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Old 12-01-2009, 05:22 PM   #1  
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Talking ChaLEAN Extreme Support and Progress

I was about to post in the old one when I saw it was closed!

I'm lovin' how sore I am today! I'm finding my shoulders are really weak and I'm having trouble even being able to fully lift on the shoulder lift thingies but even at the end of the 12 reps I'm not at failure. Is it because I'm using waaay to heavy weight? I really don't
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Old 12-01-2009, 08:04 PM   #2  
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so is this the continuation from the floprieto post?? I hope so! Anyways, EVELHAELF - you're not failing because you're not using heavy enough weights! even if you think you're weak, shoulders are really strong. If you're not failing, you're either not getting enough resistance, or you may not be doing the exercise precisely. Try going up 2-3 lbs the next time you do the same exercise and see if you reach failure then! good luck!
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Old 12-01-2009, 08:44 PM   #3  
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Yeah, this is the continuation. I hope everyone else jumps in!

Thanks for the advice, taoof I will be reviewing proper form on that exercise and I will try upping my weight! Those pushups are killing me! lol!
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Old 12-02-2009, 07:11 AM   #4  
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I just finished burn circuit 2 and WOW! I feel great!

I have a question about tomorrow's workout. On my calendar in the book, it says 'burn intervals and ab burner.' What are burn intervals? I see that extreme abs is a dvd but i didn't see anythig that said 'burn intervals.'

Anyone? I'm confused, lol.

Last edited by EveLHaelf; 12-02-2009 at 07:12 AM.
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Old 12-02-2009, 09:50 AM   #5  
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Thanks for starting the new thread!!

Burn intervals should also be on one of the DVDs, Eve - can't remember which one off the top of my head, though. I tried it, but it really didn't do much for me, so I replaced it with HIIT intervals at the gym or another run day, depending on how fresh my legs feel. It's probably worth a try it if you're not used to interval training, though! You might like it.

Re started the Push phase yesterday... WOW I forgot how much this sucks. I am failing by the 6th rep on most of them. My favorite exercise (beside push ups!) are the squats with the weights. I am really starting to see some muscle development in my hamstrings!!!
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Old 12-02-2009, 09:54 AM   #6  
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On my dvd's, Burn Intervals were on the same disc as Ab Burner & Extreme Abs. Get ready, they're kick-butt 2 minute drills. On the flip side, they're over quickly!
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Old 12-02-2009, 01:39 PM   #7  
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Hey, I'm here from the other thread. Eve, thanks for starting this.

I haven't done Chalean Extreme in a whole week! :O Thanksgiving really derailed me -- my family sneers at exercise so I didn't feel comfortable doing any workouts while at home. (I watched my eating, though!)

Anyway, I'm afraid to pick up Chalean again because I'm afraid I will have gotten weaker from the week off and that it'll make me feel bad. Could somebody kick my butt into gear? I know if I stop doing it altogether all my results will go right out the window.... which would be bad....
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Old 12-02-2009, 02:31 PM   #8  
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Skyra - you MUST continue. Your weight loss goals are soooo attainable! Next time, let the family sneer and tell them they can sneer again when you've completed Chalean and have a rockin' body to show for it. If you're afraid you'll be weaker for missing a week, then just repeat the last week you were on. I doubt you'll be weaker though. What part of the program are you on?
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Old 12-02-2009, 02:37 PM   #9  
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Soooo...... just finish circuit 2 of the PUSH phase. Very intense as I went really heavy and was barely able to eeek out my 8th rep. I believe I've sweated the most on this workout so far. Everything's shaking (if you only knew how many typos I've had to correct ;-) LUV IT!!!!!
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Old 12-02-2009, 04:42 PM   #10  
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I found it! Thanks gals. I loooove how absolutely tired my arms get after doing these dvds!
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Old 12-02-2009, 05:45 PM   #11  
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Bossy -- thanks for the support! Good point about letting the family sneer ... it'll be worth it when I'm done! I wish I had thought of it that way before Thanksgiving started. Anyway... I had just finished the first week of Lean when I stopped exercising. I'm not sure whether to start Lean over or just call it week 2 and pick up exactly where I left off. Maybe it doesn't really matter?

ETA: OK, guys, I got off my butt and picked up where I left off at Lean Circuit 2. I'm feeling discouraged though because, after a week of not exercising, I feel much more off-balance and weights felt heavier than they should. (For example, 10 lb. lateral raises were tough but doable for me, but today 10 lbs. made me feel like my form was off from the start.) Sad. I know I just need to get back into the program and I'll regain the strength quickly... good reminder though that if I stop doing the exercises, I won't be as strong anymore.

Last edited by Skyra; 12-02-2009 at 11:05 PM.
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Old 12-03-2009, 01:03 AM   #12  
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Just wanted to pop in and say Hi, hope everyone is having a great week.

On my third week of Push, and I find those pushups are getting a tiny bit easier, might be able to do more on my toes very soon. I will say my favorite program is recharge, I just love those stretches, it feels so wonderful after a week of heavy weights and intense cardio, to just stretch those sore muscles.

will chat again soon-take care
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Old 12-03-2009, 10:45 PM   #13  
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Hello girls ...........just finally did Lean 1 this am and i felt awfully weak. getting yet another sinus infection i think that may have been the problem. got dizzy a few times also! i do the work out at 5am 1st thing all weak and half of sleep BOOOOOO but its the only time i have w/out interruptions (kids/hubby/house/work) You know the norm!
really need to get back on track!
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Old 12-04-2009, 01:12 AM   #14  
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Cluciano -- glad to have you back! For the record I think the Lean circuit is just really tough... I felt really weak when I first started it too. It gets better, though. Good for you for getting up early to exercise, that shows a LOT of dedication and will power
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Old 12-05-2009, 01:20 AM   #15  
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Im still in the burn phase doing a motified two extra wks because of traveling and I dont want to mess up my Push phase. I plan to start Push the wk after next and Im so excited for a change. These videos really keep me motivated. Today I was doing Burn circuit 2 and I wanted to stop so bad cause I was still tired from work but Chalean pulled me thru it. I looking forward to push...did anyone lose any weight from the push phase. My goal is to get down 5lbs during that phase but I havent really seen anyone get any wt loss results!!!
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