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Old 05-27-2002, 11:27 AM   #1  
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Question Curious! Anyone doing their OWN plan??

I have flirted with a couple of groups, but I don't feel 100% comfortable there.

I have actually incorporated ideas from a couple of different plans and am seeing results now after a sluggish start.

I am still a fan of Susan Powter and her no nonsense approach. She is into low fat and her calorie and fat recommendations for my weight appealed to me.

I am 5'10 and weighed 265 when I started this almost 2 weeks ago. When I weighed yesterday, I weighed 255. I know that early weight loss is mostly water, but I was excited to see a loss.

My calories for the day are 1950 and my fat limit is 65 grams a day, which on most days I am at half that or below. I eat low fat now most of the time.

Susan's formula for figuring calories, is to pick the weight you want to be and multiply that times 13 and you will get the # of calories you need per day.

I also focus on the % of calories from fat in my food. Nothing above 30%.

Example....a footlong Turkey sub from Subway is 508 calories and 7 grams of fat. So 7 grams of fat times 9 (9 calories in a fat gram) = 63. Then you divide 63 by the total calories (508) and you come up with 0.12 which would be 12% of its calories coming from fat. SO I EAT IT!!!!!

I also loosely follow Body for Life's exercise program. They have a day of lower body exercise with weights, and then a day of 20 minutes cardio, then a day of upper body with weights and then a day of cardio. You alternate these until Sunday when you take a free day. A free day from exercise and from diet....and although yesterday was my free day...I had three pieces of Pizza Hut Super Supreme Hand Tossed...I was still under my calorie limit for the day and didn't feel deprived. And it's back to healthy eating today! (lots of whole wheat rice, whole wheat bagels, whole wheat pastas...skim milk, yogurt, fruits, veggies, know the drill!

So anyway, this is what is working for me. I know everyone has to find something they enjoy and something that will produce results for them. This is something that I can live with, and I don't have to JUST eat meat, or cut out my bread, which I LOVE or limit my sugar (which I NEED once a month!)...whatever I want, I can have as long as I fit it in my day. Pretty much like Weight Watchers plan, except I just don't count the fiber and track my fat and calories instead in a little notebook. I then transfer my daily menu, fat and calorie totals to a spreadsheet and print it off and keep them in a binder for reference and also to show myself how great I am doing so far!!

Well, I was just curious to see if anyone else is following a plan that they have designed for themselves!

Best wishes to all and Happy Memorial Day,
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Old 05-29-2002, 08:24 AM   #2  
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Hi Tiffany,
I'm doing my own thing. I don't really want to follow a "diet" for the rest of my life. I'm trying to eliminate some of the over processed foods and get back to some basics. Whole grains, fruits and veggies.
I read Susan's book a long time ago (when I only thought I needed to lose weight!). I need to pick it up at the library and read it again. I remember it being motivating. Right now I'm reading Bob Greene's Get with the Program. I find that the reading helps motivate me.
I do videos for most of my exercise. Walk-a-way the pounds, tae-bo junior (my sons) and others I get from the library when I need a change.
I don't know yet if "this" is what is going to work for me since I've only been doing it a few weeks. I've gone from 201.5 to 196.5. But, sometimes I think my weight can bounce that much in one day. I'll know it's working when I can see it. I can't see any difference w/only 5lbs.
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Old 05-29-2002, 08:53 PM   #3  
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Hi Sherri from Indiana! We are practically neighbors! (I'm in Illinois!)

Your plan sounds good! I don't want to get into the "diet mentality" either...I am tracking all of my food for now just to mainly get a feel for what "normal" should be. I have just eaten like a crazy person for so long that I almost can't remember what it's like to actually be hungry or full!

So...I am also trying to incorporate more whole grains in my diet. Whole grain bagels, pasta and rice, more veggies and since I have started this...I noticed that I have practically phased out red meat...which is a great thing...

I did just get Susan's other book "Food" and it is great, lots of recipes and she gets into the saturated fats a little more...interesting stuff. Also tells how to cook healthy for your family and things like that, which is helpful since I have 3 girls running around eating like boys!

Bob Greene, wasn't that Oprah's guy? He seems pretty inspirational! I have been walking and my thing is the step tapes, I LOVE step tapes! Makes me feel like I am melting my thighs right away!!!

Well, I'm off for a walk!
Good luck!
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Old 05-30-2002, 08:07 AM   #4  
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Default Hello

Hi Tiffany,
What step tapes do you use? I saw The Firm tapes on TV last weekend, they come with that step thingy. Wondering if they are good.
How do you track your food intake? I've just started using, but have been logging in a notebook for awhile. I think maybe I need to buy a food scale to help me get a grip on portions.
Are you trying to convert your family to a healthier way of eating? My family is fighting me. More so, the DH. He's always been thin, so thinks he can eat whatever he wants. I'm changing a few things at a time, easing them into it.
Better get the kids ready for school, they are like snails in the morning.
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Old 05-30-2002, 12:02 PM   #5  
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Hey Sher...

I do use a food scale and I LOVE it. Like I said, I am still trying to get the hang of the portion thing. A portion of chips to me is about 1/2 the bag! LOL

So, the scale I use measures up to 3 pounds and does ounces and I can toss my chips in the basket and measure to the gram!!! It's great for measuring chicken when doing a recipe or exact pasta weights...etc. Definitly a great investment. I do strongly recommend the digital though. I have no patience to try to read the old fashioned ones.

As far as the tapes, I have heard a LOT of good things about the Firm, but I don't have any of those yet. I have several that I really like. I have one Cher step tape, one Jane Fonda that I love the music too, a Kathy Smith and another one whose name escapes me. She was the leader in Cher's tape...I think it's Kathy something too. She is Australian, I believe. But it gives me some variety which is good.

Right now, I am tracking my food on an excel spreadsheet that I have. I just haven't been out to find any good software lately. There used to be a great website that you could track on and it would do little graphs of your weight and calculate all of your fat and calories and whatever else you wanted...then they started to charge for it. Grrrrr....

So anyway, I write down everything I eat in a small notebook and the calories and fat and the % of fat calories and then at the end of the day, I log it into my spreadsheet and print it out and keep it in a 3 ring binder. Then I will bunch up all of May and paperclip them together and start on June! It's helpful to have them all there, so I can see when I am hungry (it's that time of the month thing) and it also helps to look at past menu ideas, when I am thinking that nothing sounds good!

Sherri, don't EVEN get me started on the family!!! I have a daughter that is 13, a step daughter that is 14 and an 8 year old stepdaughter that looks anorexic. She wants chocolate all day long and when I tried to give her a fruit cup...she was like, "WHAT??? Am I on a diet toooo????"

The older girls are getting pudgy around the middle, but they are SO lazy. They don't want to exercise at all, but they have started walking with me at night, so that is one small step. They have also noticed that I am losing weight and gaining energy, so they are interested. The only problem is, no one wants to be responsible for themselves. They all want me to come up with journals for them, exercise plans and caloric guides and then cook healthy for them. They don't want to do the work. HECK, I don't want to do the work either. I would LOVE to have someone sit a healthy meal in front of me 3x a day and never have to think about it..but hey, someone has to be the adult!!!

DH, bless his heart, wants back into his 32 jeans, he will eat anything I put in front of him, healthy or not. He just can't be trusted to make his own choices!!! He loves that fried food.

I have started small by using the fake crumbled ground beef, and making Boca Burgers instead of hamburgers. If you put a slice of fat free cheese on it and all the toppings, you can almost fool anyone. Some other little changes, we all went to skim milk, although gradually. 2%, then 1%, the 1/2 % and then skim. We went to fat free cheese, fat free hot dogs, fat free mayo...Things like that. They really DO make a difference. Light breads, lean lunchmeat...tuna in water...baked chips...and lots of granola type bars, jello cups, fat free puddings, fruits, etc. for snacks. Most of the stuff, they don't pay attention to, but they miss my homemade chocolate chip I still let them have a free day on the weekend. (we all look forward to that free day!!)

Anyway, I had better go before I write a book!
Enjoy your day!
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Old 05-30-2002, 12:52 PM   #6  
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Hi Tiffany!
I am also doing it my own way. I started on January 1, 2001 and hit goal last week after losing 96 pounds! I had done the WW route and was very successful, but then stopped going to meetings and gained it all back.
THIS time, I decided to do what will work for ME and I have made many lifelong changes!
I eat three lowfat meals, an afternoon snack and dessert every day. I eat high fiber cereal for breakfast (I love Kashi mixed with bran flakes), a sandwich made with lite bread and ff cheese and an apple for lunch, a 200 or so calorie snack when I get home from school (I'm a teacher) and a sensible dinner. I have incorporated many of the things I learned at WW, but I have allowed myself more protein. I usually eat protein at both lunch and dinner. It has helped me not be so hungry.
I also walk 2 miles a day, every day. Everything I read about maintenance proves to me that you must have an exercise component in your program.
I have a very new view of myself, and not just physically. I see myself as a person who makes good food decisions (no junk going into this body!!) and I also like to exercise. I am 39 years old, and believe me, these are very new thoughts for me!
I wish you luck on your journey. It is a journey that is more important than any other you will embark.
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Old 05-30-2002, 05:18 PM   #7  
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You need to change your name, you are DONE tryin!!! GOOD FOR YOU!!!!

I have no problem with all of these other plans...but I knew that in order for this to work for me for the rest of my life, that I had to do something that I could live with and not feel cheated. I too did the Weight Watchers, as soon as I stopped going, I gained it back too. I just didn't want to have to figure points forever. But like all diets and diet plans, you do walk away with some knowledge that you can apply in your own life that will work for you!

I also don't want to be on a plan where I have to send my body into ketosis, or give up breads and pasta...there are so many whole grain alternatives out there, there is NO reason to give up ANYTHING!!!!

I just don't want to keep eating all of those foods that have so many chemicals in them. Yuck...I want to be healthy and eating chemicals is no way to be healthy. But, I am starting slowly and trying to relearn portion control and really get a handle on eating again. I will never again starve myself on a 1000 calorie a day diet when I know that my body needs so much more than that! I have dropped my daily fat to between 10 and 20% and so far, my energy is incredible, and I am FULL. Lots of High Volume, Low Fat foods! GRAIN IS MY FRIEND!!!!!

Thank you for writing, it's nice to know that there are people out there having success on their own modified plans and you are an inspiration to me!

I agree about the exercise also, I am doing a strength training on Monday, cardio on Tuesday...alternating and taking Sunday off. Makes me even more ready to hit the exercise on Monday!

Thanks again for writing!
And GREAT JOB!!!!!
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Old 05-31-2002, 07:07 AM   #8  
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hello all, glad to read such postitive posts. i guess i should post here too, i am kinda doing my own thing too, i am making small changing everyday, trying to stay in control, excercises drink my water, portion control, switching to whole grains. trying to make healthier choices, lower fat versions of my favortie foods . i too have been on alot of eating plans and i can take alot of information that i learned from them and apply it to my own plan. i am not labeling myself anymore, i am not gonna say, i am doing this plan or that plan, i am just gonna eat healthier. that is it.
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Old 05-31-2002, 11:25 AM   #9  
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Hi Will!

Good for you! I think that all of those changes you are making will pay off in a big way!

I guess my biggest problem is that I want results RIGHT NOW!!!

We all know we didn't put this weight on overnight, but jeez, I would love to see it gone by next week. So, right now, that is my biggest goal, to be patient and accept the changes that I am making as a new lifestyle...a better, healthier lifestyle and to just be patient and see what happens. Good things, I know!!!

I really don't feel like I am missing much. I had whole wheat pancakes for breakfast with some great 0 fat syrup that is 10 calories for a 1/4 cup, and a sliced up banana and a cup of skim milk. I satisfied my sweet tooth and feel full, and I feel great because I didn't skimp on the food and I ate healthy. Small victories!

I think I mentioned that I have a free day on Sunday, a day that is free from exercise and a day where I eat what I want. I thought in the beginning that would be a DISASTER, and I would go crazy the rest of the week after that, but that hasn't happened. I went to Pizza Hut last week and had 3 slices of hand tossed supreme pizza and MAN was that good. I had eaten a whole wheat bagel for breakfast and then we ate the Pizza (notice how I started it with a capital letter??) at around 2:00 and then I was pretty much full for the rest of the evening. I had some fruit with fat free cool whip in the evening, but I was so proud that I could eat that heavenly pizza and still stay within the calorie range I like to be in.

This free day will come in handy this weekend, because I have been having a craving for Chinese food in a big way. So, I will go there in the early afternoon and make it a big meal for the day. But even though I am having a free day, I am always amazed that I can still make healthy choices...lots of rice...steamed veggies....and just a few things that aren't so good for me, but TASTE SO GOOOOOOD!!!!

I believe that we have to indulge every once in a while or we will not be able to keep going! It just makes me even more happy to start the week of healthy food again! I know if I am a good little girl all week, then I get my free day on Sunday!!!

Have a wonderful weekend. I weigh tomorrow...I try to weigh once a week on Saturday, just for my own benefit. I like to look at my graph and see the progress I am making. (or trying to make!!)

Off to the rummage sales!!
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Old 05-31-2002, 11:27 AM   #10  
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Oh yeah, I guess I should have mentioned. I started this thead as Miss Tiffany, and then remembered my password for my original name!

So, I am one and the same!

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Old 05-31-2002, 01:57 PM   #11  
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hi tiffany, you are doing great!! sounds like you may have found the answers to staying in control. and you are right about the patience, i forgot to mention that for me too. see i was on a no diet approach awhile back, and lost 9 lbs in 2 months, but of course that wasnt fast enough for me and i tried to go on many other plans after that, sure i lost weight fast and then just put it on again, guess i had to learn the hard way. so that is on my list too, patience. the awful part is ,if i would have stuck to the no diet approach, i bet i could have reached my goal by now and looking good in my shorts. well i cant think about that now. you live and learn , age is really nothing to me, but i am only 37 and i want to start enjoying the things i used to , and stop making food a priorety in my life.

i am doing well also, not thinking about food so often, just eating what i am in the mood for ,and eating less and making healthier choices, cause my motto is not food is forbidden, so i know i can have any food i want, so i dont crave it as much. oh, the mind games that go on in my head.

i am glad the free day is working for you and you are still choosing wisely, good for you. i did try that free day thing before and i just went over board and it made me feel out of control. so i just take one day at a time, and if it is a day, where i really really want junk food , i will eat it , but just less of it and make healthier choices the rest of the day. right now i feel good about this way of life i am choosing, i cant be on anymore diet plans, cause when i fail them, i feel ashamed,misereable and so out of control. well it is my turn to take control and i will do it. i really have just started this, ya know getting my mind clear of the diet mentality, so i am gonna try not to get on the scale for a while. have a great day .
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Old 05-31-2002, 02:13 PM   #12  
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I hear you on being patient. Lord, that was my goal when I was 27, 28 years old...I was determined to get to my goal weight before I hit 30. I started at about 250 and was down to 195 and starting to look MUCH better and I guess I thought I was "all that" because I started eating more junk and now, here I am...32 years old, and at a higher weight than I ever thought I could be.

If I don't do this now, I will be sitting here at 35 looking at almost 300 pounds.

Now is the time, I feel good...I have to have control over's controlled me for too long...

I have a good feeling about this. I have the motivation, and I have the time to devote to this...same amount of time it took for me to drive out to McDonalds and get a Big the time it takes me to put together a healthy, filling lunch at home!

I think I have finally grasped the concept that there IS no quick fix. Slow and steady will get us there.

Girls (or guys) We WILL be successful and hopefully we will be the inspiration for new people coming to the boards...

I'm already inspiring myself! Wow!!

WooHoo!!! Feelin Good!
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Old 06-01-2002, 06:48 AM   #13  
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hello, just checking in, i am going to the shore, i did great yesterday, i will check in tomorrow, everyone have a great day.
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Old 06-01-2002, 07:14 AM   #14  
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Wink Hi everyone

I just noticed this thread and started reading. Ladies, you are an inspiration...

I am sort of doing my own thing too, I saw a dietician as I'm a newly diagnosed diabetic but she cut out everything on the plan... I'm convinced that she saw my fat butt come through the door and didn't think of anything else..
I'm doing the whole grain, vegies etc like you, low fat versions of my favorite things. I look at my daily percentage of fat (try to stay at or below 20%) and with the diabetes have to count carb grams too (that's what causes the problem not sugar as thought so many years ago... )

Anyway, just wanted to say that I loved reading your messages and hope I'm not butting in here.

I'm 44 years old, lost 50 lbs doing this since January!

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Old 06-01-2002, 11:53 AM   #15  
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Hello everyone, I saw this thread while I was just poking around and it seems that you are all just like me! I am 26 and I need to lose 60 pounds. The good news is that I am down about 4 or 5 pounds! It's been 3 weeks, well, I'm ON my 3rd week. This website has helped me tremendously. It's great to be able to develop a bond with other women struggling with weight. I am currently at 213, and that's alot of weight considering my height of 5 foot 3 inches. My overall goal is to be 160 pounds, I figure at that wieght I'll be able to trade in my size 16's of a loose pair of 9's. I have a mini-goal set and that is to be under the 200 mark! Boy I can't wait for that day to come. Since I think of my diet as a life time plan I haven't put any time restraints on my weightloss. If I do that it's getting myself into possible dissapointment when I don't make it. Even if it takes me more that a year, it's going to happen.

I have developed a plan that mostly follows Oprah's 10 steps. She wrote it along with Bob Greene, as a matter-of-fact I'm going to have to get my hands on that new book of his. I try to stay within 1500 calories a day, and 25 grams of fat. I have also been taking some herbal suppliments...I know, I know, their not good for me, but they really give me the extra energy I need to stay motivated. I checked with my doctor and he advised me to be sure only to take the minimum dosage. I also have a workout plan that involves walking on my treadmill, Denise Austin' s workouts and walking outdoors.

The first week of the new plan was pretty difficult. It took me awhile to get used to eating half of what I normally do, today, I feel full much faster and I don't get hungry anymore. My cravings have also declined, but when I find that I really want something I just go ahead and have it. It's not worth obsessing over it. As long as I am careful to moderate how much of that bad thing I'm eating.

So, that's my story. I'm looking forward to the discussions to come. Everyone have a fantastic and safe day!
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