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Old 06-08-2012, 10:42 AM   #1  
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Default Yoli- The Better Body Company

I'm starting Yoli this weekend. Anyone done it? Anyone heard of it?

My friend did the diet and lost quite a bit. For her, it was mostly inches. Her husband lost a few inches and quite a few pounds. Yoli promises 20 pounds of weight loss in a month or more. While I doubt I will get that grand a number, I hope to shed at the very least, a nice, fast 10 pounds and a few inches.

I know there are going to be people who say this is a gimmick and an unhealthy way to lose weight, MLM, or whatever else there is to say about it...... Which is fine.... I'm hoping to hear from people who have heard about it or even tried it.

Regardless of what it likely is, I'm going to try it anyways. I want (no, I need) something that's going to push me down in to the next weight bracket fast. This whole process of losing a pound every 4-6 weeks is just not doing it for me. Since getting serious again, I've been lingering at my current weight for 6 weeks. Not cool.

So I bought this package for $300. Just from memory (I don't have the program sitting in front of me) it involves drinking their drinks, drinking their shakes and eating protein foods on alternating days for a week or two. Then on alternating days, there is real food involved, including vegetables and fruit along with their drinks and shakes. Then there's the week with more free eating, again, along with their products. Since I've been dieting and I'm not holding on to a lot of extra water, and my body has been in this lifestyle for awhile, I don't expect the massive losses, but if it gets me out of the 160s fast, I will be soooo happy.

I will start on Sunday. Tomorrow is about work, birthday party, baby shower and then going out with my husband. It will be a caloric catastrophe for sure! Then Sunday, I get started. Here's hoping for something.

Last edited by twinieten; 06-08-2012 at 11:06 AM.
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Old 06-10-2012, 11:21 PM   #2  
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How are you doing? My friend is losing weight with yoli and I am thinking about trying it for the 30 day transformation. How long did it take to get the products?
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Old 06-10-2012, 11:37 PM   #3  
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We don't hear a lot about MLMs on 3FC because usually once a user mentions them, we get flooded with distributors. They are generally more costly than what you could otherwise buy at GNC and they work by calorie restriction. Some people like having a 'system' though and usually the potential profits/discounts keep people using them.

This isn't for either of you but I specifically wanted to remind anyone that considers posting in this thread that it should be for support, not sales. We will warn establish users but ban new users who try to solicit members.
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Old 06-11-2012, 09:02 AM   #4  
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I had no idea, Nelie. Thanks for the feedback on that. I hope we don't get spammed.

Gina, I was able to walk away from the party with my products because my distributor ordered one kit to sell at her party. I ordered their sports drink the next day. I'll let you know when it arrives.

So day one is complete with Yoli, and I quickly shed the 3 pounds of water I put on from my carb heavy Sunday (2 parties, and a bar....). Normally it would take me 2-3 days to lose that water, if not more. Which is not a big deal when you think about it, but it seems like I've been gaining that 2-3 pounds of water and losing that same 2-3 pounds for the past 6 weeks, never visiting the next lower weight.

So I lost that 3 pounds and we'll see if I will see that scale move down again by tomorrow.

I'm not sure if it's worth the price. I see nothing wrong with spending some cash if it helps, but this diet may be easy to do with less expensive products. Their energy drink in the morning reminds me of Zip Fizz with caffeine. Their protein shake doesn't seem any different than Muscle Milk or some others, but I haven't compared the ingredients. The protein snacks are 2-4 ounces in size. Altogether, my calories for the day hit 1500, which is the goal I've been trying to hit, but haven't been able to do. Why? Hunger. And i was hungry yesterday too. But I managed to stay "on plan" anyways". --- Energy Drink and supplement (alkaline tablets), Shake, Snack, Snack, Energy Drink+Snack, Shake+Supplement. Today will be a repeat of that schedule.

On the up side and maybe credit to Yoli, I actually lost some water. I tried doing the Atkins and in the Induction Phase, I ended up losing nothing, not even water weight. (The Induction Phase is high protein, low carb.)

Down side- shipping and tax cost. I ordered their sports drink and after paying shipping and tax, it cost a 3rd of the cost of the product alone. I won't be ordering again unless they waive the shipping cost.

I will post my progress as long as I can.

Last edited by twinieten; 06-11-2012 at 09:07 AM.
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Old 06-11-2012, 08:40 PM   #5  
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Thank you Twin and Nelie. I am not sure what MLM is but I assume it can be interchanged with the term I use, pyramid. Normally, I will not look at something that is sold this way. Also, i wouldnt have asked Twin a question if she were a first time poster. I saw that she has been here for a while and knew she was legit. I am so glad that you posted, Twin, because I want to know more from someone who doesn't have a personal interest in whether, or not, I order it.

I found out about if because my friend mentioned that she lost another 15 pounds and I was all ears.

Nellie, I do like the structure. And, I like at it that I can lose weight quickly if I follow it. So many people say their energy is better. And, darn it, it seems too good to be true. I know better. I am just so frustrated and trust the girl who told me about it. I am on the fence but so desperate that I am going to spend my cash and give it a whirl. Maybe after following it for a while I will look into GNC substitutes.

Twin, will you stick around? I would lone to have some non-partial support and I will support you also. Good luck!
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Old 06-11-2012, 09:44 PM   #6  
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Gina, I'm right where you are. Desperate times call for desperate measures. I'm not opposed to trying anything once, and $300 seemed like a reasonable amount. At least it didn't seem wholly unreasonable.

Energy is not there. I'm tired and I'm hungry but somehow this idea of a plan helped keep me on track. I didn't eat a muffin today and it took every fiber of my being not to.

As for the fatigue. I'm told it is a normal part of a high protein diet, as the body turns to burning fat once the glycogen stores are depleted. My calories for today was 1400.

I get to eat a salad tomorrow, and fruit. Day 3.
Alkaline tablets+ energy drink
Snack (protein)
Lunch 400-600 calories including vegetable, complex carbs and fruit
Snack+energy drink
Shake+ supplements

I will stick around and keep you posted and updated!
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Old 06-12-2012, 08:51 AM   #7  
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Thank you for the info, Twin.

I placed my order last night. I added the drink that you mentioned to my order. I used ground shipping and I'm really not sure when the order will arrive. I am nervous and excited. But I have an advantage with you paving the way.

You mentioned 1400 cal yesterday. What are you using to track?

I have done other diets that deplete the carbohydrates stores in our bodies. In my experience we will feel super tired and hungry for about five days, and then after about 10 days we will have a lot of energy and no hunger. I hope that's how it goes, I can endure feeling tired and hungry for a while, a few days, but beyond that I think I will crack.

Good job on avoiding the muffin. If I understand how this diet works correctly it would be like starting over if you fill your cells with carbohydrates again. Is that how you understand it?

I hope today goes well for you happy Tuesday!
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Old 06-12-2012, 07:55 PM   #8  
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Gina, I use Bodybugg, but another good free program is Fitday, where you can track your calories and sort of set up a target based on activity. In my case, the Bodybugg measures my activity and I log my foods.

I hope I can last at least the month with this food schedule. My friend says it takes a few days before you stop feeling hungry. The idea of waiting 10 days to adjust is daunting. However, I think it's mental. Somehow being on this program has given me will power. Any other time I've tried to drop my calories to a weight-losing level, I haven't been able to stick with it due to hunger. If I can hang on for the next few days and at least 2 weeks, I'll be happy.

I lost another pound, for a total of 4. We'll see what happens after eating a full meal today (they say expect a gain). I just hope that when I'm done, I'm planted firmly in the 50s and then I can pace myself for a few pounds.

Cool, I'm excited for you Gina!! When you get your kit and you start, please post in this thread so I know how you're doing!

Last edited by twinieten; 06-12-2012 at 07:59 PM.
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Old 06-13-2012, 11:04 PM   #9  
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Twinieten, it is great that you have already lost 4 pounds! Did you do ok on your carb day? I think it takes a lot of willpower but, I also think it is easier with a "program" and especially when you see results!

Has your energy drink come yet? My friend said it takes about 5 days. I got the 30 day transformation. Now I think my husband is going to join me. I am glad I got the 50/50 chocolate/vanilla. I can reorder our favorite. What kind did you get?

Keep paving the way and working the program!
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Old 06-14-2012, 08:42 AM   #10  
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I got my FUN yesterday, the sports drink yesterday, so about 4 days.

I'm down 7 pounds this morning, in 5 days. Three of those pounds are a 3 pound gain the day before I started the diet. It's just amazing! I've been struggling to get down 15 pounds for over a year, I've been bouncing around the same 2-3 pounds for 6 weeks, and now I'm down 7 pounds and staring straight ahead at the 150s!! I can't say how excited I am!

I got the chocolate and vanilla too. I want to buy some fruit flavored extracts to add to the shake for flavors (cherry, strawberry, etc) to add more variety. I'm not crazy about the vanilla. I use just plain water for my shakes, but some people mix theirs with coconut milk, or almond milk. Cow milk is high on carbs, so I haven't used it.

On the carb day, I guess you're not supposed to have fruit during the first week but I had fruit. They say to expect a gain or no loss, but I shed another 2 pounds after the carb day. Today is my second meal/carb day. I'm having a sandwich with 2 slices of bread, so we'll see how that goes.

The down side to this is, I feel like I'm missing out on things because it's not part of the program (ie, can't go out for drinks with friends or dinner out) but I guess it's just one month out of my whole life. A couple of weeks, really. I can always take a short break. I know I can just go off protocol for a day, too. But at the same time, I really don't want to lose my momentum! If I'm down 20 pounds or close to that by the end of the program, it will be worth it for me!

When you start, here's something to keep in mind. If you exercise, you can increase your protein. They recommend you cut your exercise in half or stop altogether the first week, though. I didn't stop it, so I have a little more protein during the day. If you are really hungry, have another protein snack. You really can't do too much damage with protein. I think almonds have saved me because I can graze on those all day and it kind of helps with the hunger.

I'm excited for you!! When are you going to start? I hope your loss is as good as mine, if not better. How much are you trying to lose? How much do you want to lose with Yoli? I need to lose 30 pounds total, and I was hoping to be at least 15 pounds down using Yoli for a month.
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Old 06-17-2012, 03:50 PM   #11  
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How are you doing, Gina? Did you start yet?

Yesterday completed my first week on Yoli, and I took my official week 1 weight today. I lost a total of 6 pounds! I had lost 7, gained 2 and then lost 1 again. I'll take it! It took 10 weeks to lose 5 pounds, with plenty of weeks where there was a gain or no movement at all. This Yoli has really made me realize the changes I need to make in order to keep losing after I'm done with the program. Exercising self control is probably my biggest challenge.

Today begins week 2, so I'm back on day 1 of the transformation cycle. Here's hoping for another week of pounds melting away! I'd love to see the 150s by the end of this week!
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Old 06-18-2012, 09:43 AM   #12  
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You are doing great! How are you feeling physically? Do you have enough energy?

I am starting today! there is never a "good" time to start, right? I have a couple of social things coming up but I will have to deal with them as they come.

I think it is great that yolk is teaching you more about how to keep the weight off.

I will post more later.
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Old 06-18-2012, 06:43 PM   #13  
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I felt great this morning but I have a headache now. I am giving up my diet soda addiction so that might have a lot to do with my headache.

You are well on your way to lose those 15 pounds. You are doing great! Did you load with alkaline?

The social aspect is going to be hard. You are right, it is only 30 days so we can do it.

I am glad you mentioned exercise. I am training for a 5k and I don't want to stop. I think I am going to skip tonight because of the headache and take a nap.

How are you doing?
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Old 06-18-2012, 07:59 PM   #14  
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Headache is really common when you cut all carbs out of your diet suddenly. And giving up diet soda doesn't help.

I was exhausted the first day. I went to bed so early and I slept! The second day, I was really tired again, but not as bad. Third day, meal day. I felt great. I've felt pretty typical since then. My usual tired old self. Nothing different, really. So just hang in there the first couple of days and you'll be fine. If you are really hungry, just have another protein.

I was lucky my social functions have fallen on my meal days! I have one tomorrow, too, and it's a meal day! It's amazing how busy I got after I decided to do this. If you end up having to change around the order of your meal days and protein days, do that.

But you're right. It's a whole month out of your whole life. There will always be a social function or something, no matter when we start.

Loading? My rep didn't tell me about loading. What is it? I was reading on line that the extra Alkalete can help with fatigue. I wish I knew that on day 1!

Good luck! I can't wait to hear how you did tomorrow!

I lost another pound, so I'm at a 7 pound loss as of today. I got some complements today, like people noticed.

Last edited by twinieten; 06-18-2012 at 08:00 PM.
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Old 06-18-2012, 09:10 PM   #15  
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Loading: my friends rep said online that she wants us to take one pill for every 25 pounds of body weight for the first week. You would need 6 instead of 4 for the first week, for example. Because of my diet soda habit I decided it would be a good idea.

I am not sure how much weight I want to lose. I am hoping to lose 20-30 the first month. I might want to lose a few pounds depending on how close I get to 30 pounds. I will access In 30 days. (;

I am a little disappointed that you aren't feeling better yet. I am so hopeful that I will feel good and energetic. Maybe it hasn't been long enough yet.
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