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Old 07-16-2005, 11:04 AM   #16  
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY LORI ...50! WOW!! Wish I was still 50...oh, but that was so LAST YEAR Have a great celebration with your family...stay cool

Angie, Ron and I spent most the day walking the dogs at the river yesterday. Then Angie and I went to the park for an outdoor free concert put on by a steel drum band made up of local junior and high school kids, about 40 of them...WAY FUN...they sounded amazing. There were probably 200 folks there, nice...we arrived there a little after they started and still got parking and good spots on the California we need to get there at least an hour early and sit with several thousand people for free concerts in the park....of course that is way fun too...and of course "professional" entertainment.

MICHELE Did you see Charlie and the Chocolate Factory? All the kids must be excited with that and Harry Potter book coming out at the same time, I know Angie is

GRAPHIC GODDESS What's on your and Joe's plate for the week-end? Something with your friends if I remember (YEA RIGHT! ) right? Hope your weather holds out for you..very pleasant here right now...but it will warm up soon.

I may have given you gals the wrong impression on talking with my kids.. when I said FINALLY talked to my kids...I meant we had ~free minutes~..they call me every day...sometimes my daughter just relays messages from my son (as he sits and relaxes in MY RECLINER!)...but my daughter calls me at least once every day....what I meant was finally the month changed and we had more minutes! and they were calling after 9 o'clock and no more roaming charges. So if you wanna.. feel sorry for me, feel sorry for my bill...

Actually I called them while they were at the Raskell Flatts they could hear the steel drum music from our concert here that was to get back at my son for his wasting MY cell minutes dialing Angie, his sister and me and having us listen to his Elton John concert a few months back

Well, gotta get ready, Angie is walking the dogs on her morning 3 miler...then we are heading to a farmers market in town...


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Old 07-16-2005, 11:15 AM   #17  
Psalm 91:9-11
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Hi Myisha,
I sent you a PM...
I hope you like the siggy, but if not...
I am still waiting to hear what you would like...

See you when you return from your trip...
*God Bless YOU, my friend!*



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Old 07-16-2005, 11:45 AM   #18  
Psalm 91:9-11
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Good Saturday Morning!

Gary... sorry I missed your last post while trying to get the ones out I had written... you are the sweetest!

Your day yesterday sounded absolutely DELIGHTFUL!!!! We are not having such good weather here... it's very CLOUDY & HUMID!! The air is very thick! Not at all like yours

Ohhh I am so glad that you are enjoying the FREE minutes calls from your kids!! And we just had a *Farmers Market* open up here! I cannot wait to go and check it out! I love FRESH fruit and veggies!! *ENJOY*

Our plans: Joe is at a work meeting till around 11:30 and then at 2:00 we have a wedding to go to and the reception at 6:30pm. I really feel for the bride and groom - it's so wet out - for their pics. It's Joe's niece's daughter (Great niece?) getting married. Sunday after church it's pretty quiet - thank-the-Lord! And we plan on just vegging out with the Sunday paper and maybe a movie or two. We bought a movie with Johnny Depp titled *Cry Baby* and watched it last night... what a BIZZAR movie!! Don't know that I'd recommend it... in fact, I wouldn't. It was an over-exaggerated 1950's (that's what caught my eye - the 50's) love story - a play on Grease I think... but some area's of the movie were gross. But then again... Johnny Depp is known for "different" movies & characters... ie: *Edward Scissorhands* (which I liked). I hear that *Charlie & the Choc. Factory* is taken from the book and not at all like *WW & the Choc. Fac* I am looking forward to seeing it also... don't know when though. Hope it's not disappointing...

Michele... you'll have to come back and tell us if it's worth going to see Soundslike your weather is allot like ours!!! The kind where you seek out the AC! Enjoy your Sunday with Eric


Gotta run... hubby is home from his meeting...
*Hugs -n- Smiles* for you all!!!


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Old 07-16-2005, 12:27 PM   #19  
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Gary, I'm with Angie, i'm excited about the Harry Potter book too, although i haven't gotten thru the last one yet. So i wasn't waiting at midnight for my copy. I have done that in the past though! And i'm going tomorrow to the C and C Factory b/c yesterday i ate 1 piece of bad watermelon and i wasn't feeling well. It gave me a sour stomach and icky taste in my mouth. So i went home and took a nap, then up at 9 pm and back to bed about 1, but slept thru. My sleep is changing with this medicine but think it'll even out in awhile. I hope so anyway.

Concert in the park sounds like a lot of fun! Hey, where's our pics? Come on Gary, we miss seeing you and Angie and those pups! Is Angie planting roses up there? Do they survive in that climate?
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Old 07-16-2005, 09:34 PM   #20  
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Default Pics from Angie

Here are some pictures of the house. They are BIG, I realize, but I am still trying to figure out how to use Photobucket.

As you can see, furniture and decor is at a minimum. We still have plenty of time for that.

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Old 07-16-2005, 10:45 PM   #21  
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Thanks for all the Birthday greetings! Look at my siggy!! Sunny made it for me and I LOVE it!! THANK-YOU SUNNY!!!!

My birthday was awesome! There were around 20 people out at mom and dad's (family and friends) - the day was hot and muggy, but we still had a great time! Had something happen that made 3 of us DETERMINED to lose weight! My dad has a pontoon boat that seats quite a few people. Well, my friend and her hubby were in front on one side and they are large and the other side were some friends that are not really large. Anyway, the door flew open by where they were sitting and I got up from the back of the boat and went to close the door. Well by that time a huge wave came up at the front of the boat and with my added 310 pounds up there the front end sunk UNDER WATER!!! It was so scary! The water actually forced open the front door and poured in!! Luckily it's next to impossible to sink a pontoon boat but my son, Michael, was driving the boat and the rest of the people were guests - my dh and dad were not on the boat and they know more about boats than the rest of us do - OMIGOSH - my friend and I decided to DEFINITELY keep trying to lose this weight! She doesn't even swim and was scared to death!

The boat dried out and we were all fine except for an adrenaline headache - sigh - we will ALL remember this 50th birthday! My poor son was yelling, "Mom!! Too much weight!!"

Well, tomorrow we bring Abbi to Bible Camp that is 2 1/2 hours away. She can't wait!

Everyone have a wonderful Sunday!
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Old 07-16-2005, 11:38 PM   #22  
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I'm happy to hear you had a good birthday even if you had more exitement than you had anticipated. Someday you'll laugh at it.

Gary: It's great to hear from you again. I do look forward to seeing those pics. They didn't come through for me. Glad to hear you're able to communicate with your kids and not have it cost you so much. You have a great relationship with them and it's plain to see that they miss you too!

Michele: You and my future DIL have Harry Potter in common. She went out to buy the book this a.m. and we haven't heard from her since. She's in her apartment reading. WIth it being so hot and humid out here these days it's the perfect activity.

Sunny: How was the wedding? I too feel bad for them when it's do hot and humid out. It's that way here too. At least when our kids get married it'll have cooled down a little. They want to take pics outdoors so hopefully it'll be a nice day for that.

Thanks to those who were praying for me last week. My week at work went pretty well. Next week will be just as bad so I covet your prayers for then. I am short 3 employees so it'll mean extra jobs for me to do so I'll be at work really early. My inlaws are coming on Monday for a visit so I have the extra stress of planning meals when just a sandwich would do me. They are easy to have here but it's still extra stress.

Today was a really nice day. DH had been gone all week so it was great to spend time together. We cleaned up a bit in the yard and got rid of some stuff around the house that we wanted to give away. Then I got some things ready for next week for meals. It was a nice day.

This evening we went to visit an old aunt who has just this week been placed in a nursing home and is having trouble adjusting to the change. She was so glad that we had come.

Tomorrow we have church and then in the evening we will be visiting with DH's cousin who is home from Spain where she's a missionary. It should be a good time.

Have a great night!
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Old 07-17-2005, 12:13 AM   #23  
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oops...not sure what happened to the pics...ANGIE SAID SHE PREVIWED THEM AND THEY WERE FINE...oh, well...maybe later..


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Old 07-17-2005, 10:55 AM   #24  
Psalm 91:9-11
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Lori, I had another siggy made for you... check your PM

Sounds like you had quite an eventful birthday!! I am happy to hear that you had such a nice day And am praying for you and your efforts to lose the weight... it is such a struggle, but with the Lord and the prayers and support here I bet YOU CAN DO IT!! Life is just way to short for any of us not to enjoy it and do what we like, w/o limitations... you go girl!!!

Hi Wilma, Wedding: The WEDDING was beautiful!! But the reception... not only was it hot and humid, but it was POURING!!! We had allot of HUGE cloud bursts and when they'd hit they hit hard!! Just getting from the car to the door (about 6 feet) I was drenched!! It was just a wall of rain... I felt so bad for the Bride,Groom & W-Party, but once everyone made it inside and dried off & touched up the evening was FUN The couple is going out again today with the whole wedding party to get the OUTDOOR pics they could not get yesterday... it's overcast and humid, but a bit cooler & the rain seems to have stopped.

You will be in my continued *Prayers* Wilma - that all goes well at work this coming week and that it goes smoothly at home with the in-laws. I hope you will be able to enjoy their visit I am glad to hear that you had a breather day yesterday with DH before the week begins Those days feel so nice and go so fast, don't they

I am so very tired today... I don't handle the late nights well anymore at all It was so hard getting up at 5:45am after going to bed @ 12:15am - a short night! Joe has some family that came in from Ca. for the wedding and they are planning a BBQ get-together today (a last min plan, from them all talking last night)... I think Joe may go, but I haven't decided yet... I don't really want to go (I feel so pooped ), but when 2:00 gets here I'll decide then...

Hope you had a wonderful visit with DH's cousin from Spain!

Looking forward to your pics Gary...

I think I am gonna go lay down for a bit....
*Have a Restful* Sunday everyone!!


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Old 07-17-2005, 12:01 PM   #25  
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Hi all,
Lori, glad you had a good birthday, sorry about the pontoon scare but i agree, someday soon you'll be able to laugh about it, you watch!

Went to WI yesterday after work and my goal was to lose at least 1 lb. this week. Well....I lost 4!!! I am thrilled. I'm motivated and i'm feeling better already.

I have a prayer request please: My friend Charlie who is a pastor in Mississippi, not sure if i've mentioned him, but i've known him about 3 years now and he lost his leg last year in an auto accident. He just got out of the hospital b/c he had to have his tonsils out after having strep throat really bad and also his leg got infected and started bleeding. May be due to irritation from his prosthetic. He's been home for about a week, but goes to the dr. tomorrow to see if he's healing and infection is gone or he may have to have more amputation. He's obviously worried and upset and i would like to ask for healing prayer for him. He's a dear man. Raising 2 teenagers on his own and he's had a really rough time of it lately. Thank you all for your prayers.

Going to C and C Factory today at noon! Didn't go friday, and sat. i had a migraine, didn't even make it to church and dinner with eric, but i slept it off, so today is the day. Can't wait. But i had to come and share my news!

Have a great Sunday!

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Old 07-17-2005, 01:21 PM   #26  
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I just love all you guys! I feel like I'm home when I'm here! Thanks for all the sweet words about our scare on the boat. But we are all laughing about it already! We decided that it's too bad we didn't have a video camera rolling because we may have been a finalist on Funniest Home Videos!!

MITCHYPOO: DEFINITELY Praying for your friend, Charlie. May our Lord heal his wounds and give him Peace.

SUNNY: The siggys are DARLING! I LOVE them all! THANKS so much!! And thanks also for the prayers to lose weight - I miss out on so much and my kids are so young to not have mommy participate in things - I KNOW with God's help I CAN conquer this!

GARY: I noticed you are from Calif. but get the impression you are not there now. Are you on an extended vacation somewhere? Just curious!

WILMA: Have a GREAT visit with your inlaws!

We are off to take Abbi to Bible Camp! She will be there until next Saturday! Hope she does okay! She's somewhat of a mama's girl, so we'll see!

Have a wonderful day everyone!

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Old 07-17-2005, 04:29 PM   #27  
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Default Devotional for Dieters for July 17, 2005

July 17

2 Timothy 2:5
And if a man also strive for masteries, yet is he not crowned, except he strive lawfully.

Susan lay looking up at the ceiling in her hospital room. She couldn't believe everything had turned out as it did. Jill had promised the pills were safe and that she would lose weight fast. All the pills had done were to make her violently ill and land her in the hospital. Shortcuts are not the answer. God has given us willpower and a miraculous body that repairs itself if we give it the chance. Dieting doesn't require chemicals or radical exercising. Dieting requires mastery over our base desires and our selfish natures. Rely on God. We need nothing else.
Today's thought: God can do more to help me than anything else I could find!
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Old 07-17-2005, 04:31 PM   #28  
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Default July 17, 2005 Our Daily Bread Devotional

July 17, 2005


Psalm 130

There is forgiveness with You, that You may be feared. —Psalm 130:4

Bible In One Year: Isaiah 31-33

God is highly dangerous. We are sinful and He is holy. Sin can no more exist in the presence of God than darkness can exist in the presence of light. To stand before Him in self-righteousness would be to invite our destruction. The psalmist wrote, "If You, Lord, should mark iniquities, O Lord, who could stand?" (Psalm 130:3).

In a cemetery not far from New York City is a headstone engraved with a single word: Forgiven. The message is simple and unembellished. There is no date of birth, no date of death, no epitaph. There is only a name and the solitary word forgiven. But that is the greatest word that could ever be applied to any man or woman, or that could be written on any gravestone.

The songwriter said, "There is forgiveness with You, that You may be feared" (v.4). That refrain echoes in both the Old and New Testaments. God is honored and worshiped because He alone can clear our record.

If God could not forgive us, we could only flee from Him in terror. Yet the God whose holiness threatens us is the God who through Christ redeems us. This dangerous God offers forgiveness for all our sins. We only need to ask Him.

Are you forgiven? —Haddon Robinson

How blest is he whose trespass
Has freely been forgiven,
Whose sin is wholly covered
Before the sight of heaven. —Psalter

Sin invites judgment; confession ensures forgiveness.
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Old 07-17-2005, 10:32 PM   #29  
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Smile I Got Hot!


Boy it is hot here ...fixin' to turn on the air conditioning. We are not sure how $$$$ it is costing us...we don't have air in Oceanside...would only use it a few times a is in the high 70's there today...we beat that by over 20 degrees Of course my daughter was yp at a tennis tournament in LA..much hotter there she said.

Went to church, took the puppies over to the area next to us that they will be building homes on....after the streets and utilities are is pretty much 100 feet from my front door, over the paved trail and canal...then....miles of open for them to run wild...they were tired...but happy

We went and saw CHARLIE AND THE CHOCOLATE FACTORY today too. I enjoyed it and so did Angie and Ron. I don't remember much about the first one other than the general idea...Angie has read the book too and had no complaints.

Angie is still trying to figure how to post larger pictures and why her's disappeared. Tomorrow for sure (?)

SUNNY Sorry about the wedding. I hope you had the energy to get to the BBQ. Where 'bouts in California is Joe's family from? As I get older I sure see how the weather can zapp our energy. Prayers for your health!

MICHELE PRAYERS for your friend Charlie! So sad I hope you liked the movie too!

WILMA Here is an easy and good recipe for you to make your in-laws:

Take chopped onion and garlic and saute...(we use 1 onion and LOTS of minced garlic)

Add fresh chopped tomatoes and fresh chopped basil and cook just enough to warm through..(we use about 4 roma tomatoes and a small bunch of basil)

Add this to a pound of cooked linguine and mix

Add 8 pieces of chopped bacon (we use turkey bacon)

Then add (your desired amount of olive oil) and mix through

After dishing on plate add your parmasean cheese

ENJOY...a great light...yet MEATY... Gary and boys~~bacon!

GALS this really is quite a quick, tasty and easy dish for that summer heat

LORI Abbi will be fine!! But will you? OK~ Here is my story...I live in California, Oceanside...about 40 miles north of San Diego...Angie and I had a house built in a development in Kennewick, Washington a few months ago. We came up for a few months this summer...I was possibly going to stay...NOT NOW...and Angie was going to go home for another year of teaching and her daughter graduates high school this year...our 14 yr. old nephew will go wherever we do as we are his kids....son 24 and daughter 22 are staying for now in our home...both have good jobs and don't intend to move with us...I am probably going back home next week or so and go back to work....I decided before I left home a little over a month ago that I won't stay without Angie and the kids. Then our plan (as of the moment) is to come back up next summer...stay for 2 years and decide if we want to relocate here.
We love the are and people so far...our concerns of course are the winters, although they are mild for most is alot colder than we are used to...and of course I might not be able to be away from my kids...Angie's daughter wants to live in Germany so for her (if she does), it really doesn't matter where we live. $$$ if it works here we are better off...could be our BIGGEST MISTAKE ever...we shall see...

SPROUT I hope all is well.

Well, off to walk the mutts again...

Havew a great week ladies...Gary
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Old 07-18-2005, 01:27 AM   #30  
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Default Here we go again!

I am trying once again to upload pictures of our house. Don't know what happened last time - everything looked fine when I previewed my post

front of house


view of fireplace and dining nook

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