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Old 12-25-2001, 08:40 PM   #1  
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Default Body for Life #28

Hi everyone! Merry Christmas!

I have done okay this week. Nothing too strict and nothing too blowout. I realize I tend to either eat clean or do Free Day on Acid type of thing. This week I've actually managed to eat sensibly while trying some goodies (not too many).

The hormones are still a roller coaster. My estrogen levels refuse to level out and I'm either starved for it or have too much. I get bloated very easily sometimes and other days I'm ravished. Still, I'm pushing forward.

Hope everyone is having nice safe holidays!!!

Onward to 2002 and eating clean and working out!
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Old 12-26-2001, 11:31 AM   #2  
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Angry Merry Day after Christmas!

Or Boxing Day as my buddies in our London office call it...

I am so glad that Christmas is over - because now we can get back to normal and eating clean won't be nearly as much of a challenge. I have three weeks to go on this Challenge, then I plan to take my Free Week off - but will be eating clean with a treat or two - just won't be hitting the weights.

THEN C4 begins on 21 January!! I'm going to spend a little extra $$ on myself by looking for a COMPETENT personal trainer in my area. Pam B told me she only used a trainer once a week for 12 weeks before her contest. Trainers are muy expensive here in the Bay Area - I might have to stop taking riding lessons for awhile or cut back to one lesson every two weeks if the $$ won't stretch far enough for me to afford both riding and training.

I'm so excited - on Christmas Eve we worked 1/2 a day, then afterwards I hotfooted it down to the mall...amazing that it wasn't nearly as busy as I thought it would be (I think everyone was waiting for the day AFTER Christmas to buy!). Anyway I went to Macy's to buy a pair of Size 4 DKNYs. Not that I think they'll fit right now - I still have almost three more weeks left in this Challenge - but they also had a couple of cute tops on sale so of course I had to try THOSE on...might as well (gulp!) try on the jeans as well and see how close I am to actually fitting in them.

The short story is - okay, they're TIGHT, but I was able to get in them and zip and button them! I am so jazzed!!! On top of that they were marked down from $50 to $34, and the top I bought was marked down from $40 to $17. I love saving money!

When I got home I modeled my new outfit for a very appreciative Jim, wore the jeans for about an hour and then put them away (with the tags and everything) to save for 12 January (last day of my current Challenge).

I also bought a BIKINI from - they have lots of cute styles. I have NEVER bought a bikini in my life! Jim said it looked really cute but thought I was waiting "until I reached my goal" to buy one since it was $49. (he hasn't seen the body building bikini site I plan to buy from for my contest suit - check 'em out at - they are EXPENSIVE but since they are custom made and fitted there's a lot more work involved).

Yee Haw! Let's hear from y'all out there! Shake off the post-holiday blues and get out there, hit those 10's and eat clean!!!
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Old 12-28-2001, 12:54 PM   #3  
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MrsJ~~~You're doing a marvelous job in your challenges! You have stayed positive and motivated and it shows.
I can't wait to see your new pics! Maybe one in your new bikini?

I will be starting my next challenge on Jan. 4th but this week I'm working at eating clean and getting rid of this PMS water retention (8 pounds in 2 days ). I need to get back to the doctor's and get some estrogen-blocking diuretics for those PMS days.
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Old 12-28-2001, 03:33 PM   #4  
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Default Finally getting in gear at the end

It's the last week of the six week mini challenge (New Year's sprint) that Brian and I are doing, and it's taken this long to have a really good day. First 2 or 3 weeks recovering from free week excess, then I got a respiratory infection and wasn't working out (but at least was eating clean), then returned to the gym feeling like I had never lifted a weight before.

At least today's UBWO (the last of the sprint) felt really great. My three goals, 30% BF, gain 2 lbs. lean, squat 100 lbs X 12 are very unlikely by Dec 31 -- but at least I avoided last year's 15 lb weight gain!

I'll be participating with Lean and Strong's Quad Squad in the challenge starting Jan 7, and am trying to think of some good but achievable goals.

Mrs.Jim -- Did your kitty condo arrive? When you have a chance, I'd love to see a picture of it with Sparky. And congratulations on the bikini purchase and size 4 jeans!

Best wishes to everyone on your next challenges!

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Old 12-28-2001, 04:30 PM   #5  
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Angry There IS life out there!

Just kiddin'. I know the holidays tend to slllloow things down a bit on the boards.

Sounds like we all survived intact. All I can say is, thank God for fat-free-sugar-free reduced calorie hot cocoa mix. That really saved my butt this holiday season! Not really authorized of course but when it comes down to popping a couple of See's Candies in my mouth vs. having a 40 calorie hot chocolate...

I'm also going to be participating in the QS 2002 Challenge, but a couple of weeks behind the rest - my current C3 ends on 12 January and then I MUST take a free week from the gym (on the bright side, I'll be missing on a week of the inevitable post-holiday 'resolution' crowd) else I burn out!

carrie - YES! Our kitty condo from came yesterday. It took the Sparkmeister all of 20 minutes to get accustomed to it and this morning as soon as he woke up (he sleeps with us at night) he marched right on over to it and started sharpening his claws on the trunk, then jumped up into the house cubby and settled down with his favorite catnip toy for a few minutes. Hopefully if Jim isn't too tired (he had a gig last night and didn't get home until 3:00 am) he'll take some photos with his digital camera tonight - or tomorrow. It's raining cats and dogs here today BTW

I MIGHT take a photo in my new bikini...depending on how poochy my tummy is in 2 1/2 weeks! For me the thigh/hip/tummy area has taken the LONGEST time to firm up, but you know the old saying - first on, last off! Can't wait to see some ab definition.

One more thing before I sign off for now - didja see my post on the "Fitness Scams" forum? Interesting stuff from the Krista Smash website that I thought would be appreciated this time of year (with the diet industry swinging into full marketing gear!).

Take care, y'all!
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Old 12-30-2001, 12:03 AM   #6  
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MRS. Jim,

I was wondering, what plan did you do before? I cant remember but it seems to me you lost your weight on some other plan??

I have read a bit on your thread here about this plan, I know nothing about it really but would like to. Seems you all like it, so now I am curious.
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Old 12-30-2001, 11:44 AM   #7  
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Howdy, Forgiven!

Did you check my webpage?

In 1990, I went from 265 to 180 on the Optifast program through a Stanford U. study. But a caveat here - I was one of the very few women in the study (out of hundreds of participants) who was able to keep the weight off - in fact by the end of the 18 month study, all but 3-5% of the participants had gained most of their weight back. The difference with me was that I made a commitment to myself to totally change my lifestyle if that's what it took to get to my goals - so I started exercising in earnest, becoming a Jazzercise fan for five years, and later joining a gym and getting into cycling.

However, I was actually stuck between 175-180 for number of years. I would sometimes yo-yo down to around 165, then bump back up to 180, following various plans (Weight Watchers, low-fat, Dr. Dean Ornish, Dr. John McDougall, Oprah's "Make the Connection" etc) and becoming a vegetarian hoping that cutting out meat, fish, poultry and eggs would cause my calorie count to lower and thus I would lose weight). Actually when I was on the McDougall plan (which is VERY STRICT - a vegan plan that does NOT allow soy, any animal products whatsoever, any oils whatsoever, no flour products, and only two fruits a day - basically you live on brown rice, baked potatoes and veggies) I got down to 143 from 180, but was unable to maintain that WOE and got back up to the 160's again. In my wedding photos, I weighed about 160, but like many people gained about 15 pounds during the 9 months after my wedding.

In June of '99, at 175 pounds again, I started starving myself. A bowl of oatmeal for breakfast, an apple for lunch and some cucumber roll sushi for dinner was my menu for months on end. Got down to 149, but again I could not keep up that WOE.

For me, BFL has been a godsend! Instead of spending hours upon hours in the gym, I'm generally in and out within an hour or so. I feel SO HEALTHY and NORMAL for the first time in my life - and totally emancipated from my 30 years of slavery to the almighty scale - which I had been used to jumping on at least once a week. Now it's in the garage, and every 12 weeks I get on it - last time was at the end of C2 in October and I weighed 151.5 pounds. This would have been depressing (as I started BFL at around 160 so that would be a measly 8 1/2 pound loss in 24 weeks) EXCEPT for the fact that I was down from a size 10 to a wonderful, glorious SIZE 6!!! (and now down to a size 4!). In fact, I shop in the JUNIORS department as well as the Misses' department, and just bought my first bikini.

Jim is so proud of my accomplishments and shows me off to all his buddies...I get compliements all the time...and you're not gonna believe this but I get approached by much younger guys asking me out... of course I tell them that 1) I'm old enough to be their much older sister and 2) I'm very happily married! If you had told me 15 years ago, or even 5 years ago, that this would all be happening and that 'life begins at 39' I would have thought you were kidding me. But I can safely say that 2001 has been the best year of my life...and I'm looking forward to 2002 with great anticipation!

Sorry to go on and on...but I am so happy...
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Old 12-30-2001, 12:07 PM   #8  
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Mrs. Jim,

What a wonderful post, thanks for taking so much time. You are quite a encouragement to my 38 year old self
Im thinking I need this book!! So, do you need to join a gym to do it? Or is it posable to do the exercises at home?
I am so happy for you! Congratulations!
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Old 12-30-2001, 12:34 PM   #9  
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No problem - I don't mind at all!

I would **Definitely** recommend the book. You should be able to find it at just about any bookstore - Barnes & Noble had it on sale for around $15 a few months ago. If you don't want to take the 'plunge' of actually buying the book, check your local library - since it's been on the bestseller list for awhile now, I bet they have it! (actually that's what I did - checked out the book from my library - then went out and bought my own copy).

So, can you work out at home? YES! Our own Susanje works out at home, and so do MANY folks at where most of us BFLers hang out for tons of inspration and info (ya just gotta check out the Transformation Gallery there - including Pam B's amazing story and pix - she will truly inspire you!). Personally, I'd LOVE to have the option of working out at home once in awhile, but between Jim's studio equipment (he's a part-time pro musician) and our kitty's play area there isn't any space for any extra stuff. Thank goodness my 24 Hour Fitness is about two blocks from my house... I actually look forward to my workouts!

Feel free to post here anytime. Most of the gals are doing holiday stuff and it's usually pretty quiet here on the boards this time of year. Take care!
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Old 12-30-2001, 01:45 PM   #10  
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Hey everyone! I just wanted to pop in and wish you all a happy and healthy New Year!!

Mrs. Jim and Susanje-I hope you don't mind, but I mentioned your names over on the message boards. Someone was asking about BFL, and I suggested she come over here and ask away to you, and also to visit L&S. Anyway, I'm glad to see everyone is doing well. For me-I just started WW online, and am having a ball with it. I have been on a jogging binge, going out everyday while I'm on vacation for 4 or 5 miles. I need to get back to my Smith Machine, but I'm going to make it one of my New Year's resolutions!

Take care all of you!!
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Old 12-30-2001, 02:06 PM   #11  
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Hi everyone!!!

I'm doing okay. Was in SoCal for a few days with my boys. we are back in NorCal and they are leaving for the east coast in the a.m.

Shelley, I don't mind that you mentioned my name. I went from WW on 1/2/01 to BFL in 3/01. I know both programs well and will answer any questions if someone is thinking of switching.

I wish I had a Smith machine!!! I am working out at home and enjoying my Power Blocks. I officially quit 24 hour fitness this past week so I have committed to working out at home. I am getting some barbells and between my pb's, my elliptical, my swiss ball and the barbells, I should be all set. I am making goals for my first 01 Challenge and if I meet them, I am buying a leg press!!! It's the one thing I really love at the gym.

I'm rereading BFL. I am thinking of doing a pure BFL C1-type challenge. I find I have to keep it changed up ALL THE TIME or my body just gets used to it. I think my husband simply thinks I'm a flake. It's just such a struggle for me. I lose inches so slowly while working so hard and then if I falter, I gain it back so easily. Sometimes when my hormones are nuts, I am all over the map. He thinks I'm changing up every few months because I'm into whatever "fad" comes along, but I'm changing because my body just adjusts to whatever I do. I hate it!!! With the law school stress, it is not easy but I keep going. One thing I learned from Bill Philips is to not let a temporary setback keep you back. I like his attitude about just moving past it. I keep doing that.

So, I'm rereading BFL, taking measurements and setting goals. 2002 here i come!!!

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Old 12-30-2001, 08:57 PM   #12  
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I too just re-read the book. Infact I had recently bought a new journal and for most of the day I spent answering all the questions that Bill poses in the first few chapters. Talk about emotional!

I've ordered my Udo's (from Netrition of course) and other items like Myoplex getting ready for my official challenge of 1/7. So I'm taking this next week to prepare for that.

I'm even off to get new workout shoes tomorrow after work. I'm losing support in the old ones. I'm looking forward to starting this new challenge, I was going to start earlier but I really wanted to start in 2002, must be psychological or something

Someone had mentioned about working out at home. I split my workouts between the HC and home depending on my life for that week. I have dumbells that get me through just about anything. When I go to the HC I use different equipment like the pulldowns, rows, treadmills etc. When I'm home for cardio I have a step board or else I do Kickboxing. I try to mix the cardio up as I tend to get bored with it thank god its only 20 strong minutes! Although admittedly the treadmill has become my friend as of late, I'm quite surprised how fast that 20 minutes is up sometimes. Especialy when I'm sweating like Miss Piglet and can barely see the dang readouts LMAO.

Well I guess I just felt like babbling.... cya

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Old 12-31-2001, 11:35 AM   #13  
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Hi everybody
Susan~~I have also had hormonal effects lately.I'll be 48 in Feb. so I guess it's about that time. I've had a difficult time lately with HUGE water retention and PMS lasting one week before and one week after. When I gain 8 pounds in 2 days, I feel so bloated that I don't feel like eating or working out. That, along with tweaking my last challenge, has not been benifical to any progress.

So, I am starting a new challenge on Jan. 4. It will be BFL, making sure that I don't eat the same thing everyday (to allow for an automatic zig-zag). I do have to make an alteration in the workouts though. My Free Day is Thursday, but because I am unable to workout on Sundays (long story) I will still go to the gym on my free day. So, Sun will be free day of WO and Thurs will be Free Day of food. I know that it's not ideal, but by making these changes, I will never have an excuse to miss a WO.
My Free Days usually include only one free meal and one snack, the rest of the day I eat healthy (not neccessarily BFL).

Our basement is now basically devided into 2 workout areas~mine and my husbands. In my area I also have a HUGE mirror that I have outlined with motavational/inspirational pictures. I also have the 2002 BFL calander hanging next to it. I call this My Motivational Mirror.

Most days I will be at the gym, but it's nice to have a place (and equipment) at home for those occassional days when the gym is not an option.

I also have the BFL journal book that I received along with the holiday gift pack that I bought. I will use this along with Fitday to keep a daily account of my progress. I am re-reading the book and setting up my WO's this week. I have a few planned unauthorized foods for this week (for New Years Eve) and then I'll be ready to rock next week.
I hope that you all have a wonderfully motivating 2002!!!

Last edited by 2BFIT1; 12-31-2001 at 11:38 AM.
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Old 12-31-2001, 12:58 PM   #14  
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Talking See Ya Next Year!

Actually I probably WILL be posting again today, so I guess I'm being a bit impatient with the title...

Sil - Glad to hear from ya here at 3FC! Sometimes I see you on the QS boards. I WISH I HAD A BASEMENT!!! Even though I enjoy going to the gym most days, it would still be nice to have a bench and some PowerBlocks handy for days like Saturday morning was - POURING RAIN out...another good reason to have weights at home would be the possibility of Jim using them. He is definitely NOT a gym person but if we had a set of weights at home I bet he'd use them.

Sounds like you have all your plans made and are good to go for your first 2002 challenge!

I actually **SIGNED UP** with EAS last week for the "Official" BFL challenge to give myself a kickstart. Jeremy and some other L&S people are doing this as well. I mean, why not? I'm using Myo Lite anyway. Maybe I can actually take the time to write an essay this year...

Today I'm working 1/2 day, then I have a couple of things to return at the mall...after that I might go on a bike ride. It's gorgeous out - but we have another storm looming off the coast for tomorrow afternoon...

Don't know how many of you noticed that Pam B. is doing a "daily repost" of motivational goodies that she's written in the past. Yesterday's was so good, I printed it out and I'm going to quote it here for everyone's benefit:
Do you realize what is going on in your body right now as you read this? The actions in your cells are actively making your muscles stronger and your fat cells smaller. Yeah!!

That is, of course, if you are following the program as laid out in the book.

There has been a lot of chatter lately about cheating and tweaking, etc... Ask yourself this before you do something, "Is this action going create a physiological response in my body that will get my cells closer to my goals or further away." Thinking of my body at a cellular level, helps me realize the impact of my actions.

We should be SO EXCITED that Bill Phillips has laid out a plan (after 10 years of research) for us that is so simple. IMO you need not worry about calories, fat grams, weighing and measuring food, or even what the scale says. All you need is your hand for portion sizes, the mirror and a willingness to do what the book says. I want to be able to do this for life, so I HAVE to keep it simple. If I had to count calories or stress over fat grams and scales, I'd be back at Wendy's ordering a hamburger and Frosty everyday. No, we have to keep it simple.

A lot of people agonize over the day to day nutrition and the exercise. Why? We should look to each day as an opportunity. We should become excited that this day will take us one step closer to our goals! We should look to the eating and exercise with an eagerness to learn, to gain strength, with anticipation to do better than we did the day before. It is down right EXCITING to think that by doing this you WILL reach your goals! You WILL. If you follow the plan. The plan is not so hard. It's only hard if you make it hard. Yes, there will be moments where your old habits want to take you in a direction you don't want to go. But you have worked too damn hard to go that direction. Your cells have reeped the benefits, don't let them down now.

If somebody (including yourself) is trying to knock you down, use that negativity to fuel your desire to prove them wrong. That's right, prove your own self wrong!! I did! I used to make excuses and I always failed at losing fat. I thought I was such a failure and I really didn't even know that I would be able to complete this BFL program. I was even concerned about getting through 3 weeks let alone 12 weeks! BUT, I decided that if I didn't do this, then I would resign myself to being fat and unhappy for the rest of my life. It was do or die time. You CAN change your behaviors. If you have failed time and time again, there IS still hope. You need to take it one day at a time... sometimes one hour at a time. I made a commitment to myself that I would start to honor the promises I made to myself. I love it when Bill says,"would you trust anyone who repeatedly lied to you?" Of course not. I had been lying to myself for YEARS!! What made me think that I could stop that pattern? I didn't know if I could, but I decided to give it the most attention I could for the 12 weeks. I started out small, "I promise that I will drink all of my water today" and I kept that promise and celebrated! Sometimes it was, "I promise that I will not eat chocolate for one hour" and I kept it and celebrated! Day after day of keeping my promises to myself, I gained confidence, I gained mental strength, I then KNEW I could complete the 12 weeks. Even then I didn't know if I could make this a lifestyle, but I kept going. I used my free day to the max, because I knew if I didn't I would slip up one and it would send me off into a binge. So I used the authorized binge time and didn't feel one ounce of guilt. I didn't cheat at all during the week, but I used the free day. It feels SO GOOD to be true to yourself. Try it, at least for 2 weeks and notice how your self esteem and confidence soars! You can even use those techniques at work. Just make sure your promises to yourself are realistic.

I have rambled, but these things have been on my heart to share. I've been in those places so many times in my life and it is not a fun place to be.

Don't look upon this journey with dread, get EXCITED about your opportunity to be good to yourself and reach your goals!!! You WILL attain them if you do what the book says.
Great words from a great lady!!!
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Old 12-31-2001, 02:10 PM   #15  
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Default End of New Year sprint

and actually did reach my goals -- just barely. I am now at 30% BF with 2 added lbs. of lean mass, and was able to squat 100 lbs X 12. The big challenge will be making it through free week without losing ground (like the 4 lbs of fat I gained after challenge 1!)

We are also signed up for the official challenge (starting Jan. 7), and are planning on hitting it hard. I may come up with 2 sets of goals: one set for the upcoming challenge and one set for year 2002. There have been some amazing transformations on the Lean and Strong board lately, but I probably need to accept the fact that the fat on my hips and thighs is ancient (30 or 35 years old) and will take a while to leave! When I AM lean and strong it won't matter that it took much more than 12 weeks.

Have a great New Year's Eve!

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