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Old 06-18-2012, 10:36 PM   #16  
Overweight again...dang
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I've been complaining of low energy and fatigue for years, so where I'm at now is nothing new. I wish I could find that magic cure, but I don't think I ever will. I'm feeling better with Yoli and I'm not sure why. Maybe I'm sleeping better, maybe not having dinner is helping because I don't go to bed with a full stomach, or maybe it's being in ketosis....??

OK, loading. Yes, I was told to take 3 in the morning and 3 at night. When I went on a road trip this weekend and drank a lot of Diet Coke, I added 3 more at lunch. I wasn't aware of the "first week rule", so I'll talk to my rep about it. I'll just keep on 3 and 3 until then.

I can't wait to weigh myself tomorrow! I would love to lose at least 20 pounds this month, but would be happy to see the 150s. My friend only lost 10 pounds but lost a ton of inches. I might be happy with that too.

I took it easy on exercise last week, but this week I'm going to go heavy! Just started boot camp!
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Old 06-19-2012, 02:01 AM   #17  
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Hello all I am a member of Yoli, I came across this site by accident. I am not in here to sell anything, but I have a lot knowledge on the Yoli products and system having used them for a long time. I will try to just pass on helpful information. Diet cokes...get off of them and use the Passion Drink or Fun drink instead. Diet drinks will impede your progress being full of Sucralose. There is nothing in the stores or anywhere that I have that seen that can compete with Yoli. You either get high sugar or Sucralose which is terrible for you. Muscle Milk is a good example. Also the same applies to energy drinks in stores also. sugar or artificial chemical sweetners. Yoli products are very healthy ingredients regardless of the weight loss . hope this this helps someone and good luck with your journeys in health..... Larry
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Old 06-20-2012, 11:39 AM   #18  
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I'm now on day 4 of 7 and I've lost zip, zero, nada. The 150s seem further away, and I don't have the desire to even continue this for another week if I don't see the scale move They say I'll keep losing inches, and my last post I said that would be fine with me. Now, not so much. I like to see results.

But then again.... it would have taken me the next year to lose 7 pounds at the rate I was going so maybe.... we'll see how I feel on Sunday.

How are you doing Gina?

Xhoops, it's true. I compared ingredients, and while they taste quite similar (Zip Fizz and Muscle Milk vs Yoli YES and Thermo-G), Yoli products have more ingredients that are supposed to help with weight loss, and the protein shakes include fiber which is great for satiety and movement. I don't see anything on the market comparable to Alkalete. To me, these capsules are the easy way to maintain pH. Any time I can swallow a pill, I'm happy. However, unless the company comps shipping, I won't be buying more. $12 after shipping and tax on two bottles that couldn't weigh more than 4 ounces together is excessive.

Chemicals shmemicals... If I really, really, really want a Diet Coke, I'm going to have one. I seriously doubt the one or two I have in a month is going to do much harm. I didn't have one yesterday and I really wanted one. I drank my Thermo-G and considered having a Fun, but didn't feel like going to get it. I drank water. In the end I gained a pound, so I'm not sure it was worth skipping the thing I really wanted.
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Old 06-20-2012, 11:20 PM   #19  
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Twinieten, hang in there! I read that it was normal on about day ten to have a stall or gain. If I find my source I will post it. I am trying to give up diet soda but I totally agree with you. It is better to drink water or fun BUT a little every now and then isn't horrible.

I also totally understand that the scale ticked you off. But, remember, you are down 7 pounds! You KNOW that you have a calorie deficit so there has to be another reason for the scale not moving in the right direction. Maybe your body is just asking for a moment to adjust and catch up, may be it is monthly fluctuations, maybe you worked your muscles and they are trying to hold on to glucose to rebuild, or maybe your body has more undigested waste than yesterday. Hang in there! The scale isn't your friend and certainly doesn't always tell you the truth.

Thank you Larry for the reassurance. I hope you keep posting.

I am doing well. I still have a slight headache but feel better today than yesterday. it is hardest at night. I am a nighttime snacker. I might have a lot less time to sit around and snack. We put in a bid for a house yesterday and it was accepted. I have so much to do! I hope Yoli doesn't zap my energy because I really need it. Ohmygod!

Last edited by GinaXOXO; 06-20-2012 at 11:24 PM.
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Old 06-21-2012, 01:40 PM   #20  
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Thanks for the feedback on the stall. I asked some Yoli-ites if they observe a stall with themselves or clients at a typical place in the diet, and they had no answer for me. Ten days in makes sense, and I guess I'm over reacting. anyways. I experienced a loss, then the same weight, and a gain and then the same weight. It's been 4 days. I hope I lose by tomorrow, though.

I'm still 7 down, true, and farther ahead than I would be without Yoli. What have you lost so far? I can't believe you're buying a house and doing Yoli!! Buying a house is soooo stressful! At least if you get to start packing, that'll give you something to do to get your mind off of snacking. And maybe if you really still want to snack, measure out some raw almonds, and just munch on those. Almonds are my favorite grazing snack. I also chew gum sometimes.

I have added exercise back in, so I know this could be working against me as much as it's working for me. I know I'm retaining water as my muscles are so sore. My meal this week was not so much on plan though I stuck to the plan as much as possible, and then yesterday I ended up eating movie theater popcorn and had a gigantic Diet Coke. I guess I should be glad I didn't gain more than a pound. Today is supposed to be a meal day, but since I went off plan yesterday, I'm sticking with protein today. I'll stick with protein through Saturday and then enjoy my free meal day on Sunday! I can't wait. I already know what I'm going to have!
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Old 06-24-2012, 08:52 PM   #21  
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Gina, how are you doing?

I went a whole week without losing anything except weight I gained during the same week. Finally I dropped some weight, bringing my total Yoli weight loss for 2 weeks up to 8 pounds.
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Old 06-25-2012, 02:02 AM   #22  
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Fantastic job on losing 8 pounds! I am so happy for you! I am sorry I was MiA for a couple of days. I have so much to do. We have lived here 15 years and I have a lot of sorting to do.

I have lost 3 pounds. My sisters birthday was Friday and we had a few drinks. I just don't know how to handle something like that. I really wanted to have a drink and let loose but also wanted to stay on program. I am back on program and very motivated. We took pictures that night and I haven't seen myself clearly prior to seeing these pictures. You are also right about keeping busy and not thinking about food. I love that part!

It is hard giving up diet pop.

I am going to grab some almonds and almond milk because I have been mixing it with water. What did you have for your cheat meal?
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Old 06-25-2012, 02:10 AM   #23  
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Oh, and, it makes sense that you will see fluctuations on the scales because of working out. Did you take measurements? My coach keeps telling me to do it. She is the one, by the way, that had a stall on day 10 for a few days but she was losing inches. That is why she keeps telling me to measure.

I probably will have a stall tomorrow. I am very sore from spending the last two days lifting boxes. I think I sign tomorrow for the house. I am excited and overwhelmed. It just might be the perfect time to start Yoli!

I hope you are doing ok!
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Old 06-25-2012, 07:29 AM   #24  
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Great job on the 3 pounds!! That's a pretty good loss!!

I'm not losing inches. I measured when I started, and my measurements haven't changed. With the upcoming holiday, I'm considering giving up the Yoli on Thursday. Or I'll only do Yoli half way. I have a work event on Thursday, so I'll want to have a drink, maybe a snack. I can stay on track through the weekend, and then do an all out free day on the 4th. Then back on track until the end of the week..... That will complete 4 weeks of Yoli.

I realize I shouldn't be disappointed with 8 pounds, but I really had hoped for 10+ by now. I'll be going back to boot camp tomorrow, so I'll expect a gain/stall, and I'm not in it for that. This recent loss came after 2 days of no exercise.

I think you did the right thing with the party. You can't stop living. Just reduce, minimize and do the best you can. I follow Yoli all day, and then "let myself" live during that living time. I change my meal days/free days around to accommodate events and whatever. I get back on track the next day. At least with Yoli, that water weight will be shed really fast!

My free day was supposed to be Saturday, but I went out to lunch with a friend on Sunday so I switched them around. We went to Sunflower Bread Co. and I ordered the roast beef & gorgonzola sandwich. So good! I ate the whole thing!! Today, I'm the same weight as yesterday, so I guess it's good that it didn't cause water retention.

Have you tried a little lemon in your water? I found that to be quite helpful with giving up Diet Coke.

Packing, is great exercise!!

Keep me posted on your progress!
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Old 06-26-2012, 07:19 AM   #25  
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You aren't losing inches? I don't understand that and it concerns me. I think your idea for the 4th is a good one. Allow yourself to enjoy the event and finish the round. I think you will still do great. Remember, you really eating fewer calories, even allowing a few slips.

I golf league tonight. I might have a gin and tonic (very little sugar) or a glass of water.

Oh, I am down 6 pounds! I will weigh again tomorrow to see if it is "for real". I have a feeling it isn't. BUT I feel good about the program. Moving, cleaning, and packing is helping me with adherence. I am just to busy to stop and think about food. Maybe I should move every month!

Will you stay after Yoli? I would like to chat with you about how you continue to lose after Yoli and maintain. I know your goal is the 150's.
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Old 06-26-2012, 08:54 AM   #26  
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WTG on 6 pounds!! That's awesome!! If it's all the same to you, take your FUN drink if you have any and drink that instead tonight. But if you're going to drink alcohol, you're making a good choice with gin and tonic. I was thinking about Thursday and going for a lower carb drink instead of beer or wine, which I'd rather have. On the other hand, it's a meal day.....

Whether or I do another round of Yoli remains to be seen. I like that I have dropped 8 pounds in 2 weeks. But I dislike that I only dropped 8 pounds in 2 weeks. I know, it's still an average of 4 pounds a week and 7.5 to 8 pounds more than I'd have likely done on my own, but still.... with that price tag I wanted greater pounds or at least a few inches. But, it's still significant compared to what I was doing on my own. What I might do is cycle Yoli for 2 weeks within my normal diet just to push my losses a little faster.

I'm on day 3 at the same weight... again. The good news is, I haven't gained.

I just saw my friend who sold me the Yoli. She loses so slowly, but I can really see the transformation in inches. She shrunk from the last time I saw her!

I'm planning on doing Weight Watchers next. Some coworkers do it, another is jumping on board, and we were thinking we could do semi-group meetings at work when we are all together. Group weight loss with friends doesn't always work for me, so I hope I'm not going in the wrong direction. We'll see. I had planned on signing up for WW the week after July 4th. Maybe earlier.

Last edited by twinieten; 06-26-2012 at 09:02 AM.
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Old 06-26-2012, 04:08 PM   #27  
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I'm so stressed out I just at peanut butter cups!! Today is a meal day, so at least I have that.... I'm still on plan in a way....
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Old 06-27-2012, 07:59 AM   #28  
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I had two Bacardi limeons. Yum! I skipped the meal but had a handful of popcorn. I am down a total of 5 pounds and very happy with that. Today is a protein day. I wasn't convinced that yesterday's loss was real so I am ok with being up a pound from yesterday.

What do you mean cycle yoli? Are you thinking of an up day down day kind of thing? When you follow weight watchers do you think you will do the mini meals that yoli is teaching us to use? I think I might. There seems to be a lot of science behind it (insuline/blood sugar/appetite).

You really are doing GREAT! 8 pounds in two weeks is fantastic! You can still make your goal of 15 pounds. Just adhere to yoli to a t.

Peanut butter cups? Ohmy! I hope they tasted horrible! (:

I am excited to see how this 30 day challenge goes. I think I have my snacks and meals stocked up so I should not have any excuses besides a few drinks.

By the way, I don't think they make low carb yogurt anymore. I can't find any in my area anyway. I found some Greek yogurt that is heavenly! It might have too many carbs (?) but I am losing and hooked on it. Yum!
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Old 06-27-2012, 09:43 AM   #29  
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Five pounds Woot! Woot! Sounds like you did OK last night too! It could be worse when you get in a certain environment with a certain crowd.

When I say cycle, I mean, I might do 2 weeks of Yoli, and then two weeks off. Instead of the whole month, which is just plain hard, I could do the 2 weeks as necessary until I reach my goal. Then after I'm at goal, Yoli would be a handy way to reduce pounds whenever I go more than 4-5 pounds above my goal weight, probably by doing Yoli for a week by that point.

I lost another 0.8 pounds. If I could just get down in to the 150s, I'd be so happy!

I never fully bought in to that idea of must eat several small meals a day. I always thought, how does it matter? Six small vs 3 medium, vs 2 large? Calories is calories. There's this whole thing about how 5-6 small meals keeps the metabolism up, but some studies have shown that this effect is the same with 2 larger meals in a day, yet the satiety was increased. People were more able to stick with their diets.

And this is where I'd always fail. I'd force myself to break up my meals in to 5-6 small ones, and I'd be starving and then I'd over eat. I found that eating fewer, larger meals was key for my success. Skip breakfast, get in the calories for lunch, snack, dinner.... With Yoli, I'm following their frequency plan, but I never have a morning snack. No time. By the time I have time for a snack, lunch is 20-30 minutes away. May as well wait. I have YES for breakfast, protein for lunch, another for snack and then I have a YES for dinner.

Plus, when your body is empty, that's when the growth hormone kicks in and starts working on breaking down fat cells. There's much to be said about intermittent fasting, and the health benefits of it.

In the end, I guess both schools of thought are correct, so it's just a matter of finding the one that is easier to stick with.

Oh my gosh, those peanut butter cups were sooooo good!!

I'm running low on snacks, so I have to get to the store or I'm going to be in a world of hurt! Do you have a Kroeger in your area? I understand there's a Kroeger brand of low carb yogurt. I haven't looked for it yet, but I was planning on it. I'm getting tired of my usual food.

Last edited by twinieten; 06-27-2012 at 09:54 AM.
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Old 06-28-2012, 06:46 PM   #30  
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I'm officially done as of today. Yoli, the company, sort of sealed that deal.

I had thought that I would drop the program if my loss by today wasn't significant, even if it's not a full 3 weeks. I have a thing I wanted to go to tonight, so I figured, if my loss is small, I'll go, live it up and no more Yoli. If it's big, then I go, be super careful and give Yoli a few more days.

Well, no significant loss. From my Yoli weigh day to today, I have lost an entire 0.4 pounds. While I've lost a nice 8 pounds from the beginning, it's really not worth it for me to keep on going another week for such disappointing results. I'd rather take my 8, and move on.

What happened was, I changed my auto ship date so I'd get my Alkelete before my current supply ran out. Something didn't take, and the ship date didn't change. Instead of going through last week, like it should have, it was to go through tomorrow. I was upset and was about to have the company rush shipment to me, and insist they absorb the extra cost. Then I realized that with the cost of the Alkalete, and with the cost of shipping and tax amounting to roughly a 3rd of the cost of the product itself, and with the thought that I really don't feel any different than I did before I started taking Alkalete, I have a chance to dodge a bullet. I went ahead and cancelled the auto-ship and then deleted my card number from the system.

So, I'm going to move on tomorrow, and look in to Weight Watchers, or some other plan. I'm still thinking that I could buy another kit in the future, to cycle until I've reached my goal. If I could do this for a couple of weeks every few weeks or so, maybe I could shed that last 30 pounds quickly.

Yoli was good, and I'm glad I managed to get in to the lower 60s with it! It's just not easy enough and not good enough for the cost.
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