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Old 12-11-2001, 09:26 AM   #31  
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Default there's some odd divisions....

pumpkin is almost identical to carrots if you match up the nutritional values (in fact pumpkin has a fraction less carbs) but in BFL it's a carb. I call it a vegetable but I only use it once or twice a week (in a shake.) Winter squash is much denser, at least the buttercup variety I eat, so that IS a carb, and I use it that way. I try to eat a lot of the vegetables I do like as well as some that I don't (brocolli, BLAH!!!) I eat tons of veggies in the summer, and I USED to eat tons of fruit in the winter. Cutting back on fruit has been the hardest part of BFL for me, and it's the one food group I'll increase when my challenge days are over.

And I'm an MRP addict! I've made protein powder shakes a few times but they just don't make the grade for satisfaction. I intend to use the PP in the spring and summer with fresh fruit for breakfast but MRPs rule.

Have a great day!

C1,D23 (I can't believe it!)
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Old 12-11-2001, 10:41 AM   #32  
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Default about getting dumped...

a friend still reminds me that when we met more than thirty years ago I had gravel in my teeth because I had been tossed off a recalcitrant mare in the back forty and hadn't cleaned up yet. It's not always a canter in the park!
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Old 12-11-2001, 12:22 PM   #33  
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Actually the soreness from being tossed went away yesterday morning! Thanks to a lot of glutamine and hot baths (and of course I kept up my workouts). Being tossed into a thick layer of mud didn't hurt either I suppose!

Hmmm...about carrots' similarity to squash/pumpkin...I never thought of that. It just never occurred to me that carrots would NOT be considered a veggie. In fact according to Jeremy's carb list you get a lot more bang from your buck with pumpkin - 1 3/4 cup has 2g protein, 14g carbs and 60 calories - vs. 7/8 cup of carrots with 2 g protein, 14g carbs and 63 calories. In other words you can eat a lot more pumpkin - but carrots win as far as convenience is concerned! (besides I always have a lot of carrots in my fridge for horse snacks).

On high-carb days I really LOVE pumpkin mixed with a vanilla Myo Lite and some pumpkin pie spice! Mmmm.

Last night I had one of my favorite dinners - chopped onions and mushrooms sauteed in a little garlic Pam with a dash of "Vegetable Magic" seasoning, then add spinach, a dash of sesame oil, some cooked brown rice, then last a couple of beaten eggs and mix until the eggs are set. Yummy! (of course Jim looked at it and went yeecch...he doesn't care for mushrooms in the slightest).

I am so happy today - this morning I entered the gym to find out that they FINALLY got new dumbbells!!! If you'll recall the smaller dumbells (up to 30#) were mysteriously disappearing at my gym (who would steal dumbbells???). Over the weekend some pallets appeared in the lobby - and I suppose yesterday they were unpacked. My 24 Hour Fitness now has two sets of dumbbells from 5 lbs all the way up to who knows, 100+ pounds. Best of all, they go up in 2.5 lb increments - starting at 5, then 7.5, 10, 12.5, 15, 17.5, 20, 22.5, etc. etc. Yippee!!!

Gotta finish up a spreadsheet so I'll check ya out later gals!!
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Old 12-11-2001, 12:49 PM   #34  
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Default Hi!

Hi! I saw Mrs. Jim's post over on the L&S board, so I thought I would come and check this bb out. How is everyone doing today? Mrs. Jim, sounds like you are a horseperson? And you live in the Bay Area? I also live in the Bay Area, near Santa Cruz. Draeger's gave it away for me. Love that store. But it's a bit spendy.

Well, I just finished my first challenge and am on my last day of free week. I haven't totally had a "free" day every day this week, but I haven't exactly been perfect either. And not going to the gym has been really challenging. I did do a non HIIT cardio one day 'cuz I was so missing it. But only one day. Now I'm fighting off some sort of bug. I hate that! congestion, sore throat and cough. Yuk.

Well I just wanted to say hello. Oh, during my first BFL challenge I lost about 20 inches, lost 2 pants sizes and went from 29.6% BF to 17.6% BF. I will do a mini challenge between now and the beginning of the year. I start a new challenge officially on January 7th. C2

Have a great day everyone!
Jenn L.
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Old 12-11-2001, 06:17 PM   #35  
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WELCOME JENN ! ! ! ! !
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Old 12-11-2001, 10:30 PM   #36  
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Default Hey There Jenn!

I recognize your name from L&S. Do drop in anytime!

I live in San Mateo and our Draeger's opened about 3 years or so ago. Love it (esp their salad bar and produce section) but it is sooo expensive!

I don't know if I qualify as a 'horseperson'. I love horses (esp. Arabians) a bunch - not an owner (yet!) though. Taking English riding lessons was a dream that I've had since childhood (Mom and Dad always made me ride Western thinking it was safer). After I become a competent rider (i.e. sit the trot and control Tucker!), I'm planning on doing a part-lease so I can start doing some fun shows. And I totally know how you feel about Free Week (trying not to binge and REALLY missing the gym!).

Well I just had my Meal 5 - a melange of mushrooms/spinach/eggs/couscous (same as last night's Meal 5). Jim said ewwww again until he realized he's getting the "blue box" (Kraft Mac & Cheese) for HIS dinner. He loves that stuff - well so do I actually. But not enough to have it on Free Day.

Announcement!!! After reading Pam B's post today on the L&S Bodybuilding board, I went to the site and checked out the contest schedule...I'm going to have to do a lot of research, but my new 2003 goal is to (can't believe I'm typing this) ENTER A BODYBUILDING CONTEST!!! (as long as I don't have to do a dance routine!). I'll keep you all posted!
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Old 12-11-2001, 10:53 PM   #37  
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Default Happy Tuesday!


Feeling good today -- cardio (20 MAS) was a little late today because first I wanted to get in one of the last aqua aerobics classes of the season (I just do that for fun). But I got home and got the cardio done on the exercise bike while watching figure skating, which makes it much more tolerable. Still working to improve my cardio attitude!

Mrs. Jim -- I saw Pam's post on the Lean and Strong Body Building board too, and aiming for a contest sounds like a great idea. You would do terrific, and I'm pretty sure the dance routines are only for Fitness, not Body Building.

Jenn -- welcome to this board! I'm starting my next official challenge on Jan.7 also.

Great to hear from everyone!

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