do this , tired of looking in the mirror and disliking what I see . I'd love to help ya out and get a little help in return . And as for your sense of humor ...wouldnt bother me a bit cause Im the same way , sometimes making fun of myself seems like an easy way to make light of my situation .
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Old 01-12-2004, 02:15 PM   #3  
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Thumbs down Hey, Me Too!

Hey, Ladies! Can I get in on this? You all sound just about my speed. I am 24Y.O, 6'0" and 225 lbs. I feel like a freakin' linebacker! My hourglass figure has turned into a figure 8, and there is SO such a thing as too much of a good thing! Anyhoo- I want to lose about 50 lbs., and I think that I need a swift kick in the pants to get it done. I hope you can help me, and I hope I can help you! How do we start? Take care.
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Old 01-12-2004, 07:30 PM   #4  
here I go again...
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Default rock on!

Cool! Well, this page has taken so long to load that I can't remember what I wanted to say! I think I used to be able to call myself an hourglass, but then most of the sand went to the bottom and has been quite happy there for quite awhile... I think that we all know what we really should be doing to lose weight, its just a matter of being motivated enough to start without stopping starting, stopping, and then starting again, which seems to be my pattern. Sooo... what to do, what to do? I go to the gym at least three times a week, so I think I'm pretty established with an exercise routine, but all I do is EAT! eat eat eat... I love food. And I've tried lots of plans: fat flush, atkins, weird things I read in magazines... and I don't like any of them. I work at a job where I spend WAY too much time on my butt, and there always seems to be food around... Sorry, needed to rant, a very long Monday at work. So, have either of you had much luck with anything in particular? I can't wait to hear all about you!!! Tell me more, more I say!!

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Old 01-13-2004, 10:04 AM   #5  
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Well you say that all your sand sunk to the bottom seems to have gotten stuck right in the middle . UGGGHhh Well like you I have tried fad diets and plans that are way to strict and the end result is that I end up eating more and gaining more after I quit cause I'm starved . So my latest plan has been one of my own and I am hoping it will work . I quit drinking pop and cappucino which was a constant thing for me ...I never drank water and now its all I drink all day at work and I have 1 diet pop with lunch ......and I have just really been watching what I eat and the portion size .....i dont let myself eat fried foods for lunch .....i have grilled chic sand or tuna .....and try to snack on veggies or lowfat crackers ......And when I really have the urge to go raid the kitchen I get a big glass of water (which helps me feel full ) and I bought these little half cup containers so if I want a snack I fill up one of those with baked chips or popcrn and thats all I allow myself to have . Well I will weigh myself when I go to work tomorrow morning and let you know . I hope I have some results or my willpower my go downhill. I'll look forward to hearing more about you . Oh I forgot I bought one of those exercise balls and I have been doing exercises on that and I have been taking the stairs (4 flights ) at work all day rather than the elevator .
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Old 01-13-2004, 11:27 AM   #6  
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I think I need to get in on this too! You all sound so much like me... I would like to call my figure "fudge cicle" - legs for stick and the rest of me is square and sticky..heheh I think sometime what you need to get you going on serious is to be able to make fun of yourself and see that you're not bad, just needing to change some things!
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Old 01-13-2004, 12:49 PM   #7  
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Default Oh, My.... You ladies are a trip...

Well, it looks like we have all types here. Have you ever heard of R. Crumb? He was a cartoon artist who loved to draw women. But all of his women were almost obcene looking. Huge calves and thighs, huge butts, broad shoulders, big arms, BIG boobs, and a little waist. That's me. Geez... Any way, nice to meet you all! I really hope that we can help each other out. I feel like we can, no one here seems judgemental. Like I just wrote in my journal, I am trying to do two things. 1. Eat Less, and 2. Move more. Pretty simple, eh? Yeah, right. I am stating right now that a some point today I am taking my hound dogs on a long walk. LONG walk. I'll let you all know tomorrow how that went. And as for eating, I have found a diet of lots of veggies, fish, fruit and some whole (non-gluten) grains work well for me. That is what I eat normally, but I have a little problem with portion control. Or lack thereof. And the major monkey riding my shoulder is sugar. The periods of time when I cut sugar out of my diet, weight runs screaming from my body. The problem is is that i am addicted to it. Seriously. So this is what I would really like support on. No more sugar! I am going to faithfully confess from now on to all of you any sugar that I eat.
What is the major roadblock that you all are facing? It would be great to know your weakness' so that the rest of us can really support you on those points. Or give you a verbal kick in the ***. Whichever you need. Take care of yourselves, and I look forward to getting to know you. All we have to do is make the right decisions for ourselves right now. We can worry about tomorrow tomorrow. Talk to you later! Charis
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Old 01-13-2004, 01:20 PM   #8  
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To be honest, this is the first time I have set my mind to losing weight.. I've been saying I need to for a long time but never took any actions to lose. I work in a 9-1-1 center where the dispatchers are here from 7a-7p - so they bring snacks and get lunch from somewhere... most the time not healthy so that was a big hurdle to overcome. There's always cookies and chips laying around.. so when you're back there with all that around, its hard not to grab a handful and not think about it. Social eating is a big problem with a lot of people.. its hard to see others eating and you sitting there with a smart ones done while they eat and laugh and converse... I think thats my biggest problem. Since I got serious abotu losing, once I finish my lunch I take my dishes to the kitchen, clean up any mess, and then go back to my office until everyone else is done. So far thats helped my urges to nibble.
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Old 01-13-2004, 06:08 PM   #9  
here I go again...
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Well, as for me, I work in an office at a desk that is hard to get away from. I usually eat at my desk, and its usually something unhealthy from the cafeteria. The biggest weakness is probably fast food... I love it. I have to admit that I've gotten a little lazy, so fast food as become the easy dinner of choice. But I'm giving it up. Last night I made salmon and baby potatoes and even though they were kind of slimy, lima beans ( don't know why they were slimy, they just were). The new problem is that I'm starting to take night classes (pre-reqs for a Master's Degree, perhaps) so between working, class, and going to the gym, it seems like cooking is the first thing to get shafted. I have given up pop, so I feel good about that.... oh my goodness, I'm sorry this is so sporadic girls, but I have class in a little while and need to get going... I promise I'll write a better post later...

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Old 01-13-2004, 08:42 PM   #10  
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Well you are asking about weaknesses say you have problems with sugar ....well I havent had any candy or choc in weeks and it doesnt bother me a bit ....My BIG BIG problem is food ...bad bad food and fried stuff and I really have had a big problem with eating out and /or just picking up the phone cause I feel like I dont have time to cook dinner . I call and order takeout and then spend some extra time with my boys . Well I have been cooking at home all the time now and I let my 4 yr old son help me cook ...he gets a real kick out of it and I enjoy spending the time with him . Its fun . I have found that it is easiest for me to eat well when I am at work......I work at a Nursing Home and it is very easy to get something healthy for lunch in the cafeteria (I just never wanted to before) . My big hurdle is the afternoon when I get home from work and the boys are asking for a snack I been buying them junk food that I dont really like ....that helps ......if I dont like it I dont mind watching them eat it ladies I am sitting here with dye on my hair and I have one minute till rinse time .......SOOoooo I am gonna weigh myself when I go to work tomorrow and I'll post and let ya all know how it goes tomorrow ......Keep up the good fight .....we can all win .....we all hold the key to our new and improved selves and we are all gonna get there ...slowly but surely .......
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Old 01-13-2004, 09:46 PM   #11  
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Hey guys! I am a 25 year old female that is looking to lose about 50 pounds. I would love to have support from some buddies and I would return the favor. Let me know what you guys are up to and maybe we can have weekly challenges.
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Old 01-14-2004, 12:00 AM   #12  
here I go again...
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Well, does anybody have any suggestions for a challenge for the week? I realize we'd be starting in the middle, but still... ? Or should we all have personal goals and just work on keeping each other honest? I would really like to start eating at least two non-potato vegetables every day. Which may sound really easy, but honestly, I'm not that crazy about vegetables unless they have butter on them... Other suggestions/ideas/comments???
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Old 01-14-2004, 10:52 AM   #13  
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Originally Posted by medleymae
Hey guys! I am a 25 year old female that is looking to lose about 50 pounds. I would love to have support from some buddies and I would return the favor. Let me know what you guys are up to and maybe we can have weekly challenges.
I'm here for support and supporting so my feeling is lets go! I'm new to the board but have found some friendly folks willing to talk and give advise! Anything I can do to help you I will. What kind of challenges do you have in mind?
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Old 01-14-2004, 01:47 PM   #14  
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Hey can i jump in on this challenge thing too?? I don't have any ideas for challenges yet.. but i'm racking my brain! I'm fed up with jigling when i move!! I'm at 242 at 6'1 and i want to get down to 170-180ish...sooner than later!

Baker chick... i'm not a big plain veggie fan either.. but if you can tolerate them with dip... "Uncle Dan's" is a Ranch package mix that you just add mayo and sourcream... i swapped it to fat free stuff and it tastes just as good as the fatty version! Hope that helps.
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Old 01-14-2004, 02:51 PM   #15  
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Angry Sign me up too!

Hi, I joined last week and have loved this site ever since! I started out at 260 (5' 6"), but weighed myself yesterday after one week and am down to 248
I have been doing it by cutting my portions way down (actually, just to a normal portion, but for me it was way down! Now I am going to start working on exercise to balance it all out. I have a body ball and a treadmill here at home to work with.
My biggest problem is that I am at home all day long because I run an at home daycare center and there is always food around me. I am doing much better at letting the kids have their snacks/meals, and I fix myself something different or less of. And no more finishing off my daughters plate, no matter how tempting!
Looking forward to some challenges...I like the veggie idea....exercise ones possibly?
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