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Old 07-13-2012, 06:30 AM   #1  
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Default Was in a car wreck tonight.

So I went with my fiancé to get insulin from the pharm tonight and in the way back we were involed in a 3 car collision. My knee went into the glovebox so hard that it jammed and we had to pry I open when a crowbar to get to our insurance papers. Also, it's been a few hours and my neck/shoulders are sore now, and my chest hurts where the seatbelt locked. If I wasn't wearing my seatbelt, my head probably would of hit the windshield. Our car is pretty much totaled. The front end is completely smashed in, and it was pouring out fluids and had to be towed. Somehow, the airbags did not deploy...

So what happened. We were coming off the bypass, and there is a gas station there. My fiancé was driving and going to speed limit. We were about 20 feet from the exit to the gas station, when a car pulls out. He is going slow but it's too close to avoid, so we had to swerve (going at 45MPH). We swerve and after that I don't exacty know WHAT happened. Accordig to witnessed, the car pulling out the clipped us, thus spinning is 180 degrees in our lane so we were the. facing opposite the way we were going. After that, the truck that was immediately behind us slammed into our front end, and it was sort of a slanted T bone, which then spun us around even more before we finally all stopped...

Then? The guy that caused it all fled the seen. He was GONE by the time everyone stopped, which was about 30 seconds. He took off 50-60MPH and we didn't think we'd ever seen him again. but thank god, a couple that saw the whole thing was gettin gas and the jumped into their car and chased the mofos down. Chased them for 2 miles before the police got there and they are escorted back to the scene. We would have nothing, no name, license etc if it wasn't for those people. The people that caused the wreck were also from out of state, so I know they would of just kept going.

But, the jails here apparently are full. And all the shitface got was a citation for "failure to yield". He didn't get ANYTHiNG else. nothing for fleeing. Theu were never asked to get out of the car or anything ! they were allowed to drive off in the end with nothing more than a citation whilst our car and the truck that slammed ups were totaled. I was / am super livid about this. I was even I injured. I'm SO mad that they were allowe to drive off.

they had expired insurance cards but said their actual insurance was up to claim. we did make a claim immediately on the policy # the police provided us with, so I just hope they actually had insurance because if not we have no car and not enough funds to get a new one / fix it.

Well... I'm 22 and this was my first ever car wreck =\ I'm pretty shaken up and all I really remember from it is the moment that we swerved and was bumpe into oncoming traffic - saw headlights about to slam head on into us, but we were still spinning at that point and spun back into our lane..

The citation court date is the 23rd. One day before my birthday. This just really, really sucks. But no one was seriously injured.
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Old 07-13-2012, 07:10 AM   #2  
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This sounds totally traumatic on top a a miscarriage of justice. I don't know the law there but if he caused injury to you or your property then he is liable under law, not just his insurers are responsible. In fact if he was breaking the law his insurers may well fight him on it.

It may be worth chatting to a solicitor about it rather than speculate, though I do understand that on top of everything else this may just seem like too much to undertake right now.

I do hope you are getting yourself checked out by a doctor. It may just be bruising and a few aches and pains but it sounds like a bad accident and checking yourself out is always a good move.

Just keep absolutely everything documented, and draw diagrams, whatever you may need just in case.

It is hard, I know, and there are so many emotions involved. Be really kind to yourself right now and focus on being hugely practical!
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Old 07-13-2012, 08:13 AM   #3  
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So sorry. My suggestion is to get a copy of the police report. You will need it when dealing with teir insurance company. Do you have name and address of witnesses ? That will be very important.

Last edited by bargoo; 07-13-2012 at 08:14 AM.
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Old 07-13-2012, 08:59 AM   #4  
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well, i'm glad no one was seriously injured. a three car collision could have been MUCH worse.

but i agree, get yourself checked out by a doctor first and foremost. i pray that you'll be alright.

Last edited by Ciao; 07-13-2012 at 09:04 AM.
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Old 07-13-2012, 11:37 AM   #5  
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Frazzled Christmas shopper, big crew cab pickup, t-boned our Volvo and totaled it. Both my boys were in the car at the time. Youngest, closest to where she hit, took physical therapy for a long time. (Being a football player he was ALWAYS in physical therapy but that's another story...)
Suggest you get checked out, bf too, and see if that is an option for you. Your health is worth every penny.
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Old 07-13-2012, 10:12 PM   #6  
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wow! glad nobody was seriously injured!

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Old 07-14-2012, 12:52 PM   #7  
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Thank goodness no one was injured! Car wrecks are always scary, even if they're minor little things. I hope you're feeling better :\
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Old 07-15-2012, 12:04 PM   #8  
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Whatever you do, don't take a settelment from the insurance company, unless the the two of you are positive that your injuries are minor and nothing else is going to flare up later on down the road.

I had a roomate who had a headon collision with her family and thought they only had minor injuries. Her back ached, neck a bit sore, and all this was a couple days later after the wreck. The insurance company offered them a large settlement within two days, because all four of them went to the hospital and their were kids involved and the case was closed.

The backache wound up becoming back surgery and time in a wheelchair two years down the road, and the settlement money was already gone and the case was closed. Give yourself time to make sure nothing really serious is going to happen.
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Old 07-15-2012, 12:35 PM   #9  
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I'm glad everyone was physically okay.

Seeing a doctor asap is a good idea.

Also take time to recover emotionally from this. That matters, too.

All the best to you and your family.
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Old 07-15-2012, 07:35 PM   #10  
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We have spoken to an injury lawyer, we are now signed up with them and everything. It seems to appear that the guy had insurance because geico (the persons at fault insurance) is going forward with the claim/investigation and it seems like they would of denied it by now, however they refusero TELL us if he does or not.

I did go to the ER the other night because my shoulder is still very sore. I work as an artist, and it's made it very difficult to work efficiently. After a few minutes my entire right shoulder area starts aching. We had X-rays and nothing's broken but I most likely have a sprained joint, and also my knee has a very deep bruise and they said its such a complex area that if it still hurts in a week I need to see a bone dr. Also, this morning, the pain is radiating into the side of my neck.
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