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Old 06-18-2010, 12:58 AM   #46  
Which round am I at now?
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Hi Eve, hope things are going better and that some time has helped.
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Old 06-18-2010, 01:46 AM   #47  
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It broke my heart to read your post, I know exactly how you feel. Please don't lose sight of your own self and your own goals because that will see you through. You cannot control your husband's actions, unfortunately, and he has shown a disturbing pattern of behavior and he has not been honest with you about any of it. I know it must be hard to visualize life without him but to be honest with you I would be outta there. Don't blame yourself because it has nothing to do with you! Focus on you and your future, you deserve THE BEST.
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Old 07-22-2010, 07:45 AM   #48  
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I'm very old-fashioned myself; I DO think porn is a mind form of adultery, but that is my opinion and my right to it. We each have to be honest and ask where we draw the line at for our happiness. Don't waste untold years trying to fix someone who doesn't want to be fixed or saved or helped or changed ...


My thoughts exactly.

First off, I'm glad to hear that you two are trying to work things out, but here are some things you might want to consider. Please don't take these the wrong way. I mean no harm.

I think his 'depression' is fake. He had this nice little thing going, and you found out about it so now he has to quickly whip out some crocodile tears and get your pity. IMHO, he does not deserve your pity. Why should you pity him? He is the one who messed up. Not you.

You do not owe him anything. You were in the process of getting healthy and bettering your life, and he has to pull this crap? He couldn't have just came out and said, "Honey, I wish you would spend more time with me. I feel neglected." instead of going off and practically cheating on you?

Now he wants a foot in both the single life and his life with you. Like one of the others above said, that is not fair to you. You deserve better than that. Also, I think it's disgusting that he wants you to date other men. The only reason he's giving you the go is because he wants to see other women. I know it's hard to hear that, but it's most likely true, and I'm so sorry.

And then he has the audacity to say that he hates his life.... his life with you. It sounds to me like he's insulting you. No way. I would leave his @$$. It's better to get out before children are involved.

I know it feels like he's the one. It always does when you're with someone (especially when you've been together for years), but maybe he's not. If he truly loved you he wouldn't constantly hurt you like that.

But, if you honestly think there's a chance that he could change then I would definitely go to marriage counseling. Just take a little breather and some space and reevaluate your life. Think of what you want to do, who you want to be, and see if maybe someone else might be better suited for you in the long-run.

I hoped this helped, and please don't be offended by anything. i just can't stand it when men do things like that to women.

Last edited by 3FCer344892; 07-22-2010 at 07:50 AM.
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Old 07-22-2010, 08:03 AM   #49  
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First of all, I am so sorry to hear this. My heart is just breaking for you, and I can't imagine the kind of pain you are going through. The porn isn't a big deal to me, he doesn't know those women, can't touch them, etc. (my opinion might change if my husband was looking at it though) but the secrecy and the pictures of real women that he knows, and communicating with other women like that is WRONG. It is cheating and you deserve better than that. I haven't gone through this so I have no advice, I just wish I could give you a hug! I hope things get better for you soon!
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Old 07-22-2010, 08:05 AM   #50  
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And don't blame yourself, he didn't do this because he was neglected. He was doing it before you started your weight loss journey, correct? So don't for one second think it was because of something you did wrong.
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Old 07-24-2010, 03:44 PM   #51  
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Hi everyone, sorry I haven't updated on the situation in a while. Just been barely getting by.

Well I ended up being off plan and not exercising for about 2 months. I'll admit I let my own depression control my actions for a while. I've recently snapped out of it though. I'll get into that a bit later.

I was trying to be the supportive wife for those two months. Give him positive feedback, cook meals and eat together, I stayed up with him and we went to bed together. Then he went away for about a week to california for training. I later found out that the very last day he was there and couldn't sleep he chatted with another woman. I had covered some bases in the past and was able to recover the chat word for word. It was heartbreaking to read. At the end of the chat he messsaged her saying "I can't continue chatting with you I am married I just can't do this anymore, goodbye" he came home and I wasn't there. I went to a friends house and we prayed and she just helped me to calm down. I started getting texts from my hubby "where are you, when are you comeing home?" I came home and he was soooooo sweet. Just wanting to hold me and kiss me and he wanted to know what me and my friend talked about. I said "our relationship" and he got worried "what about honey? whats wrong?" I just looked at him and said "can't you even ADMIT to me what you did?" and he did admit it then finally. I don't quite remember what happened the rest of that night it was a while ago. But I made an appointment with a chapplain to get some sort of counseling going right away. I went first by myself and got out the situation. We then went together to see the chaplain and he really got through to my husband. He kept trying to say "i don't know what i want, i hate my life" and the chaplain finally got him to see that the porn hurt me and the chatting was completely destructive. and he got him to agree to continue to work on the relationship. That night he told me he would stop looking at porn. He has never ever said anything like that before, nor would he even admit that it was hurting me.So that in my mind was huge progress. Throughout the weeks I checked up on him and no porn no chatting. He made an appointment with mental health to get checked out and the guy diagnosed him with "Adjustment disorder with depressed symptoms" Meaning basically he has an inability to adjust to our move to idaho and what not. He's been going to group therapy (which is the only treatment for this apparently) and I saw that he was doing good even his therapist commented on his lightened mood.

Then he went to more training. This time it's for 35 days (he's still gone. only been gone for about 9 days) The first night he was there he tried to contact the same person from last time (the "i can't do this anymore i'm married" girl) Well I didn't have any time to calm down then. I got on fb and started messaging him rampantly. We had a HUGE fight. Before any time I would find something on his computer and confront him about it he would admit to it. this time he tried to outright lie to me which he has never done before. Well we said a lot of hurtful things to eachother. I told him I was done. I wans't going to keep cleaning his house and packing up his stuff. I was just going to fly back home to pennsylvania and leave everything here for him to worry about and I was done absolutely done with his crap. More anger more hurtful words back and fourth and he finally says "I hate that you just want to up and leave me and not wait until i get back to talk in person" That made the convo take a much softer turn. We talked and I told him that I also have a lot of self esteem issues and i also need to get some individual counseling for myself as well. He said "There is no reason for me to do what I did. I don't even understand why I did it." I feel that's some progress. I explained to him that I've loved him for over 5 years and that I finally looked inside myself and realized that throughout our relationship i'd been so deep into my depression that i wasn't a very good g/f and then a wife. I had prayed and asked god to show me where I was in the wrong. He really softened up after hearing this and he actually for the first time every said "i believe we can work this out." He finally not only expressed a WANT to work things out but a belief that we can do it. He said "I know i've said this before but i swear to you no more chatting." That I didn't even respond to because the trust is completely shattered and I didn't believe him. I just told him that both of us need to be willikng to take whatever actions necessary to change ourselves for the better and to re build the relationship. He agreed (also first time)

SO I feel that me finally telling him enough was enough and telling him i was going to leave was the slap in the face he needed? We have signed up for a couple's weekend when he gets back. It is a workshop for couples who are about to deploy and just a strengthening seminar for marriages. We are both looking forward to that. Since he's been gone Ive been hanging out with my friend who has been with me the wholel time and she's very christian. I started going to church with her and I really feel that God has helped me to realize my part in the downfall of our relationship as well. He's helped me to realize that I need to stop dwelling on the negatives and start working on myself as a person and not obsess over his internet history right now while he is gone and we can't talk in person. I've done a ton of praying these past few days and I really feel like he is giving me strength and love for myself so I can handle this situation. I started going to individual counseling for myself and this guy is also going to be our couples counselor when hubby gets back from training. I know we won't have that much time before he deploys but something is better than nothing. I actually feel like God has told me that he has a plan for us and that we will be able to get through these tough times and come out stronger. He's given me hope. And a few months ago I wasn't even sure if God existed!

I'm back on plan exercising and eating foods that are good for my body and mind. I'm being loving and supportive of my husband while he is away and giving us both something to look forward to when he gets back (the couples seminar) and I'm just focusing on ME. I'm not going to let his actions dictate how I react. I'm finally not thinkin gof myself as a victim. And that's huge. While he is gone we are both working on lists of things that the other person can do to make the other feel more loved. also what we would like the other to do or not do. I feel a huge part of our problem is communication.

But anyway sorry this turned out so long! Just wanted to let you all know that I am full of hope, and I've realized my faults in this and am working on them. I am finally loving ME and instead of putting all my love towards my husband (in a completely unhealthy obsessive sort of way) I am giving some of that to myself. Thank you all for your support and advice! I love hearing from all of you and it means a lot that people who don't even know me care! 's to all!

ETA: not sure if i mentioned this above but he has agreed to couples' and individual counseling for himself!

Last edited by EveLHaelf; 07-24-2010 at 03:46 PM.
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Old 07-25-2010, 12:09 PM   #52  
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I'm happy to see that you two are trying to work everything out, and that you're turning to God for help. Good luck with everything. I hope it all works out for you.
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Old 03-18-2011, 01:12 PM   #53  
I wanna be a loser, too
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Have things continued to improve for you?
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Old 05-20-2011, 07:14 PM   #54  
I wanna be a loser, too
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Eve hasn't posted since January. I hope everything is OK. If he was deploying in Aug. for 6 months, then that would be about the time he would have returned.

I sincerely hope all is well.
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Old 05-25-2011, 12:35 PM   #55  
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Personally I don't have a problem with porn provided that it isn't being used instead of me. My OH and I sometimes watch porn together.

However, I would definitely have a problem with himj having nude pics of women that he knows and with him MSNing other women - that is crossing the line.

As for the rest - he has to choose. He either wants you in his life, or not. He can't play around outside the marriage but still have you whenever he wants you - that's not fair on you at all.

I would spell it out to him plainly and simply. It's 100% you, or nothing. Don't settle for anything less or he will walk all over you. Oh, and you HAVE to mean it, and be prepared to carry it out also.
I agree word for word with this!!!! I like porn sometimes and my hubby and I watch it probably me more than him lol. Anyway him responding to ads and wanting you to be with other men and him feeling he is missing something is pure bs ok? What he wants is to have his cake and eat it too! He wants to do his thing and if it doesn't work out, have you to fall back on (literally I guess!) Either he is with you or not with you! I have had a cheating spouse before so I know the heart break and sadness. I got over it and although it wasn't easy I made it and I now sit back and wonder why the **** I wanted to stay with him!! He had pictures of a woman cowoker in her panties. You don't think he suggested it? Why would she send him a picture like that if nothing is going on or in the process of going on? I have had co worker send me pics and none were like that! You need to ask him what he wants to do it's either with you or not with you and once you make up your mind stick to it! TRUST ME I have been there! I know!! See if he will go to therapy to get his head together although I think that's an excuse but whatever. I will give him the benefit of the doubt. IF yes then I think the relationship can be saved. If no then you need to seriously think of a divorce because if he loved you and wanted you in his life he would do whatever he can to get well in order to make the marriage work. Now I have battled depression for many years. I went to therapy and yes it caused me to gain a lot of weight but it worked and I am better. I hope this can be worked out as it seems you love him and want to be with him. Good luck and please keep us updated!
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Old 05-25-2011, 12:38 PM   #56  
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Originally Posted by cbmare View Post
Eve hasn't posted since January. I hope everything is OK. If he was deploying in Aug. for 6 months, then that would be about the time he would have returned.

I sincerely hope all is well.
Me too!!!
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